Homosexual degeneracy

I think the court blew the same sex marriage case but on this one I can understand why the court didn't find the baker's argument convincing. The only judgement that I'll determine by a wedding cake will solely be based on how it looks and tastes. For certain I wouldn't use it to judge the baker's character and certainly don't see it as the baker's endorsement of the marriage.
Apparently the baker wouldn't deliver or cater to their wedding and that is where it does become an issue. Catering is a specialty service also. They could have just went and got someone else to bake and cater their cake but instead they preferred to attempt to put the baker out of business. If they want this type of service and desire to refuse service to others they need to start their own bakery/business.
It is the state, not the couple fining the baker. IMO, they just should have pulled their business license.
It is the state that should suffer the consequences then and the people will have to go after their state legislators and judges that went through with this type of bullshit.

In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
I can't disagree with her/him on the catholic church being sick for covering for their priest but that doesn't give any excuse for all of the deviants that would or could cause harm to young'ns to be in any position where they can cause them harm.
And we can agree...catch em and punish em.....not hide them like the Catholic Hierarchy has done for a very very very long time.
Yes we can agree on that but I doubt you would agree that the rabid gay activist running a church based college here should be fired for leading the young adults there down the path to hell with him.
I think the court blew the same sex marriage case but on this one I can understand why the court didn't find the baker's argument convincing. The only judgement that I'll determine by a wedding cake will solely be based on how it looks and tastes. For certain I wouldn't use it to judge the baker's character and certainly don't see it as the baker's endorsement of the marriage.
Apparently the baker wouldn't deliver or cater to their wedding and that is where it does become an issue. Catering is a specialty service also. They could have just went and got someone else to bake and cater their cake but instead they preferred to attempt to put the baker out of business. If they want this type of service and desire to refuse service to others they need to start their own bakery/business.
It is the state, not the couple fining the baker. IMO, they just should have pulled their business license.
It is the state that should suffer the consequences then and the people will have to go after their state legislators and judges that went through with this type of bullshit.

Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
I can't disagree with her/him on the catholic church being sick for covering for their priest but that doesn't give any excuse for all of the deviants that would or could cause harm to young'ns to be in any position where they can cause them harm.
And we can agree...catch em and punish em.....not hide them like the Catholic Hierarchy has done for a very very very long time.
Yes we can agree on that but I doubt you would agree that the rabid gay activist running a church based college here should be fired for leading the young adults there down the path to hell with him.
How do you feel about the same state of Oregon fining a Scientology dentist TWICE as much as he did that baking couple for discriminating against someone based on their christian religion? Why no complaints about PA laws then?
"I could but..............."

You have nothing.....but I have already given an example of #RussianWrs excusing Josh Duggar.....and let's not forget that trump who invited pedophile Ted Nugent to the WH.
A whole thread for you. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Evil ? & #451
Harvey Milk
pedophile - Wiktionary

pedophile (plural pedophiles). (informal) An adult who is attracted to anybody below the age of consent. (psychiatry) A person aged 16 years old or older who is ...

Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?
Apparently you are not very well informed on what is a private business enterprise and what is a public enterprise. Maybe this will help you learn. Having a business license that is required for public health and well being or reasons do not make that enterprise a public enterprise. If they did you would be able to require even a plumber with a license to do business be under your PC laws and that ain't happening. You would play hell trying to get me to do anything for you against my will no matter what that is that you think I should do which I know better than doing. My labor, my talent, my mind and my thoughts are my own and these belong to me alone not you or the public at large to do with as you please.

A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned neither by non-governmental organizations nor by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately. More ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.
Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. That's #RussianWrs' fake news.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

I think you are proving my point . In order to claim you are being discriminated for being gay, don't you have have to be gay?
So how is it that you prove that you are gay so you can get these special priveleges that were never a portion of the original Bill of Rights or Constitution?

My religious beliefs are well documented, the test written in is very specific on how to determine who is a believer and well over 2000 years old. What do you have?
What special privileges are those you speak of?

