Honestly, What is so Bad About Hillary Being President?

Hillary would be in place to select the next Supreme Court judge.
Which would give Judicial Activism a new 4 letter name..........................

As they would circumvent through the courts what they can't pass in Congress.
If HIllary is elected, we'll continue with the same failed paradigms that we've had since GWB.

It will be business as usual and with a republican house and senate (from 2018 on), not much will get done.

The rich will get richer.

The poor will get poorer.

We'll continue to focus on stupid issues.

It would nothing like what will happen in Bernie Sanders get's elected.

How the democrats can compromise and offer up such a loser when they have someone who really embodies a true concern for the human condition....I'll never understand.

Getting her elected is the same as bringing back Obama or GWB.
the rich got richer AND the poor got richer under president Clinton, the last successful president before Bush 2, and she will be just as successful as her husband or better!:D

both of them became successful by stomping on other to do it. He was even Impeached for lying and Obstruction of justice when he used his position of Power with a YOUNG woman about his daughters age for blowjobs. so in my book that says a lot about the people who supports them as much as it does about them
All accurate except about Bill's daughter. Chelsea is actually another man's daughter. Google Hubble. Not Bill's.
Chelsea is the spitting image of Hubble.

yes, you are right. she even had a nose job to try and hide the fact. didn't help
my gawd please don't do it.

they might just do it. Did you hear that roar during DemWitted phony debate when she said something as silly as "1/2 my contributions came from Women" or something to that effect.

The place went bonkers compared to anything else. Just because she claims to be women. Rmember how stupid people are, and led by dishonest media. Some work all the time, hear only soundbites...,
HRC will give ya'll more of this. Can you say Meltdown? I don't care if it TDAY. wake up Americans.
Before the debt ceiling was suspended, the national debt stood at $18.15 trillion. But over the last 22 days, it soared $578 billion.

As of Friday, total national debt stood at $18.72 trillion.
Hillary would be in place to select the next Supreme Court judge.
But those close to retirement are liberal, aren't they? so it won't change the conservative Majority even if it were a Liberal president choosing.
Still, I would not take the chance.

But then again, Republican appointments are only about 50% conservative anyway, and we got Republican Presidents who gave us Robertson, Kennedy and Stevens who gave us Kelo vrs City of London for which he will rot in Hell for all eternity.

SCOTUS is now willing to not only ignore the intent and mindset of the authors of amendments and laws, but now they can just entirely ignore clear and unequivocal statements in the law and redefine ancient words to mean whatever the hell they want them to.

We are no longer a nation ruled by laws, but are ruled by the whim of men, and it is almost as much the GOP Establishments fault as anyone elses.
In all seriousness, it will suck, but I'll sure take it over a black liberal who has the worlds biggest chip on his shoulder.
If HIllary is elected, we'll continue with the same failed paradigms that we've had since GWB.

It will be business as usual and with a republican house and senate (from 2018 on), not much will get done.

The rich will get richer.

The poor will get poorer.

We'll continue to focus on stupid issues.

It would nothing like what will happen in Bernie Sanders get's elected.

How the democrats can compromise and offer up such a loser when they have someone who really embodies a true concern for the human condition....I'll never understand.

Getting her elected is the same as bringing back Obama or GWB.
the rich got richer AND the poor got richer under president Clinton, the last successful president before Bush 2, and she will be just as successful as her husband or better!:D

Please provide evidence that the poor got richer under Clinton.

I agree that Clinton was a good president and that our last two have been first class losers.
I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.
McCain's running mate was his downfall. As was the Liberal hate media.
Oh, nonsense. Palin pulled McCain UP in his standing among rank and file Republicans, seriously.
I have serious doubts about that. I won't ask you for linked references because I honestly don't give a shit.

I do remember watching the TV at the moment McCain introduced his running mate. As soon as that bitch opened her mouth I busted out laughing. I turned off the TV and said to myself "this is the end of the Republican party".

And it was...
If HIllary is elected, we'll continue with the same failed paradigms that we've had since GWB.

It will be business as usual and with a republican house and senate (from 2018 on), not much will get done.

The rich will get richer.

The poor will get poorer.

We'll continue to focus on stupid issues.

It would nothing like what will happen in Bernie Sanders get's elected.

How the democrats can compromise and offer up such a loser when they have someone who really embodies a true concern for the human condition....I'll never understand.

Getting her elected is the same as bringing back Obama or GWB.
the rich got richer AND the poor got richer under president Clinton, the last successful president before Bush 2, and she will be just as successful as her husband or better!:D

Please provide evidence that the poor got richer under Clinton.

I agree that Clinton was a good president and that our last two have been first class losers.
I'll see if I can find a link or two... but if memory serves, more poor moved up to middle class and more middle class moved up to the upper class level, and more people, including the lower level of workers that were unemployed... got jobs.
If HIllary is elected, we'll continue with the same failed paradigms that we've had since GWB.

It will be business as usual and with a republican house and senate (from 2018 on), not much will get done.

The rich will get richer.

The poor will get poorer.

We'll continue to focus on stupid issues.

It would nothing like what will happen in Bernie Sanders get's elected.

