Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

Show me one consistent position that fauci has had over the duration of this bullshit. The 1918 flu pandemic lasted a little over a year. Here we are into the 2nd year of this bullshit and the MSM breathlessly reports when an INDIVIDUAL dies. In a pandemic it is hundreds dying every day. This entire response has been horse shit. If it weren't, there would have been no need for the CDC to lie about the number of deaths due to covid.
Here is one that has died recently... How is your narrative of trying to minimize everything helping these situations?? Why not take the position of good citizen and try and actually help things.

Sure. I already had it. The only people who should be prevented from catching it are the old and the infirm. If you have several chronic conditions, you are most likely going to die if you contract it. If not, you are almost certainly going to live. Bee's sting thousands of people every day. A few of them are allergic to the sting, and if they are unable to get to an Epi Pen, or medical help, they will die.

The government is treating EVERYBODY like they are allergic to covid. It's asinine.
Do you think COVID is less of a risk than the Vaccine? If so, then what makes you think that?
Sure. I already had it. The only people who should be prevented from catching it are the old and the infirm. If you have several chronic conditions, you are most likely going to die if you contract it. If not, you are almost certainly going to live. Bee's sting thousands of people every day. A few of them are allergic to the sting, and if they are unable to get to an Epi Pen, or medical help, they will die.

The government is treating EVERYBODY like they are allergic to covid. It's asinine.
The asinine thing is ignoring what is going on in hospitals all over the country right now. The utter disregard for the medical workers who have been dealing with this thing for a year and a half. Their hospitals are now filling with people who refuse to take medicine that would very likely prevent them from going there. The hospitals are not filling with vaccinated people, they are filling with unvaccinated people. And now many hospitals, including ones in the city I live, are canceling elective surgeries for people in pain and are calling in help from other states as they run out of ICU beds. This isn't hyperbole it is actually happening. I have friends that work in hospitals where this is happening. Why do you ignore that and downplay that and pretend like nothing bad is going on. You are the asinine one.
If I'm vaccinated I am far more protect than you if you are unvaccinated. I also am more protected from a more sever infection than you. So no not as easily as you. But let me ask my question again since you dodged answering it...

Would you rather catch COVID and risk the effects that virus than risk the effects of the vaccine?

That is not a factual statement. I am 100% immune to the variant I had. You are not. Based on prior experience, i am probably more resistent to follow on strains than you are. And that is without any boosters etc.
Here is one that has died recently... How is your narrative of trying to minimize everything helping these situations?? Why not take the position of good citizen and try and actually help things.

Because I am. The only people who should be sequestered are the old and the infirm. Let the rest catch it, and recover from it. They will then be in a much better position than those who are vaccinated. Look at how the CDC has said that even though you are vaccinated you can still get it, and you can still pass it on. Well DUH!

Anyone who has ever read ANYTHING about viral behavior KNOWS that!
If I'm vaccinated I am far more protect than you if you are unvaccinated. I also am more protected from a more sever infection than you. So no not as easily as you. But let me ask my question again since you dodged answering it...

Would you rather catch COVID and risk the effects that virus than risk the effects of the vaccine?
You haven't got the information, the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid. Just reduces the symptoms. You've been duped, covid on.
Here is one that has died recently... How is your narrative of trying to minimize everything helping these situations?? Why not take the position of good citizen and try and actually help things.

Biden is a failure, he was handed a pandemic on the out and now we are almost at square one.
That is not a factual statement. I am 100% immune to the variant I had. You are not. Based on prior experience, i am probably more resistent to follow on strains than you are. And that is without any boosters etc.
Can you show me where you're getting that from? I've posted CDC studies showing different.
For the overwhelming majority of people the answer is provably yes.
I don't think you speak to the overwhelming majority of people... not even close. Why do you think COVID is less of a risk than the Vaccine?
Because I am. The only people who should be sequestered are the old and the infirm. Let the rest catch it, and recover from it. They will then be in a much better position than those who are vaccinated. Look at how the CDC has said that even though you are vaccinated you can still get it, and you can still pass it on. Well DUH!

Anyone who has ever read ANYTHING about viral behavior KNOWS that!
The rest are catching it and they are overwhelming many hospitals. This is what you want? No they won't be in a better position than the vaccinated. The vaccinated have 2x the protection than those with natural antibodies.

Yes vaccinated can still catch and pass it. They will not catch a case as sever as the unvaccinated and a large percentage won't catch it at all.
The rest are catching it and they are overwhelming many hospitals. This is what you want? No they won't be in a better position than the vaccinated. The vaccinated have 2x the protection than those with natural antibodies.

Yes vaccinated can still catch and pass it. They will not catch a case as sever as the unvaccinated and a large percentage won't catch it at all.
That’s just not true according to the Cleveland Clinic study, which I posted.
You haven't got the information, the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid. Just reduces the symptoms. You've been duped, covid on.
It does both... prevents transmission for many, the majority, actually, and for the minority that do catch it, it reduces symptoms. You act like this is a bad thing, why?

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