Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

That unproven vaccines have a low expectancy of working. And that long term medical problems will probably arise due to lack of long term testing. Synergistic effects with other drugs are not known, so expect multiple cases of people dying from that effect alone. All of this is findable if you care to look. The fact that you continue to ask pithy questions tells me that you don't really care, you are just desperately trying to engineer a "gotcha" moment.

You're not smart enough.
Good thing these vaccines are proven. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Yes. I would. Along with the morbidly obese, COPD patients, and anyone with immune system compromise. Anyone else carry on with your lives.
Boy, you should run for president. Let everybody know what this winning strategy of yours!!
Boy, you should run for president. Let everybody know what this winning strategy of yours!!

I'm just following what Sweden has done. No lockdowns, and they are doing fine. DOH!
They are?

You Can Still Spread, Develop COVID-19 After Getting a Vaccine: What to Know​

Did you think they were supposed to be 100%?! That’s where you’re confusion comes from. Glad we got that sorted out!
I spoke to a friend a month ago, they had Covid and then got an antibody test two months later and tested negative for antibodies. You as a scientist would surely admit that having COVID doesn't automatically make you immune from catching/spreading it again, right?
Eight months is the current estimated finding that’s been reported to date of antibodies detected in blood. That’s for both natural exposure/infection with symptoms and vaxxed cases. Various medical sources estimate that it’s likely a much longer time period for antibody protection from natural immunity, and we’ll be finding that out in a few months and into next year to find antibodies still measurable. We’re just not far enough along to measure patients out beyond our current period.
Did you think they were supposed to be 100%?! That’s where you’re confusion comes from. Glad we got that sorted out!
Did you think they were supposed to be 100%?! That’s where you’re confusion comes from. Glad we got that sorted out!

Nope. But you claimed they were proven. They are only proven to a certain point. Right now they are back tracking. The Israeli experience is showing the vaccines are short lived. My natural immunity is not short lived.
Excellent, I agree, here is a follow up from the Cleveland Clinic on the study you posted...

Follow up = political pressure. I get it. I ll take the original version.
Eight months is the current estimated finding that’s been reported to date of antibodies detected in blood. That’s for both natural exposure/infection with symptoms and vaxxed cases. Various medical sources estimate that it’s likely a much longer time period for antibody protection from natural immunity, and we’ll be finding that out in a few months and into next year to find antibodies still measurable. We’re just not far enough along to measure patients out beyond our current period.
Agreed, much will be learned with more time. We have found that vaccinated provides 2x the protection than natural antibodies, correct?
Nope. But you claimed they were proven. They are only proven to a certain point. Right now they are back tracking. The Israeli experience is showing the vaccines are short lived. My natural immunity is not short lived.
They are proven... Proven does not mean 100%. A friend of mine lost her natural antibodies after 2 months so that isn't "proven" either now is it? Probably best to get the shot even if you have natural antibodies, right?
Typical moving goal posts yet again. Where I have I said that people who want the vaccine shouldn't get it? Hmm? I have been very clear that those who want it should get it. Those who don't want to, shouldn't be forced to.
I was just showing that Sweden recommends everybody over 16 to get the shot. You said you liked following Sweden so I was suggesting you keep it up!
Follow up = political pressure. I get it. I ll take the original version.
Oh wow, thats quite the claim. They post something that backs up your POV and they are trustworthy but as soon as they go against your POV they are giving bad advice because of political pressure. Pretty amazing! You don't even buy that BS do you? I bet you felt dirty after hitting the send button on that response
Oh wow, thats quite the claim. They post something that backs up your POV and they are trustworthy but as soon as they go against your POV they are giving bad advice because of political pressure. Pretty amazing!
If the original didn’t agree with my point of view and round 2 did then I would say the same thing. Pretty amazing.
If the original didn’t agree with my point of view and round 2 did then I would say the same thing. Pretty amazing.
There was an explanation for the follow up. Are you really going to ignore that and go with the claim that they are giving bad advice because of political pressure excuse? We both know that is total BS. You called the Cleveland Clinic reliable so how about you listen to what they say instead of dismissing anything that doesn't align with your political and personal POV... Thats weak
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There was an explanation for the follow up. Are you really going to go with the claim that they are giving bad advice because of political pressure excuse? We both know that is total BS. You called the Cleveland Clinic reliable so how about you listen to what they say instead of dismissing anything that doesn't align with your political and personal POV... Thats weak
I stand by my statement. If they didn’t believe what they posted originally they would not have posted it. You’re a leftist through and through. My MD says the shot is not necessary for me. You said to listen to my MD. Yes or no?
I stand by my statement. If they didn’t believe what they posted originally they would not have posted it. You’re a leftist through and through. My MD says the shot is not necessary for me. You said to listen to my MD. Yes or no?
What they posted originally was from a study conducted last year before the delta variant. They have more data now and are updating their recommendations. Why would you dismiss that? Why would you think they would lie and risk their reputation from political pressure. You’re better than that AZ. Don’t let your ego get in the way of reality
Agreed, much will be learned with more time. We have found that vaccinated provides 2x the protection than natural antibodies, correct?
Not at the present time, no Slade. The reports I’ve read support the opposite result, but as we both agree time will tell more. Let me clarify that I’m referring to those who were not Vaxxed and exposed to the virus have more antibodies than what the vaccines are producing. That is likely going to be demonstrated with variants just arriving ( Lamba) at this point that natural herd immunity has always been the fastest route to full recovery for a nation of our size. We are not talking polio nor similar that needed, developed, and utilized vaccines to reach immunity.
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