Homosexual degeneracy

Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.
Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.

Not all gays, but definitely a significant number of them whose motto is "get them while they are young"...they are called "chickenhawks". Harry Hays, one of the biggest voices for the pro-homosexual movement was a proponent of NAMBLA and you cannot deny that very salient fact.
Milo. Hastert. Duggar.
And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.

Doesn't really matter to some queers and they are pushing for the lowering of the age of consent. The Kinsey Report that leftards like you believe in was a total fraud. I wonder why the leftards that touted his (snicker) "research" never bothered pointing out the data he presented about children being "orgasmic" at even infancy?

You really are a sick sack of shit........seriously. You are a perverted, sick and twisted waste of life. I thank God for the internet because where else could I delve into the mindset of a disgusting sack of shit while being spared of having to share the same airspace.
And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.

Not all gays, but definitely a significant number of them whose motto is "get them while they are young"...they are called "chickenhawks". Harry Hays, one of the biggest voices for the pro-homosexual movement was a proponent of NAMBLA and you cannot deny that very salient fact.
Milo. Hastert. Duggar.

Disgusting and sick twisted fucks......throw in Dick Cheney, GH Bush, the Clintons, Gerald Ford, Robert Byrd, Barney Frank, Mitch McConnell, etc, etc......the majority of our alleged "politicians" are compromised pedophiles......want to debate me on this?????
Heterosexuals are the top demographic for pedophilia. Do you really want to argue your opposition of homosexually around this? I am a Heterosexual but I bet gays could argue the opposite against us.
The constitution doesn't forbid homosexually or Transgenderism...So that means we're both covered by the same rights and liberties that heterosexuals enjoy.

Fascism always wishes to take away freedoms and ones liberties, and the people that bitch about liberals doing such seem to be the ones fighting the hardest to do just that. Liberals are expanding freedoms and liberties.
It's never mentioned in the Constitution, people keep telling me it is, And homosexuality is a petty small group, does it even cross you mind why this is even an issue? Hint hint: somebody with a big big agenda is pushing such minor issue. All this Homophobia stuff, who is putting that out there? Nobody cares, gays are making it a bigger issue than it really is. I don't like people dictating to me how NORMAL their sexuality is, and NEEDING acceptance and preaching intolerance to anything outside their agenda, hypocritical. it isn't working.
Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
Another 'brilliant' #RussianWr who cannot discern the difference between consensual acts between adults and those acts that cannot be consented to. The kind of person that it's best to keep away from animals and children because they don't know the difference.

People like Dale are probably more likely to be a pedo as white hetero's are the typical demographic for such. It is also more likely the victim will probably be family members that live under him.

Really? Seems to me that you are breaking a rule that USMB takes very seriously.........
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.

Doesn't really matter to some queers and they are pushing for the lowering of the age of consent. The Kinsey Report that leftards like you believe in was a total fraud. I wonder why the leftards that touted his (snicker) "research" never bothered pointing out the data he presented about children being "orgasmic" at even infancy?

You really are a sick sack of shit........seriously. You are a perverted, sick and twisted waste of life. I thank God for the internet because where else could I delve into the mindset of a disgusting sack of shit while being spared of having to share the same airspace.

The only fraud is you and any other bigoted fuck that tries to equate gays and pedophilia.
I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.

Doesn't really matter to some queers and they are pushing for the lowering of the age of consent. The Kinsey Report that leftards like you believe in was a total fraud. I wonder why the leftards that touted his (snicker) "research" never bothered pointing out the data he presented about children being "orgasmic" at even infancy?

You really are a sick sack of shit........seriously. You are a perverted, sick and twisted waste of life. I thank God for the internet because where else could I delve into the mindset of a disgusting sack of shit while being spared of having to share the same airspace.

The only fraud is you and any other bigoted fuck that tries to equate gays and pedophilia.