I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes. I am trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper (the pepper being the Christian faith, and the fly shit being bigotry in the name of Christianity)

Your "bigotry" is a Christian's belief, Biblical law. The Constitution guarantees their right to practice their religion without interference. Some two bit hustler on some government agency fining someone such an extreme amount that it forces them to close is bullshit, it's over kill. But you leftists assholes rubbed your grimy little paws with glee....then were stunned when other Christians stepped up to cover it and then some. Fuck you

So racists can use the Bible to not serve blacks? You sure about that?

I never said that you did...but you say a lot of shit.

You said Christians have a right not to serve gays because the Bible and the Constitution has their back. The Bible has the back of racists and segregationists too. What does the law say about that? Do they get the same religious exemption? Why not?
View attachment 130175

Yeah, what happened SassyIrishLass? Can't think of a good ad hominem? No "Go away, dyke"?
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?
Play whatever you like. It takes a lot of time to put those type things online, plus the right equipment to do it, copies also cost money and we spent every dime we had and then some trying to defend ourselves against these criminals here, when we couldn't pay attorneys nor find any to go against the crooks we took the case on prose to the best of our ability. The records are available if you were truly interested. I'm told fraud upon the court has no statutue of limitations but the fact is most attorneys are too chickenshit to take on such a big case when the system is so f'ing corrupt. It was the same way back when I was arrested in 92-93 on false charges. One attorney was honest enough to tell me "I have other clients I must stand before that judge with and I have to think of them", on the case where they finally took us totally out another lawyer was honest enough to say, "If they did that to you what do you think they will do to me?" Sorry the Democrats have a lot more crooks than the Republicans. Not to say that they don't both have crooks in them but Dems have the Repubs beat all to hell in that department.
So...you have TWO anecdotes of you being arrested or done wrong thru "false charges".....
No one through false charges and arrest in 92....I was placed under arrest on false charges the night after the election. I had spent my own money and time doing a "get out to vote" campaign. It was the same year Perot ran for president. I didn't support any particular candidate. I merely encourage people to get out and use their vote instead sitting at home complaining. Two hundred people in our little town voted that year as compared to 80-88 in previous years. Again, I encourage people to get out to vote several years later. I was asked to help dethrone the man on the bench who claimed he was "god in his courtroom" (btw, he was a Catholic too). The judge actual did himself in when he claimed on Idaho public radio that he did not believe that parents knew what was best for their own children. He was tearing families apart and making the children wards of the state. He did this to people who were not catholic. My involvement was solely to inform the people that they had every legal right to vote to vote that judge off of the bench. Many people because they had been kept ignorant they did not know that they could do that. When the opportunity presented its self the people performed miraculous. He was the first and only judge to be voted off of the bench in Idaho history. He claims he was a trial judge when in fact he was nothing more than a lousy little magistrate that couldn't get a decent job after the people tossed him as he had abused way too many people. That is until someone must have felt sorry for him and gave him an assignment as a special water master as the water adjudication took place. Call him he is in Boise, Idaho. When you do that ask him about his stoner golfing buddy Mush that was married to my secretary Karma who thought she'd embezzle almost thirty grand (until I took her off my account as a signature). While your tying that all together put in and check on when Iowa first put there rest areas up for bid. It would have been a sixteen million dollar contract for my firm and mine was the first lowest responsive bid (responsive means legitimate with no errors and fully intact). There is a lot more to all that but that is enough for you. Give the man a call. I am sure he can give you an ear full. (his wife Gail is the Principal at the Catholic high school here in Boise.)

