Homosexual degeneracy

The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In my lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Why do you need to sink to name calling? I am sixty years old, OK, back to the topic, everyone has the same rights and always have, Not all of us believe being homosexual is the same as being normal, that's relatively new phenomena. We see this as manipulation by homosexual wealthy minority to fit their agenda. Money talks, as they say.
You're incredibly stupid.

WOW! Calling someone "stupid" is a tactic used in a leftard/liberal college debates, no?

Leftard: "I can't refute what you posted...thus I deem you as "stupid"......(crosses arms, sits back with a smug look of satisfaction on his face as if he has played a game of chess and declared "Checkmate").......seriously? I have to ask this very pertinent question because I have witnessed firsthand your piss-poor attempts at discussing.........why do you even bother? What is your motivation for even being here? You are like the guy that show up to a "covered dish" picnic expecting to be fed...
Um, gays have always had that same rights as everyone else.
You are aware that gays used to be arrested just for being gay, right? In my lifetime.

Right, dumbass?

As I said, the depth of stupidity required to make such a statement is positively shocking.
Why do you need to sink to name calling? I am sixty years old, OK, back to the topic, everyone has the same rights and always have, Not all of us believe being homosexual is the same as being normal, that's relatively new phenomena. We see this as manipulation by homosexual wealthy minority to fit their agenda. Money talks, as they say.
You're incredibly stupid.

WOW! Calling someone "stupid" is a tactic used in a leftard/liberal college debates, no?

Leftard: "I can't refute what you posted...thus I deem you as "stupid"......(crosses arms, sits back with a smug look of satisfaction on his face as if he has played a game of chess and declared "Checkmate").......seriously? I have to ask this very pertinent question because I have witnessed firsthand your piss-poor attempts at discussing.........why do you even bother? What is your motivation for even being here? You are like the guy that show up to a "covered dish" picnic expecting to be fed...
I'm sure you approve of Trump's filthy speech.
I don't know what a RWNJ is, were in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? I missed that specific reference.

RWNJ = willfully ignorant American who sides with Poooting against their own country and is consistently against basic rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Also, in favor of trump's oft repeated desire to gut same.

"... were [sic] in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? ..."

That's easy.

The 14th Amendment.

Don't worry though. King of the Cheetos has said he wants to gut much of the constitution and I would imagine he'll get around to peeking into people's bedrooms too.

And the above described RWNJ morons are in favor of anything that weakens the US.

Thanks. So what about us minority willfully INFORMED people that disagree with popular liberal paradigms? Is there another way of minimizing us with a witty acronym?

Stop meddling and messing with other people's lives because, and surely you already know this, THAT is what actually minimizes you.


Gays are a contrived lot, like red headed left handed dwarves. Not mentioned in the American Constitution, one way or the other.


Saying the same thing over and over does not make it a fact.

I have green eyes. I'm not mentioned in the constitution.
Brown hair, tall people, musical talent - those things aren't mentioned either.

But, I gave you a link to where same sex marriage is a constitutionally guaranteed right.

You can pretend that's not true but, like I said, saying it doesn't make it true.

Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it.


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
There is no right to marry a queer.
The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.

Who wants to normalize pedophilia ??! YOu? Do you know anyone who does. That is just stupid as stupid gets but exactly what we have come to expect of you. And to invoke Kinsey who died in 1956 and to suggest that he having inspired the sexual revolution will lead to the normalization of pedophilia now is even stupider, as though that were possible. Kinsey was bi sexual and was branded as a pervert because of some questionable research practices involving the sexuality of children but there is no indication that he, himself ever had sex with children.

