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homosexuality in the animal kingdom

Originally posted by OCA
There have been many a time where I wished I could've licked my own nuts hehehe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Just screwing around
:laugh: :laugh:
im sure jackass would like tolick your nuts too...lol

JK chuck...lol
Well since i'm relatively new here that went over my head but unless Jackass is a brunette with a nice rack, 7 inch platform spiked heels and a nice cucci i'll have to pass hehehe;)
Originally posted by OCA
Well since i'm relatively new here that went over my head but unless Jackass is a brunette with a nice rack, 7 inch platform spiked heels and a nice cucci i'll have to pass hehehe;)
well maybe 7 incehs somewhere...lol
3-Headed Frog Found
Frog Also Has 6 Legs

Wildlife experts in Britain are stunned by the apparent discovery of a frog with three croaking heads and six legs, Local 6 News will report Friday night.

The frog was reportedly found at a children's day nursery in the English village of Weston Super-Mare in Somerset, according to the report.

The staff at the Green Umbrella nursery first thought it was three frogs huddled together but after closer inspection they realized the frogs were joined together.

A wildlife biologist said a reason for the three-headed frog’s development could have been damage to the embryo, according to a report.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story
Wow...a three headed frog! I was immediately reminded of Blinky the Three-eyed fish from the Simpsons...lol It would be interesting to know how this happened wouldn't it?

Interesting how these libs will deem homosexuality natural but gender roles right-wing propaganda. It is NOT natural, it is NOT normal and you are destroying this country. I can guarantee the homosexual population will dramatically increase due to our acceptance and tolerance. This will prove to you it is not innate.
The "homosexual population" will not increase, the number of people who are "out" may because they will finally be able to comfortably be who they are without fear of repraisal from government sponsored bigotry sponsored and supported by the homophobic religious right.

acludem said:
The "homosexual population" will not increase, the number of people who are "out" may because they will finally be able to comfortably be who they are without fear of repraisal from government sponsored bigotry sponsored and supported by the homophobic religious right.


And then the homophobic religious right will claim that the "homosexual population" is increasing and something's gotta be done about it. (LOL)

Because nothing will ever convince them that it would be only the number of people who are "out" that is increasing.

acludem said:
Have a read of this story. It goes to show that homosexuality is not just a human characteristic.



Nice article, but just because penguins feed their young with regurgitated fish doesn’t mean I’m going to!

Now, to turn to the article’s real point, here are my fifty cents’ worth…..

1. Slavery was abolished by amending the Constitution. That was done by the Congress of the United States.
2. Women gained the right to vote when the Constitution was amended. That was done by the Congress of the United States.
3. The right to free speech, freedom of religion, again was granted to people because of an amendment to the Constitution, which was also was done by the Congress of the United States.

Do you see a pattern here? The Congress of the United States grants the rights, not the judiciary. I could go into other "rights" that have been granted by the judiciary by over stepping its constitutionally mandated powers, but you can apply what I'm about to say to Roe vs. Wade or Lawrence vs. Texas as well.

In the case of gay marriage, the Massachusetts Supreme Court over stepped its Constitutionally mandated powers and legislated from the bench. In effect, a few unelected officials with life time tenure and no accountability made law. That is what our Founding Fathers would view as an egregious abuse of power and amounts to government by an oligarchy instead of government by the people. Actually, if the Massachusetts Assembly or Senate got off their dead asses, they would be entirely within their constitutionally granted right to impeach the responsible justices.

The mayor of New Paltz, New York, and the mayor of San Francisco, California both broke the law when they issued marriage licenses to homosexuals in direct violation of the laws of their respective states. In the case of the mayor of New Paltz, he was brought before a judge ... in the case of the mayor of San Francisco, the Attorney General refused to do his duty and arrest him (I wonder why Governor Arnold hasn't fired and replaced him).

Now, you can call gay marriage a right or you can call it an abomination.... but that's not the point I'm trying to make. The point here is that a small group of left leaning individuals who were sworn to uphold the Constitution of their states (as well as the Constitution of the US) took the law into their own hands, basically trashed the Constitution in order to force upon the rest of us something that we don't want. That is in effect, a coup d'etat and is not something that a free people should tolerate.

The question now is do we allow a small group of renegade officials to break the law, trash the Constitution and force laws on the rest of us? The answer from even someone like you should be NO.

If the gay rights activists and their supporters believe that gay marriage is a right worth fighting for, then they should take the same path that the abolitionists and the suffragists took before them. They should petition Congress for an amendment to the Constitution granting gay marriage. But they won't because they know that they won't win. Such a measure wouldn't even survive a committee vote.

Anyway, for your information, the Congress has started to act on this and has limited the jurisdiction of federal courts from hearing any court challenge on the Defense of Marriage Act. The measure has passed the House of Representatives and is awaiting a vote by the Senate. Unlike the power grab of the judiciary, this measure is entirely within the constitutionally mandated powers granted to the Congress. Most states have already passed laws that both ban gay marriage and grant authority to refuse recognition of any gay marriage performed outside those states. Hopefully, that will be the end of this idiotic national embarrassment.
acludem said:
Have a read of this story. It goes to show that homosexuality is not just a human characteristic.




