Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

That the media is behind the vaccine shaming and our CDC refuses to differentiate between those who had the virus and survived vs those who never had it. I had to spell it out for you?
Yes you did... and thank you for that. I think the CDC and the media are staying on the side of caution and trying to message that way. I have no problem with you waiting for a booster if you currently have antibodies and are working with your doctor, taking his advice. I don't know many that would have a problem with that. Meanwhile we have a large chunk of people in this country spreading misinformation spreading fear and doubt about the vaccine, downplaying the seriousness of COVID and as a result the virus is mutating and spreading and now we are in a situation where hospitals are being overwhelmed and care is impacted for entire communities.
Yes you did... and thank you for that. I think the CDC and the media are staying on the side of caution and trying to message that way. I have no problem with you waiting for a booster if you currently have antibodies and are working with your doctor, taking his advice. I don't know many that would have a problem with that. Meanwhile we have a large chunk of people in this country spreading misinformation spreading fear and doubt about the vaccine, downplaying the seriousness of COVID and as a result the virus is mutating and spreading and now we are in a situation where hospitals are being overwhelmed and care is impacted for entire communities.
Caution? Why don’t they differentiate? You don’t have a problem but many still do.
You’re missing that they aren’t sure if the vaccines cause heart issues in kids. I posted the link. Guess you ignored it.
If you're doctor thinks your kid is at risk then follow your doctors advice. Some kids probably shouldn’t be taking the vaccine if they have a health risk. It's pretty simple.
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How do you want them to differentiate? What are you looking for?
To state publicly that those who had the virus and recovered are not at the same level of risk as those who never had it. Pretty simple. Instead they only differentiate between those who got the vaccine and those who didn’t. I really Have to spell that out too?
To state publicly that those who had the virus and recovered are not at the same level of risk as those who never had it. Pretty simple. Instead they only differentiate between those who got the vaccine and those who didn’t. I really Have to spell that out too?
Yes you do, thats how communication works!

Now per your issue. The CDC found that of those who have had COVID, people who get the vaccine are twice as likely to not catch it again vs. those who have not been vaccinated. This is why they still recommend people who have had COVID get vaccinated.

To state publicly that those who had the virus and recovered are not at the same level of risk as those who never had it. Pretty simple. Instead they only differentiate between those who got the vaccine and those who didn’t. I really Have to spell that out too?
Here is the first thing to pop up on Google when searching for "how safe are those who have antibodies from catching covid"

Isn't this exactly what you are complaining about nobody saying?

Yes you do, thats how communication works!

Now per your issue. The CDC found that of those who have had COVID, people who get the vaccine are twice as likely to not catch it again vs. those who have not been vaccinated. This is why they still recommend people who have had COVID get vaccinated.

You’re moving the goal posts. People who had COVID are basically immune if they really had it per the Cleveland Clinic study and again are they safer than those who never had COVID19? Yes or no? Why are you bringing vaccines into this? You have two groups, one had COVID and one never did. Which is safer?

Here is the first thing to pop up on Google when searching for "how safe are those who have antibodies from catching covid"

Isn't this exactly what you are complaining about nobody saying?

I am case in point. My immunity has lasted since last April. How do you explain that?
To state publicly that those who had the virus and recovered are not at the same level of risk as those who never had it. Pretty simple. Instead they only differentiate between those who got the vaccine and those who didn’t. I really Have to spell that out too?
Here is another study on natural antibodies. When did you catch COVID? How bad were your symptoms?

I am case in point. My immunity has lasted since last April. How do you explain that?
I explain it easily and with science. The CDC ran studies on this and found that natural immunity lasts about 7 months. People who experience more sever COVID symptoms will have stronger and longer lasting antibodies. Of those who have natural antibodies, they would receive 2x the protection if they get vaccinated on top of the natural antibodies. I've provided links for all I just posted.

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