Homosexual degeneracy

I'm going to take this apart , piece by piece.

The unsigned article which gives no indication of where and when it may have been published states:

It is a well-documented fact that many many homosexuals were sexually abused when young. (This paper will conclude with a list of some books which support that statement.)

In other words, there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.

However, it does not cite which of the numerous refences listed at the end of the article support that claim, if in fact it exists at all . It is customary to footnote such passages but this author did not think that was necessary. Rather, a good deal of the rest of the article is devoted to documenting the rate od child sexual abuse, and somehow concludes that if so many were molested, then it may well be that all homosexuals were molested.

It goes on to say:

Too, there currently is no definitive proof that anyone is born homosexual. Several studies by homosexual researchers claimed to find some possible biological bases for homosexuality. But other scientists easily pointed out the flaws in those studies, and the results of those studies have yet to be replicated by others. In the words of pro-homosexual Newsweek magazine: "In the early '90s, three highly publicized studies seemed to suggest that homosexuality's roots were genetic....More than five years later the data have never been replicated."8

Now here there is a foot note. John Leland and Mark Miller, "Can Gays Convert?", Newsweek, Aug. 17, 1998, p. 49 but that is from 1998. Much has been learned since then and I have the documentation to prove it. Rack this one up to pure bunk.

And, it states:

Skilled psychologists and psychiatrists like Masters and Johnson, Charles Socarides, Joseph Nicolosi, Benjamin Kaufman, Elizabeth Moberly, Jeffrey Satinover, and Gerard van den Aardweg, have had success changing homosexuals into heterosexuals. (They have been successful because most if not all homosexuals were probably born heterosexual.)

That is just more bullshit. Some may be coerced and shamed into adopting a heterosexual lifestyle but that is not an approprite measure of sucess. It is not sucess if they go on to live lives of quiet desparation. The harm done by conversion or reparitive therapy is well documented and today, every major psycological and medical organization has condemned it, and states are beginning to outlaw it.
Then it states that "many homosexuals are mentally disturbed as a result of sexual abuse. Many PEOPLE are disturbed by having been sexually abused. If gay people have a higher rate of mental and emotional problems and substance abuse, it is because of the fact that they have been discriminated against, marginalized, villified and still- in many cases -have to conciel their sexual orientaion from family, friends, and employers.

The only sliver of truth presented is that children who were sexually abused tend to become abusers as adults. But that is being used to try to claim that gays-who aledgedy we all sexually abused - are likely to abuse and that is just more baseless bullshit.

I'll be tearing apart the rest of your are so called research articls as soon as I don't have anything better toi do
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Both of my children have marched in gay pride parades.
Where I live, the gay pride parade is on Father's Day each year. And the "parade" is more like a rolling live sex show, similar to the shit you see in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I will not let my children anywhere near that parade.

That pisses me off. I know they picked Father's Day on purpose, and all they are accomplishing is alienating people like me who support equality for gays.

For one day a year, I am a raging anti-gay bigot.

That's because they entertain the contrary because of their distaste for normal behavior and nature. Personally, I never understood Gay "Pride" parades. If they were that proud they wouldn't need to say so.
Of course you don't. You probably don't understand black pride, or Latino pride either. Dude, when people are beaten down and marginalize, they fight back by asserting themselves in these ways .

Oh I see. Yeah, we've really beat down the black, browns and LGBT haven't we? You need parades to help support your fabrications. Say, I'm Jewish decent. Heck, my relatives were slaves far more recently than blacks, for example. Shall I organize a Jewish pride parade?

I find it fascinating how liberals suggest equality and integration, when their talk and actions do no more than support racism and segregation. It's a big mess. Oh yeah, be sure to hate the white guy. You know how racist those guys are.
I see, so to expressing pride in your heritage is promoting racism and segregation. Dude, we can be united and get along and celebrate our diversity all at the same time. It's very sad that you don't think so. More likely you haven't given it much thought at all or are just reaching for a reason to condemn the gay pride parade.