Facts on Homosexuality / Sodomy

Homosexuals have an average of 500 different sexual partners. According to a 1982 study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), those with AIDS average 1,000 in their lifetime. Some reported as many as 20,000 such encounters, the CDC said.

Sex with other men is not enough to satisfy their lust, however. According to a survey conducted by homosexuals themselves, 75% admit having had sex with 16- to 19-year old boys. ("Gay Report," 1979) And 20% admit having had sex with animals. ("Are Gay Rights Right?" by Roger J. Magnuson, 1990)

Does it matter that homosexuals intend to infiltrate classrooms and, through the Gay Teachers Association, tell kids that "gay is proud"? ("Bill of Rights," Gay Teachers Association, July 1977) One activist told a group of teachers: "It is absurd to hire a teacher and then say, But don't bring yourself to work. Don't bring your values or worldview into the classroom. ("Gay Community News," April 23, 1983) Yet to tell a suicidal teen "God loves you" is considered an imposition of one's religious beliefs or morality.

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) seeks to do away with all age of consent laws.

Homosexuality is not genetic. If it were, it could not be altered by mere choice. (You cannot "choose" to be brunette, Chinese, or tall. But homosexuals can choose to alter their behavior. The apostle Paul writes, "... but such WERE [past tense!] some of you...") Homosexuals have been known to change ("International Journal of Psychiatry," March 1972, p. 119), which proves it's not genetic.

The federal Food and Drug Administration allows one out of every 250 condoms to have a pinhole. ("Critic wins point as condom giveaway is barred," The Sunday Star-Ledger, April 14, 1991, Section 1, p. 52) Only 144 condoms out of each lot of 1,000 are tested for quality control, a specialist pointed out to the New Jersey State Department of Health AIDS Public Hearing, November 14, 1990.
Queers have no place in the life of decent people. They are *SICK*, and are in dire need of psychiatric help.

Its quite natural for some animals to eat their young. Should we be encouraging that practice among humans as well?
OCA said:
Since apes shit anywhere they want maybe humans we should try that too. OMG we are so much more evolved than other animals, its called critical thinking.

UH OH ! OCA got his button pressed. It's ironic that a man did it.
rtwngAvngr said:
UH OH ! OCA got his button pressed. It's ironic that a man did it.
Another thing, if you claim that marriage between gays is a right, what about marriage between a man and a boy? How about a woman and her daughter? For that matter how about a marriage between a man and a dog (after all a dog is a man's best friend!)?

Wait! I love my Dell computer (then as Pee-Wee Herman used to ask... "then why don't you marry it?) OK...I think I will!

I think the expression on the kid's face says it all.

Anyway, this whole debate has me tearing my hair out. I hardly ever find anybody who would dream of favoring gay marriage, but because of a few judges, it's become a huge issue. Now, I'm against the Constitutional Ammendment not because I think it would pervert the Constitution, but because I think it's unnecessary and that much more expedient and harsh processes could be used to remedy the situation. If I were president, I'd send an ultimatum, "Legislating from the bench violates our Constitution and undermine's the people's power to govern themselves. The next judge who legislates from the bench will be impeached and disbarred within the week."

Anyway, on the original topic, this is retarded. The guy who wrote this not only wrote a laughable article, but inserted shameless plugs bashing Bush and religion, among others. My dog rolled in horse crap and ate dryer lint. Apes of many species throw their own feces at each other. Next time somebody starts using this argument, I'll be tempted to pee on their rug, hump their leg, and crap in their yard, just to prove the idiocy of this argument. Maybe the feminists will start imitating the praying mantis and rip of their mates' heads before sex. Yeah, that would be good for society. We are not animals! Get used to it.

As for the "homophobic religious right," I'm going to have to go off on you a little.

You self-righteous, cocky, little jerks. How dare you use your self-serving hate labels to brand me and my beliefs simply because we don't agree with you. If you want my honest opinion, I think you're all Christophobes. Every time somebody acts Christian in your general direction, you get all defensive (more like offensive) because their beliefs might shatter your perfect little world where nobody is wrong and bad people aren't responsible for their actions. Yeah, we're gonna hurt you all right, what with our messages of peace, tolerance, love, forgiveness, and morality. You're scared of us because deep down, you know we're right. If we were wrong, you'd actually be able to form a valid argument instead of screaming out HOMOPHOBE!!! and then acting like I'm some sort of leper. It's people like you that throw rationality out the window. In other words, you are right and anyone who opposes you only does so because they're ignorant and hate-filled. Well, I'm sick of hearing it. I follow Christ's example and sit down and make friends with the worst of sinners. One of my friends is one of the most shameless and promiscuous homosexuals I know, and maybe some day, I'll get through to him, because I know he could be something better if he found Christ. Are you telling me that I'm afraid of him, or that I hate him. I've overheard stuff that'll make your stomach curl, yet I still hang out with him. Explain how that's somehow "homophobic." Now, put that labelmaker away before I break it apart and insert it into your gall bladder through your armpits.

Phew, I'm done. See y'all later.

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