Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools

You sounded like a 5 year old, AFTER you climbed all over Kitten, and told her that you weren't going to answer her question until she answered yours.

Sounded like a punk ass kid threatening to hold their breath.

Then.....theres your siding up with one of the largest trolls on this board, Chucking Ass.
As should those who want to teach alternate versions of the creation of the universe. Until they have verifiable, repeatable (?) proof.

But in case you haven't noticed, creationists aren't in the classrooms, nimrod.

Is there verifiable, repeatable proof of "The Big Bang"?:eusa_whistle:
There certainly is physical evidence of such.. Moreso than there is of some jewish zombie snapping his fingers one day and saying that it is good.

Astronomy. A tele is kinda phallic so you should have no problems gathering interest in the subject.
There certainly is physical evidence of such.. Moreso than there is of some jewish zombie snapping his fingers one day and saying that it is good.

Astronomy. A tele is kinda phallic so you should have no problems gathering interest in the subject.
Wow you do have a fixation on men's body parts.
Is there verifiable, repeatable proof of "The Big Bang"?:eusa_whistle:

Not yet, but there IS sound math and theory to go along with it that points to it.

Kinda like during the Dark Ages and the Bubonic Plague. The people of the time thought it was "vapors" that was killing everyone, not germs, because they hadn't been discovered yet. However, there WAS evidence pointing to them as people were dropping like flies.
Wow you do have a fixation on men's body parts.

Again, i'm speaking to you with vocabulary that should keep your attention.

Now, did you want to even remotely touch on (HAHAHA!) Astronomy and the expanding universe or is that another barrel of pesky physical evidence that you'd rather avoid altogether?
Not yet, but there IS sound math and theory to go along with it that points to it.

Kinda like during the Dark Ages and the Bubonic Plague. The people of the time thought it was "vapors" that was killing everyone, not germs, because they hadn't been discovered yet. However, there WAS evidence pointing to them as people were dropping like flies.
A theory to support another theory? That's not verifiable, repeatable proof.

Your "vapor" theory obviously was wrong. And that's your example?

Do you understand what you write before you post? This is like talking to a 6 year old.
Again, i'm speaking to you with vocabulary that should keep your attention.

Now, did you want to even remotely touch on (HAHAHA!) Astronomy and the expanding universe or is that another barrel of pesky physical evidence that you'd rather avoid altogether?

So where's your verifiable, repeatable evidence of the big bang?
So where's your verifiable, repeatable evidence of the big bang?

Again, you belay your complete lack of comprehension about science. REPEATABLE TEST, stupid. Not REPEATABLE EVIDENCE.



Hey, I've provided evidence. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that you could see for yourself if you took your stupid ass out from under the pulpit once this year. Now, please.. show me YOUR PHYSICAL evidence for CREATION.
You sounded like a 5 year old, AFTER you climbed all over Kitten, and told her that you weren't going to answer her question until she answered yours.

Sounded like a punk ass kid threatening to hold their breath.

You're kidding, right?

Well, okay, but I'm not answering any of your questions until you answer mine first. If I were to say "Conservatives are more generous than liberals" you'd want proof, and as well you should. You don't know me well enough to take anything I say at face value, so it's fair. It works the other way too.

This is sounding like a 5 year old? I was trying to be nice.

Then.....theres your siding up with one of the largest trolls on this board, Chucking Ass.

I "sided up" with him on one point, it doesn't mean I won't ever disagree with him in the future and it doesn't mean I won't side up with you with something you say.
Is the Big Bang theory even comparable to creation stories?

It says there was a big explosion, of which everything we can see is a part, but doesn't say where the material came from or what happened before the explosion.

Is it really in the same ballpark as theories that start with "in the beginning, there was the Word," "Tiamat and Apsu mixed their waters," "suddenly, for no apparent reason," or "and then the blind madgod Azathoth, lulled by the monotonous piping of mindless amorphous flute-players, began to dream?"
A theory to support another theory? That's not verifiable, repeatable proof.

Your "vapor" theory obviously was wrong. And that's your example?

Do you understand what you write before you post? This is like talking to a 6 year old.

You don't know much history do you Nailed Cock? The Bubonic Plague was thought to be caused by vapors, which is why they had flowers around them as well as kept rags over their faces. Wikipedia the Black Plague dippy. It was only in recent history that we've figured out it was viruses and germs.

As far as the rest? Well, read a book by Gary Zukav called "The Dancing Wu Li Masters". Might wanna brush up on your math first, because your education sounds lacking.

Nope.....there IS scientific evidence dude.
I "sided up" with him on one point, it doesn't mean I won't ever disagree with him in the future and it doesn't mean I won't side up with you with something you say.

Well, from what I've seen of your posting thus far, I'd much rather that you didn't side up with me.
You don't know much history do you Nailed Cock? The Bubonic Plague was thought to be caused by vapors, which is why they had flowers around them as well as kept rags over their faces. Wikipedia the Black Plague dippy. It was only in recent history that we've figured out it was viruses and germs.

It seems that you were the one that was confused. All I did was point that out to you. :lol:
And your theory of how life began is what exactly?:eusa_whistle:

Why are you avoiding your failure to post YOUR evidence of something other than the big bang, dude? YOU insisted that there is no evidence and I provided thre, count em THREE sources that says otherwise. The expanding universe is PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that suggests a big bang. Now, come on lil guy.. Go ahead and show me YOUR evidence for YOUR creation theory. Don't try to cry about evolution now. Hell, there is even MORE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of that. so, come on... here kitty kitty kitty.. post YOUR PHYSICAL evidence of the biblical creation.


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