So who the fuck wants to normalize pedophilia??!! Pedophilia makes me sick as it does to all normal people. I worked as a child abuse investigator for 26 years. I dealt with all sorts of abuse, including sexual abuse , and I know how damaging it is to children. You talking about " The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda." is dangerous and irresponsible and cheepens the work that I did and that is being carried on by others. Who's fucking adgenda are you talking about. I don't want to hear any bovine excrement about the NAMBLA either. It was never a gay organiztion and disavowed by the gay right movement early on. It is now largly defunct. Now tell us who wants to normaize pedophilia. Tell us how they are working to do that . Or, shut the fuck up!
RWNJ = willfully ignorant American who sides with Poooting against their own country and is consistently against basic rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Also, in favor of trump's oft repeated desire to gut same.

"... were [sic] in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? ..."

That's easy.

The 14th Amendment.

Don't worry though. King of the Cheetos has said he wants to gut much of the constitution and I would imagine he'll get around to peeking into people's bedrooms too.

And the above described RWNJ morons are in favor of anything that weakens the US.

Thanks. So what about us minority willfully INFORMED people that disagree with popular liberal paradigms? Is there another way of minimizing us with a witty acronym?

Stop meddling and messing with other people's lives because, and surely you already know this, THAT is what actually minimizes you.


Gays are a contrived lot, like red headed left handed dwarves. Not mentioned in the American Constitution, one way or the other.


Saying the same thing over and over does not make it a fact.

I have green eyes. I'm not mentioned in the constitution.
Brown hair, tall people, musical talent - those things aren't mentioned either.

But, I gave you a link to where same sex marriage is a constitutionally guaranteed right.

You can pretend that's not true but, like I said, saying it doesn't make it true.

Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it.


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
There is no right to marry a queer.
Obergefel v. Hodges
The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.

Who wants to normalize pedophilia ??! YOu? Do you know anyone who does. That is just stupid as stupid gets but exactly what we have come to expect of you. And to invoke Kinsey who died in 1956 and to suggest that he having inspired the sexual revolution will lead to the normalization of pedophilia now is even stupider, as though that were possible. Kinsey was bi sexual and was branded as a pervert because of some questionable research practices involving the sexuality of children but there is no indication that he, himself ever had sex with children.

So who the fuck wants to normalize pedophilia??!! Pedophilia makes me sick as it does to all normal people. I worked as a child abuse investigator for 26 years. I dealt with all sorts of abuse, including sexual abuse , and I know how damaging it is to children. You talking about " The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda." is dangerous and irresponsible and cheepens the work that I did and that is being carried on by others. Who's fucking adgenda are you talking about. I don't want to hear any bovine excrement about the NAMBLA either. It was never a gay organiztion and disavowed by the gay right movement early on. It is now largly defunct. Now tell us who wants to normaize pedophilia. Tell us how they are working to do that . Or, shut the fuck up!

The cultural marxists are wanting to normalize it along with some other perversions and they are using the same tactics that they did to normalize homosexuality and my contention that Kinsey's "sex study" concerning children are sexual and even included "research" from pedophiles including their own children was used in his study. You might want to engage in a little research yourself before you lash out at me because it makes you look foolish. You are looking at this from a sheer emotional position.

We have GLSEN that is being allowed to go into grade schools promoting homosexuality and trans-genderism and just recently a "drag-queen" did story time at a grade school. NAMBLA marched in early Gay Pride parades and were only distanced from by the LGBTQ because of negative press....not because they disagreed with them. There is a serious pedophilia problem that is world wide and the tentacles of those that profit from it are the elites for a litany of reasons. I commend you for helping abuse victims.....how you can keep your sanity is a testament to the fact that you are strong mentally. Personally, I have had nightmares about the things I have researched including things done by our own alleged "government".

You are totally wrong about Kinsey and claiming that he wasn't the biggest stepping stone that brought about the sexual revolution and the "anything goes" and "Do as thy wilst" of Aliester Crowley (that had also been in contact with Kinsey) and if you do not know about Crowley and his penchant for sex majik rituals and how he started the Ordo Templi Orientis, you have some reading to do. If you think you can refute my findings? Please, by all means, lets have a debate.
The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.