It was in 2000 that I ordered new equipment for a mining operation with an SBA loan. I had started the mine for mining high grade sand and gravel with help from my husband with his equipment in 1997. This was in Iowa. He had an existing landscaping and property maintenance business and had bought heavy equipment for that over the years for he could support himself. He was permanently partially disable back in 1984. I was sent equipment designed to fail from the factory that was paid for with an SBA corporate loan where I was the sole owner of the corporation at the request of the bank (it was the bank that insisted that it be a 100% woman owned business) but we would not know the equipment was designed to fail from the manufacturer until 2002. Another piece of equipment was blown up by the manufacturer's people. While we were struggling with sabotaged equipment, vandalized equipment, hostile state DOT employees, and contaminated fuel tanks, etc. the bank that made the loan was creating bogus paperwork. The courts here assisted in covering up that whole affair and the bank went viciously after me plus they stole all of my husband's equipment claiming I had posted it at collateral which I did not do at any time and the bank knew it. The bastards even stole our meat out of the freezer including our Turkey for Thanksgiving. The bank called my company "The Gourmet Grinder" in some of the SBA documents. They attempted to extort me for I would sign off that I wouldn't sue their CEO's. So yes there were people in the state and large corporate's involved in all that. I wouldn't call that "everyone" but damn sure would say it involved a hell of a lot of people. You can read portions here and there are also links to some of the court docs online. The actual certified transcript and the recording of the actual case is in my possession and a few others I have trusted to have copies....the certified transcript and the actual audio recording of the proceedings do not match by any means, Chuck Grassley and his aides that guard him from receiving actual true and correct info is not one of those trusted peeps.
A whole thread for you. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Evil ? & #451
Harvey Milk
pedophile - Wiktionary

pedophile (plural pedophiles). (informal) An adult who is attracted to anybody below the age of consent. (psychiatry) A person aged 16 years old or older who is ...

Apparently you are not very well informed on what is a private business enterprise and what is a public enterprise. Maybe this will help you learn. Having a business license that is required for public health and well being or reasons do not make that enterprise a public enterprise. If they did you would be able to require even a plumber with a license to do business be under your PC laws and that ain't happening. You would play hell trying to get me to do anything for you against my will no matter what that is that you think I should do which I know better than doing. My labor, my talent, my mind and my thoughts are my own and these belong to me alone not you or the public at large to do with as you please.

A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned neither by non-governmental organizations nor by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately. More ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.
Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. That's #RussianWrs' fake news.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

So how is it that you prove that you are gay so you can get these special priveleges that were never a portion of the original Bill of Rights or Constitution?

My religious beliefs are well documented, the test written in is very specific on how to determine who is a believer and well over 2000 years old. What do you have?
What special privileges are those you speak of?

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
How do you feel about the same state of Oregon fining a Scientology dentist TWICE as much as he did that baking couple for discriminating against someone based on their christian religion? Why no complaints about PA laws then?
Never heard about it but definitely sounds like Oregon is all screwed up. If a dentist doesn't wanna stick his/her fingers into someone else's mouth they shouldn't.
Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. That's #RussianWrs' fake news.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

What special privileges are those you speak of?

