Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

You really are quite the trip, aren't you pubes?

There hasn't been much in the last few months that has made me laugh as hard as you mentioning "relativism" has.
Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning; therefore, homosexuality is a disorder of the mind; thus homosexuality literally IS a function of disease.

LOL! Doesn't that SUCK? (For you...)

Just when I thought you couldn't get dumber...you make this post.

And yet the APA studies all come to this inevitable conclusion. Idiots who think that the APA not citing homosexuality as a disorder anymore are missing the fact that the original science was never refuted by new science. Political pressure was applied to get psychologists to stop referring to it as a disorder, but silencing the truth is not the same as refuting it. Where_r_my_Keys post is based on unrefuted scientific evidence that homosexuality is a mental disorder. No amount of political correctness can make that INCONVENIENT TRUTH go away.
Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning;

Ipse dixit.

That's Latin for, "Says you, dipshit".

All conclusions which flow from this bogus premise are fruit of the poison tree.

Says Nature... who designed the species and homosexuality which deviates from that irrefutable standard.
Nature made homosexuals. Sorry about that!

Birth defects aren't nature, they're a failure of nature, a deviation from what nature intended. No species can ever perpetuate itself with homosexuality, it is therefore contrary to all biological directives.

If this thread does nothing else, it serves to prove that there is no room for rational discussion with bigots of any stripe.
Says Nature... who designed the species and homosexuality which deviates from that irrefutable standard.
Nature made homosexuals. Sorry about that!

Yes... nature makes every form of life... which is to say that nature makes the Clap, too. It's just that as high reasoning members of the supreme natural species, we discourage accepting many of things nature 'makes', within our communities, as those things tend to discourage viability... .

Now, it should be noted that lower species don't seem to mind the instances of homosexuality in their would-be communities.

Apparently what the Left is trying to prove is that they want humanity to be more 'animal like'. Except where animals don't feed those who can't feed themselves... and who eat those who can't run faster.

You're a bigot. That's what you've been saying all along, isn't it? Just admit. You can do it, it will be easier and faster than continuing to try and justify and hide your bigotry in circular arguments. Besides, we all know...


I don't know... let's consult the objective authority on such:

Bigot: a person who is bigoted.

Hmm... Doesn't really seem to answer the question. Let's dig a little further.

Bigoted: having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

Hmm... Well, that doesn't seem to fit me... but let's consult the adjectives, just to be sure.

Obstinate: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

Nope... that's not me.

But it DO look terribly familiar... set it against the traits of my opposition and I think you'll be very amused at how that will fit them, perfectly.

big·ot: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Tisk, tisk... Oh now THAT is tragic!

I mean, there ya were... minding your own business and reached out to defend the underdog, and in the process you find out that you're a Bigot.

Assuming of course, that your failure and that of those among your advocacy, to accept me into your group, therefore defines you as a bigots.

Such a shame!

I feel for ya... I truly do. (I get the sense that ya didn't see that comin', which really makes it that much worse.) Oh, it's just AWFUL!
Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning; therefore, homosexuality is a disorder of the mind; thus homosexuality literally IS a function of disease.

LOL! Doesn't that SUCK? (For you...)

Just when I thought you couldn't get dumber...you make this post.

And yet the APA studies all come to this inevitable conclusion. Idiots who think that the APA not citing homosexuality as a disorder anymore are missing the fact that the original science was never refuted by new science. Political pressure was applied to get psychologists to stop referring to it as a disorder, but silencing the truth is not the same as refuting it. Where_r_my_Keys post is based on unrefuted scientific evidence that homosexuality is a mental disorder. No amount of political correctness can make that INCONVENIENT TRUTH go away.

In my defense... the only reason that I am standing upon un-refuted evidence is that the reasoning, is irrefutable.

But in fairness to the opposition, if it were possible to do it... I feel certain that someone would have managed to do so, by now.
[ During the upcoming Constitutional convention, the states may decide to get rid of the Supreme Court altogether along with their legacy of perverting the Constitution.

LOL.....oh thats funny.
Until it happens. Your type causes momentous change through violent, bloody revolutions and the complete takeover of one party, imprisoning or killing everyone who opposes. C

Your type is the one cheering on the violent bloody pogroms and inquisitions.....but of course you wouldn't sully your fingers with actually doing any of those things...you would just encourage others to do those deeds.

My 'type' encourages personal liberty and responsibility and doesn't believe government should be deciding what I- or you- are permitted to do in the bedroom.
My type was a victim of pogroms. You don't know what you're talking about.

As if you have any idea about 'my type'.