Who wants to normalize pedophilia ??! YOu? Do you know anyone who does. That is just stupid as stupid gets but exactly what we have come to expect of you. And to invoke Kinsey who died in 1956 and to suggest that he having inspired the sexual revolution will lead to the normalization of pedophilia now is even stupider, as though that were possible. Kinsey was bi sexual and was branded as a pervert because of some questionable research practices involving the sexuality of children but there is no indication that he, himself ever had sex with children.

So who the fuck wants to normalize pedophilia??!! Pedophilia makes me sick as it does to all normal people. I worked as a child abuse investigator for 26 years. I dealt with all sorts of abuse, including sexual abuse , and I know how damaging it is to children. You talking about " The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda." is dangerous and irresponsible and cheepens the work that I did and that is being carried on by others. Who's fucking adgenda are you talking about. I don't want to hear any bovine excrement about the NAMBLA either. It was never a gay organiztion and disavowed by the gay right movement early on. It is now largly defunct. Now tell us who wants to normaize pedophilia. Tell us how they are working to do that . Or, shut the fuck up!

The cultural marxists are wanting to normalize it along with some other perversions and they are using the same tactics that they did to normalize homosexuality and my contention that Kinsey's "sex study" concerning children are sexual and even included "research" from pedophiles including their own children was used in his study. You might want to engage in a little research yourself before you lash out at me because it makes you look foolish. You are looking at this from a sheer emotional position.

We have GLSEN that is being allowed to go into grade schools promoting homosexuality and trans-genderism and just recently a "drag-queen" did story time at a grade school. NAMBLA marched in early Gay Pride parades and were only distanced from by the LGBTQ because of negative press....not because they disagreed with them. There is a serious pedophilia problem that is world wide and the tentacles of those that profit from it are the elites for a litany of reasons. I commend you for helping abuse victims.....how you can keep your sanity is a testament to the fact that you are strong mentally. Personally, I have had nightmares about the things I have researched including things done by our own alleged "government".

You are totally wrong about Kinsey and claiming that he wasn't the biggest stepping stone that brought about the sexual revolution and the "anything goes" and "Do as thy wilst" of Aliester Crowley (that had also been in contact with Kinsey) and if you do not know about Crowley and his penchant for sex majik rituals and how he started the Ordo Templi Orientis, you have some reading to do. If you think you can refute my findings? Please, by all means, lets have a debate.
That is quite an hysterical rant. I hope that you wiped the spit off of your chin by now. You are long on rhetoric, references to cult sexual practices and ancient history, but devoid of substance and documentation to back up you bizarre and asinine claim that "the acceptance of pedophilia is the next agenda" Again I ask you, WHO is it that wants that and how are they working to achieve it? You suggest that I refute your "findings" ? What finding? This is just paranoid raving with no actual documentation.
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The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.

Who wants to normalize pedophilia ??! YOu? Do you know anyone who does. That is just stupid as stupid gets but exactly what we have come to expect of you. And to invoke Kinsey who died in 1956 and to suggest that he having inspired the sexual revolution will lead to the normalization of pedophilia now is even stupider, as though that were possible. Kinsey was bi sexual and was branded as a pervert because of some questionable research practices involving the sexuality of children but there is no indication that he, himself ever had sex with children.

So who the fuck wants to normalize pedophilia??!! Pedophilia makes me sick as it does to all normal people. I worked as a child abuse investigator for 26 years. I dealt with all sorts of abuse, including sexual abuse , and I know how damaging it is to children. You talking about " The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda." is dangerous and irresponsible and cheepens the work that I did and that is being carried on by others. Who's fucking adgenda are you talking about. I don't want to hear any bovine excrement about the NAMBLA either. It was never a gay organiztion and disavowed by the gay right movement early on. It is now largly defunct. Now tell us who wants to normaize pedophilia. Tell us how they are working to do that . Or, shut the fuck up!

