
Is homosexuality a choice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • No

    Votes: 15 68.2%

  • Total voters
I read the post but I am still confused.

Are you advocating that homosexuality should be excluded from the human experience?

Bear with me, ll, I really am trying to precisely get your meaning on this subject. I hear so much bullshit I am almost afraid to speak my own thoughts on it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Can you dig it?

Of course not!!!! I'm just saying that sexual orientation is based on your sexual urges (which isn't your choice!), not who you have sex with. For example, a man who has sex with women but is really attracted to men is STILL GAY. And there is absolutely, 100% nothing at all wrong with that. I'm just trying to show that someone who represses gay urges doesn't make them straight, which reinforces that sexual orientation itself is not a choice. If my rambling is still unclear at this point, just take away from this post that I think gay people are totally cool. :cool:
I chose not to lust over vags. That's the difference between me and lesbians. Whatever urges I may have had at whatever times, I shelved them and chose to be hetero.

Again the question you chose to conveniently ignore is not if you chose to, but could you have chosen to? So essentially what you want us all to but into is that if you wanted to, you Allie, could have chosen to find women sexually attractive. Answer yes and I'm afraid you're a bald faced liar.
Great question to ask a board whose majority is conservative. ;)

I say it's not a choice.

It doesn't matter whether they're conservative or not. You all know I'm one as well. This isn't a political question. They don't have to answer on the board either. If they're honest with themselves they'll come up with the same answer the rest of us already have.
It doesn't matter whether they're conservative or not. You all know I'm one as well. This isn't a political question. They don't have to answer on the board either. If they're honest with themselves they'll come up with the same answer the rest of us already have.
Not necessarily. It isn't a political question, true. However, conservatives do have a mindset set for whatever reason be it political, religious, etc. and most of them DO tend to say it's a choice.
Is it a choice?

This is why this issue is a dilemma; the human mind is so complex that sexuality cannot be generalized. Not kids who are molested become pedophiles themselves, but a large percentage do.

For a very small minority of the gay population, it is a choice. However, that may be inaccurate since bisexuals may not understand why they like both and people in denial (latent homosexuality) may not realize that they are gay, but choose to have gay sex and are confused about themselves...thanks to society and religious leaders.

For the majority of homosexuals, it is inherent - a predilection. Just as you and I look at women and get aroused, they have the same feelings towards men. And this goes beyond sex. Homosexuals have long-term relationships, get hurt when a relationship ends and long to raise children.

They cry, bleed, love, hate and pray like the rest of us because they are people too.
You have no evidence. Neither side has any evidence.

The actual PROVEN fact at this time is that homosexuality is manifest by behavior. THAT is an observed. proven fact. The rest is speculation.

and, again, as has been replied the last time you tried this "manifest" line, so too is heterosexuality a manifestation of behaviour. Does this make hetersexuality a CHOICE? Did you make this choice? If so, at what age. Tell me about that decision making process because I'm a hetero that never made that decision.
While I do believe that some homosexuals report that they found themselves attracted to members of the same sex from the time that they were very young (for the record, many heterosexuals report same-sex "attraction" at young ages as well - and it is considered a psychologically normal stage of development)...the problem I have with stating that your sexual preference is a constant and not a choice is the fact that I am a fairly recent college grad - and in my experiences and observations in that environment...I saw that sexuality and sexual preference was often, very much a choice.

Playing around with sexuality is very, VERY popular on campus right now. I know personally numerous men who were my "gay" boy friends in college - they dated and slept with men...are now interested in women and state that it was a phase, but now they are quite happy with women. If you had talked to them in college they would have told you that "breeders" are disgusting and that they wanted nothing to do with "roast beef." (If you need to know what that means, I'm not going to be the one to tell you)

I know women who made out with girls in college for fun, who dated girls because "boys suck" and are now happily married to men...they state that "it was a college thing."

Is homosexuality a choice? Is it not? I don't know, truthfully. What I DO know is that many young people nowadays don't think that its a constant...but rather that sexual preference is something that can change with age, mood, environment, culture, etc.

Ironically, the vast majority of experimnting college gals go on to go right back to their straitness as soon as the ATMOSPHERE that is college passes. Strangely, the same thing happens with binge drinking, casual sex, drugs and attendance records. One might have to ask if the dominant variable in your example is the fresh autonomy of COLLEGE LIFE or anything even close to a pattern of choosing sexuality.
and, again, as has been replied the last time you tried this "manifest" line, so too is heterosexuality a manifestation of behaviour. Does this make hetersexuality a CHOICE? Did you make this choice? If so, at what age. Tell me about that decision making process because I'm a hetero that never made that decision.

People just don’t realize that they have choices and they can make decisions. You can make a decision right now. Do you want to find out that you really prefer women? Sign up on a gay dating site and meet a guy – or go to a gay bar if you have the nerve. Introduce yourself to someone that you consider to be slightly attractive. Visit and get to know each other. After some time passes, you might just conclude that you are really not homosexual or you might conclude that you do like this guy in a somewhat romantic way. Who knows? Every day – every hour – people have choices that they don’t realize are available to them. Think outside the box and have fun.
Ironically, the vast majority of experimnting college gals go on to go right back to their straitness as soon as the ATMOSPHERE that is college passes. Strangely, the same thing happens with binge drinking, casual sex, drugs and attendance records. One might have to ask if the dominant variable in your example is the fresh autonomy of COLLEGE LIFE or anything even close to a pattern of choosing sexuality.

And once in a great while, there is likely a couple of girls that experiment and carry on their relationship throughout a few years and/or conclude that they really do like relationships with girls over that with guys. You never know.
People just don’t realize that they have choices and they can make decisions. You can make a decision right now. Do you want to find out that you really prefer women? Sign up on a gay dating site and meet a guy – or go to a gay bar if you have the nerve. Introduce yourself to someone that you consider to be slightly attractive. Visit and get to know each other. After some time passes, you might just conclude that you are really not homosexual or you might conclude that you do like this guy in a somewhat romantic way. Who knows? Every day – every hour – people have choices that they don’t realize are available to them. Think outside the box and have fun.

And yet no one has answered my question up front. Could you, mattskramer, choose to be sexually attracted to another man?

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