Hot Take: Bill Maher may be the only person who can save the left from itself

In my opinion, the new left should leave the country and let people like Maher represent the liberal side. We'd be much better off without progressives and neocons.
In my opinion, the new left should leave the country and let people like Maher represent the liberal side. We'd be much better off without progressives and neocons.

Yes but they're losing so tremendously. They've already lost the culture. Something I wasn't sure I would ever see in my lifetime.

A seismic shift is underway. Woke really did break them. It broke them. Well, woke, plus their very last stand: 60 yo Karens wearing cloth masks and shrieking at everyone else to do so

That's the very definition of uncool. Grandma screeching about masks. Bill Maher knows it but can't save it

ETA: I mean really think about that. The New Left: screeching grandmas and uptight college students lecturing you about their pronouns

GACK. Shut up, the lot of you. Shut up!!! heh. They. are. LOSING
White Supremacy at an all time high? No, it's not. Vocalization of white supremacy has gotten louder as it get chipped away.

It wasn't all that long ago, in the lifetime of many here it didn't need spoken because it just was. Blacks knew to get in the back of the bus.

There are still many that are pissed that blacks would exercise their civil rights. They tell them to just relent when you are told to give them up.

An all time high? No. Still a real problem? Yes.
The Republican party got much better under Trump. They are now the party of the people. Democrats are going in exactly the opposite direction. They have become a party of power as evidenced by their totalitarian drive toward rigged elections, H1 and S1, their drive to do away with the electoral college, their drive to censure free speech, their drive to turn education into indoctrination, their drive to make PR and DC states and their drive to pack the SC. Democrats are on a straight line toward communism.
Lol, the only people rigging elections are the idiot repugs. Again Tucker Carlson and the Kraken call you unreasonable morons in their court defense. You retards are hilarious
Could anyone have saved the Nazis from themselves?

No. In fact, the thought of it is absurd, isn't it. What needed to be done was defeat the Nazis, because you can't save evil

But no one gives any thought that the Left have murdered hundreds of millions more than the Nazi regime last century.

As for Maher ,he would much prefer a Stalinist like regime than one under Trump. He is just trying to shake their cage a bit for ratings but trust me, he is a true believer in Left wing fascism.

Bill's problem is the problem of the media today. Ratings for the media have plummeted because Trump is gone. Who can they bash now? Granted, they continue to bash Trump but hitting a dead horse gets old after a while.

They would never dare make any negative comments about their puppet Fuhrer Biden but licking his arse everyday gets old as well, and deep down people know it's sick.
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Could anyone have saved the Nazis from themselves?

No. In fact, the thought of it is absurd, isn't it. What needed to be done was defeat the Nazis, because you can't save evil

But no one gives any thought that the Left have murdered hundreds of millions more than the Nazi regime last century.

As for Maher ,he would much prefer a Stalinist like regime than one under Trump. He is just trying to shake their cage a bit for ratings but trust me, he is a true believer in Left wing fascism.

The world could have put an end to the Nazi's by not deciding the results of WWI should be to keep Germany beat down.
Arguably Woodrow Wilson laid the foundation for the Nazi regime with his meddling with the truce with the Allies and Germany after WW1.

Also, he falsely accused the Germans of sinking the Lusitania as a crime because he insisted it was not a military target. But what Wilson failed to tell us is that it was full of war supplies to England, thus making it a valid target as divers learned decades later.

Wilson was the worst President in US history, but because he was the Progressive forefather of the train wreck of a movement we have today of Progressives, you will never be told this by Left wing controlled academia nor the Left controlled media.

No, Orange man bad.

Bedsides, January 6th.

Did I mention Wilson loved the KKK and was also the most racist President in US history?
Arguably Woodrow Wilson laid the foundation for the Nazi regime with his meddling with the truce with the Allies and Germany after WW1.

Also, he falsely accused the Germans of sinking the Lusitania as a crime because he insisted it was not a military target. But what Wilson failed to tell us is that it was full of war supplies to England, thus making it a valid target as divers learned decades later.

Wilson was the worst President in US history, but because he was the Progressive forefather of the train wreck of a movement we have today of Progressives, you will never be told this by Left wing controlled academia nor the Left controlled media.

No, Orange man bad.

Bedsides, January 6th.

Did I mention Wilson loved the KKK and was also the most racist President in US history?
Wilson was awful, but not significantly worse than many other bad presidents. He chose to lie the country into war. We have had many presidents do just that. They know war increases the power of government. We are now an imperialist warrior nation. I suppose it started with Wilson then his successors made it worse.
a libertarian, he has been smoking to much weed.
That is the comedy part, he claims he is a libertarian, But anyone who has even the most basic idea of what a libertarian is, will not find any connection with that to Maher's political beliefs.
Maher is simply a progressive liberal who is a little less crazy than all the rest.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
It is a sad day when the sanest person of an entire political spectrum is a comedian.
To me, its a good thing because it lets you know that even people like them know what lines are not to be crossed.

God bless you and them always!!!

It is a sad day when the sanest person of an entire political spectrum is a comedian.
To me, its a good thing because it lets you know that even people like them know what lines are not to be crossed.

God bless you and them always!!!

Maher has a predictable pattern.
Every time he begins to lose his audience and can't get in the mainstream limelight other than his show - he will suddenly make a speech that makes sense, and even sounds conservative. That will get the airplay he wants, and then he goes back to being the liberal shrill he is.
^^^ To me, the good moments should be appreciative because they are better than not having any. At the end of the day, who isn't going to have a good or bad moment at some point in one way or another? No two people are going to agree on everything any way.

God bless you always!!!


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