If you can't handle it, don't attempt to dish it out.
[ During the upcoming Constitutional convention, the states may decide to get rid of the Supreme Court altogether along with their legacy of perverting the Constitution.

LOL.....oh thats funny.
Until it happens. Your type causes momentous change through violent, bloody revolutions and the complete takeover of one party, imprisoning or killing everyone who opposes. C

Your type is the one cheering on the violent bloody pogroms and inquisitions.....but of course you wouldn't sully your fingers with actually doing any of those things...you would just encourage others to do those deeds.

My 'type' encourages personal liberty and responsibility and doesn't believe government should be deciding what I- or you- are permitted to do in the bedroom.
My type was a victim of pogroms. You don't know what you're talking about.

As if you have any idea about 'my type'.

If you can't handle it, don't attempt to dish it out.

Likewise, dumbass.

Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning;

Ipse dixit.

That's Latin for, "Says you, dipshit".

All conclusions which flow from this bogus premise are fruit of the poison tree.

Says Nature... who designed the species and homosexuality which deviates from that irrefutable standard.
Nature made homosexuals. Sorry about that!

Birth defects aren't nature, they're a failure of nature, a deviation from what nature intended. No species can ever perpetuate itself with homosexuality, it is therefore contrary to all biological directives.

Birth 'defects' are part of nature also.

No species can ever perpetuate itself with fellatio, it is therefore contrary to all biological directives.

You want to make fellatio illegal also?
Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning; therefore, homosexuality is a disorder of the mind; thus homosexuality literally IS a function of disease.

LOL! Doesn't that SUCK? (For you...)

Just when I thought you couldn't get dumber...you make this post.

And yet the APA studies all come to this inevitable conclusion. Idiots who think that the APA not citing homosexuality as a disorder anymore are missing the fact that the original science was never refuted by new science. .

There was no 'original science' involved in the revision.

Fact: according to the APA, homosexuality has not been a mental disorder longer than the APA considered it a disorder.

There is no 'science' which says homosexuality is a mental disorder.

The neediness of your ego makes me almost feel bad about laughing at you.

I feel the same about your intellectual neediness.

But of course, I should be more polite to the intellectually less fortunate. I just don't know how to be more polite, while correcting you people.

Fortunately as a person of more fortunate intellectual means, I do not subscribe to the notion that to correct the ignorant is an insult to their ignorance.

If that makes me a bad person in the eyes of the ignorant... then I guess that's jus my cross to bear. How WILL I persevere? (Through perseverance... That's how. And you're welcome... ;)

It's rare that anyone manages to use so many words to say nothing at all.
We need to give Where_r_my_Keys a dictionary and a thesaurus for Christmas. He is suffering from the mistaken idea that abnormal and evil are synonyms.

HEY! Looky there, a Leftist advancing straw reasoning...

YAWN... next she'll inform us that "Bush and Cheney are international Fugitives".
It is fun watching you make an ass of yourself. Too much spiked egg nog?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The mindset required to honestly believe that simply declaring victory makes you "victorious" is hilarious to me.

Keys posts are so irrational, I don't even attempt to decipher them- they are all bat guano crazy.
That isn't a reason to disallow people from getting married.

No one is disallowing anyone from getting married, as long as those people meet the standards that define marriage: Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage has changed many times in our history. Look at this partial history of marriage.

Are you saying you disagree with those changes too?


The neediness of your ego makes me almost feel bad about laughing at you.

I feel the same about your intellectual neediness.

But of course, I should be more polite to the intellectually less fortunate. I just don't know how to be so, while still bearing the responsibility of every citizens to correct ignorance.

Fortunately as a person of more fortunate intellectual means, I do not subscribe to the notion that to correct the ignorant is an insult to their ignorance.

If that makes me a bad person in the eyes of the ignorant... then I guess that's jus my cross to bear. How WILL I persevere? (Through perseverance... That's how. And you're welcome... ;)

It's rare that anyone manages to use so many words to say nothing at all.

Tragic... just tragic.
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The neediness of your ego makes me almost feel bad about laughing at you.

I feel the same about your intellectual neediness.

But of course, I should be more polite to the intellectually less fortunate. I just don't know how to be so, while still bearing the responsibility of every citizens to correct ignorance.

Fortunately as a person of more fortunate intellectual means, I do not subscribe to the notion that to correct the ignorant is an insult to their ignorance.

