Homophobe gets violent at DFW Airport

Have they lost that right somewhere?
Here in Texas it is not against the law to be gay.
It's not against the law to call people out and challenge them either, is it?
No, he probably could have continued to shout out obscenities until the police arrested him for "public disturbance", but when he decided to kick the man, that's when it became assault.

Shoot, man, that's the very foundation of mudslinging.
Name-calling and mudslinging reflects badly on the person doing it. I think in this case the drunk was being looked upon as an utter fool.

Attacking? Now that's another story.
Yeah, that's why he got arrested. You can dislike homosexuality all you want, but you don't have the right to attack a person because of it.
norwegen said:

“Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?”

It's assault, a crime, no one has the 'right' to commit a crime.
Yelling at someone is a crime? Really?

Possibly. Terrorists threats is a criminal offense. I am not saying that is what happened in this case but yelling at someone can be a crime.
I saw this a few days ago.

Asshole Texan. Just sees a guy in pink and decides to kick him in the balls.

And the anti-gays think it is the the gays always "shoving it down their throats" ---
gays and even those who look like gays have been putting up with this shit ...forever.

Glad the asshole was reduced to nothingness with his asscrack blazing off in the viral sunset.
It is breast cancer awareness month
Many men wear pink to commemorate mothers, wives or sisters who battled breast cancer

Has nothing to do with being gay

Well, to a homophobe, and there seem to be plenty of those, that would be a clear sign that the person must be gay and therefore needs to be demeaned, embarrassed and made an example.

That drunken dunce would have made a serious mistake if he pulled that nonsense with me.
What would you have done? Attack him? Remind me again how yelling at someone is a crime.

I would not have touched him for yelling at me. I am very good at keeping my cool. The moment he tried to assault me then all bets are off because I have every right to defend myself.
The homophobic guy assaulted someone in public, and was abusive, drunk, and disruptive. So the airport authorities had full rights to arrest him, that he is a asshole is just an extra reason for people to not put up with it.
norwegen said:

“Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?”

It's assault, a crime, no one has the 'right' to commit a crime.
Yelling at someone is a crime? Really?

Yelling at someone can cause a person to be arrested for Disturbing the Peace or Disorderly conduct, in some states. This dude was drunk and could also be arrested for public intoxication, if it is against the law in that state.
I saw this a few days ago.

Asshole Texan. Just sees a guy in pink and decides to kick him in the balls.

And the anti-gays think it is the the gays always "shoving it down their throats" ---
gays and even those who look like gays have been putting up with this shit ...forever.

Glad the asshole was reduced to nothingness with his asscrack blazing off in the viral sunset.
It is breast cancer awareness month
Many men wear pink to commemorate mothers, wives or sisters who battled breast cancer

Has nothing to do with being gay

Well, to a homophobe, and there seem to be plenty of those, that would be a clear sign that the person must be gay and therefore needs to be demeaned, embarrassed and made an example.

That drunken dunce would have made a serious mistake if he pulled that nonsense with me.
What would you have done? Attack him? Remind me again how yelling at someone is a crime.

Did you even read the article? He kicked the man that he was yelling names at. That is considered "assault". And, certainly self-defense would be in order. You are a proponent of self defense, aren't you?
I saw this a few days ago.

Asshole Texan. Just sees a guy in pink and decides to kick him in the balls.

And the anti-gays think it is the the gays always "shoving it down their throats" ---
gays and even those who look like gays have been putting up with this shit ...forever.

Glad the asshole was reduced to nothingness with his asscrack blazing off in the viral sunset.
It is breast cancer awareness month
Many men wear pink to commemorate mothers, wives or sisters who battled breast cancer

Has nothing to do with being gay

Well, to a homophobe, and there seem to be plenty of those, that would be a clear sign that the person must be gay and therefore needs to be demeaned, embarrassed and made an example.

That drunken dunce would have made a serious mistake if he pulled that nonsense with me.
What would you have done? Attack him? Remind me again how yelling at someone is a crime.
Watch the video. The asshole kicked the guy in the nuts - unprovoked.

Do you like being embarrassed by not even bothering to know what you are talking about?
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?

You can't be serious. Why would anyone have the right to "call out", "challenge", accost and assault that person?

They didn't lost that right.

They never had it.

What is it with you homophobes?
It's to be expected. People will only be pushed so far. At least it was only a drunk shouting.

Typically, you have an opinion but did not look at the info.

NO, its not to be expected to be kicked in the balls for no reason.

You RWs are just really sick.
It's to be expected. People will only be pushed so far. At least it was only a drunk shouting.

Typically, you have an opinion but did not look at the info.

NO, its not to be expected to be kicked in the balls for no reason.

You RWs are just really sick.

May he is trying to tell us that more on the right are going to resort to that type of behavior?
I saw this a few days ago.

Asshole Texan. Just sees a guy in pink and decides to kick him in the balls.

And the anti-gays think it is the the gays always "shoving it down their throats" ---
gays and even those who look like gays have been putting up with this shit ...forever.

Glad the asshole was reduced to nothingness with his asscrack blazing off in the viral sunset.
It is breast cancer awareness month
Many men wear pink to commemorate mothers, wives or sisters who battled breast cancer

Has nothing to do with being gay

Well, to a homophobe, and there seem to be plenty of those, that would be a clear sign that the person must be gay and therefore needs to be demeaned, embarrassed and made an example.

That drunken dunce would have made a serious mistake if he pulled that nonsense with me.
What would you have done? Attack him? Remind me again how yelling at someone is a crime.


Even if that is what happened, yes, yelling is an assault.

The attacker was out of line.

Show of hands please:

Did even one of you radical, anti-America, anti-American, knee jerk, brainless RW actually look at the OP?

If not, do yourselves a big favor and just

It's to be expected. People will only be pushed so far. At least it was only a drunk shouting.

Typically, you have an opinion but did not look at the info.

NO, its not to be expected to be kicked in the balls for no reason.

You RWs are just really sick.

May he is trying to tell us that more on the right are going to resort to that type of behavior?

Katzndogz is one of the dumbest on the board. Her laughable pretense of being an attorney who just happens to work as a dog bather pretty much says it all.

OTOH, she seems to have stopped pretending to be a doctor and a man so I think she's making some progress.

But yes, I think youjr'e right. And reading the low-info replies from the RWs seems to confirm that they think assault and battery for no reason is just nifty - as along as the perp has decided he/she knows what the victim did the night before in bed and has the right to judge that activity.
Tell me again how that homophobe wouldn't be happy with killing gays just as some Muslims, who the Right condemn for it.
"Let me tell you the reason why I did it! This is America, that's why,"

This was his justification to the police for his assault. What a joke.
"Let me tell you the reason why I did it! This is America, that's why,"

This was his justification to the police for his assault. What a joke.
Brought to you by the "Kick em in the Nuts for Jesus" Right wing of the fundie Gop crowd.

I am sure he'll end up giving a teary-eyed speech at the next Values Voter Summit on how gays have ruined his life.
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.

I do not approve of insulting, belittling, or attacking faggots in pubic. Just ignore them.

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