HOR Republicans vote 225-201 to sue the President

You're all going to get rocked so hard when the courts rule against Obama --- again.

It's bizarre, this conservative urban legend that courts keep ruling against Obama. Sometimes they make up some fantasy numbers like "13 times" No basis in fact, but boy do they want to believe it.

If you stretch things, you can name 1 case, recess appointments. That would be the sole court case actually involving President Obama.

Well it's more than that.

Why Obama Keeps Losing at the Supreme Court - Bloomberg View

But anyone who sees a similarity in suing the exec because he uses his power against individual citizens and businesses to overreach as comparable to congress suing the potus over his enforcement of a law through EO when congress won't amend the law is .... smoking.
News nugget for my fellow lybyryls:

Only five Republicans voted against this resolution. One of them was Steve Stockman, of "let's throw Lois Lyrnyr in jail" fame. It appears that Ryprysyntytyve Stockmyn has finally come around and realized that President Obama isn't such a bad benevolent president-for-life after all.

LOL. If Stat can come down on Conservative Math is it okay if I come down on you for really poor spelling? (I guess it's possible that you have a broken keyboard).

I also found this to be a pretty ingenious, liberal thread: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ack-voters-and-avoid-looking-too-liberal.html
more people voted obama the worst than voted for any other president as the worst. Its called a plurality.

Therefore, by virtue of that poll, obama is the worst president since ww2. Like anyone should be surprised by that:eek:

you really cannot be that stupid, now can you? Why, yes, you can.

in that one and only poll, it was obama 32, bush 29 and then some others. This means that 78% of respondents did not think that he is the worst president since wwii.

you do understand that very simply mathematical fact, right?

wtf is it these days with righties and simple math?
let's see if anybody can spot the "that very simply mathematical fact".:d

you pompous and stupid imp!

78 + 32 = 110% Sorry if my conservative math is flawed.
Glad to see our nation's system of checks and balances being exercised. Obama certainly needs to be reined in and kept "in his place." He's not a king nor should he be a dictator. He's a servant of the People of the United States and needs to be reminded of that. Hope this entire thing has a happy ending for everyone.

In the real world the built in constitutional check against alleged overreach by a president is Congress passes a law to override the Executive. That power has been exercised many times. Suing the Executive has never been, ever.


There's a first time for everything. Now it has.

Why the House of Representatives just voted to sue President Obama - Vox
I love that Republicans held up their vacation to approve this lawsuit

It reminds voters of the partisan, broken system that is destroying Washington

And, of course, what lefty is complaining about, once again, when he blathers about "the partisan, broken system that is destroying Washington" is the constitutional system of checks and balances that incessantly gets in the way of his agenda.
I agree with Boehner....and Foxx...


"This isn't about Republicans and Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution that we swore an oath to uphold," Boehner said, according to Talking Points Memo. "Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change? Are you willing to let anyone tear apart what our founders have built?"

Other Republicans also framed the vote in terms of Congress’ constitutional responsibility.

"If there were a Republican president doing the same thing, I would feel just as strongly. This is about the Constitution," said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) to the Huffington Post. "For too long, this body, under the leadership of both Democrats and Republicans, has ceded parts of our constitutional authority to the executive branch."

I think it is a risky "political" move. But frankly, I don't care about the politics. I care about the PRINCIPLE. Let the chips fall......
I agree with Boehner....and Foxx...


"This isn't about Republicans and Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution that we swore an oath to uphold," Boehner said, according to Talking Points Memo. "Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change? Are you willing to let anyone tear apart what our founders have built?"

Other Republicans also framed the vote in terms of Congress’ constitutional responsibility.

"If there were a Republican president doing the same thing, I would feel just as strongly. This is about the Constitution," said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) to the Huffington Post. "For too long, this body, under the leadership of both Democrats and Republicans, has ceded parts of our constitutional authority to the executive branch."

I think it is a risky "political" move. But frankly, I don't care about the politics. I care about the PRINCIPLE. Let the chips fall......

