HOR Republicans vote 225-201 to sue the President

Let me ask everyone. How does Congress stop a president that they feel is overstepping his power? What vehicle do they have? Do we just wait out 4 years and hope that the voters know enough about the situation to vote out the President? Certainly with the state of the economy during the last election NO president should have been reelected. So what is congress to do, short of impeachment? I think challenging the president in court is the way to go. Let the law suit play out, nothing will happen, and the Republicans will be futile in their attempt to rein in the President. Then the left can laugh because they got away with it again.

Congress can pass legislation that it wants and then, if the POTUS vetoes the legislation Congress can override the veto.

That is the due process "short of impeachment".

What is happening here is an impotent minority faction that does NOT have majority control over Congress attempting to rewrite the Constitution because they can't impose their will on the nation.

This will be seen for what it is by the voters and they will hand down their verdict in November.

your last sentence is very true. The voters will see what has been going on under Obama, Reid, and Pelosi and will turn the congress into a GOP majority.

The US voters are fed up with democrat lies and incompetence. The US voters are not as dumb as obozo and you libtards think they are.

The voters will decide but will you accept their decision if it isn't in your favor?
Didn't McConnell just state the the GOP was not even talking about impeachment or a lawsuit, that it was all just the dems ruse?

It's kinda like when Boehner said he wasn't going to close down the government, right before he closed down the government.
AIDE: Hey, boss. We, uh, passed a budget in 1997 that has a problem.

GOP BOSS: What kind of problem?

AIDE: Medicare reimbursements. We need to fix it. It will screw things up for the country if we don't.

GOP BOSS: Fix it? When?

AIDE: Every year, forever.

GOP BOSS: Was that one of our bills?

AIDE: Yes.

GOP BOSS: Let's do it. Let's get this "doc fix" passed. Every year.

AIDE: Um, boss?

GOP BOSS: What now?

AIDE: There's another health care problem. A problem with the ACA that needs a fix. We need an employer mandate fix.

GOP BOSS: A mandate fix? That's a Democrat bill, right?

AIDE: Yep.

GOP BOSS: Screw that.

AIDE: It will really screw things up for the country if we don't.

GOP BOSS: They should have known what was in it before they passed it! Let's force the President to fix it, then we can scream about him usurping our constitutional powers. Heheheheheheheh.
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This is a huge gift to Democrats.

Hopefully they exploit it to the fullest.

Although impeachment, which will happen if the Republicans get their numbers, would have been better.

Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

Glad to see our nation's system of checks and balances being exercised. Obama certainly needs to be reined in and kept "in his place." He's not a king nor should he be a dictator. He's a servant of the People of the United States and needs to be reminded of that. Hope this entire thing has a happy ending for everyone.

And this isn't that.

Congress is packed with folks from Gerrymandered districts who's interest is in minority rule. Additionally the Senate gives equal weight to states with very small populations and states with very high populations. Add in the electoral congress hardly guarantees that a President who has the backing of the majority of the American people will assume office.

Conservatives have put a strangle hold on the government. And now they are engaged in a completely unprecedented and patently ridiculous move.

They are suing the President for issuing an executive order on a delay they wanted in the first place.

This will be laughed out of court.

Meanwhile? They are going on vacation.

Which shows how serious they are about the lawsuit.
Let me ask everyone. How does Congress stop a president that they feel is overstepping his power? What vehicle do they have? Do we just wait out 4 years and hope that the voters know enough about the situation to vote out the President? Certainly with the state of the economy during the last election NO president should have been reelected. So what is congress to do, short of impeachment? I think challenging the president in court is the way to go. Let the law suit play out, nothing will happen, and the Republicans will be futile in their attempt to rein in the President. Then the left can laugh because they got away with it again.

Get a majority in both the House & Senate, also a vote of censure.
This is a huge gift to Democrats.

Hopefully they exploit it to the fullest.

Although impeachment, which will happen if the Republicans get their numbers, would have been better.

Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

It doesn't matter what they do, if they impeach him, sue him or ignore it. This is exactly what you do anyway, pound the Republicans for not being Marxists. So why should they not do this exactly when Democrats and the leftist media will pound them anyway?
Liberal meltdown in progress. The SCOTUS has biatch slapped their boy king numerous times, thus the ensuing stomply foot thread. LMAO

We're suppose to just sit back and let King Obama rule with an iron fist and STFU..

Not going to happen.
This is a huge gift to Democrats.

Hopefully they exploit it to the fullest.

Although impeachment, which will happen if the Republicans get their numbers, would have been better.

Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

It doesn't matter what they do, if they impeach him, sue him or ignore it. This is exactly what you do anyway, pound the Republicans for not being Marxists. So why should they not do this exactly when Democrats and the leftist media will pound them anyway?

Queen Hyperbole chimes in
Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.
Liberal meltdown in progress. The SCOTUS has biatch slapped their boy king numerous times, thus the ensuing stomply foot thread. LMAO

We're suppose to just sit back and let King Obama rule with an iron fist and STFU..

Not going to happen.

As opposed to the extreme right ongoing meltdown that started 1/20/2009?
This is a huge gift to Democrats.

Hopefully they exploit it to the fullest.

Although impeachment, which will happen if the Republicans get their numbers, would have been better.

Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

The Public feels Obama is the worst President since WW2... Maybe people agree with stopping Obama. People also trust Obama the least.
Hey, you whined about impeachment and now you whine about this

But I think Republicans has finally heard LOUD and CLEAR from the people they Represent do ANYTHING to stop this thug from walking all OVER (WE THE PEOPLE)

I read somewhere he was talking with the people who wanted him to GRANT Amnesty without congress, he asked them if they were trying get him IMPEACHED

so you people that are whining too damn bad...that 70% who disapproves of him has FINALLY HAD ENOUGH of him leaving our (THE PEOPLE'S ) Representation out by all the EO'S

AND ESPECIALLY if he think he's going to give AMNESTY to 20million people, over our objections

myself I would of impeached
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As to the OP: We know you don't like it that your messiah is being held to the constructs within the US Constitution- That's just too damn bad, now isn't it? Barack Obama unilaterally changed the ACA 24 times on his own. He is not the King of the United States as much as you and your cohorts believe him to be.
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Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.

So why would the GOP want to start emulating Democrats?


Reagan used to mock the Left for being a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Now the GOP is a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Reagan would be ashamed at the amount of histrionics and ignorance the Right is demonstrating today. I know I am! It's embarrassing how the Right has descended into infancy.
Congress can pass legislation that it wants and then, if the POTUS vetoes the legislation Congress can override the veto.

That is the due process "short of impeachment".

What is happening here is an impotent minority faction that does NOT have majority control over Congress attempting to rewrite the Constitution because they can't impose their will on the nation.

This will be seen for what it is by the voters and they will hand down their verdict in November.

your last sentence is very true. The voters will see what has been going on under Obama, Reid, and Pelosi and will turn the congress into a GOP majority.

The US voters are fed up with democrat lies and incompetence. The US voters are not as dumb as obozo and you libtards think they are.

The voters will decide but will you accept their decision if it isn't in your favor?

of course, will you? If a majority of this country decides that it wants a large version of failed european socialism, then I will have to accept the will of the people and deal with it in the best way I can.

Now, if a majority decide that they want constitutional freedom, individual responsibility, sane fiscal policy, and sane foreign policy, and reject liberalsm, will you accept that decision?
This is a huge gift to Democrats.

Hopefully they exploit it to the fullest.

Although impeachment, which will happen if the Republicans get their numbers, would have been better.

Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

The Public feels Obama is the worst President since WW2... Maybe people agree with stopping Obama. People also trust Obama the least.

No they don't

Only the 33% who are Republicans and buy into the FoxNews mantra that Obama is worse than Hitler
Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.

So why would the GOP want to start emulating Democrats?


Reagan used to mock the Left for being a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Now the GOP is a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Reagan would be ashamed at the amount of histrionics and ignorance the Right is demonstrating today. I know I am! It's embarrassing how the Right has descended into infancy.

the results of this suit will apply to all future presidents who try to overstep their power limitations, not just obama. It will be a good thing for our future to get this clarified by SCOTUS.
Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.

So why would the GOP want to start emulating Democrats?


Reagan used to mock the Left for being a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Now the GOP is a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Reagan would be ashamed at the amount of histrionics and ignorance the Right is demonstrating today. I know I am! It's embarrassing how the Right has descended into infancy.

I would of preferred it not come to this but he openly stated he was going to whatever he wants...remember he said, he has a phone and pen

this should of happened a long damn ago because they've been running all over us, the people....HOW did they have the right to change a law (ObamaCare) at their whim without consent from Congress? And nothing was done then....He's just arrogant, defiant with a thuggish smirk and right in our face, he's saying he'll do whatever the hell he want until you stop me

so this IS what a President of our country is suppose to do, bring all this chaos into our lives? Like I said, I wanted him Impeached a long time ago but this a start
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Democrats need to pound House Republicans on what they have refused to vote on and the impact it has had on the country

The Public feels Obama is the worst President since WW2... Maybe people agree with stopping Obama. People also trust Obama the least.

No they don't

Only the 33% who are Republicans and buy into the FoxNews mantra that Obama is worse than Hitler

more people voted obama the worst than voted for any other president as the worst. Its called a plurality.

Therefore, by virtue of that poll, obama is the worst president since WW2. Like anyone should be surprised by that:eek:
Democrats did the same thing to Bush over frivolous matters just to clog up the system.

So why would the GOP want to start emulating Democrats?


Reagan used to mock the Left for being a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Now the GOP is a pack of pessimistic whiny bitches. Reagan would be ashamed at the amount of histrionics and ignorance the Right is demonstrating today. I know I am! It's embarrassing how the Right has descended into infancy.

I would of preferred it not come to this but he openly stated he was going to whatever he wants...remember he said, he has a phone and pen

this should of happened a long damn ago because they've been doing whatever they want...HOW did they have the right to change a law (ObamaCare) at their whim without consent from Congress? And nothing done then....He's just arrogant, defiant with a thuggish smirk and right in our face, he's saying he'll do whatever the hell he want until you stop me

so this what a President of our country is suppose to do, bring all this chaos into our lives? Like I said, I wanted him Impeached a long time ago but this a start

we can't impeach the black guy---------it wouldn't be FAIR, and it would hurt the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings of liberals, and it would be raciss and shiet.

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