HOR Republicans vote 225-201 to sue the President

Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.

So why would the GOP want to start emulating Democrats?


Reagan used to mock the Left for being a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Now the GOP is a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Reagan would be ashamed at the amount of histrionics and ignorance the Right is demonstrating today. I know I am! It's embarrassing how the Right has descended into infancy.

the results of this suit will apply to all future presidents who try to overstep their power limitations, not just obama. It will be a good thing for our future to get this clarified by SCOTUS.

I agree.
Both parties have given to much power to the Presidents.
No President should be able to change any bills without the approval of congress, especially when it is done for the good of their own party.
and now let the panties getting bunched up begin

suing is a start...WE the PEOPLE are sick and tired of you WALKING over our Representation in Congress and our wishes......

myself, I wanted the hateful thug impeached and removed out of our lives

Yeah, "let's roll", Stephanie!
your last sentence is very true. The voters will see what has been going on under Obama, Reid, and Pelosi and will turn the congress into a GOP majority.

The US voters are fed up with democrat lies and incompetence. The US voters are not as dumb as obozo and you libtards think they are.

The voters will decide but will you accept their decision if it isn't in your favor?

of course, will you? If a majority of this country decides that it wants a large version of failed european socialism, then I will have to accept the will of the people and deal with it in the best way I can.

Now, if a majority decide that they want constitutional freedom, individual responsibility, sane fiscal policy, and sane foreign policy, and reject liberalsm, will you accept that decision?

I am an Independent and wouldn't have asked the question if I wasn't prepared to deal with either outcome. Now that you have put yourself on the record let's see how you react post November.
Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.

So why would the GOP want to start emulating Democrats?


Reagan used to mock the Left for being a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Now the GOP is a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Reagan would be ashamed at the amount of histrionics and ignorance the Right is demonstrating today. I know I am! It's embarrassing how the Right has descended into infancy.

the results of this suit will apply to all future presidents who try to overstep their power limitations, not just obama. It will be a good thing for our future to get this clarified by SCOTUS.

The results will be that Congress has no legal standing to sue the POTUS.

This is nothing but a waste of taxpayer time and money by the TP faction.
Gotta love Republicans

In a House that hasn't had a single accomplishment in four years, they find another angle to try to repeal Obamacare

They have had a number of accomplishments. The Democrat obstructionists have seen to it that they fail....

I would have thought that you'd thank the GOP. After all, they're taking attention away from the real corruption of your President.
Heck, the right wingers are merely been keeping the Socialist Beast at bay, until 2017.

If they keep the House, and re-take the Senate, later this year, they may try the Impeachment route again.

Lord knows, Obumble has given them enough ammo, in connection with Executive Orders as end-runs around Congress, etc.

Valid or not... legitimate or not... well-motivated or not... if you give your Opposition enough ammunition while you're busy pissing them off... at some point, they're gonna make a move on you.

Frankly, given the mood that the country is in, Congress might actually score some points on their own behalf, by going after the POTUS, whose numbers are also on Skid Row at the moment.

They can impeach right now, they have the numbers. House Democrats can't stop them. Removing him from office takes 67 votes in the Senate, so good luck with that.........
Which is why I mentioned re-taking the Senate as a prerequisite.

I wonder if a GOP-controlled Senate could convince a few Democratic Senators to vote alongside them, in order to dump the POTUS?

A few?

They would need at least 15 or so to do it. Ain't gonna happen.
This is a huge gift to Democrats.

Hopefully they exploit it to the fullest.

Although impeachment, which will happen if the Republicans get their numbers, would have been better.

Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

The Public feels Obama is the worst President since WW2... Maybe people agree with stopping Obama. People also trust Obama the least.

No. Extreme RW Republicans feel Obama is the worst President wince WW2. Get your facts straight.
Gotta love Republicans

In a House that hasn't had a single accomplishment in four years, they find another angle to try to repeal Obamacare

Can't accomplish too much when they're up against a liberal Prez and a liberal Senate. At least they're trying.
Gotta love Republicans

In a House that hasn't had a single accomplishment in four years, they find another angle to try to repeal Obamacare

They have had a number of accomplishments. The Democrat obstructionists have seen to it that they fail....

