Homosexual degeneracy

So you have the right to hang your ass out for anyone that comes along and I have the right to keep mine secure from people I don't want near mine. So there you have it, if you are a cretin enough to show your ass and you consider that being courageous then it should be obvious there will be those whom you offend. Therefore with all that being said you may want to pick your battles wisely especially these days where everything is labelled either politically correct or politically incorrect. Morality got mugged in the back alleys.
If you think that business transactions involve sexual (gay) contact or activities, it only proves you are full of shit. You've been watching too much porn..
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
If you think that business transactions involve sexual (gay) contact or activities, it only proves you are full of shit. You've been watching too much porn..
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
You mean those religious organizations that for some reason allowed to be tax-free...while the rest of us pay taxes.
If you think that business transactions involve sexual (gay) contact or activities, it only proves you are full of shit. You've been watching too much porn..
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
They are trying to do what everyone else is doing, having fair access to exist..
There are some that will push the limits of course but not the majority.
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
You mean those religious organizations that for some reason allowed to be tax-free...while the rest of us pay taxes.
I never understood why some churches will kick out people when they find out their sexual orientation either..It is not how I interpret what Christ said and it never happened in the family church I was raised in.
The gay rights issue is one of the most contrived civil rights issues of all time. The Constitution was meant to apply to everyone. But gay rights activists stepped outside the envelope and redefined discrimination to fit their definition and coned influential people into thinking that homosexuals are a new found group deprived of their civil rights. Sexual deviancy ( homosexuality) is never mentioned in the Constitution, or alluded to. The inferences about sexuality are purely subjective. Boy, has that worked to the favor of the homosexual PACs.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.
Yeah, let's blow this out of proportion..
I was putting tongue deeply in cheek, but it's not far from the point. We all have the same rights, we just don't see eye to eye on who is a "victim".
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
They are trying to do what everyone else is doing, having fair access to exist..
There are some that will push the limits of course but not the majority.
Like those here that claim I have no right to make a living or do business if I refuse to go along with their agenda. They went way to far as far as I am concerned so they can reap the rewards of their own self inflicted subjection's. The same goes for the lying ass self righteous who have used their religious connections in their attempt to try to bury me.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.
Yeah, let's blow this out of proportion..
I was putting tongue deeply in cheek, but it's not far from the point. We all have the same rights, we just don't see eye to eye on who is a "victim".
Well I for one am for equality. But we know why the laws were implemented for marrying siblings..
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
You mean those religious organizations that for some reason allowed to be tax-free...while the rest of us pay taxes.
Nah at the moment we are talking about your screwed up twisted lies and accusations...
The gay rights issue is one of the most contrived civil rights issues of all time. The Constitution was meant to apply to everyone. But gay rights activists stepped outside the envelope and redefined discrimination to fit their definition and coned influential people into thinking that homosexuals are a new found group deprived of their civil rights. Sexual deviancy ( homosexuality) is never mentioned in the Constitution, or alluded to. The inferences about sexuality are purely subjective. Boy, has that worked to the favor of the homosexual PACs.
"Conned". Brainwashed, fooled, silly me.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.
Yeah, let's blow this out of proportion..
I was putting tongue deeply in cheek, but it's not far from the point. We all have the same rights, we just don't see eye to eye on who is a "victim".
Well I for one am for equality. But we know why the laws were implemented for marrying siblings..
There was a reason immorality laws were in place too and its pretty damn obvious why when we start putting all the pieces in place.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
People can do what they want, as long as they don't force that shit in the schools.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.
Yeah, let's blow this out of proportion..
I was putting tongue deeply in cheek, but it's not far from the point. We all have the same rights, we just don't see eye to eye on who is a "victim".
Well I for one am for equality. But we know why the laws were implemented for marrying siblings..
There was a reason immorality laws were in place too and its pretty damn obvious why when we start putting all the pieces in place.
Yes, they were oppressive to the rights of citizens.
Times change, we no longer stone and burn people according to a book...A book that says to love thy neighbor, only to have those commanded to hate them, and want to ostracize those they they were commanded to love.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
I don't know what a RWNJ is, were in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? I missed that specific reference.
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
I don't know what a RWNJ is, were in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? I missed that specific reference.

