HOR Republicans vote 225-201 to sue the President

What grounds?

Targeting and killing at least four Americans without due process.

Yeah dude.

Continue your defense and mourning of the terrorist Awlaki.

That really looks great.


You are such a political hack it is unbelievable. The left wing normally will defend the lowest in our society. They will protest the execution of anyone even cop killers. Was OJ guilty? Certainly the MSM claimed him to be guilty but he was found innocent in a court of law.

Defending the Constitution is not the same as defending scum bags that go to other countries to rail, and fight, against America. But because I, or anyone else, doesn't like what they do does not deprive them of their rights. You must agree unless you don't care about YOUR rights.
Glad to see our nation's system of checks and balances being exercised. Obama certainly needs to be reined in and kept "in his place." He's not a king nor should he be a dictator. He's a servant of the People of the United States and needs to be reminded of that. Hope this entire thing has a happy ending for everyone.

In the real world the built in constitutional check against alleged overreach by a president is Congress passes a law to override the Executive. That power has been exercised many times. Suing the Executive has never been, ever.
Heck, the right wingers are merely been keeping the Socialist Beast at bay, until 2017.

If they keep the House, and re-take the Senate, later this year, they may try the Impeachment route again.

Lord knows, Obumble has given them enough ammo, in connection with Executive Orders as end-runs around Congress, etc.

Valid or not... legitimate or not... well-motivated or not... if you give your Opposition enough ammunition while you're busy pissing them off... at some point, they're gonna make a move on you.

Frankly, given the mood that the country is in, Congress might actually score some points on their own behalf, by going after the POTUS, whose numbers are also on Skid Row at the moment.

They can impeach right now, they have the numbers. House Democrats can't stop them. Removing him from office takes 67 votes in the Senate, so good luck with that.........
and now let the panties getting bunched up begin

suing is a start...WE the PEOPLE are sick and tired of you WALKING over our Representation in Congress and our wishes......

myself, I wanted the hateful thug impeached and removed out of our lives
Glad to see our nation's system of checks and balances being exercised. Obama certainly needs to be reined in and kept "in his place." He's not a king nor should he be a dictator. He's a servant of the People of the United States and needs to be reminded of that. Hope this entire thing has a happy ending for everyone.

In the real world the built in constitutional check against alleged overreach by a president is Congress passes a law to override the Executive. That power has been exercised many times. Suing the Executive has never been, ever.

With no pressing issues :eek:, the sheep wanted to do something easy before recess; my sheep, Ander Crenshaw, followed the flock/herd/mob. It was easy because its meaningless, will be tossed by a Court, and the House managed to avoid necessary work, as has been the case for this term.
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Glad to see our nation's system of checks and balances being exercised. Obama certainly needs to be reined in and kept "in his place." He's not a king nor should he be a dictator. He's a servant of the People of the United States and needs to be reminded of that. Hope this entire thing has a happy ending for everyone.

And this isn't that.

Congress is packed with folks from Gerrymandered districts who's interest is in minority rule. Additionally the Senate gives equal weight to states with very small populations and states with very high populations. Add in the electoral congress hardly guarantees that a President who has the backing of the majority of the American people will assume office.

Conservatives have put a strangle hold on the government. And now they are engaged in a completely unprecedented and patently ridiculous move.

They are suing the President for issuing an executive order on a delay they wanted in the first place.

This will be laughed out of court.

Meanwhile? They are going on vacation.

Damn you sound like an LP with a scratch the same song over and over.

First you will crow about how the Republicans can't win elections.

Then you will crow about how many democrats have won the presidency.

Then you will claim that the Republicans control everything.

WTF can't you come up with something, anything, new?

(BTW, a LP is a vinyl version of a CD)

Crow about what?

Conservatives exploiting loopholes in governance to ram through unpopular positions which fleece most of the population to make a very few wealthy?

That's nothing new.

It's the way conservatives govern.

Minority rule.
Let me ask everyone. How does Congress stop a president that they feel is overstepping his power? What vehicle do they have? Do we just wait out 4 years and hope that the voters know enough about the situation to vote out the President? Certainly with the state of the economy during the last election NO president should have been reelected. So what is congress to do, short of impeachment? I think challenging the president in court is the way to go. Let the law suit play out, nothing will happen, and the Republicans will be futile in their attempt to rein in the President. Then the left can laugh because they got away with it again.

When Congress wanted to reign in the ability of the president to basically start undeclared wars the passed a law. When Nixon vetoed it they overrode his veto. When Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo, guess what, Congress amended the law and stopped him from carrying out that EO. What you want to know is how can a single party controlling one house of Congress override an EO.
And this isn't that.

Congress is packed with folks from Gerrymandered districts who's interest is in minority rule. Additionally the Senate gives equal weight to states with very small populations and states with very high populations. Add in the electoral congress hardly guarantees that a President who has the backing of the majority of the American people will assume office.

Conservatives have put a strangle hold on the government. And now they are engaged in a completely unprecedented and patently ridiculous move.

They are suing the President for issuing an executive order on a delay they wanted in the first place.

This will be laughed out of court.

Meanwhile? They are going on vacation.

Damn you sound like an LP with a scratch the same song over and over.

First you will crow about how the Republicans can't win elections.

Then you will crow about how many democrats have won the presidency.

Then you will claim that the Republicans control everything.

WTF can't you come up with something, anything, new?

(BTW, a LP is a vinyl version of a CD)

Crow about what?

Conservatives exploiting loopholes in governance to ram through unpopular positions which fleece most of the population to make a very few wealthy?