The cultural marxists are wanting to normalize it along with some other perversions and they are using the same tactics that they did to normalize homosexuality and my contention that Kinsey's "sex study" concerning children are sexual and even included "research" from pedophiles including their own children was used in his study. You might want to engage in a little research yourself before you lash out at me because it makes you look foolish. You are looking at this from a sheer emotional position.

We have GLSEN that is being allowed to go into grade schools promoting homosexuality and trans-genderism and just recently a "drag-queen" did story time at a grade school. NAMBLA marched in early Gay Pride parades and were only distanced from by the LGBTQ because of negative press....not because they disagreed with them. There is a serious pedophilia problem that is world wide and the tentacles of those that profit from it are the elites for a litany of reasons. I commend you for helping abuse victims.....how you can keep your sanity is a testament to the fact that you are strong mentally. Personally, I have had nightmares about the things I have researched including things done by our own alleged "government".

You are totally wrong about Kinsey and claiming that he wasn't the biggest stepping stone that brought about the sexual revolution and the "anything goes" and "Do as thy wilst" of Aliester Crowley (that had also been in contact with Kinsey) and if you do not know about Crowley and his penchant for sex majik rituals and how he started the Ordo Templi Orientis, you have some reading to do. If you think you can refute my findings? Please, by all means, lets have a debate.
That is quite an hysterical rant. I hope that you wiped the spit off of your chin by now. You are long on rhetoric, references to cult sexual practices and ancient history, but devoid of substance and documentation to back up you bizarre and asinine claim that "the acceptance of pedophilia is the next agenda" Again I ask you, WHO is it that wants that and how are they working to achieve it? You suggest that I refute your "findings" ? What finding? This is just paranoid raving with no actual documentation.

Dude, nothing "hysterical" about what about what I posted and I certainly wasn't insulting to you...too bad that you can't return the favor. I have no ill-will towards you because you are more "awake" than most and I respect that. How you wish to live your life and what makes you happy is your right. Now, with that being said, it doesn't change the fact the children have been sexualized and that the "powers that be" i.e "the cultural marxists" are pushing the normalization of pedophilia as they push acceptance of homosexuality and trans-genderism on grade school kids using GLSEN. I am trying to show you some respect but if you want to "go low"? I can give you some more facts that will greatly offend your sense of decorum. I am simply keeping it as civil.
The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.

Who wants to normalize pedophilia ??! YOu? Do you know anyone who does. That is just stupid as stupid gets but exactly what we have come to expect of you. And to invoke Kinsey who died in 1956 and to suggest that he having inspired the sexual revolution will lead to the normalization of pedophilia now is even stupider, as though that were possible. Kinsey was bi sexual and was branded as a pervert because of some questionable research practices involving the sexuality of children but there is no indication that he, himself ever had sex with children.

So who the fuck wants to normalize pedophilia??!! Pedophilia makes me sick as it does to all normal people. I worked as a child abuse investigator for 26 years. I dealt with all sorts of abuse, including sexual abuse , and I know how damaging it is to children. You talking about " The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda." is dangerous and irresponsible and cheepens the work that I did and that is being carried on by others. Who's fucking adgenda are you talking about. I don't want to hear any bovine excrement about the NAMBLA either. It was never a gay organiztion and disavowed by the gay right movement early on. It is now largly defunct. Now tell us who wants to normaize pedophilia. Tell us how they are working to do that . Or, shut the fuck up!

The cultural marxists are wanting to normalize it along with some other perversions and they are using the same tactics that they did to normalize homosexuality and my contention that Kinsey's "sex study" concerning children are sexual and even included "research" from pedophiles including their own children was used in his study. You might want to engage in a little research yourself before you lash out at me because it makes you look foolish. You are looking at this from a sheer emotional position.

