Homosexual degeneracy

Remember when the Marxists said gay marriage wouldn't impact anyone who wasn't gay?

Religious freedom or bigotry? Supreme Court mulls high-stakes gay wedding cake case
Here is a real degenerate and 30 more:

North Carolina woman admits leading 30 parishioners in beating of gay church member to expel his ‘demons’

North Carolina woman admitted in court in Friday that she led approximately 30 parishioners from her church to attack and beat a gay member of the church in an effort to “expel his demons,” Pink News is reporting.

Sarah Anderson is one of five members of the Word of Faith church in North Carolina who has been charged with assault on Matthew Fenner in 2013.

Speaking in court, Anderson said she believed Fenner was “unclean and sinful,” after the minister of the church, Brooke Covington, launched into a reported 2-hour long verbal assault on the man. The minister told Fenner that “God said there is something wrong in your life.”
As Trump continues his deobammaification of the country I can only hope some form of self rule is returned. The result would be no more homosexual marriage or homosexual men walking into an adoption agency saying "we'd like to adopt a young boy-blond if possible"
The duke university crew said get black one as they are easier to get. In theory Duke University led the way to get access to children via adoption methods. 'Duke Lacrosse Rape' case. ... "diversity" - a homosexual "couple"

Russia banned Americans from adopting Russian children because of this gay adoption stuff.
Kremlin Takes Action After Exchange Student Adopted by U.S. Homosexual Couple Family Research Council reported in 2002, “[h]omosexuals are over-represented in child sex offenses"
Just more of your stupid shit. I can come up with a dozen cases of child sex abuse and exploitation by HETEROSEXUALS for every one that you can come up with involving gay people . As far as Russia goes, what the fuck else would you expect of them '

⦁ I have a couple of important questions for anyone else opposed to gay adoption, but first a few points and facts:

I have made child advocacy and lifelong pursuit and providing as many options for children who are in need of adoption is vital. I also have a commitment to the civil rights of all of my fellow citizens.

Now pay attention. There are about 100,000 children nationwide in need of an adopted family. In addition, most people who want to adopt want a very young and healthy child while many children who are “in the system” are neither. ⦁ Children Waiting Adoption - PureLocal

⦁ In addition consider this:

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.
Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

⦁ An estimated two million LGLB people are ⦁ interested in adopting.
⦁ An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
⦁ More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and ⦁ gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
⦁ Gay and ⦁ lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
⦁ Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

It is clear that if gay and lesbians were excluded from the pool of potential adoptive parents, that some children will not be adopted, who otherwise might have been. Those children do not have either a mother or a father.
Now the questions. Please try to answer honestly. Try to show us that you care about the children and are not just a bigoted scum who wishes to punish gays at all costs even if the children are collateral damage:

1. Given the information above, do you still support a ban on adoption by gays, even if it means that some children will grow up in the system without either a legal mother or father? Would that be better? If so why?

2. Given the number of children- often the biological child- who are already in the care of a gay person , should the state prohibit adoption as a second parent by a partner of that gay parent, when doing so will deprive that child of having the security of two legal parents? If so why? ( Keeping in mind that the child in question will be physically with that same sex couple regardless)
As Trump continues his deobammaification of the country I can only hope some form of self rule is returned. The result would be no more homosexual marriage or homosexual men walking into an adoption agency saying "we'd like to adopt a young boy-blond if possible"
The duke university crew said get black one as they are easier to get. In theory Duke University led the way to get access to children via adoption methods. 'Duke Lacrosse Rape' case. ... "diversity" - a homosexual "couple"

Russia banned Americans from adopting Russian children because of this gay adoption stuff.
Kremlin Takes Action After Exchange Student Adopted by U.S. Homosexual Couple Family Research Council reported in 2002, “[h]omosexuals are over-represented in child sex offenses"
Here is more for your pea brain to ponder......

⦁ There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.
Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:
⦁ An estimated two million LGLB people are ⦁ interested in adopting.
⦁ An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
⦁ More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and ⦁ gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
⦁ Gay and ⦁ lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
⦁ Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states and was legal in many, well before same sex marriage. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.
Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

1. If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

2. If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

3. Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?
Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.

Answer the fucking questions or shut the fuck up!
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
As Trump continues his deobammaification of the country I can only hope some form of self rule is returned. The result would be no more homosexual marriage or homosexual men walking into an adoption agency saying "we'd like to adopt a young boy-blond if possible"
The duke university crew said get black one as they are easier to get. In theory Duke University led the way to get access to children via adoption methods. 'Duke Lacrosse Rape' case. ... "diversity" - a homosexual "couple"

Russia banned Americans from adopting Russian children because of this gay adoption stuff.
Kremlin Takes Action After Exchange Student Adopted by U.S. Homosexual Couple Family Research Council reported in 2002, “[h]omosexuals are over-represented in child sex offenses"
And more.....don't let your diseased head explode now:

While anyone can find anecdotal evidence or cite studies and come up with statistics that supports the view that children are harmed by having gay parents, I can speak from personal experience. I worked in a state run child welfare agency for 26 years. I had many jobs during that time including child protective services investigator, protective services supervisor, foster care unit supervisor, and foster and adoptive parent trainer.

