Homosexual degeneracy

Let's look at your statement "no wonder you're stupid, look at what you read". Now let's apply some analysis. I'll keep it simple so you can follow along.

Cause: I read something. Effect: I'm stupid.

In order for you to make this assertion, you must have read it as well. Therefore we can conclude that you too are stupid. Welcome dude. On topic, read my last post. I added more links to facts you deny exist cuz "people are born gay"........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Let's look at your statement "no wonder you're stupid, look at what you read". Now let's apply some analysis. I'll keep it simple so you can follow along.

Cause: I read something. Effect: I'm stupid.

In order for you to make this assertion, you must have read it as well. Therefore we can conclude that you too are stupid. Welcome dude. On topic, read my last post. I added more links to facts you deny exist cuz "people are born gay"........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.

Not all gays, but definitely a significant number of them whose motto is "get them while they are young"...they are called "chickenhawks". Harry Hays, one of the biggest voices for the pro-homosexual movement was a proponent of NAMBLA and you cannot deny that very salient fact.
Milo. Hastert. Duggar.

Disgusting and sick twisted fucks......throw in Dick Cheney, GH Bush, the Clintons, Gerald Ford, Robert Byrd, Barney Frank, Mitch McConnell, etc, etc......the majority of our alleged "politicians" are compromised pedophiles......want to debate me on this?????
Debate? Seriously? You make wild and libelous allegations against a bunch of public figures without any documentation and you want to debate? This sort of thing is another example of why it is hard to afford you the respect that you demand.
The constitution doesn't forbid homosexually or Transgenderism...So that means we're both covered by the same rights and liberties that heterosexuals enjoy.

Fascism always wishes to take away freedoms and ones liberties, and the people that bitch about liberals doing such seem to be the ones fighting the hardest to do just that. Liberals are expanding freedoms and liberties.
It's never mentioned in the Constitution, people keep telling me it is, And homosexuality is a petty small group, does it even cross you mind why this is even an issue? Hint hint: somebody with a big big agenda is pushing such minor issue. All this Homophobia stuff, who is putting that out there? Nobody cares, gays are making it a bigger issue than it really is. I don't like people dictating to me how NORMAL their sexuality is, and NEEDING acceptance and preaching intolerance to anything outside their agenda, hypocritical. it isn't working.
Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
Christ man!! Bestiality now!!?? And you want to be respected and taken seriously . Give me a fucking break!
My apologies, I thought you had said at one time that you were gay and if I remembered wrong or got you confused with someone else, then that is on me.
I never said one way or the other. I make a practice of not discussing my sexuality with anyone, unless there is a romantic interest. Denying that one is gay only feeds and validates the bigotry exuded by those who use the label pejoratively. It is not relative to the topic and foolish to make such assumptions about others.
When you are pushing it on grade school aged kids as young as six years old when anything sexual should be THE furthest thing from their minds? Well, I have a HUGE problem with that and had it been pushed on my children when they were in school? I would have ripped the principal "a new one" and then I would have pulled them out of the school so fast that it would have made their heads spin. I also have a problem with Common Core incorporating homosexuality into the curriculum and the parents are not being told about it. Sexuality and "the talk" is between the parents and the child. It's not the responsibility of the state to indoctrinate them.
Sorry, educators as well as parents and others adults in the child's life have a role to play in helping the kids to deal with sexuality. And like it or not, children are aware of sexuality issues at an increasingly early age thanks largely to social and other media, and a generally more open environment. The issues must be dealt with appropriately for the purpose of helping the kids understand their own sexuality as well as developing empathy and respect for others who may be different.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.

However, you still have those who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous. Fortunately , one community had the good sense to know it is wrong and fought back:

Community Protests Attempt To Remove LGBT Information From Health Classes

Indian River, Delaware Board of Education member Shaun Fink wants to remove all LGBT references from school Health classes, saying he has "issues with teaching it's ok to be gay".

