Hope Hicks speaks for the first time.

I'm looking forward to the day you speak for the last time. I just pity the maggots that end up turning your genetic garbage back into nitrogen.
I'm looking forward to the day you speak for the last time. I just pity the maggots that end up turning your genetic garbage back into nitrogen.
That's a terrible thing to say about Hope Hicks. She's only 29.
SNL is your news source? It's no wonder Democrats lost. To stupid to even find the polls.
She Kept a "Detailed Diary"


She stayed in the background but was the person with a desk right outside the entrance to the Oval Office. Publishers and movie producers are panting and offering millions for her to write a book about what went on.

What if she signed a nondisclosure agreement? Highly probable. Means all the hype might be for nothing?

Several Trump confidants, employees and advisers have books in the works. Corey Lewandowski, Trump's first campaign manager who briefly dated Hicks during the campaign while he was married to another woman, published a book last year that earned high praise from Trump.

Former Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced in December that he was publishing a West Wing tell-all of his own.

And while we imagine Spicer knows where at least some of the bodies are buried, James Comey's book - "A Higher Honor: Truth, Lies and Leadership" - is set to be published in mid-April. It already has a sizable backlog of preorders.

Hicks is turning 30 in October. During her time running the communications department, Hicks rarely gave interviews or on-the-record statements - which only deepened the mystique surrounding her personality. That and she famously dated Lewandowski and former Staff Secretary Rob Porter.

We imagine, after all those months of silence, Hicks probably has something to say. The question is: Will she risk her relationship with the president to say it?

From Hope Hicks Kept "Detailed Diary" At White House, Gets $10MM Book Offer

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