Homosexual degeneracy

So you believe that anyone who doesn't get married in a religious institution isn't really married.

Ironically for you....my wife and I were religiously married all the way back in 1990....it wasn't until 2006 before we could legally get married.
Those are your words not mine. As usual you try to twist what someone else has said in order to justify your own precepts.
Did you not say "Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in"????
Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.

So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.

My apologies, I didn't mean to pry. I simply wanted to know how deep your hypocrisy ran...
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
Same horseshit, different day. Repeating horseshit does not make it anything else but horseshit. This is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. Get over it.
"Get over" what, your personal choices and personal problems that are associated with your deranged choices are not mine nor will you ever make them mine.
And the lesson of this thread is...liberalism is degenerative. Never believe the lefts lies because there is no logical stopping point which leaves you free.

(1)We only want homosexuality decriminalized...what harm is it?

(2) now we only want civil unions...not marriage

(3) ok now we demand you give us a license to get married...if you don't like it don't get gay married

(4) whoops now you are the criminal if you don't like it
Extreme self righteousness or someone else pushing their own deviancy either one is a scourge. Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in. Contracts are simple enough and can be filed with any county recorder marriage was a church institution but then property rights and inheritance came along and then ... the point is we don't need special laws forcing people through legislation what to do with their own minds or private property. Deviancy used to be a crime but they chopped, chipped and whittled it down to nothing until anything goes these days. Its the New World Order's revamped United Nations way and with NATO as supreme enforcer how the hell can anyone refuse?
Regardless of how or why we got here, this is the reality that you have to deal with- or not- no one really cares if you want to continue to lament that which is real and here to stay. You might as well just get over it.
I won't ever accept a corrupt judiciary nor would I expect anyone else to so it does matter "how and why we got here". Your sins are on you, you own them and you will never put or shuffle them off on me or my family. If you decide to live with those choices you make that is totally on you and yours. That is the way that works.
No one cares what you will or will not accept

No one cares what you think about the judiciary

No one cares about what you consider a "sin"

No one cares if you think that homosexuality is a choice

None of that will change reality. You are a dinosaur and will soon be extinct
So, you want to spend the $$$ to change all the documents and all the laws and statutes to cross out the word "marriage" because your religion can't stand it being a generic term.

Spend what money? Legislation is written, updated and confirmed continually. Government for the 'people by the people'. Equality in partnerships is merely a contractual dispute no matter how you attempt to twist it.

You realize that almost every statute, law, paperwork in every state refers to "marriage". It does cost money to change these things.....just because you religious snowflakes don't want to share a word......:rofl:

Meh...look at it like a jobs program. Go ahead and spend all that money to change all the documents to say civil union instead of marriage...as long as it applies equally to gays and straights, go for it. My wife and I will still say "yes" when asked if we're married.

I wonder how many straight couples will vote for that.

RodISHI will, right?

Of course I would.

People should take responsibility and be responsible for their own personal choices whatever those choices are. I wouldn't think anyone would be up for a totalitarian government of any kind and when you start requiring licenses and want licenses issued by the government you are giving someone else control over your life and telling someone else that they have the authority over your personal choices.

Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
Same horseshit, different day. Repeating horseshit does not make it anything else but horseshit. This is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. Get over it.
"Get over" what, your personal choices and personal problems that are associated with your deranged choices are not mine nor will you ever make them mine.
And the lesson of this thread is...liberalism is degenerative. Never believe the lefts lies because there is no logical stopping point which leaves you free.

(1)We only want homosexuality decriminalized...what harm is it?