RWNJ = willfully ignorant American who sides with Poooting against their own country and is consistently against basic rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Also, in favor of trump's oft repeated desire to gut same.

"... were [sic] in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? ..."

That's easy.

The 14th Amendment.

Don't worry though. King of the Cheetos has said he wants to gut much of the constitution and I would imagine he'll get around to peeking into people's bedrooms too.

And the above described RWNJ morons are in favor of anything that weakens the US.

The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
I don't know what a RWNJ is, were in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? I missed that specific reference.

RWNJ = willfully ignorant American who sides with Poooting against their own country and is consistently against basic rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Also, in favor of trump's oft repeated desire to gut same.

"... were [sic] in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? ..."

That's easy.

The 14th Amendment.

Don't worry though. King of the Cheetos has said he wants to gut much of the constitution and I would imagine he'll get around to peeking into people's bedrooms too.

And the above described RWNJ morons are in favor of anything that weakens the US.

Thanks. So what about us minority willfully INFORMED people that disagree with popular liberal paradigms? Is there another way of minimizing us with a witty acronym?
The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
I don't know what a RWNJ is, were in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? I missed that specific reference.

RWNJ = willfully ignorant American who sides with Poooting against their own country and is consistently against basic rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Also, in favor of trump's oft repeated desire to gut same.

"... were [sic] in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? ..."

That's easy.

The 14th Amendment.

Don't worry though. King of the Cheetos has said he wants to gut much of the constitution and I would imagine he'll get around to peeking into people's bedrooms too.

And the above described RWNJ morons are in favor of anything that weakens the US.

Thanks. So what about us minority willfully INFORMED people that disagree with popular liberal paradigms? Is there another way of minimizing us with a witty acronym?

Stop meddling and messing with other people's lives because, and surely you already know this, THAT is what actually minimizes you.


Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws? How about safety laws? Health laws? Those ok to ignore in the name of so-called religion too?
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
here is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Are you stupid or a Trump voter? Oops, sorry synonymous.

I just gave you the link to the FEDERAL law that states otherwise.
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit. I had my own business. I refused to do business with certain people. There was no "business license", I did not have to have one. That's only in commie cities. The people I refused to do business with either wanted me to break the law, do something unethical or cheat me. I threw them out. I did NOT have to to do business with them.

One such asshole wanted me to call his wife he was divorcing and tell her she had to come pay for the repairs on his truck, charge her more, and split the difference. I ran his sorry ass off.
Can you possibly be that fucking stupid and still be alive. It seems to me that you are so mentally deficient that you would not know better than to walk out in front of an 18 wheeler. We are talking about discrimination, and you are bringing up situations concerning illegal and unethical business dealings. That is a false equivalency type of logical fallacy- or just fucking stupid-stupid-stupid.
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.
But there ARE laws in many states that say that you MUST DO BUISNESS with anyone who walks through your door regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Guess again, Skippy

Title II Of The Civil Rights Act (Public Accommodations) | CRT | Department of Justice
here is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit.

Are you stupid or a Trump voter? Oops, sorry synonymous.

I just gave you the link to the FEDERAL law that states otherwise.
There is no law that says you have to do business with someone. That is pure liberal bullshit. I had my own business. I refused to do business with certain people. There was no "business license", I did not have to have one. That's only in commie cities. The people I refused to do business with either wanted me to break the law, do something unethical or cheat me. I threw them out. I did NOT have to to do business with them.

One such asshole wanted me to call his wife he was divorcing and tell her she had to come pay for the repairs on his truck, charge her more, and split the difference. I ran his sorry ass off.
Can you possibly be that fucking stupid and still be alive. It seems to me that you are so mentally deficient that you would not know better than to walk out in front of an 18 wheeler. We are talking about discrimination, and you are bringing up situations concerning illegal and unethical business dealings. That is a false equivalency type of logical fallacy- or just fucking stupid-stupid-stupid.
Yes, you can bake of shit filled cake for anybody…

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