Have you ever seen a "queer pride" parade? Or accidentally taken your kids to a place like "Six Flags Over Texas" during the week (when I thought me and my kids would have a better chance of not waiting forever to get on a ride) only to find that it was "Queer Day" and seeing fags wearing ass-less chaps and groping each other and tongue kissing while waiting on getting a day pass? Try explaining THAT to a 7 and 12 year old before I could take it in as to what I had exposed them to...........fuck you, ya sick, twisted sack of shit. Why is it that queers have a HUGE aversion to protocol as it pertains to PDA in public that are totally inappropriate? I would say the same thing about straight couples that are overly affectionate in public....but these queers had no boundaries nor did they hide their sexual proclivities.
That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.

Doesn't really matter to some queers and they are pushing for the lowering of the age of consent. The Kinsey Report that leftards like you believe in was a total fraud. I wonder why the leftards that touted his (snicker) "research" never bothered pointing out the data he presented about children being "orgasmic" at even infancy?

You really are a sick sack of shit........seriously. You are a perverted, sick and twisted waste of life. I thank God for the internet because where else could I delve into the mindset of a disgusting sack of shit while being spared of having to share the same airspace.

The only fraud is you and any other bigoted fuck that tries to equate gays and pedophilia.

Have you ever seen a "queer pride" parade? Or accidentally taken your kids to a place like "Six Flags Over Texas" during the week (when I thought me and my kids would have a better chance of not waiting forever to get on a ride) only to find that it was "Queer Day" and seeing fags wearing ass-less chaps and groping each other and tongue kissing while waiting on getting a day pass? Try explaining THAT to a 7 and 12 year old before I could take it in as to what I had exposed them to...........fuck you, ya sick, twisted sack of shit. Why is it that queers have a HUGE aversion to protocol as it pertains to PDA in public that are totally inappropriate? I would say the same thing about straight couples that are overly affectionate in public....but these queers had no boundaries nor did they hide their sexual proclivities.
The only time there are short lines for rides at Six Flags is the days they are closed. Is I-35 still flooded, my son is headed that way Wed. for his convention in Fart Worth..
I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.

Doesn't really matter to some queers and they are pushing for the lowering of the age of consent. The Kinsey Report that leftards like you believe in was a total fraud. I wonder why the leftards that touted his (snicker) "research" never bothered pointing out the data he presented about children being "orgasmic" at even infancy?

You really are a sick sack of shit........seriously. You are a perverted, sick and twisted waste of life. I thank God for the internet because where else could I delve into the mindset of a disgusting sack of shit while being spared of having to share the same airspace.

The only fraud is you and any other bigoted fuck that tries to equate gays and pedophilia.

You do know about the offshoot LGBTQ known as GLSEN that is allowed to go into grade schools and tout their perverted lifestyle...no? Because if not? Then you need to STFU or defend this....either way is fine with me because I will give you a big time "beat down" if you are fine with trannies preaching to 6 year olds that trans-genderism is "a-ok"......bring some game, fuckwad.........
Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
Because they are all equal perversions. Its like saying blue, red and green are all colors.
Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.
And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.
And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

So, where's the evidence of this?

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

" In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner.""

"By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters."

"Consistent with these findings, Gallup polls have found that an increasing number of Americans would allow gay people to be elementary school teachers. For example, the proportion was 54% in 2005, compared to 27% in 1977. "

"One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment. "

"Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994)."

The problem with the believe that abuse causes homosexuality

"The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) 1.51% of the population of the US identify as GLBT, whereas other studies put this figure as high as 8% (Fay et al, 1989). However, statistics for people abused in childhood are significantly higher that this, with reliable estimates given for child sexual abuse to be 16% for males and 27% for females in the USA (NRCCSA, 1994). "

Basically, you're saying something that isn't true, and you didn't back it up because you're not basing it on any evidence, just what you want to think.
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

LOL @ link as if it's not true. Look it up.
Freedom is all about what is seen as DEGENERACY. Same with freedom of speech as why would we need protections if it was accepted by all?

My right to watch porn = freedom
My right to be gender fluid = freedom
My right to fuck in any position I damn please = freedom

How the fuck can anyone wish to take my freedoms away and call themselves defenders of liberty.
I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

LOL @ link as if it's not true. Look it up.

I looked it up and found there are no links because it's just plain wrong.