We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
What state do you live in? It may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in business....it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in hiring...it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in renting.
How do you feel about the same state of Oregon fining a Scientology dentist TWICE as much as he did that baking couple for discriminating against someone based on their christian religion? Why no complaints about PA laws then?
Never heard about it but definitely sounds like Oregon is all screwed up. If a dentist doesn't wanna stick his/her fingers into someone else's mouth they shouldn't.
It was his christian EMPLOYEE he discriminated against....same PA law...he was fined twice as much as that bakery couple. Yet we don't hear about it....maybe because even tho he was just as wrong, he's not a whiner.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?
Play whatever you like. It takes a lot of time to put those type things online, plus the right equipment to do it, copies also cost money and we spent every dime we had and then some trying to defend ourselves against these criminals here, when we couldn't pay attorneys nor find any to go against the crooks we took the case on prose to the best of our ability. The records are available if you were truly interested. I'm told fraud upon the court has no statutue of limitations but the fact is most attorneys are too chickenshit to take on such a big case when the system is so f'ing corrupt. It was the same way back when I was arrested in 92-93 on false charges. One attorney was honest enough to tell me "I have other clients I must stand before that judge with and I have to think of them", on the case where they finally took us totally out another lawyer was honest enough to say, "If they did that to you what do you think they will do to me?" Sorry the Democrats have a lot more crooks than the Republicans. Not to say that they don't both have crooks in them but Dems have the Repubs beat all to hell in that department.
So...you have TWO anecdotes of you being arrested or done wrong thru "false charges".....
No one through false charges and arrest in 92....I was placed under arrest on false charges the night after the election. I had spent my own money and time doing a "get out to vote" campaign. It was the same year Perot ran for president. I didn't support any particular candidate. I merely encourage people to get out and use their vote instead sitting at home complaining. Two hundred people in our little town voted that year as compared to 80-88 in previous years. Again, I encourage people to get out to vote several years later. I was asked to help dethrone the man on the bench who claimed he was "god in his courtroom" (btw, he was a Catholic too). The judge actual did himself in when he claimed on Idaho public radio that he did not believe that parents knew what was best for their own children. He was tearing families apart and making the children wards of the state. He did this to people who were not catholic. My involvement was solely to inform the people that they had every legal right to vote to vote that judge off of the bench. Many people because they had been kept ignorant they did not know that they could do that. When the opportunity presented its self the people performed miraculous. He was the first and only judge to be voted off of the bench in Idaho history. He claims he was a trial judge when in fact he was nothing more than a lousy little magistrate that couldn't get a decent job after the people tossed him as he had abused way too many people. That is until someone must have felt sorry for him and gave him an assignment as a special water master as the water adjudication took place. Call him he is in Boise, Idaho. When you do that ask him about his stoner golfing buddy Mush that was married to my secretary Karma who thought she'd embezzle almost thirty grand (until I took her off my account as a signature). While your tying that all together put in and check on when Iowa first put there rest areas up for bid. It would have been a sixteen million dollar contract for my firm and mine was the first lowest responsive bid (responsive means legitimate with no errors and fully intact). There is a lot more to all that but that is enough for you. Give the man a call. I am sure he can give you an ear full. (his wife Gail is the Principal at the Catholic high school here in Boise.)

It was in 2000 that I ordered new equipment for a mining operation with an SBA loan. I had started the mine for mining high grade sand and gravel with help from my husband with his equipment in 1997. This was in Iowa. He had an existing landscaping and property maintenance business and had bought heavy equipment for that over the years for he could support himself. He was permanently partially disable back in 1984. I was sent equipment designed to fail from the factory that was paid for with an SBA corporate loan where I was the sole owner of the corporation at the request of the bank (it was the bank that insisted that it be a 100% woman owned business) but we would not know the equipment was designed to fail from the manufacturer until 2002. Another piece of equipment was blown up by the manufacturer's people. While we were struggling with sabotaged equipment, vandalized equipment, hostile state DOT employees, and contaminated fuel tanks, etc. the bank that made the loan was creating bogus paperwork. The courts here assisted in covering up that whole affair and the bank went viciously after me plus they stole all of my husband's equipment claiming I had posted it at collateral which I did not do at any time and the bank knew it. The bastards even stole our meat out of the freezer including our Turkey for Thanksgiving. The bank called my company "The Gourmet Grinder" in some of the SBA documents. They attempted to extort me for I would sign off that I wouldn't sue their CEO's. So yes there were people in the state and large corporate's involved in all that. I wouldn't call that "everyone" but damn sure would say it involved a hell of a lot of people. You can read portions here and there are also links to some of the court docs online. The actual certified transcript and the recording of the actual case is in my possession and a few others I have trusted to have copies....the certified transcript and the actual audio recording of the proceedings do not match by any means, Chuck Grassley and his aides that guard him from receiving actual true and correct info is not one of those trusted peeps.
Cool story. Trouble certainly seems to follow you.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
What state do you live in? It may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in business....it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in hiring...it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in renting.
Iowa. You better go back and reread what was posted as you are barking up the wrong tree here. Private property and ownership means you bought and paid for it. I have never discriminated against anyone. It was self righteous assholes here that discriminated against me but that does not mean that you or anyone else has the right to tell me what I will or will not find acceptable. I did not discriminate against my renters it was the city that tried to force me to discriminate against. When I owned my business that had forty plus employees it was state employees that attempted to make me discriminate against my employees. If a gay, black, green, blue or yellow person wants to discriminate against me concerning something that they own or have built they are welcome to go for as long as they leave my personal property alone. One of the benefits of property ownership is the right to enjoy a profit from the ownership of that property. There are other rights that accompany that right.
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.

