Hoping for a little sanity...


Nov 13, 2010
North Carolina
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)
Welcome aboard!

I'll await your readiness to describe your idea of socialism/communism before making any judgments. ;)
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)

Sorry, fresh outa sanity, but we're running a special on partisan name calling. :D

Plenty of variety, socialists, liberals, progressive, democrats, republicans, conservatives, libertarians, and I've even seen an anarchist or two.

Welcome and enjoy. :thup:
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Just for you goldcatt...

Socialism-Promises everything to gain power and control, then watches as riots break out because the citizens realize the government can't keep it's promises. Also, it removes initiative because people have to "work" for less and less.

Communism-Takes everything you have for the good of everyone else. Soon no one has anything, and are reduced to standing in line for hours, just to get the minimum of food and other necessities. China looks good on paper, but the citizens of that country live in hive like buildings above the factories they work in....For about $10 dollars a day. It will collapse within the next ten years.
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)

this right here is the cynics corner. the crusty oldtimers with nothin to do. we need your seed if you're against the libs greed, and their electric obama acid socialism test.
the libs here are really liberal, but they're not too bright. don't take any shit from anyone, especially al dante. this is a fun group, anything goes. i'll probably cross paths with you in the romper flame room. cheers mate !
Welcome aboard!
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)

this right here is the cynics corner. the crusty oldtimers with nothin to do. we need your seed if you're against the libs greed, and their electric obama acid koolaid socialism test.
the libs here are really liberal, but they're not too bright. don't take any shit from anyone, especially al dante. this is a fun group, anything goes. i'll probably cross paths with you in the romper flame room. i'd give you a "rep" just for joining, but i don't know how. if you find out how, or what they are, rep me know... cheers mate !
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Caution: you are now entering a low sanity zone.

Always wear your helmet and cup.
Just for you goldcatt...

Socialism-Promises everything to gain power and control, then watches as riots break out because the citizens realize the government can't keep it's promises. Also, it removes initiative because people have to "work" for less and less.

Communism-Takes everything you have for the good of everyone else. Soon no one has anything, and are reduced to standing in line for hours, just to get the minimum of food and other necessities. China looks good on paper, but the citizens of that country live in hive like buildings above the factories they work in....For about $10 dollars a day. It will collapse within the next ten years.

I see.

Well, you should fit right in. Have fun. :)
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)

You look like you will be an awesome member.

I especially liked . . . "I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under these conditions."

^ Based on that, let's be friends. Welcome!!
I hope a little sanity goes a long way with you, because its unfortunally difficult to seperate the liberals from the loons that have begun trolling here since the stunning rejection during this month of their failed policies.
I hope a little sanity goes a long way with you, because its unfortunally difficult to seperate the liberals from the loons that have begun trolling here since the stunning rejection during this month of their failed policies.
Yeah, they are a bunch o' surly lil' cockroaches these days.
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)

If you think another board made you depressed...wait til you get your ass handed to you HERE... Other boards are tame in comparison.. Get reinforcements for your spine - you'll need them.
If you think another board made you depressed...wait til you get your ass handed to you HERE... Other boards are tame in comparison.. Get reinforcements for your spine - you'll need them.

It is a beautiful thing to behold.
I was involved in political discussions with members of another board. I was depressed and dis-heartened by the amount of people who thought socialism/communism was a good and viable form of government. I am conservative/libertarian with an insatiable, bordering OCD, for the truth in history. I will probably start out slow, until I get my feet wet, then promptly land on the heads of people who ignore the realities, of the misery, that communism and socialism bring to the people that have to live under those conditions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone....G

P.S. I'm with Crow...metal kicks ass!!! :)

If you think another board made you depressed...wait til you get your ass handed to you HERE... Other boards are tame in comparison.. Get reinforcements for your spine - you'll need them.


How very euphamistic of you, Princess.

We could almost mistake you for a delicate flower.........ALMOST.

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