(2) now we only want civil unions...not marriage

(3) ok now we demand you give us a license to get married...if you don't like it don't get gay married

(4) whoops now you are the criminal if you don't like it
Extreme self righteousness or someone else pushing their own deviancy either one is a scourge. Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in. Contracts are simple enough and can be filed with any county recorder marriage was a church institution but then property rights and inheritance came along and then ... the point is we don't need special laws forcing people through legislation what to do with their own minds or private property. Deviancy used to be a crime but they chopped, chipped and whittled it down to nothing until anything goes these days. Its the New World Order's revamped United Nations way and with NATO as supreme enforcer how the hell can anyone refuse?
Regardless of how or why we got here, this is the reality that you have to deal with- or not- no one really cares if you want to continue to lament that which is real and here to stay. You might as well just get over it.
I won't ever accept a corrupt judiciary nor would I expect anyone else to so it does matter "how and why we got here". Your sins are on you, you own them and you will never put or shuffle them off on me or my family. If you decide to live with those choices you make that is totally on you and yours. That is the way that works.
No one cares what you will or will not accept

No one cares what you think about the judiciary

No one cares about what you consider a "sin"

No one cares if you think that homosexuality is a choice

None of that will change reality. You are a dinosaur and will soon be extinct
You are free to believe your own bullshit if you wish.
Extreme self righteousness or someone else pushing their own deviancy either one is a scourge. Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in. Contracts are simple enough and can be filed with any county recorder marriage was a church institution but then property rights and inheritance came along and then ... the point is we don't need special laws forcing people through legislation what to do with their own minds or private property. Deviancy used to be a crime but they chopped, chipped and whittled it down to nothing until anything goes these days. Its the New World Order's revamped United Nations way and with NATO as supreme enforcer how the hell can anyone refuse?
So you believe that anyone who doesn't get married in a religious institution isn't really married.

Ironically for you....my wife and I were religiously married all the way back in 1990....it wasn't until 2006 before we could legally get married.
Those are your words not mine. As usual you try to twist what someone else has said in order to justify your own precepts.
Did you not say "Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in"????
Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.
So, you want to spend the $$$ to change all the documents and all the laws and statutes to cross out the word "marriage" because your religion can't stand it being a generic term.

But isn't that what we have now? Even in Miss, marriage licenses must be issued to same sex couples. If either a civil or religious official conducts a marriage ceremony, the couple is married for all civil law matters. Some religious groups (perhaps most) refuse to allow officials to perform those marriage ceremonies. My neighbors got married. They are way too old to raise a child, but they need to be able to give medical consent for each other, and there are estate planning issues. They've been together at least 30 years, for Christ's sake. LOL

Rod can consider them unmarried and living in sin XTWO, but ..... practically speaking it's irrelevant, unless he refuses to do contract with them cause they're gay.
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?

"business laws"?
Name one. How about this one: "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"....or how about: "No shirt, no shoes, no service"? Read the 1964 Civil Rights Act....as long as the store has a consistent policy not based on race, they can bum's rush anybody they please. Homos that are flamers can be banned for disturbing other customers and now that we're getting the courts back, get used to it.
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?

"business laws"?
Name one. How about this one: "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"....or how about: "No shirt, no shoes, no service"? Read the 1964 Civil Rights Act....as long as the store has a consistent policy not based on race, they can bum's rush anybody they please. Homos that are flamers can be banned for disturbing other customers and now that we're getting the courts back, get used to it.
You know that those rules are based on individuals....not on races, religions, age, handicap, genders, nationalities, or sexual orientation. Don't you know the difference?
You know that those rules are based on individuals....not on races, religions, age, handicap, genders, nationalities, or sexual orientation. Don't you know the difference?

I know the difference between race and abhorrent behavior....one a person is born with, the other the person was hoaxed into believing was normal. Don't you know the difference?
You know that those rules are based on individuals....not on races, religions, age, handicap, genders, nationalities, or sexual orientation. Don't you know the difference?

I know the difference between race and abhorrent behavior....one a person is born with, the other the person was hoaxed into believing was normal. Don't you know the difference?
What once was taboo, is now the norm.. Nothing new in a society that has flexibility to change. Or do you chase around married couples to make sure they are not committing sodomy or adultery?
You know that those rules are based on individuals....not on races, religions, age, handicap, genders, nationalities, or sexual orientation. Don't you know the difference?