We have GLSEN that is being allowed to go into grade schools promoting homosexuality and trans-genderism and just recently a "drag-queen" did story time at a grade school. NAMBLA marched in early Gay Pride parades and were only distanced from by the LGBTQ because of negative press....not because they disagreed with them. There is a serious pedophilia problem that is world wide and the tentacles of those that profit from it are the elites for a litany of reasons. I commend you for helping abuse victims.....how you can keep your sanity is a testament to the fact that you are strong mentally. Personally, I have had nightmares about the things I have researched including things done by our own alleged "government".

You are totally wrong about Kinsey and claiming that he wasn't the biggest stepping stone that brought about the sexual revolution and the "anything goes" and "Do as thy wilst" of Aliester Crowley (that had also been in contact with Kinsey) and if you do not know about Crowley and his penchant for sex majik rituals and how he started the Ordo Templi Orientis, you have some reading to do. If you think you can refute my findings? Please, by all means, lets have a debate.
That is quite an hysterical rant. I hope that you wiped the spit off of your chin by now. You are long on rhetoric, references to cult sexual practices and ancient history, but devoid of substance and documentation to back up you bizarre and asinine claim that "the acceptance of pedophilia is the next agenda" Again I ask you, WHO is it that wants that and how are they working to achieve it? You suggest that I refute your "findings" ? What finding? This is just paranoid raving with no actual documentation.

Dude, nothing "hysterical" about what about what I posted and I certainly wasn't insulting to you...too bad that you can't return the favor. I have no ill-will towards you because you are more "awake" than most and I respect that. How you wish to live your life and what makes you happy is your right. Now, with that being said, it doesn't change the fact the children have been sexualized and that the "powers that be" i.e "the cultural marxists" are pushing the normalization of pedophilia as they push acceptance of homosexuality and trans-genderism on grade school kids using GLSEN. I am trying to show you some respect but if you want to "go low"? I can give you some more facts that will greatly offend your sense of decorum. I am simply keeping it as civil.
OK Lets dial it back a notch. No more insults. However , I have a major problem with a few things that your saying, not the least of which is your assumptions about me. Not that I care what you believe about me, but I have a hard time respecting some one who makes assumptions about my sexuality based on my politics

Secondly, I have a problem with your contention that pushing acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism is equivalent to promoting pedophilia. GLESEN is teaching kids to be respectful and accepting of those who are different from them and that is a good thing. It saves lives by reducing bullying and raising the self esteem of LGBT kids- resulting in fewer suicide and assaults. It has nothing to do with pedophilia. Gay are not pedophiles. Pedophiles are pedophiles. They are not the same thing.

You claim that children are being sexualized is another thing that makes it hard to respect you. What exactly do you mean by that? Children are aware of their sexuality and if they are confused and conflicted about what they are feeling, they should get help and support with that.

Yet another thing that makes it hard for me to respect you is your continued refusal to explain exactly who is promoting the acceptance of pedophilia and how. It is not gays, it is not GLESON and it is not cultural Marxists. Who is it.?
There is a way to deny services in a legal way, anyone that runs a business should learn how..
Sorry I disagree with your precepts. These people demanding that they have a right to tell others how they should get in line or else need to be ran back into oblivion or get off their asses and build there own businesses with their own time, efforts and money, and they need to quit trying to steal it from others who do not believe like they do.
There is always people doing that, and it's not just a trait of the LBGT crowd..
True but this thread is about that crowd that believes they should have those special rights above and over the top of others.
You mean those religious organizations that for some reason allowed to be tax-free...while the rest of us pay taxes.
I never understood why some churches will kick out people when they find out their sexual orientation either..It is not how I interpret what Christ said and it never happened in the family church I was raised in.

I have gay friends who I've asked why they want anything to do with a religion that does not want them?

That's anything BUT jesus-like or god-like and most certainly NOT christian.

A very cool gay woman I knew in Tucson was the minister at a gay church. She adopted a kitten from me.

This little guy had been drenched in gasoline and a couple out walking stopped kids just as they were about to set him on fire. No matter how many times I scrubbed him, he always smelled like gas. The little bastards had broken his tail in two places and it healed in a big zig-zag.