I think if race A thinks that they are more awesome that race B and race B thinks they are more awesome than race A it would be natural that members of race A and race B might look down on each other. You then tell them that they should merge and be part of one great big diversified group. Wouldn't it be natural that everyone in this much larger group hates everyone else for the reasons stated above since they all think they are better than one another?
Both of my children have marched in gay pride parades.
Where I live, the gay pride parade is on Father's Day each year. And the "parade" is more like a rolling live sex show, similar to the shit you see in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I will not let my children anywhere near that parade.

That pisses me off. I know they picked Father's Day on purpose, and all they are accomplishing is alienating people like me who support equality for gays.

For one day a year, I am a raging anti-gay bigot.

That's because they entertain the contrary because of their distaste for normal behavior and nature. Personally, I never understood Gay "Pride" parades. If they were that proud they wouldn't need to say so.
Of course you don't. You probably don't understand black pride, or Latino pride either. Dude, when people are beaten down and marginalize, they fight back by asserting themselves in these ways .

Oh I see. Yeah, we've really beat down the black, browns and LGBT haven't we? You need parades to help support your fabrications. Say, I'm Jewish decent. Heck, my relatives were slaves far more recently than blacks, for example. Shall I organize a Jewish pride parade?

I find it fascinating how liberals suggest equality and integration, when their talk and actions do no more than support racism and segregation. It's a big mess. Oh yeah, be sure to hate the white guy. You know how racist those guys are.
I see, so to expressing pride in your heritage is promoting racism and segregation. Dude, we can be united and get along and celebrate our diversity all at the same time. It's very sad that you don't think so. More likely you haven't given it much thought at all or are just reaching for a reason to condemn the gay pride parade.

if taking phride in your race is OK then stop calling Trump a white nationalist since you seem to be OK with white nationalism.
Where I live, the gay pride parade is on Father's Day each year. And the "parade" is more like a rolling live sex show, similar to the shit you see in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I will not let my children anywhere near that parade.

That pisses me off. I know they picked Father's Day on purpose, and all they are accomplishing is alienating people like me who support equality for gays.

For one day a year, I am a raging anti-gay bigot.

That's because they entertain the contrary because of their distaste for normal behavior and nature. Personally, I never understood Gay "Pride" parades. If they were that proud they wouldn't need to say so.
Of course you don't. You probably don't understand black pride, or Latino pride either. Dude, when people are beaten down and marginalize, they fight back by asserting themselves in these ways .

Oh I see. Yeah, we've really beat down the black, browns and LGBT haven't we? You need parades to help support your fabrications. Say, I'm Jewish decent. Heck, my relatives were slaves far more recently than blacks, for example. Shall I organize a Jewish pride parade?

I find it fascinating how liberals suggest equality and integration, when their talk and actions do no more than support racism and segregation. It's a big mess. Oh yeah, be sure to hate the white guy. You know how racist those guys are.
I see, so to expressing pride in your heritage is promoting racism and segregation. Dude, we can be united and get along and celebrate our diversity all at the same time. It's very sad that you don't think so. More likely you haven't given it much thought at all or are just reaching for a reason to condemn the gay pride parade.

if taking phride in your race is OK then stop calling Trump a white nationalist since you seem to be OK with white nationalism.
Horseshit. He and the white nationalists are not just taking pride in being white, they are denegrating non whites and you either know that and are being dishonest, or you are really just that stupid.

The authur, Steve Baldwin is the executive director of The Council for National Policy
The Council for National Policy (CNP), is an umbrella organization and networking group for social conservative activists in the United States. It has been described by The New York Times as "a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country," who meet three times yearly behind closed doors at undisclosed locations for a confidential conference.[1] The Nation has called it a secretive organization that "networks wealthy right-wing donors together with top conservative operatives to plan long-term movement strategy."[2] It was founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye as a forum for conservative Christians seeking to strengthen the political right in the United States.[3]

And they have some questionable affiliations.

