Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

What they posted originally was from a study conducted last year before the delta variant. They have more data now and are updating their recommendations. Why would you dismiss that? Why would you think they would lie and risk their reputation from political pressure. You’re better than that AZ. Don’t let your ego get in the way of reality
They aren’t lying they are covering their ass. Variant. Hmmm find one virus in history where a variant was more deadly than the original.
What data are you talking about? This is what I’m referring to…
Ah yes, CDC. I don’t guess you’ve read any of my posts about the fine decision making going on over at CDC and it’s “parent” NIH, both falling short of being above average grade. I will read your link though by them but will admit to having a negative opinion about that organization for multiple reasons. One, did you know that CDC prevented testing Americans because they wanted to make their own tests which turned out to be defective kits? This ego boosting lunacy cost US lives. Numbers of deaths due to delay for accurate testing was at the time the Princess Cruise line docked along the coast and they released all the passengers following bogus test results. This info will not be made public by any US affiliated org. about this self-centered delay and unnecessary cost of lives and no telling the numbers exposed by these passengers as they returned to their various home locations. I can go on… I need to switch to my computer.
They aren’t lying they are covering their ass. Variant. Hmmm find one virus in history where a variant was more deadly than the original.
Why does the variant need to be more deadly than the original? What about the study I sent you do you think is false?
I was just showing that Sweden recommends everybody over 16 to get the shot. You said you liked following Sweden so I was suggesting you keep it up!

So, you support no lock downs too.


The University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off their transplant waiting list for not being vaccinated, according to reports.

The report says that the hospital began denying organ transplants to the unvaccinated in June 2021.

That unvaxxed camp will soon rear up.

Get vaxxed and stop endangering the lives of others because ideology.
Ah yes, CDC. I don’t guess you’ve read any of my posts about the fine decision making going on over at CDC and it’s “parent” NIH, both falling short of being above average grade. I will read your link though by them but will admit to having a negative opinion about that organization for multiple reasons. One, did you know that CDC prevented testing Americans because they wanted to make their own tests which turned out to be defective kits? This ego boosting lunacy cost US lives. Numbers of deaths due to delay for accurate testing was at the time the Princess Cruise line docked along the coast and they released all the passengers following bogus test results. This info will not be made public by any US affiliated org. about this self-centered delay and unnecessary cost of lives and no telling the numbers exposed by these passengers as they returned to their various home locations. I can go on… I need to switch to my computer.
you don’t trust the CDC?! Ok. Give me a medical institution you do trust and I’ll look into what they have to say
Of course, why would I want lock downs?! If the tards stopped acting like tards we wouldnt have to have lock downs

You don't need everyone to get vaccinated, nor do we need lockdowns. Protect the people who need protection, and let the rest get sick the natural way.

Like has been happening for 200,000 years.
Because we can’t run in fear for each and every virus. Why do you ask so many questions and answer so few?
I’ll answer any question you ask. We aren’t debating running in fear or not, that’s your personal agenda with this issue sneaking in. We are talking about the Cleveland clinic’s study. One you took as valid and have been sharing on this site. Their next release took into account recent data and the deta variant and unfortunately contradicts your point. instead of acknowledging that piece from the CC as valid you dismiss it as a politically motivated lie with no evidence to back that up. That’s rather telling to how honest and objective you are treating this discussion
You don't need everyone to get vaccinated, nor do we need lockdowns. Protect the people who need protection, and let the rest get sick the natural way.

Like has been happening for 200,000 years.
That’s what’s happening now and we are having issues in hospitals. Why do you think we are having issues in hospitals?
What is outrageous is they want their surgery in hospital to infect everyone with covid. Why should the doctors put up with the disease ridden idiots?
They knew they needed the jab to enter those places. Kick the lot of them out.
Taxes are not for keeping ignorant fools alive.
That’s what’s happening now and we are having issues in hospitals. Why do you think we are having issues in hospitals?

We are having issues because of all the illegals being trucked, and flown all over the country who are covid positive and the government doesn't seem to give a damn.
What is outrageous is they want their surgery in hospital to infect everyone with covid. Why should the doctors put up with the disease ridden idiots?
They knew they needed the jab to enter those places. Kick the lot of them out.
Taxes are not for keeping ignorant fools alive.
Israel is one of the most vaccinated nations and 60% of their ChiCom Flu hospital patients have the beta test substance injected in them. You sheeple just blindly follow what your masters order you to do.
Israel is one of the most vaccinated nations and 60% of their ChiCom Flu hospital patients have the beta test substance injected in them. You sheeple just blindly follow what your masters order you to do.

Have you noticed the majority of those now hospitalised are unvaccinated fools who believe the same crap you do.
In fact, Israel's bibi phoned Pfizer personally 30 times demanding their vaccine. I'd check your facts before you lie.
I come down on the side of personal liberty, because it is important to preserve. There is little more horrifying to me than to see that so many Americans are willing to allow the government to silence misinformation, very little. The same government that can deny you healthcare because you refuse a vaccine can and will use that same power in other areas of life to force you to comply. It is that important. That being said, I've argued with anti-vaxxers because they aren't arguing science, they're arguing beliefs. They claim, for example, that polio wasn't wiped out because of vaccines, it was just re-diagnosed into other diseases, and they refuse to acknowledge the thousands of deaths caused by measles and mumps before vaccines.

In this case, we have no idea how the vaccines will work in the long term, nor do we know what kind of side effects might pop up years down the road. That leaves a lot of room for people to prefer taking their chances on a disease that still has a very low mortality rate. It's not like TB that is highly contagious and very deadly.
Exactly..... Comparing Covid to deadly disease's like polio etc, is just a way to put the virus in the same category in which gives more urgency to get the jab.

So what needs to be done now, is to create a scale or graph on which to look at these disease's in relation to the COVID-19, and this in order to see where it lay on the scale in comparison's too.
No they aren't. The hundreds of thousands of covid positive illegal aliens being trucked all over the country are the source.

But who cares. Covid isn't dangerous. The response to it is purely political. Only morons haven't figured that out yet.
Biden's failure in this area is just as bad as his failure in Afghanistan. I pray for us all as American's, because we are definitely being ruled by idiot's now. Anyone who can't see it are idiot's themselves. Unbelievable..
Exactly..... Comparing Covid to deadly disease's like polio etc, is just a way to put the virus in the same category in which gives more urgency to get the jab.

So what needs to be done now, is to create a scale or graph on which to look at these disease's in relation to the COVID-19, and this in order to see where it lay on the scale in comparison's too.

I think there is enough information out there that smothers the conspiracy theories and the government cover up rubbish.

There is no indication that a simple vaccine like other flu shots, has any long term effects. In the meantime, it's seems madness to reject the vaccine simply because of government suspicion and preserve yoyr life and that of others.

There has always been the unfounded element amongst Americans about government control and lack of liberty and not one instance has arisen to the detriment of it. We are dealing with a very contagious virys that can kill.
It's a bit like Pascalls wager. Why take the risk.

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