Honestly I like Bernie; Students should study for free

I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

I agree, the whole university system should be crushed. It is an outdated medieval system along the lines of "leaching". Let's smash it. I think people who know how to do a job can be measured by vastly more efficient measures than "university" standards $$$.

Universities are archaic, let's remove their ability to make money from simply usurious/nepotism exclusion of talented people from having careers. One day all university campus land holdings will be converted to parks while people simply look up what they need to know on their phone (oh wait, we can easily do that now).

I disagree. College campus experience is valuable. You learn diversity values and how to see what the real world looks like rather than just your hometown.

If you think a college campus shows the real world, you either haven't seen a campus, or you haven't seen the real world . . . or both.

What???You don't believe all those geniuses spending ten years getting a Bachelor's in Art History or 'Psychology' will save the world N Stuff???
Sorry...no word games allowed today!
It’s a serious question.


With all that I said, that's the only question or objection you have?

Totally lame and not worth answering.
You think you will define the needs?
You won’t.
I know hundreds of people who left the USSR because every move they made was monitored.
Do you want the KGB to bug your residence?

What a bunch of lying bags of shit!

The KGB or other Soviet agencies did not have the capability to monitor every move everyone made. I would have been technologically impossible.

Perhaps the few people that you know were extreme criminals which is why they were monitored by Soviet police.

BTW - Just to prove what a lying bag of shit you or they are:

The KGB was the equivalent of our CIA and was involved in foreign operations, not domestic. There were other Soviet agencies that dealt with domestic crimes and surveillance - like our FBI.
Do you realize there is at least one government agency that knows every store you shopped at since you were born?
When I apply for certain products or services they confirm my identity by asking where I shopped in the 1960s or who I went to school with?

Funny, I've never been asked those questions. perhaps there's good reason why you are surveilled as well!
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
You stated that the "student loans" are immoral. Here's the thing, you and/or your counterparts go into a company and say, please give us money so that we can get a university education. The loan agency says, okay, but here is what you will owe and presents you up front with the costs. You look at it and say, okay; then sign on the dotted line. That money you owe is a combination of what they are giving you, plus the costs of operating a business. Employees have to be paid, building lease or permit has to be paid, utilities have to be paid and insurance to cover the building and other risks has to be paid, plus there has to be some measure of profit, or don't bother creating a business. These things are calculated into the loans they give out. You and/or the others have signed on the dotted line that "you" will pay off the money they gave you, plus their expenses and some profit. Basically, you have given "your word, or oath." that YOU will pay them your debt, not someone else. You. If you say, "I owe this money, but if I can vote someone into office that will ensure that some other working individual pays off MY debt, whether they like it or not, I'll be rid of the debt," that means your signature (your word) is meaningless and shouldn't be trusted to be kept on any promises.
As to Sanders Marxist-Leninist beliefs, sooner or later you run out of "other peoples money," and everyone ends up poor, especially when you have a huge influx of migrants. The poorly run huge Marxist-Leninist government then turns to their next stupid idea and....prints more money. The end result is hyper-inflation (where you hear of people bringing in wheel barrels full of paper money, that is practically worthless. You also end up with dismally run food production and you have a combination of limited items for sale and starvation in various locations. Farming should never be run by the proletariat, it's horribly inefficient.
It’s a serious question.


With all that I said, that's the only question or objection you have?

Totally lame and not worth answering.
You think you will define the needs?
You won’t.
I know hundreds of people who left the USSR because every move they made was monitored.
Do you want the KGB to bug your residence?

What a bunch of lying bags of shit!

The KGB or other Soviet agencies did not have the capability to monitor every move everyone made. I would have been technologically impossible.

Perhaps the few people that you know were extreme criminals which is why they were monitored by Soviet police.

BTW - Just to prove what a lying bag of shit you or they are:

The KGB was the equivalent of our CIA and was involved in foreign operations, not domestic. There were other Soviet agencies that dealt with domestic crimes and surveillance - like our FBI.
Why did they leave?
The hundreds I know who left said their lives were determined the moment they were born.
Most of those who came here started their own business and became multi-millionaires.