The state in question, New Jersey, has been placing children with gay foster and adoptive parents for decades, long before same sex marriage was even being discussed. During my career, I was involved in some manner or other with thousands of cases of child abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse neglect as well is families that were generally dysfunctional due to substance abuse or mental health issues. I was responsible for removing children from some of those homes when it was determined that the risk was too great not to do so, or if the parents could not be rehabilitated.

In all that time I never came across a gay person who was the perpetrator of child abuse of any kind. Granted, they are few in number compared to heterosexual couples and single parents, but we are talking about a span of more than two and a half decades. In addition, I personally placed children with gay and lesbian couples and individuals after they were damaged by their straight parents. Those gay people provided loving and nurturing homes and gave those kids the best shot in life possible. And no, there were not enough straight people to care for those kids, but if there were I would have still have placed them with the gay folks if the match was right.

Never once did I have a problem with a gay foster of adoptive parent. Never once did any of them reject a child because they were not of the “correct” sexual orientation, but some straight people did in fact reject gay kids. During my time there and beyond I followed those families and I can tell you that those children have grown and thrived and overcame the bad hand that they were dealt by their straight parents, largely due to the nurturing offered and sacrifices made by the gay families who took them in.

In addition, when we talk about gay adoption, most often we are referring to situations where the child in question is the biological child of gay person and that persons partner wishes to adopt as a second parent. The benefits of having two legal parents are clear. There are an estimated 2 million children in the care of gay people. That will not change by banning adoption. It will only put those children at a disadvantage, socially, financially and legally.

In conclusion, opposition to gay adoption is just ignorant and hateful equine excrement. To say that you care about the children while opposing adoption by gays is hypocrisy at it’s very worst.
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link

Fuck off, hypocrite. Our kids are fine. Worry about the kids of divorce. They're screwed up.
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link

Fuck off, hypocrite. Our kids are fine. Worry about the kids of divorce. They're screwed up.
Then stay on your turf bitch do not even try step foot on mine.
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
here is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
here is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
You are absolutely right Miketx. The crap they are putting out will be going back on them a hundredfold.
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

This is just another major fail!! You can't win this. I have heard it all!!

OK, 6 adult children of gay parents came forward to make the claim same sex marriage harms children, before same sex marriage was legal nation wide. In addition, there is no indication as to whether their parents were married or lived in a state where same sex marriage was legal at the time. Strike #1

Yes, these people seem to be troubled and angry, and perhaps for good reason. Some may have in fact experienced dysfunctional homes and parents. The problem is, that this in no way proves that more children of gay parents experience less than optimal childhoods than do children of heterosexual parents.

In addition, regardless of the status of same sex marriage, gay people and same sex couples will have children. Having legal status can only help the stability of the family and provide needed security for the children

One child writes that legalizing same sex marriage is writing the need for a mother and a father out of the civil code. Is that what it is doing? Really? Lets think about that. Whether children need a mother and a father is not even the issue. Many children do not have a mother and a father for a variety of reasons, and not allowing same sex marriage is not going to change that. Nor would it change the fact that she had a lesbian mother, and her father was not around. A loving lesbian mother according to the article!!

And from the same article:

Groups for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families, such as the Family Equality Council and COLAGE, have filed a brief with the Supreme Court.
They argue that families led by same-sex parents deserve “no less protection” than other families, and that years of marriage rights for gay families have already shown that it benefits children and has “harmed no one.”

“I laugh at the thought of a ‘gay lifestyle,’ because other than being led by two women, my family is about as traditional as it gets,” Kinsey Morrison, an 18-year-old woman from Kentucky, said in COLAGE brief to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t look back and wish I was raised in a household with straight parents. I wish my mom and stepmom could finally have validation of their love,” Lea Mitchell, 29, of Michigan, said in the COLAGE brief, which was filled with statements from some two dozen children raised in LGBT homes.

Get the fuck over it!
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Why in the hell does a person go into business and turn down money from clients? I've done masonry jobs for gays, it didn't bother me..
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
here is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Are you stupid or a Trump voter? Oops, sorry synonymous.

I just gave you the link to the FEDERAL law that states otherwise.
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link

Fuck off, hypocrite. Our kids are fine. Worry about the kids of divorce. They're screwed up.
Then stay on your turf bitch do not even try step foot on mine.

Your "turf"? :lol: Whatever, internet tough hypocrite.
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
here is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Are you stupid or a Trump voter? Oops, sorry synonymous.

I just gave you the link to the FEDERAL law that states otherwise.
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit. I had my own business. I refused to do business with certain people. There was no "business license", I did not have to have one. That's only in commie cities. The people I refused to do business with either wanted me to break the law, do something unethical or cheat me. I threw them out. I did NOT have to to do business with them.

One such asshole wanted me to call his wife he was divorcing and tell her she had to come pay for the repairs on his truck, charge her more, and split the difference. I ran his sorry ass off.
Last edited:

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