Homosexual degeneracy

Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.

A teacher touches one of ours and justice will be swift and severe....then the authorities can have them
/----- you'd lose that bet.
fast forward to the 2 minute mark
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?
You know that was in Michigan, right?
/----- so?
Michigan doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws....it's totally legal there for businesses to discriminate against gays.
/--- So to prove your point, you sift through the pepper shaker looking for fly shit. So what states do I have to find to prove Muslims discriminate against gays and nothing happens?
Your video is from Michigan. You were trying to prove that Muslims were allowed to discriminate against gay people...Well, yes....so are christers.....in any state that doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws. A muslim baker in Oregon would have the same responsibility to follow OR's PA laws as would any christer baker.

So.......if you're gonna try to prove a point that muslims get away with shit....make sure you've got all your facts right first so you don't get played the fool again.
/---- How about Ohio? Some Cleveland Hopkins cab drivers refuse to drive with Gay Games signage
Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.

A teacher touches one of ours and justice will be swift and severe....then the authorities can have them
We had a PE teacher I told to 'GFY', when I was in junior high when I refused to undress in front of her. Surprisingly nothing ever came of it for me (I spent a lot of time being in trouble for refusing abuse of any kind). Others finally got fed up with her and her dyke buddy doing that to them and when enough complaints went forward they finally did something about them.
Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
You know that was in Michigan, right?
/----- so?
Michigan doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws....it's totally legal there for businesses to discriminate against gays.
/--- So to prove your point, you sift through the pepper shaker looking for fly shit. So what states do I have to find to prove Muslims discriminate against gays and nothing happens?
Your video is from Michigan. You were trying to prove that Muslims were allowed to discriminate against gay people...Well, yes....so are christers.....in any state that doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws. A muslim baker in Oregon would have the same responsibility to follow OR's PA laws as would any christer baker.

So.......if you're gonna try to prove a point that muslims get away with shit....make sure you've got all your facts right first so you don't get played the fool again.
/---- How about Ohio? Some Cleveland Hopkins cab drivers refuse to drive with Gay Games signage
I suppose the gays, lesbians and other misfits get to pay the taxes when people refuse to work under absurd conditions or go to work for themselves for they don't have to work under conditions they personally find appalling.
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
I can't disagree with her/him on the catholic church being sick for covering for their priest but that doesn't give any excuse for all of the deviants that would or could cause harm to young'ns to be in any position where they can cause them harm.
Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
I can't disagree with her/him on the catholic church being sick for covering for their priest but that doesn't give any excuse for all of the deviants that would or could cause harm to young'ns to be in any position where they can cause them harm.

I was livid over the Church on that and it's made progress on it but dont sit and point fingers while there is fox in your own hen house.
So...you don't like PA laws. Ok. What have you actively done to get them repealed?
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?
Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.

A teacher touches one of ours and justice will be swift and severe....then the authorities can have them
I cannot help but notice you don't say the same about a priest. You quantify.
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
Teachers get caught more....they don't have a religious hierarchy hiding them.
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?
Play whatever you like. It takes a lot of time to put those type things online, plus the right equipment to do it, copies also cost money and we spent every dime we had and then some trying to defend ourselves against these criminals here, when we couldn't pay attorneys nor find any to go against the crooks we took the case on prose to the best of our ability. The records are available if you were truly interested. I'm told fraud upon the court has no statutue of limitations but the fact is most attorneys are too chickenshit to take on such a big case when the system is so f'ing corrupt. It was the same way back when I was arrested in 92-93 on false charges. One attorney was honest enough to tell me "I have other clients I must stand before that judge with and I have to think of them", on the case where they finally took us totally out another lawyer was honest enough to say, "If they did that to you what do you think they will do to me?" Sorry the Democrats have a lot more crooks than the Republicans. Not to say that they don't both have crooks in them but Dems have the Repubs beat all to hell in that department.
Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
Teachers get caught more....they don't have a religious hierarchy hiding them.

They get caught more because they do it more. That pesky study keeps slapping your stupid ass down.
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?

You do all the time
I think the court blew the same sex marriage case but on this one I can understand why the court didn't find the baker's argument convincing. The only judgement that I'll determine by a wedding cake will solely be based on how it looks and tastes. For certain I wouldn't use it to judge the baker's character and certainly don't see it as the baker's endorsement of the marriage.
I think the court blew the same sex marriage case but on this one I can understand why the court didn't find the baker's argument convincing. The only judgement that I'll determine by a wedding cake will solely be based on how it looks and tastes. For certain I wouldn't use it to judge the baker's character and certainly don't see it as the baker's endorsement of the marriage.
Apparently the baker wouldn't deliver or cater to their wedding and that is where it does become an issue. Catering is a specialty service also. They could have just went and got someone else to bake and cater their cake but instead they preferred to attempt to put the baker out of business. If they want this type of service and desire to refuse service to others they need to start their own bakery/business.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?

You do all the time
Such as?
I think the court blew the same sex marriage case but on this one I can understand why the court didn't find the baker's argument convincing. The only judgement that I'll determine by a wedding cake will solely be based on how it looks and tastes. For certain I wouldn't use it to judge the baker's character and certainly don't see it as the baker's endorsement of the marriage.
Apparently the baker wouldn't deliver or cater to their wedding and that is where it does become an issue. Catering is a specialty service also. They could have just went and got someone else to bake and cater their cake but instead they preferred to attempt to put the baker out of business. If they want this type of service and desire to refuse service to others they need to start their own bakery/business.
It is the state, not the couple fining the baker. IMO, they just should have pulled their business license.
Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.

Facts are facts your precious educators do it far more. Keep tap dancing
I can't disagree with her/him on the catholic church being sick for covering for their priest but that doesn't give any excuse for all of the deviants that would or could cause harm to young'ns to be in any position where they can cause them harm.
And we can agree...catch em and punish em.....not hide them like the Catholic Hierarchy has done for a very very very long time.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.
Let's see now....you try to make some kind of point by giving us some tidbits of an anecdote with no evidence to show you didn't make it up whole cloth. Can I play that game too?
Play whatever you like. It takes a lot of time to put those type things online, plus the right equipment to do it, copies also cost money and we spent every dime we had and then some trying to defend ourselves against these criminals here, when we couldn't pay attorneys nor find any to go against the crooks we took the case on prose to the best of our ability. The records are available if you were truly interested. I'm told fraud upon the court has no statutue of limitations but the fact is most attorneys are too chickenshit to take on such a big case when the system is so f'ing corrupt. It was the same way back when I was arrested in 92-93 on false charges. One attorney was honest enough to tell me "I have other clients I must stand before that judge with and I have to think of them", on the case where they finally took us totally out another lawyer was honest enough to say, "If they did that to you what do you think they will do to me?" Sorry the Democrats have a lot more crooks than the Republicans. Not to say that they don't both have crooks in them but Dems have the Repubs beat all to hell in that department.
So...you have TWO anecdotes of you being arrested or done wrong thru "false charges".....

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