Anyone who says "LOL @ link" is clearly someone who just believes, and I have to wonder why the hell they're on a forum like this.
That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

LOL @ link as if it's not true. Look it up.

I looked it up and found there are no links because it's just plain wrong.

Anyone who says "LOL @ link" is clearly someone who just believes, and I have to wonder why the hell they're on a forum like this.

Perhaps you should read my last post then.

BTW, you'll never hear me say people aren't "born gay". I believe some people are, and call me crazy, but you might notice a lot of gay men have pronounced Canine teeth. Yeah, no shit, see if you notice the same. That said, anyone who doesn't think environment plays a role is a much dumber mother fucker than those who insist nobody is "born gay".

Personally I could give a shit, so long as some gay dude doesn't try to put a move on me in a public bathroom (happened before, he's lucky he didn't get cold cocked, no pun intended)......or pretend to be something they're not (i.e., men were intended to marry, have kids, and use the women's bathroom).
Last edited:
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

LOL @ link as if it's not true. Look it up.

I looked it up and found there are no links because it's just plain wrong.

Anyone who says "LOL @ link" is clearly someone who just believes, and I have to wonder why the hell they're on a forum like this.

Perhaps you should read my last post then.

BTW, you'll never hear me say people aren't "born gay". I believe some people are, and call me crazy, but you might notice a lot of gay men have pronounced Canine teeth. Yeah, no shit, see if you notice the same. That said, anyone who doesn't think environment plays a role is a much dumber mother fucker than those who insist nobody is "born gay".

Personally I could give a shit, so long as some gay dude doesn't try to put a move on me in a public bathroom (happened before, he's lucky he didn't get cold cocked, no pun intended)......or pretend to be something they're not (i.e., men were intended to marry, have kids, and use the women's bathroom).

Perhaps it would have been a nice idea to back yourself up from the beginning.

1) home60515.com


"In one national study in 1985, 27 percent of the females interviewed and 16 percent of the males reported to have been sexually abused as children. Other studies indicate that these figures are too low. It is suggested that eighty percent of all sexual abuse is not reported."2

Okay, it says that 80% of sexual abuse isn't reported. So how would anyone know whether this is committed by gay people?


Whatever the true percentages are of male and female sex abuse victims, considering how high the suggested/reported numbers are compared to the percentage of the population that is homosexual (only 1%-2%), we can see that sexual abuse can theoretically account for every case of homosexuality.

Can theoretically, but doesn't actually mean this and they're not saying it does.


Too, there currently is no definitive proof that anyone is born homosexual.

So what? There isn't proof of lots of things, that doesn't mean they don't exist.


Skilled psychologists and psychiatrists like Masters and Johnson, Charles Socarides, Joseph Nicolosi, Benjamin Kaufman, Elizabeth Moberly, Jeffrey Satinover, and Gerard van den Aardweg, have had success changing homosexuals into heterosexuals. (They have been successful because most if not all homosexuals were probably born heterosexual.)

Which is just bullshit. Basically this whole article is jumping to massive conclusions that it hasn't proven in any way, and it's trying to look scientific, by sourcing other authors, but makes itself look silly.

Report: Pedophilia more common among ‘gays’

Wnd???? Nothing about Baldwin's study, or Reisman's study suggest anything other than bad science. And they both published in the same journal, wow.

Regent University - Wikipedia

Not only that it's the law review of a RELIGIOUS UNIVERSITY. Er..... Regent University - Wikipedia "Regent University is a private Christian research university[4] located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. The university was founded by Pat Robertson in 1977 as Christian Broadcasting Network University, and changed its name to Regent University in 1990"

"n 1995, Harvey Cox, the liberal Harvard theologian, wrote that Regent has been called "the Harvard of the Christian Right" but noted that "Regent, it appears, is not so much a boot camp for rightist cadres as a microcosm of the theological and intellectual turbulence within what is often mistakenly seen as a monolithic 'religious right' in America".[1"

Patheos | Hosting the Conversation on Faith

A religious website.... er....

Anyway, no time for the last one now..... maybe later.... but nothing you posted suggested anything other than religious people running around trying to prove things with dodgy studies.

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