Homosexual degeneracy

Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?

My state banned gay marriage.

You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?

Now you're picking the fly shit out of the pepper. Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin. Nice try but you have failed
Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?

My state banned gay marriage.

You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?
Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?

My state banned gay marriage.

You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?

Now you're picking the fly shit out of the pepper. Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin. Nice try but you have failed
So are many other actions, yet only one stands out for religious folks to act against.
Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?

My state banned gay marriage.

You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?

My state banned gay marriage.

You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?

Now you're picking the fly shit out of the pepper. Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin. Nice try but you have failed
Agreed. And throughout it tells Believers to abstain and do not take part with another persons sin. That is also the reason most Christians do not want tax dollars paying for abortions.
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been but when the people try to protect children liberal assholes whine that they are treated unfairly.

can you give an example of that? not a personal anecdote but a real life legal case...
I could but won't be wasted my time conversing and searching back through posts and articles for you.
"I could but..............."

You have nothing.....but I have already given an example of #RussianWrs excusing Josh Duggar.....and let's not forget that trump who invited pedophile Ted Nugent to the WH.
A whole thread for you. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Evil ? & #451
Harvey Milk
pedophile - Wiktionary

pedophile (plural pedophiles). (informal) An adult who is attracted to anybody below the age of consent. (psychiatry) A person aged 16 years old or older who is ...

Teachers are caught and prosecuted.....priests are protected by the church hierarchy and moved to the next unsuspecting parish UNLESS they are caught by secular authorities.
I don't belong to the Catholic church so you are barking up the wrong tree. They belong in jail or worse when children are abused again no matter who they are.
Who's doing the whining here? I'm happy with our secular laws and our PA laws. You, however, whine about not being able to shove your religion down our throats in the public venue.
My private business is none of your business and your rights do not overcome mine.
Your "private business".......but once you get a business license, it's no longer just your "private business". There are laws and regulations you are expected to follow if you want to keep your license.

In your opinion what defines public enterprise from private enterprise?
Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?
Apparently you are not very well informed on what is a private business enterprise and what is a public enterprise. Maybe this will help you learn. Having a business license that is required for public health and well being or reasons do not make that enterprise a public enterprise. If they did you would be able to require even a plumber with a license to do business be under your PC laws and that ain't happening. You would play hell trying to get me to do anything for you against my will no matter what that is that you think I should do which I know better than doing. My labor, my talent, my mind and my thoughts are my own and these belong to me alone not you or the public at large to do with as you please.

A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned neither by non-governmental organizations nor by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately. More ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.
Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. That's #RussianWrs' fake news.
My state banned gay marriage.

You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.
What religion says you can't bake cakes for gay people ?

If you are going to claim religious protection, should you have to show you are religious ?
So do you exhibit you are queer to get that special status of being a pervert or can you simply say you are to get it?

I think you are proving my point . In order to claim you are being discriminated for being gay, don't you have have to be gay?
So how is it that you prove that you are gay so you can get these special priveleges that were never a portion of the original Bill of Rights or Constitution?

My religious beliefs are well documented, the test written in is very specific on how to determine who is a believer and well over 2000 years old. What do you have?
What special privileges are those you speak of?
What religion says you can't bake cakes for gay people ?

If you are going to claim religious protection, should you have to show you are religious ?
So do you exhibit you are queer to get that special status of being a pervert or can you simply say you are to get it?

I think you are proving my point . In order to claim you are being discriminated for being gay, don't you have have to be gay?
So how is it that you prove that you are gay so you can get these special priveleges that were never a portion of the original Bill of Rights or Constitution?

My religious beliefs are well documented, the test written in is very specific on how to determine who is a believer and well over 2000 years old. What do you have?
What special privileges are those you speak of?
Being treated like any other person.
You live in a state which favors government intrusion into individual liberties.

Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
Er..no, it's enough to demonstrate that the accused believed you were gay at the time of the alleged discrimination.

Welcome to the United States of Insanity where perception counts and reality doesn't.

as evidence by your ridonkulous assertion. now let's see you cite an actual case. :eusa_clap:
Exactly. Christianity has zero input on our nations laws. None.

So says you, but you say a lot of nonsense. If you fags want a cake go to a queer baker. Simple

Doesn't work that way here, Christ bitch.

No, up yours. You're the one not allowed to live in Jesus-land.