That's nothing new.

It's the way conservatives govern.

Minority rule.

In bold......

Give me an example of what you are referring to.
Let me ask everyone. How does Congress stop a president that they feel is overstepping his power? What vehicle do they have? Do we just wait out 4 years and hope that the voters know enough about the situation to vote out the President? Certainly with the state of the economy during the last election NO president should have been reelected. So what is congress to do, short of impeachment? I think challenging the president in court is the way to go. Let the law suit play out, nothing will happen, and the Republicans will be futile in their attempt to rein in the President. Then the left can laugh because they got away with it again.

When Congress wanted to reign in the ability of the president to basically start undeclared wars the passed a law. When Nixon vetoed it they overrode his veto. When Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo, guess what, Congress amended the law and stopped him from carrying out that EO. What you want to know is how can a single party controlling one house of Congress override an EO.

His executive order was signed the day he took office and demanded it closed by the end of that year.

During that year, and for the entire year following, democrats had the majority in both houses.

So are you telling us that a democratic congress amended the law?
Targeting and killing at least four Americans without due process.

Yeah dude.

Continue your defense and mourning of the terrorist Awlaki.

That really looks great.


You are such a political hack it is unbelievable. The left wing normally will defend the lowest in our society. They will protest the execution of anyone even cop killers. Was OJ guilty? Certainly the MSM claimed him to be guilty but he was found innocent in a court of law.

Defending the Constitution is not the same as defending scum bags that go to other countries to rail, and fight, against America. But because I, or anyone else, doesn't like what they do does not deprive them of their rights. You must agree unless you don't care about YOUR rights.

Awlaki was wanted by the government and went on the lam.

Had he been on the run in the US? He could have been very well shot by police or FBI agents.

You guys didn't seem to fuss much when Ibragim Todashev, who was in custody, was offed.

FBI agent cleared in killing of friend of Boston bombing suspect - LA Times

You guys are pretty selective about your outrage..

Let me ask everyone. How does Congress stop a president that they feel is overstepping his power? What vehicle do they have? Do we just wait out 4 years and hope that the voters know enough about the situation to vote out the President? Certainly with the state of the economy during the last election NO president should have been reelected. So what is congress to do, short of impeachment? I think challenging the president in court is the way to go. Let the law suit play out, nothing will happen, and the Republicans will be futile in their attempt to rein in the President. Then the left can laugh because they got away with it again.

When Congress wanted to reign in the ability of the president to basically start undeclared wars the passed a law. When Nixon vetoed it they overrode his veto. When Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo, guess what, Congress amended the law and stopped him from carrying out that EO. What you want to know is how can a single party controlling one house of Congress override an EO.

His executive order was signed the day he took office and demanded it closed by the end of that year.

During that year, and for the entire year following, democrats had the majority in both houses.

So are you telling us that a democratic congress amended the law?
That's exactly what they did.
And the Rethugs don't want to pass a law to prevent the extension given to corporate America because that would be against corporate America and the retaliation would be fierce. So instead they take the cowards way and look like buffoons and assholes.
Can't sue a sitting President. So this is just Republicans wasting time and money which is kinda at odds with their incessant bitching about money being wasted.
When Congress wanted to reign in the ability of the president to basically start undeclared wars the passed a law. When Nixon vetoed it they overrode his veto. When Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo, guess what, Congress amended the law and stopped him from carrying out that EO. What you want to know is how can a single party controlling one house of Congress override an EO.

His executive order was signed the day he took office and demanded it closed by the end of that year.

During that year, and for the entire year following, democrats had the majority in both houses.

So are you telling us that a democratic congress amended the law?
That's exactly what they did.

So then why blame the republicans for that?
When Congress wanted to reign in the ability of the president to basically start undeclared wars the passed a law. When Nixon vetoed it they overrode his veto. When Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo, guess what, Congress amended the law and stopped him from carrying out that EO. What you want to know is how can a single party controlling one house of Congress override an EO.

His executive order was signed the day he took office and demanded it closed by the end of that year.

During that year, and for the entire year following, democrats had the majority in both houses.

So are you telling us that a democratic congress amended the law?
That's exactly what they did.

not too difficult when you have a majority in both houses.

So I guess you will be OK if the republicans have both houses and amend laws.

Yeah dude.

Continue your defense and mourning of the terrorist Awlaki.

That really looks great.


You are such a political hack it is unbelievable. The left wing normally will defend the lowest in our society. They will protest the execution of anyone even cop killers. Was OJ guilty? Certainly the MSM claimed him to be guilty but he was found innocent in a court of law.

Defending the Constitution is not the same as defending scum bags that go to other countries to rail, and fight, against America. But because I, or anyone else, doesn't like what they do does not deprive them of their rights. You must agree unless you don't care about YOUR rights.

Awlaki was wanted by the government and went on the lam.

Had he been on the run in the US? He could have been very well shot by police or FBI agents.

You guys didn't seem to fuss much when Ibragim Todashev, who was in custody, was offed.

FBI agent cleared in killing of friend of Boston bombing suspect - LA Times

You guys are pretty selective about your outrage..


Pretty damn hypocritical of you. I didn't bring up the two very different situations, YOU did. So I guess what you are saying is you don't give a crap if Jeb Bush gets elected and starts killing anyone the CIA tells him to kill. As for the FBI, maybe I don't like the decision but it was a decision made through due process.

My problem is when the CIA and then Obama decides which Americans they wish to kill no matter how young and innocent.

BTW the drone program is now the biggest recruiting tool for our enemies since GITMO.

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