Homosexual degeneracy

/---- Those laws aren't enforced equally. No Muslim baker would be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
I'm willing to bet that a Muslim baker who is grateful to be in this country would not have to be forced. But if it came to it, the same laws would apply to them equally. It is stupid to claim otherwise.
/----- you'd lose that bet.
fast forward to the 2 minute mark
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?
You know that was in Michigan, right?
/----- so?
Michigan doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws....it's totally legal there for businesses to discriminate against gays.
/--- So to prove your point, you sift through the pepper shaker looking for fly shit. So what states do I have to find to prove Muslims discriminate against gays and nothing happens?
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
It doesn't surprise me. I recall a few weirdo's when I was in school. One was a porn screen writer /director who had access to young highschooler's. Everyone new what he did on the side in that school administration and he got young women involved in that sick industry at a very young age. He was there for years before being nailed and even then they only slapped his wrists for what he was doing. I could tell you about some doozy's in the local college too.
I'm willing to bet that a Muslim baker who is grateful to be in this country would not have to be forced. But if it came to it, the same laws would apply to them equally. It is stupid to claim otherwise.
/----- you'd lose that bet.
fast forward to the 2 minute mark
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?
You know that was in Michigan, right?
/----- so?
Michigan doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws....it's totally legal there for businesses to discriminate against gays.
/--- So to prove your point, you sift through the pepper shaker looking for fly shit. So what states do I have to find to prove Muslims discriminate against gays and nothing happens?
Your video is from Michigan. You were trying to prove that Muslims were allowed to discriminate against gay people...Well, yes....so are christers.....in any state that doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws. A muslim baker in Oregon would have the same responsibility to follow OR's PA laws as would any christer baker.

So.......if you're gonna try to prove a point that muslims get away with shit....make sure you've got all your facts right first so you don't get played the fool again.
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
It doesn't surprise me. I recall a few weirdo's when I was in school. One was a porn screen writer /director who had access to young highschooler's. Everyone new what he did on the side in that school administration and he got young women involved in that sick industry at a very young age. He was there for years before being nailed and even then they only slapped his wrists for what he was doing. I could tell you about some doozy's in the local college too.
Got some facts, links, news reports to show it to be more than a made up story?
Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. That's #RussianWrs' fake news.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

What special privileges are those you speak of?

We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
So...you don't like PA laws. Ok. What have you actively done to get them repealed?
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
people tried refusing service, once upon a time , it was called jim crow


This is Soul Train Only Black People allowed to enter
This is The Miss African American beauty pageant no whites allowed
We are the Black congregational house committee no whites allowed
This is an African American University no white students allowed
And while you are out and about try getting a drink in a gay bar if you are obviously straight....
Get over it already.
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
It doesn't surprise me. I recall a few weirdo's when I was in school. One was a porn screen writer /director who had access to young highschooler's. Everyone new what he did on the side in that school administration and he got young women involved in that sick industry at a very young age. He was there for years before being nailed and even then they only slapped his wrists for what he was doing. I could tell you about some doozy's in the local college too.
Got some facts, links, news reports to show it to be more than a made up story?
My grandchildren are grown. I am telling you from personal knowledge, you can accept that or deny it, makes no difference to me. I took my books from college home with me and never went back because of college professors that attempted to hire me to become a madame for them. <that was many moons ago. I later learned one of those creeps owned a vacation house right down the street from my parents place. He's now dead and gone on to his rewards and recompense.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
So...you don't like PA laws. Ok. What have you actively done to get them repealed?
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.

You wish, public schools. It just stuffs your ass too. Your precious public education harboring pedos and pederasts. A child is 100 times more likely to be abused by an educator than a priest. That comes from the US Dept of Education.

You should get informed and I wouldn't keep making you look like a dunce
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
So...what children has Harvey Milk been indicted and convicted of molesting? And when did this/these indictments/convictions happen?

English, please.
Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

LMAO Here we go again, just expressing comments on Facebook draws the ire of the homos and their supporters

Michigan Farmer Attacked By Government Because He Doesn’t Support Same Sex Marriage

A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom.

It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page.

This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.

No one showed up to protest that August day last summer, though, and Tennes continued selling organic apples, peaches, cherries, and pumpkins at the seasonal market until October, as he had done the six previous years.

Nevertheless, East Lansing moved earlier this year to ban Tennes’ farm, the Country Mill, from participating in the farmers market when it resumes June 4. The city cited its human relations ordinance, an anti-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation.

So Tennes and his wife sued the city for religious discrimination.