A teacher touches one of ours and justice will be swift and severe....then the authorities can have them
We had a PE teacher I told to 'GFY', when I was in junior high when I refused to undress in front of her. Surprisingly nothing ever came of it for me (I spent a lot of time being in trouble for refusing abuse of any kind). Others finally got fed up with her and her dyke buddy doing that to them and when enough complaints went forward they finally did something about them.

A dyke PE teacher? I've never heard of such a thing.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
What state do you live in? It may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in business....it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in hiring...it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in renting.
Iowa. You better go back and reread what was posted as you are barking up the wrong tree here. Private property and ownership means you bought and paid for it. I have never discriminated against anyone. It was self righteous assholes here that discriminated against me but that does not mean that you or anyone else has the right to tell me what I will or will not find acceptable. I did not discriminate against my renters it was the city that tried to force me to discriminate against. When I owned my business that had forty plus employees it was state employees that attempted to make me discriminate against my employees. If a gay, black, green, blue or yellow person wants to discriminate against me concerning something that they own or have built they are welcome to go for as long as they leave my personal property alone. One of the benefits of property ownership is the right to enjoy a profit from the ownership of that property. There are other rights that accompany that right.
As I said, you weave a heck of a good tall tale. Bravo! :clap:
Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.

A teacher touches one of ours and justice will be swift and severe....then the authorities can have them
We had a PE teacher I told to 'GFY', when I was in junior high when I refused to undress in front of her. Surprisingly nothing ever came of it for me (I spent a lot of time being in trouble for refusing abuse of any kind). Others finally got fed up with her and her dyke buddy doing that to them and when enough complaints went forward they finally did something about them.

A dyke PE teacher? I've never heard of such a thing.
Oh hell we had two of them....Southern California was a cesspool even back then its just gotten worse.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
What state do you live in? It may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in business....it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in hiring...it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in renting.
Iowa. You better go back and reread what was posted as you are barking up the wrong tree here. Private property and ownership means you bought and paid for it. I have never discriminated against anyone. It was self righteous assholes here that discriminated against me but that does not mean that you or anyone else has the right to tell me what I will or will not find acceptable. I did not discriminate against my renters it was the city that tried to force me to discriminate against. When I owned my business that had forty plus employees it was state employees that attempted to make me discriminate against my employees. If a gay, black, green, blue or yellow person wants to discriminate against me concerning something that they own or have built they are welcome to go for as long as they leave my personal property alone. One of the benefits of property ownership is the right to enjoy a profit from the ownership of that property. There are other rights that accompany that right.
As I said, you weave a heck of a good tall tale. Bravo! :clap:
I have the city docs from here too. I call it the "city's shit file".
And the lesson of this thread is...liberalism is degenerative. Never believe the lefts lies because there is no logical stopping point which leaves you free.

(1)We only want homosexuality decriminalized...what harm is it?