I know the difference between race and abhorrent behavior....one a person is born with, the other the person was hoaxed into believing was normal. Don't you know the difference?
And now you are talking about religion which can be abhorrent behavior also. So...if you think being gay is a choice that people can be talked into, same with straight.....when were you talked into being straight?
You know that those rules are based on individuals....not on races, religions, age, handicap, genders, nationalities, or sexual orientation. Don't you know the difference?

I know the difference between race and abhorrent behavior....one a person is born with, the other the person was hoaxed into believing was normal. Don't you know the difference?
What once was taboo, is now the norm.. Nothing new in a society that has flexibility to change. Or do you chase around married couples to make sure they are not committing sodomy or adultery?
Are you kidding? We keep learning that the #RussianW only wants to hold the Left to such standards as they "claim" to support.
Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.

A real live libertarian! :) I don't agree with Libertarians but certainly find them less odious than the Marxist. Conversationally...Libertarianism is not conservatism though the two can work together. I used to run into libertarians when I held Republican office and would have to explain that to them.
But we have to remember the common ground. Lets kill off the Marxists then we can kill each other later :)
I don't agree with Libertarians but certainly find them less odious than the Marxist.
Bullshit, we are every bit as odious as "The Marxist" and damn proud of it too, the only difference is that we bathe regularly and don't have any hang ups about you doing your own thing and keeping your own stuff as long as you leave us and our stuff the fuck alone. :D

"Libertarians make no exceptions to the golden rule and provide no moral loophole, no double standard, for government.." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Spend what money? Legislation is written, updated and confirmed continually. Government for the 'people by the people'. Equality in partnerships is merely a contractual dispute no matter how you attempt to twist it.
You realize that almost every statute, law, paperwork in every state refers to "marriage". It does cost money to change these things.....just because you religious snowflakes don't want to share a word......:rofl:

Meh...look at it like a jobs program. Go ahead and spend all that money to change all the documents to say civil union instead of marriage...as long as it applies equally to gays and straights, go for it. My wife and I will still say "yes" when asked if we're married.
I wonder how many straight couples will vote for that.

RodISHI will, right?
Of course I would.

People should take responsibility and be responsible for their own personal choices whatever those choices are. I wouldn't think anyone would be up for a totalitarian government of any kind and when you start requiring licenses and want licenses issued by the government you are giving someone else control over your life and telling someone else that they have the authority over your personal choices.

You say you support the proposal to change all marriage to civil unions, then you go on an unrelated tirade that seems to contradict your original support of said proposal.

It's odd that you won't say whether you are civilly married or not, especially after you gave us very detailed personal information about your criminal past.
There is still some difficulty here in understanding. Lets try and focus.

So this was the argument we heard...


And this is what we got...

gay cake.jpg
So....you don't think you need a business license to open up a business? Where in the U.S. are you allowed to do that?

Here you go again with "business law" and "business license" neither of which exist. You leftists have no idea how to open or operate a business but you're an expert on what we can and can't do somehow. It's pathetic how a kid can leave a high school with a diploma without a clue about how our economy operates and you are clearly a victim of this. But it doesn't matter in the least to you....talking out of your ass about things you know nothing about.
So....you don't think you need a business license to open up a business? Where in the U.S. are you allowed to do that?

Here you go again with "business law" and "business license" neither of which exist. You leftists have no idea how to open or operate a business but you're an expert on what we can and can't do somehow. It's pathetic how a kid can leave a high school with a diploma without a clue about how our economy operates and you are clearly a victim of this. But it doesn't matter in the least to you....talking out of your ass about things you know nothing about.
Actually, they may have been meaning this kind of license, which all business must obtain.
Actually, they may have been meaning this kind of license, which all business must obtain.

And what kind of license would that be? Go Google because you don't have a clue any more than she does.
Those are your words not mine. As usual you try to twist what someone else has said in order to justify your own precepts.
Did you not say "Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in"????
Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.

So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.

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