Once again, why did your acquaintances leave?

They left when the Soviet Union collapse and Russians were no longer welcome in the former Soviet states.

Funny that so many of your associates became millionaires at a time that the FBI considered the Russian mob to be the most virulent criminal organization in the U.S. perhaps there was good reason they were surveilled in the USSR.
Yeah, building commercial and residential properties is fraught with corruption.
So is buy/selling real estate in major cities and the suburbs, not to mention textile import/export.

Or starting financial firms.
It’s a serious question.


With all that I said, that's the only question or objection you have?

Totally lame and not worth answering.
You think you will define the needs?
You won’t.
I know hundreds of people who left the USSR because every move they made was monitored.
Do you want the KGB to bug your residence?

What a bunch of lying bags of shit!

The KGB or other Soviet agencies did not have the capability to monitor every move everyone made. I would have been technologically impossible.

Perhaps the few people that you know were extreme criminals which is why they were monitored by Soviet police.

BTW - Just to prove what a lying bag of shit you or they are:

The KGB was the equivalent of our CIA and was involved in foreign operations, not domestic. There were other Soviet agencies that dealt with domestic crimes and surveillance - like our FBI.
Do you realize there is at least one government agency that knows every store you shopped at since you were born?
When I apply for certain products or services they confirm my identity by asking where I shopped in the 1960s or who I went to school with?

Funny, I've never been asked those questions. perhaps there's good reason why you are surveilled as well!
Answer who defines the needs; it’s that easy.
"From Each According to His Ability, to Each According to His Needs"

While conservatives wet their panties when they hear that, because the idea of no one living in poverty offends them, they never consider the first part of that statement:

"From Each According to His Ability"

That means that everyone work up to their ability to contribute to society and thereby create wealth.

What if everyone's ability to do productive work far exceeded everyone's needs? It would be a society of abundance.

The piddly amount needed to provide for everyone's needs would be insignificant as compared to what such a society would produce.

But yet that first phrase truly upsets conservatives because it means that they would actually have to do productive work instead of devoting themselves to sucking up all the money without making any real contribution to society. That truly scares them!
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

I agree, the whole university system should be crushed. It is an outdated medieval system along the lines of "leaching". Let's smash it. I think people who know how to do a job can be measured by vastly more efficient measures than "university" standards $$$.

Universities are archaic, let's remove their ability to make money from simply usurious/nepotism exclusion of talented people from having careers. One day all university campus land holdings will be converted to parks while people simply look up what they need to know on their phone (oh wait, we can easily do that now).

I disagree. College campus experience is valuable. You learn diversity values and how to see what the real world looks like rather than just your hometown.

If you think a college campus shows the real world, you either haven't seen a campus, or you haven't seen the real world . . . or both.

What???You don't believe all those geniuses spending ten years getting a Bachelor's in Art History or 'Psychology' will save the world N Stuff???

I don't believe most of these arrogant, snot-nosed college punks could save a cockroach from drowning in a toilet bowl.

Maybe in a couple of decades, after life has kicked the shit out of them a few times, they might be fit to contribute something to the world.
I think most of them should be charged triple for their wasting of time and space in universities, and interest rates tripled as well.
what do you mean working for free?
The universities pay their bills, including payroll, with the use of those student loans.

If students are studying for free, that means that the Universities aren't getting any money.

How do you pay professors and left-wing extremists if you have no money?
The same way K-12 schools get paid for... Sanders plan is a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.
So, it isn't free.
Huh, I don’t understand your statement? Nothings free... but his play is to not charge students. Did you think I was saying that it would all magically happen without any money?
The whole premise that the students study for free is dishonest. It IS being paid for. They will not bey studying for free, will they? What they will be is more millennials getting a free ride at the expense of others.
Nobody is saying that everything is free. The plan is saying that students don’t pay tuition. It’s not complicated
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.

Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee.

Why is it reasonable?
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.

Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee.

Why is it reasonable?

Education is an important part of society. In many ways it ensures the future of a country and its people. When I say that it's reasonable I mean just that really. Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.
Nobody gets a free lunch in life.


