Homs back under complete Syrian government control.


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
HOMS, Syria — Hundreds of Syrian civilians and rebels began pulling out of the last opposition-held neighborhood of the city of Homs on Wednesday as part of a local deal with government forces that would return the entire central city to government control.

U.N. and Red Crescent officials were on hand on the outskirts of Waer Wednesday to oversee implementation of the deal, which saw the gunmen and some of their families transported to areas further north in Hama and Idlib province. The insurgents included members of the al-Qaida branch in Syria..."With this agreement, Homs will now be a safe place free of weapons and gunmen," said Barazzi, the Homs governor.

Under truce deal, Syrian rebels start pullout from last opposition-held district in Homs city
And the WH is furious

I would not be surprised if the meat muppet queer is butthurt.

Maybe he'll have Reggie Love over the WH to lick his hemorrhoids clean.



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