Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

Ask the Red Cross. I have no idea. It says positive or negative only. Antibodies aren’t the be all and end all. Idk how or if they can research how long T cell immunity lasts. I was One of the first to get it though based on the timeline and have given a lot of blood to help others. Once I get the vaccine I can no longer donate btw. Also if you’re gay you also cannot donate. Interesting.
That is interesting... What does being gay have to do with donating and how did you get around that?

Sorry, I had to... ;-)
uuuuuh, POLITICS. Based on the now two year old constant reversal of positions, it is obvious to ANYONE with a brain, that this is all politics. There is precious little science, and virtually no logic involved in any of these decisions.
Haha, I'm gonna bet on you and your theories being "playing politics" over the medical advice doctors are giving their patients.
The data is inconclusive but this is why the vaccines aren’t fully FDA approved yet
Agreed, not enough time and data has been collected to get passed all their red tape which is why it has been approved for emergency use at this time.
Agreed, not enough time and data has been collected to get passed all their red tape which is why it has been approved for emergency use at this time.
Red tape is easy to get around but a full approval is a different story. Would you feel comfortable having your kids get it if they are 11 and 13, respectively?
Red tape is easy to get around but a full approval is a different story. Would you feel comfortable having your kids get it if they are 11 and 13, respectively?
Probably not right now... I'd speak to as many doctors as I could. I have a 2.5 year old niece and a 6 month old nephew who I would literally give my heart to if they needed it so I do follow this closely and am very concerned about the effect the vaccines and COVID have on our kids. The long term effects of COVID are still unknown as well, right?
Probably not right now... I'd speak to as many doctors as I could. I have a 2.5 year old niece and a 6 month old nephew who I would literally give my heart to if they needed it so I do follow this closely and am very concerned about the effect the vaccines and COVID have on our kids. The long term effects of COVID are still unknown as well, right?
So you agree with me. Excellent. We need more data
Haha, I'm gonna bet on you and your theories being "playing politics" over the medical advice doctors are giving their patients.

Show me one consistent position that fauci has had over the duration of this bullshit. The 1918 flu pandemic lasted a little over a year. Here we are into the 2nd year of this bullshit and the MSM breathlessly reports when an INDIVIDUAL dies. In a pandemic it is hundreds dying every day. This entire response has been horse shit. If it weren't, there would have been no need for the CDC to lie about the number of deaths due to covid.
You would rather catch Covid?

Sure. I already had it. The only people who should be prevented from catching it are the old and the infirm. If you have several chronic conditions, you are most likely going to die if you contract it. If not, you are almost certainly going to live. Bee's sting thousands of people every day. A few of them are allergic to the sting, and if they are unable to get to an Epi Pen, or medical help, they will die.

The government is treating EVERYBODY like they are allergic to covid. It's asinine.
So you agree with me. Excellent. We need more data
Hell yeah we need more data... we should always be pushing for more data. I have never advocated to stop pushing for more data, more testing, more development of better treatments, etc. But when it comes to treatment and prevention I am not a medical expert. I would rely on doctors on what to do. If you are following the advice of your doctors then I'd say you are doing the right thing for yourself and your family.

If you're acting like retard Lastamender here, not talking to doctors, only digging into online conspiracies and then using that to spread fear and misinformation, well then you're doing the wrong thing.
You can catch is as easy as i can, that's a stupid question.
If I'm vaccinated I am far more protect than you if you are unvaccinated. I also am more protected from a more sever infection than you. So no not as easily as you. But let me ask my question again since you dodged answering it...

Would you rather catch COVID and risk the effects that virus than risk the effects of the vaccine?

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