How the democrats can compromise and offer up such a loser when they have someone who really embodies a true concern for the human condition....I'll never understand.

Getting her elected is the same as bringing back Obama or GWB.
the rich got richer AND the poor got richer under president Clinton, the last successful president before Bush 2, and she will be just as successful as her husband or better!:D

Please provide evidence that the poor got richer under Clinton.

I agree that Clinton was a good president and that our last two have been first class losers.
I'll see if I can find a link or two... but if memory serves, more poor moved up to middle class and more middle class moved up to the upper class level, and more people, including the lower level of workers that were unemployed... got jobs.

That's mobility.

That's not what you said earlier.

Income mobility has always been taking place.
If HIllary is elected, we'll continue with the same failed paradigms that we've had since GWB.

It will be business as usual and with a republican house and senate (from 2018 on), not much will get done.

The rich will get richer.

The poor will get poorer.

We'll continue to focus on stupid issues.

It would nothing like what will happen in Bernie Sanders get's elected.

How the democrats can compromise and offer up such a loser when they have someone who really embodies a true concern for the human condition....I'll never understand.

Getting her elected is the same as bringing back Obama or GWB.
the rich got richer AND the poor got richer under president Clinton, the last successful president before Bush 2, and she will be just as successful as her husband or better!:D

Please provide evidence that the poor got richer under Clinton.

I agree that Clinton was a good president and that our last two have been first class losers.
I'll see if I can find a link or two... but if memory serves, more poor moved up to middle class and more middle class moved up to the upper class level, and more people, including the lower level of workers that were unemployed... got jobs.

That's mobility.

That's not what you said earlier.

Income mobility has always been taking place.
you are right, that was mobility that I was talking about which is just a part of it, but here is a bit about all class levels getting better...and as said the poor to the rich, having improvements under his two terms.

...over the next eight years, President Clinton presided over one of the most impressive economic turnarounds in modern history. By the end of his term, 22.7 million new jobs had been created, unemployment dropped to a 30-year low, and gross domestic product grew by 35 percent overall through the longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history.

What’s more, the growth was broadly shared and unemployment plummeted across the board, including those groups for whom the economy never worked very well. Average hourly wages increased by 6 percent after accounting for inflation, and median household income grew by 14 percent, the highest increase for a two-term president. The median income of African American families increased by a third and Hispanic families saw their median incomes rise by almost $7,000. Poverty rates dropped to near record lows. And of course the federal budget went from enormous deficits to enormous surpluses, with the federal government on track to becoming effectively debt free by 2009—for the first time since Andrew Jackson was president.

Power of Progressive Economics: The Clinton Years
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Bush and Reagan already showed us what's so bad about a Republican being president.
Bush and Reagan already showed us what's so bad about a Republican being president.

My life was great under both of them.

I thought Reagan was a good president.

I thought Bush was a moron.

I think you and Bush are related.
Electing a negro because it was time this country had a black president turned out to be the worst mistake in the history of this country. Now people are saying it's time for a woman. We cannot afford to make this mistake back to back.
This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

Probably more like this reason:

"Lois Griffin as Princess Leia: May I have everyone's attention, please? We're evacuating into outer space, with literally infinite directions in which to flee. However, we have decided that our transports will travel directly toward the fleet of Star Destroyers. Any questions?

Rebel Pilot: Yeah, um, is there someone from the military we can talk to? A man, perhaps? "

Most people seem to hate Hilary because she's a well know Democrat. What else do they need? Nothing.
Bullshit. I like Jim Webb, and many of Sanders ideas, and I would vote for Sanders before I will vote for Jeb Bush, so you demonstrate once again that you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.
McCain's running mate was his downfall. As was the Liberal hate media.
Oh, nonsense. Palin pulled McCain UP in his standing among rank and file Republicans, seriously.
I have serious doubts about that. I won't ask you for linked references because I honestly don't give a shit.

I do remember watching the TV at the moment McCain introduced his running mate. As soon as that bitch opened her mouth I busted out laughing. I turned off the TV and said to myself "this is the end of the Republican party".

And it was...
Lol, well I dont care if you dont want a linky, here it is anyway. :)

Before Palin's selection, remember, McCain suffered from an enthusiasm gap. Republicans were reluctant to vote for the senator from Arizona because of his reputation as a maverick who'd countered his party on taxes, immigration, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and "cap and trade" climate legislation. But Palin's conservative record in Alaska and antiabortion advocacy changed the Republican mood. With her by his side, McCain's fundraising and support from conservatives improved.

It wasn't enough to beat Barack Obama -- but McCain probably would have lost the presidency by a greater margin if he had, say, selected independent Sen. Joe Lieberman as his running mate, further alienating the GOP base.Yes, it's possible that Palin's conservatism and uneven performance on the campaign trail shifted some voters to Obama's column. But even if Obama picked up some anti-Palin votes, he surely didn't need them: The economy was in recession, Wall Street was in meltdown, and the incumbent Republican president was incredibly unpopular. Of course, in the end, it's impossible to know how McCain would have performed if he hadn't selected Palin -- politics does not allow for control experiments.....

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