Too bad Boehner and the TP faction ignored upholding the Constitution when they threatened to default on the national debt. The stench of hypocrisy overwhelms any of their bogus attempts to justify their actions.
If it at least ties up that man who believes he a king/dictator, then I'm all for it

Libs answer this?, when has any President or any Government agency had the ability or power to change the rules of a LAW over 20 times without going through Congress/
I agree with Boehner....and Foxx...

Speaker Boehner gets Congress approval to sue President Obama ? RT USA

"This isn't about Republicans and Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution that we swore an oath to uphold," Boehner said, according to Talking Points Memo. "Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change? Are you willing to let anyone tear apart what our founders have built?"

Other Republicans also framed the vote in terms of Congress’ constitutional responsibility.

"If there were a Republican president doing the same thing, I would feel just as strongly. This is about the Constitution," said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) to the Huffington Post. "For too long, this body, under the leadership of both Democrats and Republicans, has ceded parts of our constitutional authority to the executive branch."

I think it is a risky "political" move. But frankly, I don't care about the politics. I care about the PRINCIPLE. Let the chips fall......

Too bad Boehner and the TP faction ignored upholding the Constitution when they threatened to default on the national debt. The stench of hypocrisy overwhelms any of their bogus attempts to justify their actions.

yeah yeah, whatever
If it at least ties up that man who believes he a king/dictator, then I'm all for it

Libs answer this?, when has any President or any Government agency had the ability or power to change the rules of a LAW over 20 times without going through Congress/

The prior POTUS used "signing statements" to simply ignore aspects of laws that he refused to implement or wanted done differently. In fact he did it 161 times affecting over 1,100 provisions of law in 160 Congressional enactments.

List of Presidential Signing Statements Issued by George W. Bush
If it at least ties up that man who believes he a king/dictator, then I'm all for it

Libs answer this?, when has any President or any Government agency had the ability or power to change the rules of a LAW over 20 times without going through Congress/

The prior POTUS used "signing statements" to simply ignore aspects of laws that he refused to implement or wanted done differently. In fact he did it 161 times affecting over 1,100 provisions of law in 160 Congressional enactments.

List of Presidential Signing Statements Issued by George W. Bush

that isn't the question so stop trying to change the subject...Im not talking about signing statements
When has a President PASSED and SIGNED something into law and then had his DHS UNDER HIS reign change the rules over 20 different times WITHOUT going through Congress?
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What's truly bizarre about this is that there are apparently no republican members of the House who are lawyers of good faith and conscience.

No republican lawyers who have the courage to go to the Speaker and tell him that he has no standing to sue, that the president has not abused his powers, and that the courts will refuse to involve themselves in conflicts between the Legislative and Executive branches of government in accordance with the political question doctrine.
Again I ask:
Libs answer this?, when has any President signed a LAW like OScamCare and then either he changed or stood by while his Government agency change the rules of a LAW over 20 times without going through Congress/
If it at least ties up that man who believes he a king/dictator, then I'm all for it

Libs answer this?, when has any President or any Government agency had the ability or power to change the rules of a LAW over 20 times without going through Congress/

The prior POTUS used "signing statements" to simply ignore aspects of laws that he refused to implement or wanted done differently. In fact he did it 161 times affecting over 1,100 provisions of law in 160 Congressional enactments.

List of Presidential Signing Statements Issued by George W. Bush

that isn't the question...When has a President PASSED and SIGNED something into law and then had his DHS UNDER HIS reign change the rules over 20 different times

Moving the goal posts again?

This was your original question;
Libs answer this?, when has any President or any Government agency had the ability or power to change the rules of a LAW over 20 times without going through Congress

Which you are trying to morph into this instead;
When has a President PASSED and SIGNED something into law and then had his DHS UNDER HIS reign change the rules over 20 different times

FYI 100% of all those "signing statements" occurred when the "President PASSED and SIGNED something into law". He was simply being pre-emptive about his "changing the rules" 161 times and you never once saw fit to question his "power" to do so.

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