Hopefully our Next President

There are threads on it and the usual bias puts them where they want. It does not mean they are right.
Of course YOU don't agree with why your stupid tinfoil hat nonsense ends up in the conspiracy theory forum.

Sensible people understand why.
Personally, I don’t think Crenshaw is anything like Trump.

Dude was a navy seal. That takes a YUGE selfless commitment to his country that very few are willing and able to put themselves through. To me, that’s impressive and admirable.

But I also like how he calls out the MAGA retards on occasion. He shut them up when they tried going into their tinfoil hat fraud argument. And he was also very adamant against the idiots on Jan 6.

I won’t agree with him on a lot, but he seems like a respectable guy. My $0.02.
Repubs have varying degrees of opinions. It is hard to like it as most Progs do not. BLM and Antifa were loved and are loved by the same Progs who champion a Repub who admonishes MAGA people. MAGA would not even exist if it was not for Progs. It was just a campaign slogan for God's sake. You wouldn't let it go on your daily destructive accusations of Trump and his voters. Rittenhouse is another example of your guilty and not innocent agendas. One day most of the media will be held to the damage they have done. And if things get bad enough a potential hard liner will garner a lot of votes by eliminating many of them. For they have destroyed many citizens.
do both what?

i dunno... there is no one like Trump. He had a way of getting right to the point on any given matter... and didnt give 2 hoots in hell what anyone thought of his policies and thoughtss on wahtever
Both in terms of troll the leftists but also get the suburban mom vote.

Listen to what she said about lock downs and Freedom of choice during Covid. She REFUSED TO OBEY and lock down everything.

She should run and be the first Woman President.
YOU think they’re traitors because your tinfoil hat is on too tight.

The sensible among us understand that you’re just a conspiracy theory nut.
You hated Trump from the moment you heard he was running.
Do you suck so much at your job that you need global slave labor to make a buck?

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