Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

That's not the way it works. If marrying whoever one wants is a "civil right" which has never been true in all of human history, then it needs to be explicitly included in the Constitution vis a vis constitutional amendment. You don't get to assume it's there when it's not and then demand the rest of us come up with a constitutional amendment to overturn your phantom "right".

Marriage is a right- the Supreme Court recognizes that it is a fundamental right- and has for over 50 years.

I am not assuming anything- i can read the courts decisions.

The Supreme Court has confirmed decisions overturning State's marriage laws three times that I am aware of- laws against mixed race marriages, laws which prohibited a man with past due child support from marrying and regulations against prisoners marrying.

You don't have to like the decisions, or even agree with them- but pretending that they don't exist and that they are not legally binding is just stupid.
Even the Supreme Court lacks the ability to put into the Constitution something that isn't there. You actually think they're above the Constitution and they're not. During the upcoming Constitutional convention, the states may decide to get rid of the Supreme Court altogether along with their legacy of perverting the Constitution.
[ During the upcoming Constitutional convention, the states may decide to get rid of the Supreme Court altogether along with their legacy of perverting the Constitution.

LOL.....oh thats funny.
Until it happens. Your type causes momentous change through violent, bloody revolutions and the complete takeover of one party, imprisoning or killing everyone who opposes. Conservatives believe in a peaceful, bloodless, lawful course to bring this country back to what it was founded to be, a liberal republic with very limited government. Your kind won't be killed or accosted in any way. We'll be much kinder to you people than you would be to us if you had the communist revolution you lust for.


That's not the way it works. If marrying whoever one wants is a "civil right" which has never been true in all of human history, then it needs to be explicitly included in the Constitution vis a vis constitutional amendment. You don't get to assume it's there when it's not and then demand the rest of us come up with a constitutional amendment to overturn your phantom "right".


I'm sorry, but rights need not be enumerated in the Constitution to be held by the people.


They do need to be enumerated in the Constitution in order to be protected by federal law or federal courts.

I'm sorry you are wrong, rights need not be enumerated in the Constitution to be held by the people.

...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
Bryan Fischer and The American Family Association were at Rick Perry's announcement to run for president in 2012. That didn't work out too well for Rick, but I hear the same bunch is to be at the announcement by Bobby Jindal that he will run for president in 2016. Associating with these Right Wing Nutjobs is long way from the Hindu that Jindal was before he converted to Catholicism.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
The homo agenda is only a threat because it is a small part of the Libtard agenda. The lib agenda is the fundamental threat.

I'd still like to know precisely how the marriage of the two guys across the street is going to impact my life in any negative way.

Outside of the fact that they're much better dressers than I am, of course, which pretty much fucking pisses me off now and then.


What will affect you is the complete dissolution of the constitutional concept of states rights. Without it, you cannot escape the suffused oppression of the federal government no matter where you live. When the Leftists start claiming they have a "civil right" to your house and car, don't come complaining to me.


Okay, so you're saying if I keep supporting gay marriage I'm gonna lose my house and my car?

Well, holy crap, that's terrifying.

Just like people said the civil rights movement was the greatest threat to liberty. Or the abolitionist movement was the greatest threat to liberty.
They're out there, they're sucking cocks and putting cocks in their butts, they're trolling for more cocks to suck and more cocks to put in their butts, all that.
They're out there, they're sucking cocks and putting cocks in their butts, they're trolling for more cocks to suck and more cocks to put in their butts, all that.
Women with a good sex life usually enjoy gay men. Those who can't get laid resent gay men.
They're out there, they're sucking cocks and putting cocks in their butts, they're trolling for more cocks to suck and more cocks to put in their butts, all that.
After 5 Bloody Marys I can confidently say the that such a quest will not endanger the Union. It may endanger other things....but not the Union.
Semper Fi and Pax Vofugginbiscum.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
The homo agenda is only a threat because it is a small part of the Libtard agenda. The lib agenda is the fundamental threat.
It's telling, but not surprising, that you and most other conservatives perceive citizens seeking their comprehensive civil rights a 'threat.'
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
The homo agenda is only a threat because it is a small part of the Libtard agenda. The lib agenda is the fundamental threat.
It's telling, but not surprising, that you and most other conservatives perceive citizens seeking their comprehensive civil rights a 'threat.'
Who you talkin to Jonsey?

"Even the Supreme Court lacks the ability to put into the Constitution something that isn't there. You actually think they're above the Constitution and they're not. During the upcoming Constitutional convention, the states may decide to get rid of the Supreme Court altogether along with their legacy of perverting the Constitution."

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

The 14th Amendment is part of the Constitution, along with its Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause.

Seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage laws they're eligible to participate in is in fact a violation of the 14th Amendment; it denies same-sex couples equal protection of the law, motivated solely by an animus toward gay Americans.

When the Supreme Court has invalidated laws hostile to the rights of gay Americans, nothing was 'put into' the Constitution, nothing was 'perverted,' the Supreme Court is acting in accordance with the Constitution, protecting the rights of citizens from the ignorance and hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward same-sex couples.
It is a perversion of reasoning which, quite literally, seeks to ESTABLISH: ABNORMALITY as NORMAL.

It is through this very basic reality that we can rest assured that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is nothing more than Old Testament EVIL.

Um. No. No one is trying to make homosexuality normal.

They are trying to make it okay to be gay ...

Big difference.

Oh... So there's a difference between trying to make Abnormality Normal and making it just.. 'OK'?

What would that difference be?
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...Seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage...

No one is denying the sexually abnormal of anything... Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. There's nothing in that standard that precludes the sexually abnormal from marriage.

What the Sexually Abnormal want is the 'right' to alter natural standards, to provide that marriage would include those of the same gender... . Which they most definitely, do not possess and this without regard to the SCOTUS... or any other court, anywhere, or... the ever fickle whimsy of pop-culture.
...Seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage...

No one is denying the sexually abnormal of anything... Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. There's nothing in that standard that precludes the sexually abnormal from marriage.

What the Sexually Abnormal want is the 'right' to alter natural standards, to provide that marriage would include those of the same gender... . Which they most definitely, do not possess and this without regard to the SCOTUS... or any other court, anywhere, or... the ever fickle whimsy of pop-culture.
This is about as pop-culture as the right of women to vote and the ******* to be free persons, and just as likely to go away. Sorry little buddy but your side lost and equality, which is far more important than tradition, won.
See ... you think abnormal and evil are synonyms, as you just proved in the part of your post I quoted.

That's not only false, it's hysterically False. Claiming that abnormality is normal, is a perversion of human reasoning and it's that perversion that is animated by EVIL.

Craving sexual satisfaction through sexual behavior with those of your own gender is diametrically opposed to the natural design of the human physiological standard. Shit happens... and while being so inclined is not evil... Acting upon the impulse, is.

It is this misconception which the gay community is correcting.

LOL! They're correcting the notion that there is something reasonable, about tolerating evil.

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