To be fair, not having to pay tuition does not necessarily mean that the student has not worked hard or will not work hard. It just means it's much more affordable for people to be able to get a higher education and try to make a better life for themselves and their future family.
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.

Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee.

Why is it reasonable?

Education is an important part of society. In many ways it ensures the future of a country and its people. When I say that it's reasonable I mean just that really. Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

Education is an important part of society

I support my local k-12 with my property taxes. Why should I also have to pay for adults to attend college?

Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

We should do that. We'd only be letting the top 10% or so of our high school graduates to attend college.
We could use the endowments and property owned by all the colleges we'd be closing, to pay for the college expenses of the students who qualify.

The high school graduates who won't be attending college will need to get jobs.
Nobody gets a free lunch in life.


To be fair, not having to pay tuition does not necessarily mean that the student has not worked hard or will not work hard. It just means it's much more affordable for people to be able to get a better education and make a better life for themselves and their future family.

Everybody has to pay tuition. They have in the past in the present and the future.
Nobody gets a free lunch in life.


To be fair, not having to pay tuition does not necessarily mean that the student has not worked hard or will not work hard. It just means it's much more affordable for people to be able to get a higher education and try to make a better life for themselves and their future family.

To be fair, not having to pay tuition does not necessarily mean that the student has not worked hard or will not work hard.

To be fair, not having to pay tuition does not necessarily mean that the student has worked hard or will work hard.
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.

Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee.

Why is it reasonable?

Education is an important part of society. In many ways it ensures the future of a country and its people. When I say that it's reasonable I mean just that really. Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

Education is an important part of society

I support my local k-12 with my property taxes. Why should I also have to pay for adults to attend college?

Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

We should do that. We'd only be letting the top 10% or so of our high school graduates to attend college.
We could use the endowments and property owned by all the colleges we'd be closing, to pay for the college expenses of the students who qualify.

The high school graduates who won't be attending college will need to get jobs.

You'd be in essence creating a version of a caste system by doing that though.
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.

Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee.

Why is it reasonable?

Education is an important part of society. In many ways it ensures the future of a country and its people. When I say that it's reasonable I mean just that really. Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

Education is an important part of society

I support my local k-12 with my property taxes. Why should I also have to pay for adults to attend college?

Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

We should do that. We'd only be letting the top 10% or so of our high school graduates to attend college.
We could use the endowments and property owned by all the colleges we'd be closing, to pay for the college expenses of the students who qualify.

The high school graduates who won't be attending college will need to get jobs.

You'd be in essence creating a version of a caste system by doing that though.

You said you wanted to guarantee quality education. Were you lying?
Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee. That being said just because the university may not have a tuition requirement anymore does not mean that fees and other expenses would not still apply. Semester fees for example could go towards part of the student life experiences on campus along with other things such as books, recreation, and other on-campus amenities. The only differences would be that the semester fees would not become crippling debt.

Public education is already "free" for k-12 and so it's reasonable in my personal opinion for pre-k as well as public universities to be part of that guarantee.

Why is it reasonable?

Education is an important part of society. In many ways it ensures the future of a country and its people. When I say that it's reasonable I mean just that really. Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

Education is an important part of society

I support my local k-12 with my property taxes. Why should I also have to pay for adults to attend college?

Guaranteeing quality education in this country can only help it in the long run in my opinion.

We should do that. We'd only be letting the top 10% or so of our high school graduates to attend college.
We could use the endowments and property owned by all the colleges we'd be closing, to pay for the college expenses of the students who qualify.

The high school graduates who won't be attending college will need to get jobs.

You'd be in essence creating a version of a caste system by doing that though.

You said you wanted to guarantee quality education. Were you lying?

For all, not for select people. I believe that all kids who graduate from high school should be able to attend a public university or a trade school without having to worry about paying tuition. They would still need to pay semester fees and other expenses but today's tuition prices are not only crippling to hundreds of thousands of students who already took out loans to make it through but it's also a huge barrier and decision for kids and parents that want to go to college and want to send their kid to college but are fearful of what the debt will do to them. We can't keep looking at the current system and think that it's acceptable or a sustainable method of educating the future of our country, it's not in my opinion.

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