Homosexual degeneracy

Actually, they may have been meaning this kind of license, which all business must obtain.

And what kind of license would that be? Go Google because you don't have a clue any more than she does.

Where, in the United States, can you start a business, open to the public, without obtaining a business license?
Did you not say "Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in"????
Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.

So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.

Historically doesn't mean jack shit. We've had civil marriage laws for decades upon decades. You aren't going to get rid of civil marriage simply because icky gays get to do it too.
Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.

So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.

Historically doesn't mean jack shit. We've had civil marriage laws for decades upon decades. You aren't going to get rid of civil marriage simply because icky gays get to do it too.
I gave you my opinion and answered your questions. If you do not like it too bad. Your sexual deviance's and preference's don't mean jack shit to me as its on you, not me or my family.
Remember when the Marxists said gay marriage wouldn't impact anyone who wasn't gay?

Religious freedom or bigotry? Supreme Court mulls high-stakes gay wedding cake case

Of course it impacts society, from economics to propriety to common horse sense. Men trying to use women's bathrooms was a direct result. It's also an indication of a society in regression, though they declare it progression, which conflicts with all kinds of things, nature and sense of normalcy included.

The reality is, gay marriage was the result of a pampered liberal public who had nothing to complain about, similar what's going on with Trump today, only they bitch if Trump sneezes. Gay marriage is a twist of logic, which libs. seem to have "perfected".

Granted, homosexuals should have been given many rights similar marriage, only without the marriage license.
So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.

Historically doesn't mean jack shit. We've had civil marriage laws for decades upon decades. You aren't going to get rid of civil marriage simply because icky gays get to do it too.
I gave you my opinion and answered your questions. If you do not like it too bad. Your sexual deviance's and preference's don't mean jack shit to me as its on you, not me or my family.

And I gave you the majority opinion of the country...gays will stay married and the gummit will stay in it.
No you can't and thinking you can makes you the moron.

Another arrogant pinhead who's never had or run a business, yet believes they all have a "license" that leftist trash can threaten and get revoked. Little wonder you're flat-line leftist...you're not capable of being anything else.
Did you not say "Marriage is a religious institution which the state should never have been involved in"????
Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.

So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.
So...you only have a religious marriage? Because if you do...good luck with inheritance, etc.
No you can't and thinking you can makes you the moron.

Another arrogant pinhead who's never had or run a business, yet believes they all have a "license" that leftist trash can threaten and get revoked. Little wonder you're flat-line leftist...you're not capable of being anything else.
I have a business....sorry to see you do not, because it shows in your silly responses.
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.

Historically doesn't mean jack shit. We've had civil marriage laws for decades upon decades. You aren't going to get rid of civil marriage simply because icky gays get to do it too.
I gave you my opinion and answered your questions. If you do not like it too bad. Your sexual deviance's and preference's don't mean jack shit to me as its on you, not me or my family.

And I gave you the majority opinion of the country...gays will stay married and the gummit will stay in it.
Actually you are merely giving your bias opinion.

Yes I said that. It is not the states business to be involved in religious institutions and marriage is exactly that. Any contract can be filed with a County Recorder and all matters involved in the dissolving those contracts can be dealt with by common law.

So you don't understand the difference between a civil marriage and a religious one? Neither requires the other.

Are you married? If so, did you ONLY marry in a church?
My private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, just as your private life is none of mine as long as it does not interfere with my life.

Contracts are registered all the time. And yes I am fully aware that some believe that they should have the right to interfere with another persons personal faith and personal affairs where the state has no business being involved unless a contractual obligation is in disagreement.
We really don't care about your private life even tho you keep foisting it upon us like some kind of "be all and end all" example. But if you were only married in a church, you have no legal protections from the government.....Do you believe in "marriage" only being a religious institution enough to give up those legal protections? :eusa_eh: Or is it all just talk?
Foisting in you? Quit asking questions if you can't handle or you don't want to hear the answers. You wanted my opinion and you claimed my testimony wasn't good enough for you so I responded to you with verification slitch. Historically churches kept the records and kept track of the families. If you can't handle history that is another personal problem you have.
So...you only have a religious marriage? Because if you do...good luck with inheritance, etc.
I have already said my personal business is none of your concern.
You don't seem like you like freedom very much...I bet you'd ban most freedoms and choices within our society if you nuts had your way.

Don't ever talk to me about freedom....You don't support having any.
I have already said my personal business is none of your concern.
You don't want to admit you're a raging hypocrite. You've shared that you've been incarcerated numerous times, but won't say if you're married because it's "none of our business". :lol: Why did you feel your criminal history was our business?
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...that is the reason most work from home and without the benefit of government help...i am in a fuss with my baker who wants to do my cake on the 20 th frost on the 21 st and serve on the 24 th lol wtf? the cake would either be too dry or have so much simply syrup in it i couldnt eat it....i just cussed her for being a sorry ass baker and reminded her of all the promises she made last year when she couldnt do my cake..and this year she is off to the beach?

my point being if you want this bs go public open a business .....pay taxes and have regulations or work from home and do what you want....this doesnt encourage small businesses

As has been often stated, the issue with the bakers, and the reason they were fined was for being in contempt of court and publishing the names and addresses of the women who complained.

These women and their children, received death threats, and had to move and change their phone number because of the harassment.

The bakers refused the order to remove this information from their website thus leading to their claims of being victims in this case when THEY have been the aggressors from the beginning. This is a crusade for these people who are doing this to themselves, all the while claiming that it is their rights which are being violated.
The names and addresses of the complainants was published. Good. It should happen in every case like this.
I have already said my personal business is none of your concern.
You don't want to admit you're a raging hypocrite. You've shared that you've been incarcerated numerous times, but won't say if you're married because it's "none of our business". :lol: Why did you feel your criminal history was our business?
Obviously you do not read very well and you make a lot of presumptions based on your own failed abilities to comprehend. I told your twat friend about one incident of a false arrest as she/he wanted some viable proof of court corruption, so I even gave her links so he/she could call the dis-robed magistrate judge and a link to verify what I said about a court willingly covering up major fraud (btw, that same corrupt court and the same law firm that willingly covered up major fraud are the same ones that forced gay marriage through bench rulings on the people here- several judges here were also voted off of the bench for their corruption of making such erroneous legislation from the bench on marriage issues so it isn't widely approved of as you say at all Iowa voters oust justices who made same-sex marriage legal - CNN.com ) . You two give nothing more than your own personal opinions. You both prove your absolute ignorance time and time again. Apparently you do not know the difference between what a false arrest is and what incarceration is. Then again who could really expect anymore from someone that is as confused as you two are. You apparently have no problem admitting how confused you both are to the whole world.
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