CNP members have been given billions of dollars by Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church and the conservative Washington Times newspaper, and are aligned with various other groups supported by him such as CAUSA International.[13] In 1964 Moon founded the Korean Culture and Freedom Foundation, a public diplomacy agency which promoted the interests of South Korea and sponsored Radio Free Asia. Former U.S. Presidents Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon were honorary presidents or directors at various times.[14] The president of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou spoke at a Unification Church sponsored "Global Peace Festival" which was held in Taipei October 31, 2009.[15]

The artical claims that Baldwins research had ben substantiated by the work of Judith Reisman. However The Southern Poverty Law Center calls Reisman a "conspiracy theorist" and a promoter of "sexual pseudoscience" in regards to her views on Kinsey.[9]

And, The World Net Daily, in which this tripe was published, is a questionable source:

WND (WorldNetDaily) is a politically conservative American news and opinion website and online news aggregator.[2][3] WND has promoted conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's citizenship,[4][5][6][7] and it is considered to have a far-right bias in its news coverage.[8]

Here is the truth, deal with it:

Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. ]

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard. read

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1
By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women.

Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.

A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate
Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Now we are getting to the crux of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation
. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of Offenders The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.
More to come . Be prepared
Where I live, the gay pride parade is on Father's Day each year. And the "parade" is more like a rolling live sex show, similar to the shit you see in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I will not let my children anywhere near that parade.

That pisses me off. I know they picked Father's Day on purpose, and all they are accomplishing is alienating people like me who support equality for gays.

For one day a year, I am a raging anti-gay bigot.

That's because they entertain the contrary because of their distaste for normal behavior and nature. Personally, I never understood Gay "Pride" parades. If they were that proud they wouldn't need to say so.
Of course you don't. You probably don't understand black pride, or Latino pride either. Dude, when people are beaten down and marginalize, they fight back by asserting themselves in these ways .

Oh I see. Yeah, we've really beat down the black, browns and LGBT haven't we? You need parades to help support your fabrications. Say, I'm Jewish decent. Heck, my relatives were slaves far more recently than blacks, for example. Shall I organize a Jewish pride parade?

I find it fascinating how liberals suggest equality and integration, when their talk and actions do no more than support racism and segregation. It's a big mess. Oh yeah, be sure to hate the white guy. You know how racist those guys are.
I see, so to expressing pride in your heritage is promoting racism and segregation. Dude, we can be united and get along and celebrate our diversity all at the same time. It's very sad that you don't think so. More likely you haven't given it much thought at all or are just reaching for a reason to condemn the gay pride parade.

I think if race A thinks that they are more awesome that race B and race B thinks they are more awesome than race A it would be natural that members of race A and race B might look down on each other. You then tell them that they should merge and be part of one great big diversified group. Wouldn't it be natural that everyone in this much larger group hates everyone else for the reasons stated above since they all think they are better than one another?
What the fuck! That is stupid. The point is that people want to be treated as equal-not better than others- except for the white nationalists that is.

A major study of child abuse and homosexuality revisited

A major study of child abuse and homosexuality revisited

Another article by a right wing religious nut job.......they push the notion that homosexuality is the result of child sexual abuse because as we know- victims of sexual abuse often become abusers. They then go on to claim that this is proof that gays have a propensity to molest children which has been debunked repeatedly.

Warren Throckmorton

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Warren Throckmorton - Wikipedia
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Earl Warren Throckmorton (born 1957)[1]HYPERLINK \l "[2] is a professor of Psychology at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania.[3] He developed the Sexual Identity Therapy Framework and was a creator of the documentary I Do Exist, about people who say they have changed their sexual orientation.
Throckmorton received his B.A. in Psychology in June, 1979 from Cedarville College, an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Central Michigan University in May, 1982, and a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Community Counseling from Ohio University in June 1992.[4]
Throckmorton's work on Sexual Identity Therapy was endorsed by psychiatrist Robert L. Spitzer.[5] The purpose of these recommendations is to help patients make their sexual identity conform to their beliefs and values.[6] Spitzer later tried to retract his research that endorsed Throckmorton's work by saying "The findings can be considered evidence for what those who have undergone ex-gay therapy say about it, but nothing more.”[7]
Throckmorton has come out strongly against the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill. In turn, former endorsers of his work, such as Scott Lively, have denounced him.[8]