About 100 students, parents, members LGBT community and their straight allies turned up at a meeting of the Indian Rivers, Delaware, Board of Education meeting this week, hoping for a chance to speak. The protesters object to a move afoot by at least one board member to remove the terms gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, from the district's Health curriculum.
Cole Haden, a senior at Sussex High School was visibly angry, locking eyes with Shaun Fink as he spoke:

"Mr. Fink, I would like to thank you for allowing me to have a chance to stand for LGBTQA equality and engage my peers in a conversation about fairness and tolerance, which you seemingly haven't contributed to. You have fueled a fire long waiting to erupt. However, I can't thank you too much, for as a LGBTQA student at Sussex Central High School, and the district that you heartily govern, you have done the school district and the community a great disservice by allowing your personal faith to interfere with your professional work."

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.
And it never fails to worry me that there are people like that out there who cannot tell the difference between consent among adults and molesting animals and children that cannot give consent.

Doesn't really matter to some queers and they are pushing for the lowering of the age of consent. The Kinsey Report that leftards like you believe in was a total fraud. I wonder why the leftards that touted his (snicker) "research" never bothered pointing out the data he presented about children being "orgasmic" at even infancy?

You really are a sick sack of shit........seriously. You are a perverted, sick and twisted waste of life. I thank God for the internet because where else could I delve into the mindset of a disgusting sack of shit while being spared of having to share the same airspace.

The only fraud is you and any other bigoted fuck that tries to equate gays and pedophilia.

Have you ever seen a "queer pride" parade? Or accidentally taken your kids to a place like "Six Flags Over Texas" during the week (when I thought me and my kids would have a better chance of not waiting forever to get on a ride) only to find that it was "Queer Day" and seeing fags wearing ass-less chaps and groping each other and tongue kissing while waiting on getting a day pass? Try explaining THAT to a 7 and 12 year old before I could take it in as to what I had exposed them to...........fuck you, ya sick, twisted sack of shit. Why is it that queers have a HUGE aversion to protocol as it pertains to PDA in public that are totally inappropriate? I would say the same thing about straight couples that are overly affectionate in public....but these queers had no boundaries nor did they hide their sexual proclivities.

Both of my children have marched in gay pride parades. My daughter went last year without us. Took the train into the city with friends and had the time of her life.

You know, I took my son to Great America last year. He got stopped by security and told to put his shirt on...which makes your story about assless chaps suspect at best.

What is it you're concerned with having to explain to a 7 and 12 year old? That men and men and women and women sometimes love each other like men and women do? Yeah, I can see where that might strain YOUR parenting skills. :rolleyes:
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And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
With you, it's all about being stupid.

I certainly know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail shoulders wouldn't hold walking even 30 yards in my shoes....much less a mile.

That there is a pedophilia problem is unrelated to a thread about gays.
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

You don't "get it" because it's not true.

Myth 4 – The myth that most men who sexually abuse boys are gay.
Studies about this question suggest that men who have sexually abused a boy most often identify as heterosexual and often are involved in adult heterosexual relationships at the time of abusive interaction. There is no indication that a gay man is more likely to engage in sexually abusive behavior than a straight man and some studies even suggest it is less likely. But sexual abuse is not a sexual “relationship,” – it’s an assault. The sexual orientation of the abusive person is not really relevant to the abusive interaction. A man who sexually abuses or exploits boys is not engaging in a homosexual interaction – any more than men who sexually abuse or exploit girls are engaging in heterosexual behavior. He is a deeply confused individual who, for various reasons, desires to sexually use or abuse a child, and has acted on that desire. (See Why Do People Sexually Use or Abuse Children?)

Myth 5 – The myth that boys abused by males must have attracted the abuse because they are gay or they become gay as a result.
There are different theories about how sexual orientation develops, but experts in human sexuality do not believe that sexual abuse or premature sexual experiences play a significant role. There is no good evidence that someone can “make” another person be homosexual or heterosexual. Sexual orientation is a complex issue and there is no single answer or theory that explains why someone identifies himself as homosexual, heterosexual or bi-sexual.

