Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

I explain it easily and with science. The CDC ran studies on this and found that natural immunity lasts about 7 months. People who experience more sever COVID symptoms will have stronger and longer lasting antibodies. Of those who have natural antibodies, they would receive 2x the protection if they get vaccinated on top of the natural antibodies. I've provided links for all I just posted.
I produced a Cleveland Clinic study that shows vaccines aren’t necessary for those with the antibodies. Regardless there should be a differentiation between those who had it and recovered and those who never had it. Yes or no!? Also in Europe if you had it they only require one booster but two in the US. The data is not consistent.
You’re moving the goal posts. People who had COVID are basically immune if they really had it per the Cleveland Clinic study and again are they safer than those who never had COVID19? Yes or no? Why are you bringing vaccines into this? You have two groups, one had COVID and one never did. Which is safer?

I just posted a study that had nothing to do with vaccines and showed the longevity of and efficacy of immunity after infection. Of course those who have had it get antibodies and are safer than those who have not contracted it. I've posted articles showing the same thing. This isn't a secret
March 2020. Lost 14 pounds in 10 days. No fever no cough. Lack of appetite. Extreme fatigue every morning. My MD says they don’t know enough but my antibodies may be permanent. Took about 3 weeks for recovery.
When was the last time you got an antibody test or spoke to your doctor about it?
I just posted a study that had nothing to do with vaccines and showed the longevity of and efficacy of immunity after infection. Of course those who have had it get antibodies and are safer than those who have not contracted it. I've posted articles showing the same thing. This isn't a secret
So if they are safer why won’t the CDC and the leftist news media say as such? Hmmmm…..they split people into two boxes. Vaccinated and unvaccinated and those who are vaccinated but never had COVID19 still catch the delta variant. Those who had it do not it seems. Funny how that is. I cannot Find many articles on people catching the virus twice but numerous of people who got the vaccine but still got the virus. Media is dishonest and you’re playing coy.
I produced a Cleveland Clinic study that shows vaccines aren’t necessary for those with the antibodies. Regardless there should be a differentiation between those who had it and recovered and those who never had it. Yes or no!? Also in Europe if you had it they only require one booster but two in the US. The data is not consistent.
Europe uses a different vaccine than the US don't they? Why do you keep asking me who is safer, I've answered that question like 3 times now...
So if they are safer why won’t the CDC and the leftist news media say as such? Hmmmm…..they split people into two boxes. Vaccinated and unvaccinated and those who are vaccinated but never had COVID19 still catch the delta variant. Those who had it do not it seems. Funny how that is. I cannot Find many articles on people catching the virus twice but numerous of people who got the vaccine but still got the virus. Media is dishonest and you’re playing coy.
I've posted articles from the CDC showing that natural antibodies provide a level of immunity. So there they said it... Do you want me to find an article on CNN or NBC saying the same thing?
The patient thought the vaccine would kill him? Was the patient a doctor? Where was the patient getting that belief from?

How can you be so dense? Cardiac patients are ALWAYS on blood thinners. Why? TO PREVENT BLOOD CLOTS! So, how fucking stupid do you have to be to ignore the well reported fact that the vaccine causes BLOOD CLOTS?
Why the 100000 fucking questions. I donated in late June. As of July 3rd I remain with the antibodies. I spoke with him on Monday actually.
Why the questions? Because we are on a discussion board and you have first hand experience which in my opinion is better than random news articles we find on Google. Are you uncomfortable sharing your personal experiences? If so we don't have to continue the discussion.
Why the 100000 fucking questions. I donated in late June. As of July 3rd I remain with the antibodies. I spoke with him on Monday actually.
Wow, so your antibodies lasted over 15 months now. Thats great. How do they measure them... is there a numberical level that they can read to see how prevalent and strong they are?

I spoke to a friend that had Covid with mild symptoms and got an antibody test a few months later and tested negative for antibodies.

Maybe these variables are why the reporting isn't strong on this because they can't confidently say how long and strong natural antibodies occur in every person. Less predictable than the vaccine... thoughts?
Why the questions? Because we are on a discussion board and you have first hand experience which in my opinion is better than random news articles we find on Google. Are you uncomfortable sharing your personal experiences? If so we don't have to continue the discussion.
I have given you like 20 pts of data. He also said that antibodies aren’t the be all and end all. There is T cell immunity too which I likely have. My point is I have had it and survived without much trauma. I do not see needing the vaccine and certainly don’t want my kids to have it and they are tested weekly and remain negative. Why? They already had it!
I asked why the media won’t differentiate. Leftist media. Pay attention. Pretty sure Pfizer is in Europe too.
I think Astragenica is the main shot going around in Europe... see post above for my thoughts about media reporting
Wow, so your antibodies lasted over 15 months now. Thats great. How do they measure them... is there a numberical level that they can read to see how prevalent and strong they are?

I spoke to a friend that had Covid with mild symptoms and got an antibody test a few months later and tested negative for antibodies.

Maybe these variables are why the reporting isn't strong on this because they can't confidently say how long and strong natural antibodies occur in every person. Less predictable than the vaccine?? thoughts?
Ask the Red Cross. I have no idea. It says positive or negative only. Antibodies aren’t the be all and end all. Idk how or if they can research how long T cell immunity lasts. I was One of the first to get it though based on the timeline and have given a lot of blood to help others. Once I get the vaccine I can no longer donate btw. Also if you’re gay you also cannot donate. Interesting.
How can you be so dense? Cardiac patients are ALWAYS on blood thinners. Why? TO PREVENT BLOOD CLOTS! So, how fucking stupid do you have to be to ignore the well reported fact that the vaccine causes BLOOD CLOTS?
I don't know... Why do you think this guys doctors and an entire transplant committee would ignore these things?
I don't know... Why do you think this guys doctors and an entire transplant committee would ignore these things?

uuuuuh, POLITICS. Based on the now two year old constant reversal of positions, it is obvious to ANYONE with a brain, that this is all politics. There is precious little science, and virtually no logic involved in any of these decisions.

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