This Farmer Won’t Host Same-Sex Weddings at His Orchard. Now a City Has Banned Him From Its Farmers Market.
The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
So...you don't like PA laws. Ok. What have you actively done to get them repealed?
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?

Now you're picking the fly shit out of the pepper. Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin. Nice try but you have failed

Yes. I am trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper (the pepper being the Christian faith, and the fly shit being bigotry in the name of Christianity)

Your "bigotry" is a Christian's belief, Biblical law. The Constitution guarantees their right to practice their religion without interference. Some two bit hustler on some government agency fining someone such an extreme amount that it forces them to close is bullshit, it's over kill. But you leftists assholes rubbed your grimy little paws with glee....then were stunned when other Christians stepped up to cover it and then some. Fuck you

So racists can use the Bible to not serve blacks? You sure about that?
They used to. The Baptists even split over slavery and the treatment of blacks. Interestingly enough churches can still discriminate against black people.....BUT any one of those churchgoers who have a business cannot discriminate against blacks.

Dr Martin Luther King's answer to a homosexual in his Advice for Living column January 1958

Question for Dr Martin Luther King: My problem is dzfferentfrom the ones most people have. I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought tofeel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me.
What can I do? Is there any place where I can gofor help?

Answer from Martin Luther King:
"Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does re-
quire careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired. Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the ha
to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit. You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it. "

Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been

Why do you think they were so desperate to become scoutmasters?
There are a lot of sicko's in the schools for the same reason (access to the children).

Teachers sexually abusing students is an epidemic
In Parochial schools, most likely.
Nah, it was public school.
One anecdotal case does not an epidemic make. However decades upon decades of a Catholic hierarchy KNOWINGLY moving pedophile priests from parish to parish and protecting them from the law is pretty darn close.
Now you're picking the fly shit out of the pepper. Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin. Nice try but you have failed

Yes. I am trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper (the pepper being the Christian faith, and the fly shit being bigotry in the name of Christianity)

Your "bigotry" is a Christian's belief, Biblical law. The Constitution guarantees their right to practice their religion without interference. Some two bit hustler on some government agency fining someone such an extreme amount that it forces them to close is bullshit, it's over kill. But you leftists assholes rubbed your grimy little paws with glee....then were stunned when other Christians stepped up to cover it and then some. Fuck you

So racists can use the Bible to not serve blacks? You sure about that?
They used to. The Baptists even split over slavery and the treatment of blacks. Interestingly enough churches can still discriminate against black people.....BUT any one of those churchgoers who have a business cannot discriminate against blacks.

Dr Martin Luther King's answer to a homosexual in his Advice for Living column January 1958

Question for Dr Martin Luther King: My problem is dzfferentfrom the ones most people have. I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought tofeel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me.
What can I do? Is there any place where I can gofor help?

Answer from Martin Luther King:
"Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does re-
quire careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired. Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the ha
to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit. You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it. "

Your right to be uncomfortable with my religious beliefs do not overcome my rights granted to be at liberty and free to practice what I believe. As long as I do not break any laws, harm you, your family or your property. You and the others apparently seem to think that I do not have the right to have an opinion. You think you are free to force me to sell my goods and services to you or force me out of business if I do not agree or share your opinions. If you don't like my religious beliefs and I don't wish to serve you open your own business and you can cater to all your friends. <That is liberty and freedom. If you are too chickenshit to spend your own money, time, talent and efforts to open your own bakery or whatever then that is too bad find a publicly traded business to service your needs. If you do not want to take the risks to open your own business then you are stuck with whatever is available out there.

The new thought police and their fascist ideology at work and they wonder why people are sick of their crap.
So...you don't like PA laws. Ok. What have you actively done to get them repealed?
I spend my votes on people that will overturn crap being pushed to force others into their own agendas. I also take the time to write extensive letters telling my elected officials the errors that may come and do come from certain policies. I used to spend my dollars and even a lot of my personal time until a bunch of crooked Democrats got together and paid off some judges to help take me out of business and strip us of our lively hood using illegal means.
Ah....so everyone is out to get you.
That's the best you have... Me, I still have the records, bogus certified court transcript and the actual recording showing that the case was a fraud perpetrated against my husband and I. I never blindly accuse anyone of fraud and such illegal activities in such a manner with out having absolute verifiable proof and trying to fully understand what they were after and why they would do such things.
Feel free to share those with us.
Feel free to pay for the local newspaper guy (he's the cheapest around for them) to make you copies and you can put the whole sordid nasty illegal affair online with your time.

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