It is common, however, for boys and men who have been abused to express confusion about their sexual identity and orientation, whether they identify as straight, gay or bi-sexual. Some guys who identify as heterosexual, fear that, due to their experiences as boys, they must “really” be homosexual. They may believe this would mean that they can’t be a “real man,” as defined by the larger society. Even men who clearly indentify as heterosexual, and men who project very traditional heterosexual traits , may fear that others will “find them out” as gay or not real men. Men who identify as gay or bi-sexual may wonder if their sexual orientation was influenced in any way by the abusive experience or may even be the cause of their orientation. (See How It Can Be Different for Men.)

Also, many boys abused by males wonder if something about them sexually attracted the person who abused them and will unknowingly attract other males who will misuse them. While these are understandable fears, they are not true. One of the great tragedies of childhood sexual abuse is how it robs a person’s natural right to discover his own sexuality in his own time.

It is very important to remember that abuse arises from the abusive persons’s failure to develop and maintain healthy adult sexual relationships, and his or her willingness to sexually use and abuse kids. It has nothing to do with the preferences or desires of the child who is abused, and therefore cannot determine a person’s natural sexual identity.

1in6 | Myths & Facts - Sexual Abuse of Boys and Lasting Effects in Men
Ever watch the break down of Walt Disney movies on youtube and see the subliminal messages in them? I suggest that you do so. I was utterly STUNNED and disgusted with what I saw and I use to always get the latest Disney film for my kids. I found out only in the last few years that Walt Disney was a pedophile and his "DisneyLand" and "DisneyWorld" were used in the CIA operation of MK-Ultra. Walt Disney was also a 33rd degree freemason. Do some research on Harry Hay, the one considered one of the biggest leaders of the pro-homosexuality movement and his support of NAMBLA.