I would have thought that you'd thank the GOP. After all, they're taking attention away from the real corruption of your President.

What? You are not an American? He is not your president as well?

The brazen chest pounding by liberals immediately denoucing this lawsuit on the grounds of it being ill-politically advised, instead of denoucing the lawsuit on its actually merits, tells me that liberals admit that Obama has indeed done many malign things worthy of impeachment, but are saying "Wut u gonna do bout it? Nany Nany Poo Poo"

You're all going to get rocked so hard when the courts rule against Obama --- again.
The Public feels Obama is the worst President since WW2... Maybe people agree with stopping Obama. People also trust Obama the least.

No they don't

Only the 33% who are Republicans and buy into the FoxNews mantra that Obama is worse than Hitler

more people voted obama the worst than voted for any other president as the worst. Its called a plurality.

Therefore, by virtue of that poll, obama is the worst president since WW2. Like anyone should be surprised by that:eek:

You really cannot be that stupid, now can you? Why, yes, you can.

In that one and only poll, it was Obama 32, Bush 29 and then some others. This means that 68% of respondents did NOT think that he is the worst president since WWII.

You do understand that very simply mathematical fact, right?

Wtf is it these days with Righties and simple math?
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No they don't

Only the 33% who are Republicans and buy into the FoxNews mantra that Obama is worse than Hitler

more people voted obama the worst than voted for any other president as the worst. Its called a plurality.

Therefore, by virtue of that poll, obama is the worst president since WW2. Like anyone should be surprised by that:eek:

You really cannot be that stupid, now can you? Why, yes, you can.

In that one and only poll, it was Obama 32, Bush 29 and then some others. This means that 78% of respondents did NOT think that he is the worst president since WWII.

You do understand that very simply mathematical fact, right?

Wtf is it these days with Righties and simple math?
Let's see if anybody can spot the "that very simply mathematical fact".:D

You pompous and stupid imp!
News nugget for my fellow lybyryls:

Only five Republicans voted against this resolution. One of them was Steve Stockman, of "let's throw Lois Lyrnyr in jail" fame. It appears that Ryprysyntytyve Stockmyn has finally come around and realized that President Obama isn't such a bad benevolent president-for-life after all.
The brazen chest pounding by liberals immediately denoucing this lawsuit on the grounds of it being ill-politically advised, instead of denoucing the lawsuit on its actually merits, tells me that liberals admit that Obama has indeed done many malign things worthy of impeachment, but are saying "Wut u gonna do bout it? Nany Nany Poo Poo"

You're all going to get rocked so hard when the courts rule against Obama --- again.

Hate to get technical but the lawsuit has no "merits" to denounce!

I love that Republicans held up their vacation to approve this lawsuit

It reminds voters of the partisan, broken system that is destroying Washington
News nugget for my fellow lybyryls:

Only five Republicans voted against this resolution. One of them was Steve Stockman, of "let's throw Lois Lyrnyr in jail" fame. It appears that Ryprysyntytyve Stockmyn has finally come around and realized that President Obama isn't such a bad benevolent president-for-life after all.

Except "all five Republicans who voted against the lawsuit, including Paul Broun of Georgia and Steve Stockman of Texas, did so because they believe impeachment is more appropriate. "

See more at: GOP Realizes Impeaching Obama Is Impossible, Votes to Sue Him Instead - The Daily Beast
The brazen chest pounding by liberals immediately denoucing this lawsuit on the grounds of it being ill-politically advised, instead of denoucing the lawsuit on its actually merits, tells me that liberals admit that Obama has indeed done many malign things worthy of impeachment, but are saying "Wut u gonna do bout it? Nany Nany Poo Poo"

You're all going to get rocked so hard when the courts rule against Obama --- again.

Keep telling people what they think. It's very becoming.
You're all going to get rocked so hard when the courts rule against Obama --- again.

It's bizarre, this conservative urban legend that courts keep ruling against Obama. Sometimes they make up some fantasy numbers like "13 times" No basis in fact, but boy do they want to believe it.

If you stretch things, you can name 1 case, recess appointments. That would be the sole court case actually involving President Obama.

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