Dude do you really have a Muppet avatar? And do you really expect me to take anything you say serious? That's disturbing
All you have is adhominem. Sad!
Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Places where children gather are targets for pedophiles. Always have been but when the people try to protect children liberal assholes whine that they are treated unfairly.

can you give an example of that? not a personal anecdote but a real life legal case...
I could but won't be wasted my time conversing and searching back through posts and articles for you.
"I could but..............."

You have nothing.....but I have already given an example of #RussianWrs excusing Josh Duggar.....and let's not forget that trump who invited pedophile Ted Nugent to the WH.
A whole thread for you. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Evil ? & #451
Harvey Milk
pedophile - Wiktionary

pedophile (plural pedophiles). (informal) An adult who is attracted to anybody below the age of consent. (psychiatry) A person aged 16 years old or older who is ...

I don't belong to the Catholic church so you are barking up the wrong tree. They belong in jail or worse when children are abused again no matter who they are.
My private business is none of your business and your rights do not overcome mine.
Your "private business".......but once you get a business license, it's no longer just your "private business". There are laws and regulations you are expected to follow if you want to keep your license.

In your opinion what defines public enterprise from private enterprise?
Getting a business license. If you wish to bake cakes at home for people, no license, it's private. But if you have a business license, you are obligated to follow the business laws of your state. Don't you agree?
Apparently you are not very well informed on what is a private business enterprise and what is a public enterprise. Maybe this will help you learn. Having a business license that is required for public health and well being or reasons do not make that enterprise a public enterprise. If they did you would be able to require even a plumber with a license to do business be under your PC laws and that ain't happening. You would play hell trying to get me to do anything for you against my will no matter what that is that you think I should do which I know better than doing. My labor, my talent, my mind and my thoughts are my own and these belong to me alone not you or the public at large to do with as you please.

A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned neither by non-governmental organizations nor by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately. More ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.
Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. That's #RussianWrs' fake news.
So you say but the records show it differently no matter how you try to spin it.
Like the gummit forcing Christians to violate their beliefs?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
The law of the land is not the Bible, in more precise terms, The New Testament. I don't remember Jesus giving anyone the right to condemn other folks either.
Er..no, it's enough to demonstrate that the accused believed you were gay at the time of the alleged discrimination.

Welcome to the United States of Insanity where perception counts and reality doesn't.

as evidence by your ridonkulous assertion. now let's see you cite an actual case. :eusa_clap:
It's codified into law...

from Section 4 of ENDA
"to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to the compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment of the individual, because of such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity; or

I would tell you to shut the fuck up before you make yourself look any more vapid than you already have but that's an impossibility, so carry on.
Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
The law od the land is not the Bible, in more precise terms, the New Testament. I don't remember Jesus giving anyone the right to condemn other folks either.
Condemning and refusing to take part in anything to do with their evil is not one and the same. People condemn themselves.
What religion says you can't bake cakes for gay people ?

If you are going to claim religious protection, should you have to show you are religious ?
So do you exhibit you are queer to get that special status of being a pervert or can you simply say you are to get it?

I think you are proving my point . In order to claim you are being discriminated for being gay, don't you have have to be gay?
So how is it that you prove that you are gay so you can get these special priveleges that were never a portion of the original Bill of Rights or Constitution?

My religious beliefs are well documented, the test written in is very specific on how to determine who is a believer and well over 2000 years old. What do you have?
What special privileges are those you speak of?

Beliefs are not violated. Where in the Bible are Christians forbidden from making cakes for those who have sinned?
I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
What religion says you can't bake cakes for gay people ?

If you are going to claim religious protection, should you have to show you are religious ?
So do you exhibit you are queer to get that special status of being a pervert or can you simply say you are to get it?

I think you are proving my point . In order to claim you are being discriminated for being gay, don't you have have to be gay?
So how is it that you prove that you are gay so you can get these special priveleges that were never a portion of the original Bill of Rights or Constitution?

My religious beliefs are well documented, the test written in is very specific on how to determine who is a believer and well over 2000 years old. What do you have?
What special privileges are those you speak of?

I wonder if they ask each customer if they are adulterous?

They didn't have to ask the homos they informed them....nice try but you also have failed
I am sure they did since being a homersexual is not aginst the law.

Lame, if you're going to continue that nonsense continue it with someone else, it's annoying. But with that said it's against Biblical law
We don't follow biblical law in this country....we follow the U.S. Constitution.
Over riding my freedom of practicing religious liberty by refusing your ability to tell me want I have to accept concerning your own deviant desires.
What deviant desires did I try to get you to join in?

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