So of course, I called him Gasoline Alley but ended up calling him Ziggy the Zoomer because of his zig zag tail and because zooming is what he did.

He was the sweetest little cat on the planet and I adored him but he peed on the couch. I replaced the couch and he peed on it again. Then on the bed and everyplace except where he was supposed to. I finally gave up but would not pass that problem onto another owner so planned to put him down.

Along came this woman and when I told her, she said she wanted him. Being an only child seemed to be what he wanted and he stopped the "inappropriate elimination". She still sends xmas cards from Ziggy.

The kids got away with it and have probably moved on to much worse.
RWNJ = willfully ignorant American who sides with Poooting against their own country and is consistently against basic rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Also, in favor of trump's oft repeated desire to gut same.

"... were [sic] in the Constitution exactly IS same sex marriage guaranteed? ..."

That's easy.

The 14th Amendment.

Don't worry though. King of the Cheetos has said he wants to gut much of the constitution and I would imagine he'll get around to peeking into people's bedrooms too.

And the above described RWNJ morons are in favor of anything that weakens the US.

Thanks. So what about us minority willfully INFORMED people that disagree with popular liberal paradigms? Is there another way of minimizing us with a witty acronym?

Stop meddling and messing with other people's lives because, and surely you already know this, THAT is what actually minimizes you.


Gays are a contrived lot, like red headed left handed dwarves. Not mentioned in the American Constitution, one way or the other.


Saying the same thing over and over does not make it a fact.

I have green eyes. I'm not mentioned in the constitution.
Brown hair, tall people, musical talent - those things aren't mentioned either.

But, I gave you a link to where same sex marriage is a constitutionally guaranteed right.

You can pretend that's not true but, like I said, saying it doesn't make it true.

Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it.


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
There is no right to marry a queer.

I posted a ^^^ link to proof ^^^ that you are wrong.

If you don't like the US Constitution, you don't have to stay in the US.

But, face the fact that the constitution stays.

Science proved smoking was healthy and there were all sorts of benefits science proved because the AMA was bought out by political action committees deep deep pockets. Yeah, like homosexuality isn't a mental illness because the same people that got bought out years ago to that well moneyed group wouldn't be bought out by a wealth elitist pushing the gay agenda. Well, the earth is round, evolution is real, climate change is man made and gay civil rights is a made up fiction. Fiction, a made up issue. Bogus.
The constitution doesn't forbid homosexually or Transgenderism...So that means we're both covered by the same rights and liberties that heterosexuals enjoy.

Fascism always wishes to take away freedoms and ones liberties, and the people that bitch about liberals doing such seem to be the ones fighting the hardest to do just that. Liberals are expanding freedoms and liberties.
Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times - Friday, March 27, 2015
Six adult children of gay parents have filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court to dissuade the justices from legalizing same-sex marriage, citing their childhood experiences.

The group and their attorney — David Boyle of Long Beach, California — were in Washington on Friday to visit congressional offices and meet with scholars and advocacy groups. Mr. Boyle and five of the adult children sat for a short interview with The Washington Times.

“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their gay father and his many lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in her amicus brief how her transgender father spied on and fondled her, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be.

Robert Oscar Lopez, founder and president of the International Children’s Rights Institute, noted that judges often have asked attorneys if gay marriage “harms” anyone. The answer to that question is in the briefs and other publications, said Mr. Lopez, who was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. He filed a brief with colleague.....more at link

Fuck off, hypocrite. Our kids are fine. Worry about the kids of divorce. They're screwed up.
Then stay on your turf bitch do not even try step foot on mine.

Your "turf"? :lol: Whatever, internet tough hypocrite.


Really LOVE your signature.

Thinking I'll add that link to mine as well.
The constitution doesn't forbid homosexually or Transgenderism...So that means we're both covered by the same rights and liberties that heterosexuals enjoy.