All of the things I am talking about like Kinsey, Crowley, the OTO, Disney, Hay, the CIA and freemasonry all tie in together and whether you believe it or not doesn't nor can it refute what I have spent hundreds of hours researching because we have a SERIOUS pedophile problem in this country and it is a world wide issue. The Franklin Scandal, Jimmy Savile, the Hampstead cover-up, Fiona Barnett, Cathy O'Brien, Pizzagate .....and BTW, Pizzagate is just the tip of the iceberg. Yeah, we have a huge problem in this country and the world and the subtle push of trying to "normalize" it is going on all around us and most don't even see it. How many children goes missing every year? One goes missing every 40 seconds in this country. The vast majority are found but even if it's just one percent that they cannot find? That is still 7,650 children that cannot be accounted for but I suspect that the number is much higher because some children that disappear are never even reported as missing. Think about it...do your own diligence. This isn't about political affiliations, this is about our children.
Your obsession with pedophilia, as well as with conspiracy theories and obscure sex cults is noted. Yes, shit happens and I agree that child sexual abuse and exploitation is a big problem. But it has more to do with sexual repression than with the sexual revolution. Throughout all of your posts, you imply this pedophilia problem is the fault of gays and the result of LGBT awareness and acceptance and that is just wrong.
BTW, you'll never hear me say people aren't "born gay". I believe some people are, and call me crazy, but you might notice a lot of gay men have pronounced Canine teeth. Yeah, no shit, see if you notice the same. That said, anyone who doesn't think environment plays a role is a much dumber mother fucker than those who insist nobody is "born gay"..
I have certain family members that are gay or bi. One was no doubt broken when he was born (full gay). His mother drank and partied a lot so that may have possibly played a role in how he turned out. He was always gay. He went after my small children as a young teen when I was house and baby-sitting for him and his sisters for a few days while the aunt was out of state. Let's just say we came to an understanding as to what would happen to him if he ever tried to touch one of my children again. The other one an older distant cousin had a bi pedo dad that got a hold of any child he could including his own. That poor fellow was seriously mental and mixed up his whole life also but it was more of the way he was raised verses a chemical or brain issue. I have also known many and conversed with them through the years, lesbos, gays and trannies. Most generally they knew that they had a perversion and would readily admit it. These here on this board try to use their perversions to verbally beat up other people that are not willing to accept their perversions as normal. That is where the problem lies as sexual perversions are no more normal than being someone who is a stone cold drunk or druggy. Some people grow up with parents who are alcoholics or druggies and their children tend to gravitate towards that also. Those are society issues and problems in many cases also but they are not touted as being normal behavior as alcoholics and druggies are also deviating from the acceptable norm. Most parents wouldn't want a drug addict or an alcoholic going into their children's schools teaching them that it is perfectly okay behavior. Adopting a child out to a known alcoholic or drug addict parent would not be a preference over a parent with normal behavior either but there has been a lot of money spent to push this particular deviancy onto the general public as being perfectly normal. Hay's along with others spent a lot of their money to promote their deviancy.
BTW, you'll never hear me say people aren't "born gay". I believe some people are, and call me crazy, but you might notice a lot of gay men have pronounced Canine teeth. Yeah, no shit, see if you notice the same. That said, anyone who doesn't think environment plays a role is a much dumber mother fucker than those who insist nobody is "born gay"..
I have certain family members that are gay or bi. One was no doubt broken when he was born (full gay). His mother drank and partied a lot so that may have possibly played a role in how he turned out. He was always gay. He went after my small children as a young teen when I was house and baby-sitting for him and his sisters for a few days while the aunt was out of state. Let's just say we came to an understanding as to what would happen to him if he ever tried to touch one of my children again. The other one an older distant cousin had a bi pedo dad that got a hold of any child he could including his own. That poor fellow was seriously mental and mixed up his whole life also but it was more of the way he was raised verses a chemical or brain issue. I have also known many and conversed with them through the years, lesbos, gays and trannies. Most generally they knew that they had a perversion and would readily admit it. These here on this board try to use their perversions to verbally beat up other people that are not willing to accept their perversions as normal. That is where the problem lies as sexual perversions are no more normal than being someone who is a stone cold drunk or druggy. Some people grow up with parents who are alcoholics or druggies and their children tend to gravitate towards that also. Those are society issues and problems in many cases also but they are not touted as being normal behavior as alcoholics and druggies are also deviating from the acceptable norm. Most parents wouldn't want a drug addict or an alcoholic going into their children's schools teaching them that it is perfectly okay behavior. Adopting a child out to a known alcoholic or drug addict parent would not be a preference over a parent with normal behavior either but there has been a lot of money spent to push this particular deviancy onto the general public as being perfectly normal. Hay's along with others spent a lot of their money to promote their deviancy.
A boatload of bigoted bovine excrement.
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BTW, you'll never hear me say people aren't "born gay". I believe some people are, and call me crazy, but you might notice a lot of gay men have pronounced Canine teeth. Yeah, no shit, see if you notice the same. That said, anyone who doesn't think environment plays a role is a much dumber mother fucker than those who insist nobody is "born gay"..
I have certain family members that are gay or bi. One was no doubt broken when he was born (full gay). His mother drank and partied a lot so that may have possibly played a role in how he turned out. He was always gay. He went after my small children as a young teen when I was house and baby-sitting for him and his sisters for a few days while the aunt was out of state. Let's just say we came to an understanding as to what would happen to him if he ever tried to touch one of my children again. The other one an older distant cousin had a bi pedo dad that got a hold of any child he could including his own. That poor fellow was seriously mental and mixed up his whole life also but it was more of the way he was raised verses a chemical or brain issue. I have also known many and conversed with them through the years, lesbos, gays and trannies. Most generally they knew that they had a perversion and would readily admit it. These here on this board try to use their perversions to verbally beat up other people that are not willing to accept their perversions as normal. That is where the problem lies as sexual perversions are no more normal than being someone who is a stone cold drunk or druggy. Some people grow up with parents who are alcoholics or druggies and their children tend to gravitate towards that also. Those are society issues and problems in many cases also but they are not touted as being normal behavior as alcoholics and druggies are also deviating from the acceptable norm. Most parents wouldn't want a drug addict or an alcoholic going into their children's schools teaching them that it is perfectly okay behavior. Adopting a child out to a known alcoholic or drug addict parent would not be a preference over a parent with normal behavior either but there has been a lot of money spent to push this particular deviancy onto the general public as being perfectly normal. Hay's along with others spent a lot of their money to promote their deviancy.
A boatload of bigoted bovine excrement
Yes you and your buddies do project a lot of that and you are all back on my invisible ignore list.
Both of my children have marched in gay pride parades.
Where I live, the gay pride parade is on Father's Day each year. And the "parade" is more like a rolling live sex show, similar to the shit you see in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I will not let my children anywhere near that parade.