(2) now we only want civil unions...not marriage

(3) ok now we demand you give us a license to get married...if you don't like it don't get gay married

(4) whoops now you are the criminal if you don't like it
That is a bastardized, perverted and DEGENERAT interpretation of religious freedom. NOBODY is saying that you do not have a right to your opinion, or to practice your religious beliefs and live by them. However you NO NOT have the right to discriminate against and marginalize people who you don't approve of. Get that through your think skull!
Yes I do absolutely have every right to discriminate and marginalize people who I do not approve of. I have the right to decide who comes and who goes on a piece of property I own that I have paid in full for by legal purchase. If I want to rent to a gay person, a transvestite, or a mixed black and white couple it is no one in government's business. It's my property I bought and paid for it. It matters not one iota if they are rabid gays or self righteous churchy peeps or if they are some shill pitching their immorality in my face when they come onto my private property. If I want them there or if I do not want them there it is nobody else's business if no laws are being broken. It might be different if I were their employer or if I personally showed up at their place of business or on their private property but that is not the case. Get that through your thick head. NGO's and special interest groups have lobbied this country into the shitter and our judiciary and our legislative branch of government are complicit in doing it. Which bunch of misfits do you attach yourself to slick?
What state do you live in? It may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in business....it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in hiring...it may or may not be legal to discriminate against gays in renting.
Iowa. You better go back and reread what was posted as you are barking up the wrong tree here. Private property and ownership means you bought and paid for it. I have never discriminated against anyone. It was self righteous assholes here that discriminated against me but that does not mean that you or anyone else has the right to tell me what I will or will not find acceptable. I did not discriminate against my renters it was the city that tried to force me to discriminate against. When I owned my business that had forty plus employees it was state employees that attempted to make me discriminate against my employees. If a gay, black, green, blue or yellow person wants to discriminate against me concerning something that they own or have built they are welcome to go for as long as they leave my personal property alone. One of the benefits of property ownership is the right to enjoy a profit from the ownership of that property. There are other rights that accompany that right.
As I said, you weave a heck of a good tall tale. Bravo! :clap:
I have the city docs from here too. I call it the "city's shit file".
Of course you do.
And the lesson of this thread is...liberalism is degenerative. Never believe the lefts lies because there is no logical stopping point which leaves you free.

(1)We only want homosexuality decriminalized...what harm is it?

(2) now we only want civil unions...not marriage

(3) ok now we demand you give us a license to get married...if you don't like it don't get gay married

(4) whoops now you are the criminal if you don't like it

I love how you forget that gay couples were perfectly willing to accept civil unions and it was the con-servatives in several states that said no to even that.
And the lesson of this thread is...liberalism is degenerative. Never believe the lefts lies because there is no logical stopping point which leaves you free.

(1)We only want homosexuality decriminalized...what harm is it?

(2) now we only want civil unions...not marriage

(3) ok now we demand you give us a license to get married...if you don't like it don't get gay married

(4) whoops now you are the criminal if you don't like it
Extreme self righteousness or someone else pushing their own deviancy either one is a scourge. Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in. Contracts are simple enough and can be filed with any county recorder marriage was a church institution but then property rights and inheritance came along and then ... the point is we don't need special laws forcing people through legislation what to do with their own minds or private property. Deviancy used to be a crime but they chopped, chipped and whittled it down to nothing until anything goes these days. Its the New World Order's revamped United Nations way and with NATO as supreme enforcer how the hell can anyone refuse?
And the lesson of this thread is...liberalism is degenerative. Never believe the lefts lies because there is no logical stopping point which leaves you free.

(1)We only want homosexuality decriminalized...what harm is it?

(2) now we only want civil unions...not marriage

(3) ok now we demand you give us a license to get married...if you don't like it don't get gay married

(4) whoops now you are the criminal if you don't like it
Extreme self righteousness or someone else pushing their own deviancy either one is a scourge. Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in. Contracts are simple enough and can be filed with any county recorder marriage was a church institution but then property rights and inheritance came along and then ... the point is we don't need special laws forcing people through legislation what to do with their own minds or private property. Deviancy used to be a crime but they chopped, chipped and whittled it down to nothing until anything goes these days. Its the New World Order's revamped United Nations way and with NATO as supreme enforcer how the hell can anyone refuse?
So you believe that anyone who doesn't get married in a religious institution isn't really married.

Ironically for you....my wife and I were religiously married all the way back in 1990....it wasn't until 2006 before we could legally get married.

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