Homosexual Waiter Says He Was Refused Tip Because Of His Sexual Orientation

So somebody chose not to leave a tip. So what? The only really odd thing here is that anyone considers it a "current event" that deserves discussion.
So somebody chose not to leave a tip. So what? The only really odd thing here is that anyone considers it a "current event" that deserves discussion.

So what if the diner in question didn't leave a tip and left a bigoted remark instead? Is the whole world this thin skinned that we're all supposed to engage in some moral outrage because someone (supposedly) called someone a name?

Even if the diner in question was an asshole, then just don't let him eat there again. Problem solved, problem staying solved.

Or we can all be big pussies...
What is alleged to have been written on the back of the check.
"Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD. (Homosexual slur) do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours," the customer wrote. "We hope you will see the tip your (homosexual slur) choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly. It is never too late for GOD's love, but none shall be spared for (homosexual slur). May GOD have mercy on you."

Sounds about par to me...

I do not believe your evidense. I have never seen THAT much room on any comment space on any check ever ..anywhere. I think you just made it up.
That's okay. They can leave nasty grams on the backs of their checks, they can refuse to tip, they can show their ass in every way imaginable.

They are the only ones being judged and found wanting.
Almost every sucky waiter I ever met thought they gave exemplary service.

Really? You asked?

And that's not what happened here. They complimented him, then explained that apparently since he looked gay, he wasn't entitled to God's blessings.
Here we go again. I personally think this guy is making it up. He is trying to copycat that negro waitress from Red Lobster who claimed the customer left the word 'Nigg*r' on her tip receipt. What is it with these deranged minorities?

Anti-gay customers refuse tip to server, other patrons rally - KCTV5

A 20-year-old waiter provided exemplary service at an Overland Park Italian restaurant, but his anti-gay customers refused to tip him because of his sexual orientation.

As word has spread through social media, other customers are coming in to offer words of encouragement and tip the young server extra.

His mother also works as a hostess and she was very upset by what was written on the back of the check earlier this week after he waited on a couple.

Seems like he wants to take a ride on the gravy train, too. But unlike the waitress' race, his sexual orientation is not obvious, there being no physical characteristics to signal such. So, unless he made some kind of issue or mentioned it, who's gonna know? I'm sure there are plenty of fools pleased to part from there money, though.
Here we go again. I personally think this guy is making it up. He is trying to copycat that negro waitress from Red Lobster who claimed the customer left the word 'Nigg*r' on her tip receipt. What is it with these deranged minorities?

Anti-gay customers refuse tip to server, other patrons rally - KCTV5

A 20-year-old waiter provided exemplary service at an Overland Park Italian restaurant, but his anti-gay customers refused to tip him because of his sexual orientation.

As word has spread through social media, other customers are coming in to offer words of encouragement and tip the young server extra.

His mother also works as a hostess and she was very upset by what was written on the back of the check earlier this week after he waited on a couple.

Why would someone walk up to a customer they were waiting on and announce their sexual orientation? Short of that, seriously, no one would actually know for dead certain. If the guy did that, and likely he tried to hit on the customer, then he behaved inappropriately and didn't deserve the tip.
What is alleged to have been written on the back of the check.
"Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD. (Homosexual slur) do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours," the customer wrote. "We hope you will see the tip your (homosexual slur) choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly. It is never too late for GOD's love, but none shall be spared for (homosexual slur). May GOD have mercy on you."

Sounds about par to me...

Par for what? How exactly did the customer know the waiter was gay?
The waiter, like the waitress most probably wrote it himself. Restaurant patrons may have to start guarding against these kinds of false accusations. It's getting as popular as bogus accusations of rape.

Perhaps everyone should note on their receipts or checks that they wrote no personal comments.
The waiter, like the waitress most probably wrote it himself. Restaurant patrons may have to start guarding against these kinds of false accusations. It's getting as popular as bogus accusations of rape.

Perhaps everyone should note on their receipts or checks that they wrote no personal comments.

On the thread about the waitress, I noted my own habit of using my OWN pen and not the one the waiter/waitress brings. I initially started doing that to prevent them from upping the tip. I mean, think how easy it would be for them to add another number before shat you wrote. Your purchase is already approved before you put the tip on, so you would be screwed.
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No, I don't know. What are you talking about?

He is making fun of Christians.,

Once again unless he told them he was gay they would not know enough to make a blanket statement. How one comports themselves does not equate to sexual orientation all the time. So either he told them or he made the whole thing up and wrote the note himself. Surprised no one has had the intelligence to ask this question. One can not tell someones sexual preference from looking at them in most cases and even if they "look" gay there is no promise they in fact are gay.

it's a "she".
a loser one - has been put into place in flame zone :lol:

So...."she"s are "it"s now, eh? Nothing like the objectifying of women to make for a RWr, eh?
I ask again, HOW did they know he was gay?

I'm not sure why you need to ask this question three times. You've never seen an obviously gay person before? You've never seen a man with effeminate behavior and knew that dude was gay? Seriously??

You're being purposely obtuse.

He's leading up to asserting that the very fact of him being gay shoved his gayness into the customers face and therefore didn't deserve a tip...heheh.

Seriously, some people think this way. They're called xtains.


You are such an idiot. Imagine a waiter coming up to your table and saying, 'Hi, I'm Bruce and I'm straight.' The whole premise of this incident is stupid. No one knows you are gay unless you tell them.
It's hilarious watching xtians spin out of control defending the bigotry of other xtians.

Sunshine brings her own pen to make sure her bigoted comments are not confused with anything her servers might write...heheh.

Now THAT is paranoia.
I'm not sure why you need to ask this question three times. You've never seen an obviously gay person before? You've never seen a man with effeminate behavior and knew that dude was gay? Seriously??

You're being purposely obtuse.

He's leading up to asserting that the very fact of him being gay shoved his gayness into the customers face and therefore didn't deserve a tip...heheh.

Seriously, some people think this way. They're called xtains.


You are such an idiot. Imagine a waiter coming up to your table and saying, 'Hi, I'm Bruce and I'm straight.' The whole premise of this incident is stupid. No one knows you are gay unless you tell them.
What a load of crap.
He probably didn't get a tip because he's a drama queen fairy with delusions of grandeur. Fag waiters are always the worst. There's this one ass-porking Mary at a restaurant the wife and I used to frequent, and politely asking for an extra napkin would be enough to get a huff. Faggot. We eventually had to ask the hostess to seat us where he wasn't serving.

Having had 25 people working in the dining room of an up-scale business I owned, I have to tell you the very best server we "ever" had was, a gay male named Victor, pronounced Wickter, as his origins were German. He was very effeminate, and very efficient. He had a great reserved dignity and accomplished his job so well, he received the highest gratuities of any other server. :)

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