Fascism always wishes to take away freedoms and ones liberties, and the people that bitch about liberals doing such seem to be the ones fighting the hardest to do just that. Liberals are expanding freedoms and liberties.
It's never mentioned in the Constitution, people keep telling me it is, And homosexuality is a petty small group, does it even cross you mind why this is even an issue? Hint hint: somebody with a big big agenda is pushing such minor issue. All this Homophobia stuff, who is putting that out there? Nobody cares, gays are making it a bigger issue than it really is. I don't like people dictating to me how NORMAL their sexuality is, and NEEDING acceptance and preaching intolerance to anything outside their agenda, hypocritical. it isn't working.
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The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda. The Kinsey Study that helped lead to the "sexual revolution" was totally flawed. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile and very few people know this.

Who wants to normalize pedophilia ??! YOu? Do you know anyone who does. That is just stupid as stupid gets but exactly what we have come to expect of you. And to invoke Kinsey who died in 1956 and to suggest that he having inspired the sexual revolution will lead to the normalization of pedophilia now is even stupider, as though that were possible. Kinsey was bi sexual and was branded as a pervert because of some questionable research practices involving the sexuality of children but there is no indication that he, himself ever had sex with children.

So who the fuck wants to normalize pedophilia??!! Pedophilia makes me sick as it does to all normal people. I worked as a child abuse investigator for 26 years. I dealt with all sorts of abuse, including sexual abuse , and I know how damaging it is to children. You talking about " The acceptance of pedophilia is next on the agenda." is dangerous and irresponsible and cheepens the work that I did and that is being carried on by others. Who's fucking adgenda are you talking about. I don't want to hear any bovine excrement about the NAMBLA either. It was never a gay organiztion and disavowed by the gay right movement early on. It is now largly defunct. Now tell us who wants to normaize pedophilia. Tell us how they are working to do that . Or, shut the fuck up!

The cultural marxists are wanting to normalize it along with some other perversions and they are using the same tactics that they did to normalize homosexuality and my contention that Kinsey's "sex study" concerning children are sexual and even included "research" from pedophiles including their own children was used in his study. You might want to engage in a little research yourself before you lash out at me because it makes you look foolish. You are looking at this from a sheer emotional position.

We have GLSEN that is being allowed to go into grade schools promoting homosexuality and trans-genderism and just recently a "drag-queen" did story time at a grade school. NAMBLA marched in early Gay Pride parades and were only distanced from by the LGBTQ because of negative press....not because they disagreed with them. There is a serious pedophilia problem that is world wide and the tentacles of those that profit from it are the elites for a litany of reasons. I commend you for helping abuse victims.....how you can keep your sanity is a testament to the fact that you are strong mentally. Personally, I have had nightmares about the things I have researched including things done by our own alleged "government".

You are totally wrong about Kinsey and claiming that he wasn't the biggest stepping stone that brought about the sexual revolution and the "anything goes" and "Do as thy wilst" of Aliester Crowley (that had also been in contact with Kinsey) and if you do not know about Crowley and his penchant for sex majik rituals and how he started the Ordo Templi Orientis, you have some reading to do. If you think you can refute my findings? Please, by all means, lets have a debate.
That is quite an hysterical rant. I hope that you wiped the spit off of your chin by now. You are long on rhetoric, references to cult sexual practices and ancient history, but devoid of substance and documentation to back up you bizarre and asinine claim that "the acceptance of pedophilia is the next agenda" Again I ask you, WHO is it that wants that and how are they working to achieve it? You suggest that I refute your "findings" ? What finding? This is just paranoid raving with no actual documentation.