That pisses me off. I know they picked Father's Day on purpose, and all they are accomplishing is alienating people like me who support equality for gays.

For one day a year, I am a raging anti-gay bigot.
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If the baker was a Muslim, who refused to make a "bar mitzvah" Cake for a Jew, would the LWNJ's feel the same way? What if a customer wanted a Muslim bakery to bake a cake with a pork sausage baked into the cake? Where is the line drawn?
If the baker was a Muslim, who refused to make a "bar mitzvah" Cake for a Jew, would the LWNJ's feel the same way? What if a customer wanted a Muslim bakery to bake a cake with a pork sausage baked into the cake? Where is the line drawn?
You don't get it at all.

Since the Muslim bakery NEVER makes a sausage cake, they are not violating your rights by turning YOU down if you ask for one.

If you serve soup and sandwiches at your public lunch counter, then you must serve them to everyone, including hungry black patrons.

If you make wedding cakes for the public, then you must serve them to everyone, including gay patrons.

Got it now?
It's never mentioned in the Constitution, people keep telling me it is, And homosexuality is a petty small group, does it even cross you mind why this is even an issue? Hint hint: somebody with a big big agenda is pushing such minor issue. All this Homophobia stuff, who is putting that out there? Nobody cares, gays are making it a bigger issue than it really is. I don't like people dictating to me how NORMAL their sexuality is, and NEEDING acceptance and preaching intolerance to anything outside their agenda, hypocritical. it isn't working.
Oh, it's worked very well. Thanks to efforts by the gay folks, same sax marriage is now legal. People are no longer sent to asylums or lobotomized for being gay.

And soon? Even bestiality and pedophilia will be accepted...it's all about being "progressive"....no?
Another 'brilliant' #RussianWr who cannot discern the difference between consensual acts between adults and those acts that cannot be consented to. The kind of person that it's best to keep away from animals and children because they don't know the difference.

People like Dale are probably more likely to be a pedo as white hetero's are the typical demographic for such. It is also more likely the victim will probably be family members that live under him.

Really? Seems to me that you are breaking a rule that USMB takes very seriously.........
"Physician, heal thyself."
It never fails in any topic about gays, the bigots attempt to equate homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality.

Never fails.

Well, if we're going to be honest, there is a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. A much higher rate of homosexuals were molested as children, so yes, Carson was correct about environment, but in a political setting, he can't be as cold as I am. Most of that molestation is men and boys. What's interesting is how come boys become gay, while girls run the other way with women? I get the women part, the male I don't.

LOL @ link as if it's not true. Look it up.

I looked it up and found there are no links because it's just plain wrong.

Anyone who says "LOL @ link" is clearly someone who just believes, and I have to wonder why the hell they're on a forum like this.

Perhaps you should read my last post then.

BTW, you'll never hear me say people aren't "born gay". I believe some people are, and call me crazy, but you might notice a lot of gay men have pronounced Canine teeth. Yeah, no shit, see if you notice the same. That said, anyone who doesn't think environment plays a role is a much dumber mother fucker than those who insist nobody is "born gay".

Personally I could give a shit, so long as some gay dude doesn't try to put a move on me in a public bathroom (happened before, he's lucky he didn't get cold cocked, no pun intended)......or pretend to be something they're not (i.e., men were intended to marry, have kids, and use the women's bathroom).

Pronounced canines? Really???
What drugs are you on???

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