Homosexual indoctrination event axed after parents revolt

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would it look like ?
The schools vision is one I buy into -

“The parade was about teaching the kids love has no label and celebrating love in all its forms."

Thats amazing isnt it ?
Sounds like a motto for fast tracking the normalization of pedophilia...
You need to make the link to that because I cant see it.

This is what one parent said -

“We thought we would celebrate Pride month so those children from LGBT families would feel included and to show the kids that children come from different families. "

That sounds noble and Christian to me.Old style Christian I mean, not the current hate cult.
Which old style Christian. The loving old style that slaughtered competing versions of Christianity, and its members? Or the old style that ruthlessly anhialated indigenous peoples across Europe, and in the Americas?
Or was it the loving old style that tortured people throughout Europe in the quest for consolidating power? So many to choose from. Do be specific.
The love thy neighbour stuff that I was brought up on. Made a huge impression on us.
You obviously didn’t understand the message.
“It said it wanted parents join in celebrating “the rainbow of things that make them and their family special”.

So the kids are taught LGBTQxyz is ‘special’? Not equal, but SPECIAL.
They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?


It would look like America.
They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?


It would look like America.

Hmmmm........interesting. Maybe a mardi gras sorta thingy? Only with pussy hats for the sheilas and...the mind boggles...for the blokes?

They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?

They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?


It would look like America.

Hmmmm........interesting. Maybe a mardi gras sorta thingy? Only with pussy hats for the sheilas and...the mind boggles...for the blokes?


Most of America is hetero, no 'event' needed.
What would it look like ?
The schools vision is one I buy into -

“The parade was about teaching the kids love has no label and celebrating love in all its forms."

Thats amazing isnt it ?
Sounds like a motto for fast tracking the normalization of pedophilia...
You need to make the link to that because I cant see it.

This is what one parent said -

“We thought we would celebrate Pride month so those children from LGBT families would feel included and to show the kids that children come from different families. "

That sounds noble and Christian to me.Old style Christian I mean, not the current hate cult.
Which old style Christian. The loving old style that slaughtered competing versions of Christianity, and its members? Or the old style that ruthlessly anhialated indigenous peoples across Europe, and in the Americas?
Or was it the loving old style that tortured people throughout Europe in the quest for consolidating power? So many to choose from. Do be specific.
The love thy neighbour stuff that I was brought up on. Made a huge impression on us.
You obviously didn’t understand the message.
They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?


Orangemen??? You're nuts, Tommy. lmao

They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?


It would look like America.

Hmmmm........interesting. Maybe a mardi gras sorta thingy? Only with pussy hats for the sheilas and...the mind boggles...for the blokes?


Most of America is hetero, no 'event' needed.

Of course.

They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would a Heterosexual Pride event look like? Just wondering?


Orangemen??? You're nuts, Tommy. lmao

Its as close as you are likely to get.
They held the event and the kids learned a lot about hate. Seems like a win for our side from my thinking. Great news,Good job parents !!

Would you support a Hetrosexual pride event? Or are you just a hypocrite?

What would it look like ?
The schools vision is one I buy into -

“The parade was about teaching the kids love has no label and celebrating love in all its forms."

Thats amazing isnt it ?

Kids don't need to love any sexual preference until they're at least thirty-five. This^^ is borderline pedophilic grooming. The government knows it. They sell kids' minds and innocence for votes.
Kids don't need to love any sexual preference until they're at least thirty-five. This^^ is borderline pedophilic grooming. The government knows it. They sell kids' minds and innocence for votes.

Nothing “borderline” about it. This is full-fledged sexual grooming and exploitation of children. And those involved certainly know what they are doing. So do those who defend it. Pedophiles are being allowed, bit-by-perverted-bit, to claim mainstream acceptability.

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