Dude, nothing "hysterical" about what about what I posted and I certainly wasn't insulting to you...too bad that you can't return the favor. I have no ill-will towards you because you are more "awake" than most and I respect that. How you wish to live your life and what makes you happy is your right. Now, with that being said, it doesn't change the fact the children have been sexualized and that the "powers that be" i.e "the cultural marxists" are pushing the normalization of pedophilia as they push acceptance of homosexuality and trans-genderism on grade school kids using GLSEN. I am trying to show you some respect but if you want to "go low"? I can give you some more facts that will greatly offend your sense of decorum. I am simply keeping it as civil.
OK Lets dial it back a notch. No more insults. However , I have a major problem with a few things that your saying, not the least of which is your assumptions about me. Not that I care what you believe about me, but I have a hard time respecting some one who makes assumptions about my sexuality based on my politics

Secondly, I have a problem with your contention that pushing acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism is equivalent to promoting pedophilia. GLESEN is teaching kids to be respectful and accepting of those who are different from them and that is a good thing. It saves lives by reducing bullying and raising the self esteem of LGBT kids- resulting in fewer suicide and assaults. It has nothing to do with pedophilia. Gay are not pedophiles. Pedophiles are pedophiles. They are not the same thing.

You claim that children are being sexualized is another thing that makes it hard to respect you. What exactly do you mean by that? Children are aware of their sexuality and if they are confused and conflicted about what they are feeling, they should get help and support with that.

Yet another thing that makes it hard for me to respect you is your continued refusal to explain exactly who is promoting the acceptance of pedophilia and how. It is not gays, it is not GLESON and it is not cultural Marxists. Who is it.?

"OK Lets dial it back a notch. No more insults. However , I have a major problem with a few things that your saying, not the least of which is your assumptions about me. Not that I care what you believe about me, but I have a hard time respecting some one who makes assumptions about my sexuality based on my politics."\

My apologies, I thought you had said at one time that you were gay and if I remembered wrong or got you confused with someone else, then that is on me.

"Secondly, I have a problem with your contention that pushing acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism is equivalent to promoting pedophilia"

When you are pushing it on grade school aged kids as young as six years old when anything sexual should be THE furthest thing from their minds? Well, I have a HUGE problem with that and had it been pushed on my children when they were in school? I would have ripped the principal "a new one" and then I would have pulled them out of the school so fast that it would have made their heads spin. I also have a problem with Common Core incorporating homosexuality into the curriculum and the parents are not being told about it. Sexuality and "the talk" is between the parents and the child. It's not the responsibility of the state to indoctrinate them.

"You claim that children are being sexualized is another thing that makes it hard to respect you. What exactly do you mean by that? Children are aware of their sexuality and if they are confused and conflicted about what they are feeling, they should get help and support with that."

Ever watch the break down of Walt Disney movies on youtube and see the subliminal messages in them? I suggest that you do so. I was utterly STUNNED and disgusted with what I saw and I use to always get the latest Disney film for my kids. I found out only in the last few years that Walt Disney was a pedophile and his "DisneyLand" and "DisneyWorld" were used in the CIA operation of MK-Ultra. Walt Disney was also a 33rd degree freemason. Do some research on Harry Hay, the one considered one of the biggest leaders of the pro-homosexuality movement and his support of NAMBLA.

All of the things I am talking about like Kinsey, Crowley, the OTO, Disney, Hay, the CIA and freemasonry all tie in together and whether you believe it or not doesn't nor can it refute what I have spent hundreds of hours researching because we have a SERIOUS pedophile problem in this country and it is a world wide issue. The Franklin Scandal, Jimmy Savile, the Hampstead cover-up, Fiona Barnett, Cathy O'Brien, Pizzagate .....and BTW, Pizzagate is just the tip of the iceberg. Yeah, we have a huge problem in this country and the world and the subtle push of trying to "normalize" it is going on all around us and most don't even see it. How many children goes missing every year? One goes missing every 40 seconds in this country. The vast majority are found but even if it's just one percent that they cannot find? That is still 7,650 children that cannot be accounted for but I suspect that the number is much higher because some children that disappear are never even reported as missing. Think about it...do your own diligence. This isn't about political affiliations, this is about our children.

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