If that makes me a bad person in the eyes of the ignorant... then I guess that's just my cross to bear. How WILL I persevere? (Through perseverance... That's how. And you're welcome... ;) )
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There's no "marriage" in nature.
But there is homosexuality...
Yes, Homosexuality happens. Much like the clap happens. And no one of any potential credibility is advocating that "The Clap" is OK!
But homosexuality isn't a disease. Once again you haven't provided a cogent reason for your position, just wordplay.

Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning; therefore, homosexuality is a disorder of the mind; thus homosexuality literally IS a function of disease.

LOL! Doesn't that SUCK? (For you...)[/QUOTE]

Not true but even if it was, its none of your business and has no effect on your own marriage.

Or does it?

What do these people have in common:

Bradley Manning
Bo Bergdahl
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Janet Reno

they are all men?
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

Boy, you gotta be really dumb to believe this crap.

Why do you RWs hate the Constitution so much?

are you really so ignorant of the constitution that you think it mentions anything about homosexuals?

Where does it say "except homosexuals"?
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Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning; therefore, homosexuality is a disorder of the mind; thus homosexuality literally IS a function of disease.

LOL! Doesn't that SUCK? (For you...)

Just when I thought you couldn't get dumber...you make this post.

And yet the APA studies all come to this inevitable conclusion. Idiots who think that the APA not citing homosexuality as a disorder anymore are missing the fact that the original science was never refuted by new science. .

There was no 'original science' involved in the revision.

Fact: according to the APA, homosexuality has not been a mental disorder longer than the APA considered it a disorder.

There is no 'science' which says homosexuality is a mental disorder.

Yes there is, and now you're just guessing because you don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Psychology is science based like many other scientific disciplines. Every part of it's collective wisdom is based on studies utilizing the scientific method. Many studies have shown homosexuality and gender identity dysphoria to be mental disorders.

Since you're entirely ignorant on the subject, let me use Pluto as an example. We grew up being told that Pluto was a planet, the 9th in sequence that orbits around the sun. The science indicated that Pluto fit the criteria as a planet. Then around 2009 new science was introduced to cause the initial claims to be re-evaluated and now Pluto is no longer a planet but rather an escaped moon no different than the many pieces of debris that orbit the sun along with the planets.

Now let me tell you what DIDN'T happen. There was no political activist group that protested Pluto being called a planet. There was no pressure upon astronomers to stop referring to Pluto as a planet and then seizing upon the eventual succumbing to political pressure as "evidence" that science no longer considers Pluto a planet.

Now just apply this to homosexuality and you'll get the picture.

In 1973 the APA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. The trustees were not prepared to go that far, but they did vote to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 abstentions. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed in the seventh edition of DSM-II, which was issued in 1974.

What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Mental Health Diagnoses Decided by Vote Not Discovery

Homosexuality is a sexual deviancy which stems from a perversion of human reasoning; therefore, homosexuality is a disorder of the mind; thus homosexuality literally IS a function of disease.

LOL! Doesn't that SUCK? (For you...)

Just when I thought you couldn't get dumber...you make this post.

And yet the APA studies all come to this inevitable conclusion. Idiots who think that the APA not citing homosexuality as a disorder anymore are missing the fact that the original science was never refuted by new science. .

There was no 'original science' involved in the revision.

Fact: according to the APA, homosexuality has not been a mental disorder longer than the APA considered it a disorder.

There is no 'science' which says homosexuality is a mental disorder.

Yes there is, and now you're just guessing because you don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Psychology is science based like many other scientific disciplines. Every part of it's collective wisdom is based on studies utilizing the scientific method. Many studies have shown homosexuality and gender identity dysphoria to be mental disorders.

Since you're entirely ignorant on the subject, let me use Pluto as an example. We grew up being told that Pluto was a planet, the 9th in sequence that orbits around the sun. The science indicated that Pluto fit the criteria as a planet. Then around 2009 new science was introduced to cause the initial claims to be re-evaluated and now Pluto is no longer a planet but rather an escaped moon no different than the many pieces of debris that orbit the sun along with the planets.

Now let me tell you what DIDN'T happen. There was no political activist group that protested Pluto being called a planet. There was no pressure upon astronomers to stop referring to Pluto as a planet and then seizing upon the eventual succumbing to political pressure as "evidence" that science no longer considers Pluto a planet.

Now just apply this to homosexuality and you'll get the picture.

In 1973 the APA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. The trustees were not prepared to go that far, but they did vote to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 abstentions. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed in the seventh edition of DSM-II, which was issued in 1974.

What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Mental Health Diagnoses Decided by Vote Not Discovery


Indeed... it's all a lie.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance, the fundamental elements of Relativism.

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