Throckmorton has been involved in controversy over the origins and treatment of variations in gender identity. The February 2008 issue of Christianity Today carried an article discussing how Throckmorton has advised people who are in agony over being transgender that their desires are not in accord with the Bible.[9] "Even if science does determine differentiation in the brain at birth," Throckmorton says, "even if there are prenatal influences, we can’t set aside teachings of the Bible, because of research findings."[9] Throckmorton subsequently argued that these comments were quoted "out of context". On his blog, he stated that people should consult physicians, specialists, and spiritual advisors in resolving their feelings. If someone decides that sexual reassignment violates faith, then this feeling may guide their decisions.[10]

Throckmorton has turned his attention to Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church in Seattle. He has reported numerous stories on the pastor and his church, and has extensively documented the controversy.[11]
That's because they entertain the contrary because of their distaste for normal behavior and nature. Personally, I never understood Gay "Pride" parades. If they were that proud they wouldn't need to say so.
Of course you don't. You probably don't understand black pride, or Latino pride either. Dude, when people are beaten down and marginalize, they fight back by asserting themselves in these ways .

Oh I see. Yeah, we've really beat down the black, browns and LGBT haven't we? You need parades to help support your fabrications. Say, I'm Jewish decent. Heck, my relatives were slaves far more recently than blacks, for example. Shall I organize a Jewish pride parade?

I find it fascinating how liberals suggest equality and integration, when their talk and actions do no more than support racism and segregation. It's a big mess. Oh yeah, be sure to hate the white guy. You know how racist those guys are.
I see, so to expressing pride in your heritage is promoting racism and segregation. Dude, we can be united and get along and celebrate our diversity all at the same time. It's very sad that you don't think so. More likely you haven't given it much thought at all or are just reaching for a reason to condemn the gay pride parade.

if taking phride in your race is OK then stop calling Trump a white nationalist since you seem to be OK with white nationalism.
Horseshit. He and the white nationalists are not just taking pride in being white, they are denegrating non whites and you either know that and are being dishonest, or you are really just that stupid.

Remember when the Marxists said gay marriage wouldn't impact anyone who wasn't gay?

Religious freedom or bigotry? Supreme Court mulls high-stakes gay wedding cake case
You don't think businesses should follow the business laws they are supposed to follow when getting a business license?

Why do I need a license from some government mooching sponge to operate a business in the first place?
So....you don't think you need a business license to open up a business? Where in the U.S. are you allowed to do that?

Ummm for one.. that big ole decentralized TCP/IP network you're currently wallowing in; methinks that you do not understand the meaning of business LICENSE and what the purpose and scope commonly entails.

Suppose you tell us, what is the purpose of a business license, zoning laws and regulations?
To siphon money to the government, and often, to protect existi g businesses from competition.
The Stonewall uprising was a defensive action against a murderous govt establishment.
I'm thinkin' that all you anti LGBTQ folk have something to hide
You don't think businesses should follow the business laws they are supposed to follow when getting a business license?

Why do I need a license from some government mooching sponge to operate a business in the first place?
So....you don't think you need a business license to open up a business? Where in the U.S. are you allowed to do that?

Ummm for one.. that big ole decentralized TCP/IP network you're currently wallowing in; methinks that you do not understand the meaning of business LICENSE and what the purpose and scope commonly entails.

Suppose you tell us, what is the purpose of a business license, zoning laws and regulations?

To siphon money to the government, and often, to protect existi g businesses from competition.

Really? Have you considered regulation and zoning laws protect the security and safety and value of private property? Would you prefer to eat in a restaurant not licensed or regulated?

