Homosexual degeneracy

The American Constitution never brings up sexual issues, it never specifically forbids or condones necrophilia, incest or homosexuality. Those were, and still are moral issues, not civil rights issues. Perhaps, IF enough of you want to make marrying your dead same sex sibling the next big civil rights issue, that would be the next logical step in the evolution in this little passion play.

MaryL Yes, same sex marriage aka marriage equality is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

The real problem here is that you RWNJs don't know exactly what "constitutional" means.
I don't know what a RWNJ is, were in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? I missed that specific reference.
You should read the Constitution before expressing your ignorance of it again.

The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws. Our government provides about a thousand gifts in the form of cash and prizes to married people. It achieves this through laws. Every government gift you receive was given to you by law.

For example, Social Security survivor benefits. A government gift provided by law to married people.

The whole political issue over gay marriage is a fight over government cash and prizes. Heteros DEMANDED these gifts, and they don't want gays to have the exact same gifts.

If there were no gifts, gay marriage would not even be an issue.

It sure as shit has nothing to do with religion. It is all about the government gifts.

So the government can write a law which gives everyone a free lollipop. It could not then withhold lollipops from gays "because fags are icky". That would be a violation of the 14th Amendment. The government would have to have a rational basis for withholding lollipops from a particular group.

Then, when some dumbshit like you would come along and ask, "Were [sic] in the Constitution exactly ARE lollipops for gays guaranteed?", the answer would be, "The 14th Amendment."

You're welcome.
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My opinion is based on reality, like say, man made climate warming or evolution. Your definition may differ some what. Like people need to immigrate legally to be called immigrants, I am like that. Strict adherent to reality.
Man made faggots.
It says nothing about sexuality. Don't denigrate me because I don't agree with you. It cheapens all of us.
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link

Fuck off, hypocrite. Our kids are fine. Worry about the kids of divorce. They're screwed up.
Then stay on your turf bitch do not even try step foot on mine.

Your "turf"? :lol: Whatever, internet tough hypocrite.
You are too stupid to even recall the OP and the original arguments that you have the right to force me to do business with you.

In some states you do have to...just like gays have to serve Christians in all 50 states. They're called Public Accommodation laws. (They've been around since the 60s)
Never said I thought that but you like the others here can make up whatever, that is typical fascist behavior that attempts to force someone else into their box with lies, accusations and false narratives. I have said it is no one's business who I choose to do business with or who I allow onto my privately own property.
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
You mean those religious organizations that for some reason allowed to be tax-free...while the rest of us pay taxes.

Yup, those ones seeking special rights in the form of little carve outs exempting them from public accommodation laws. Nobody can seem to answer why anti gay bigots should get special rights to discriminate that we don't give racist bigots that right.
I honestly do not understand this incessant whining about gays being able to file joint income tax returns or collect Social Security survivor's benefits.

It's based on nothing but irrational hate.
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
A thoroughly ridiculous and massively ignorant lie.
You made me laugh. Were in the constitution IS sexuality mentioned?
Did you even read my post about the 14th Amendment, retard? Or did its length being longer than a tweet cause your brain to freeze?

You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe gays have always enjoyed the same freedoms as the rest of us. You just can't be that fucking stupid and have a brain capable of drawing breath.
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In your lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
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In Houston, Texas, officers of the Harris County Police Department were dispatched to a private residence in response to a reported weapons disturbance. They entered an apartment where one of the petitioners, John Geddes Lawrence, resided. The right of the police to enter does not seem to have been questioned. The officers observed Lawrence and another man, Tyron Garner, engaging in a sexual act. The two petitioners were arrested, held in custody over night, and charged and convicted before a Justice of the Peace.

The complaints described their crime as “deviate sexual intercourse, namely anal sex, with a member of the same sex (man).” App. to Pet. for Cert. 127a, 139a. The applicable state law is Tex. Penal Code Ann. §21.06(a) (2003). It provides: “A person commits an offense if he engages in deviate sexual intercourse with another individual of the same sex.”

It wasn't until 2003 that laws against gays having gay sex were finally ruled unconstitutional.


So where were we?

Oh, yes:

Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
A thoroughly ridiculous and massively ignorant lie. The depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In my lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Why do you need to sink to name calling? I am sixty years old, OK, back to the topic, everyone has the same rights and always have, Not all of us believe being homosexual is the same as being normal, that's relatively new phenomena. We see this as manipulation by homosexual wealthy minority to fit their agenda. Money talks, as they say.
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In my lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Why do you need to sink to name calling? I am sixty years old
Then you have no excuse for making such an incredibly stupid and ignorant claim.


You got your feelings hurt? Too bad. You are extremely offensive yourself, so get used to it.
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In my lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Why do you need to sink to name calling? I am sixty years old
Then you have no excuse for making such an incredibly stupid and ignorant claim.


You got your feelings hurt? Too bad. You are extremely offensive yourself, so get used to it.
I love you, I am listening to Bach, his Brandenburg concerto in G minor, not Beethoven's ode to joy..Suffern' Jesus.
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Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In my lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Why do you need to sink to name calling? I am sixty years old, OK, back to the topic, everyone has the same rights and always have, Not all of us believe being homosexual is the same as being normal, that's relatively new phenomena. We see this as manipulation by homosexual wealthy minority to fit their agenda. Money talks, as they say.
You're incredibly stupid.

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