I don't use the word stupid as an insult, but it is really stupid to believe our water, air and food would all be safe if we simply let providers produce products without rules - human nature + greed would create a very harmful environment.
The reason why God made it into a law that His own are not allowed to practiced homosexuality. It is to show the world how it was suppose of have been like before sin had entered.
During the time of Abraham, the people did not know what was a relationship suppose to be like. None of the people were not devoted to one another, except for a very small few. Abraham was basically the only one that was devoted to Sarah. Eventhough she could not borne him a child, he will not abandoned her, for someone that can borne him a child.In those days, they were having sex with their own children, the same sex and animals. And so God made it into a law to His very own, that they cannot practiced them acts anymore.
He chosen Abraham's seeds because only of Abraham was the best of all the fruits at the time. And so He promised Abraham that He will work with his descendants, even if they are in bad condition And so God was in the process of reconditioning them from their wicked ways by having them to be the examples. By making them to follow His ways so that their children will follow after them. If they were not following the laws, so then that it would reflect whatever they were doing onto their children.
Some Homosexuals were born in that condition and some were made when they were a child. That is why it is important to raise a child in the way that it should go, because it will not depart from it.
Like there are Homosexuals that are bisexuals, do to them from being continuously molested or raped as a child. That it has became a natural thing for them to do. That is why God said that they must not sleep with the same sex or close kins. Because they will become accustom to that lifestyle, and unable to break from it.
God was trying to keep the ways that he has designed us to be in this world. To make sure that the people doesn't lose track of the way He has designed us to be.

Exodus 32:22 “Do not be angry, my lord,” Aaron answered. “You know how prone these people are to evil.

Genesis 30:3 Then she said, “Here is Bilhah, my servant. Sleep with her so that she can bear children for me and I too can build a family through her.”

Genesis 16:1 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said. So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. ...

Before the laws, that this was a normal act.

Genesis 19:36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father.
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...that is the reason most work from home and without the benefit of government help...i am in a fuss with my baker who wants to do my cake on the 20 th frost on the 21 st and serve on the 24 th lol wtf? the cake would either be too dry or have so much simply syrup in it i couldnt eat it....i just cussed her for being a sorry ass baker and reminded her of all the promises she made last year when she couldnt do my cake..and this year she is off to the beach?

my point being if you want this bs go public open a business .....pay taxes and have regulations or work from home and do what you want....this doesnt encourage small businesses

My mother in law is a druid too. Or what passes for one. She does all the same stuff as you i guess. lots familiar in your post. Thing for me is this, say I had a tire guy like yours and I made an issue of his objections. Whats to say he doesn't half ass the work? I would much rather go where folks are like minded. I say let the customers vote with their wallets. Keep the courts out of it.
The reason why God made it into a law that His own are not allowed to practiced homosexuality. It is to show the world how it was suppose of have been like before sin had entered.
During the time of Abraham, the people did not know what was a relationship suppose to be like. None of the people were not devoted to one another, except for a very small few. Abraham was basically the only one that was devoted to Sarah. Eventhough she could not borne him a child, he will not abandoned her, for someone that can borne him a child.In those days, they were having sex with their own children, the same sex and animals. And so God made it into a law to His very own, that they cannot practiced them acts anymore.
He chosen Abraham's seeds because only of Abraham was the best of all the fruits at the time. And so He promised Abraham that He will work with his descendants, even if they are in bad condition And so God was in the process of reconditioning them from their wicked ways by having them to be the examples. By making them to follow His ways so that their children will follow after them. If they were not following the laws, so then that it would reflect whatever they were doing onto their children.
Some Homosexuals were born in that condition and some were made when they were a child. That is why it is important to raise a child in the way that it should go, because it will not depart from it.
Like there are Homosexuals that are bisexuals, do to them from being continuously molested or raped as a child. That it has became a natural thing for them to do. That is why God said that they must not sleep with the same sex or close kins. Because they will become accustom to that lifestyle, and unable to break from it.
God was trying to keep the ways that he has designed us to be in this world. To make sure that the people doesn't lose track of the way He has designed us to be.

Exodus 32:22 “Do not be angry, my lord,” Aaron answered. “You know how prone these people are to evil.

Genesis 30:3 Then she said, “Here is Bilhah, my servant. Sleep with her so that she can bear children for me and I too can build a family through her.”

Genesis 16:1 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said. So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. ...

So devoted that he would tell kings that she was his sister so they would do their thing with her and not kill him.

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