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Biggest US coal company funded dozens of groups questioning climate change
How much coal goes into a wind turbine?

How much coal goes into a wind turbine?
According to editors of Real Clear Energy, the answer is quite a lot…

Greent@rds say that coal burned in US power plants kills up to 13,000 people per year… They can’t say which people it killed; but they know it killed them.

Another group of greent@rds says that the US burns 1.7 billion tons of coal per year to generate ~40-45% of our electricity.

Using these numbers, we can “ballpark” that it takes ~131,000 tons of coal to kill one person… Or 0.00001 death per ton of coal burned.

Let’s just apply that number to wind turbines… And we get 1 coal-related death for every 128 MW of wind turbine installed capacity.

Last year 13.2 GW (13,200 MW) of new wind capacity was installed in the US… So the wind industry killed 103 people in 2012…

Poor Elektra, still cannot stand it that wind and solar are rapidly expanding, and will both be major sources of power worldwide. And people and her and her objections will just be a faint memory as the renewables and grid scale batteries replace most of the coal fired generation in the next two decades.
Poor Elektra, still cannot stand it that wind and solar are rapidly expanding, and will both be major sources of power worldwide. And people and her and her objections will just be a faint memory as the renewables and grid scale batteries replace most of the coal fired generation in the next two decades.

Wind and solar.........rapidly expanding?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Do I need to put this statement into context?

And can we please define "major sources" with a link from somewhere other than a renewable energy link?

According to the Obama administration, you're throwing out makey-uppey stuff.............


Now to be fair.......people need to recognize that progressives look at 1% growth in the GDP as outstanding, so the perception is a bit scewed.:2up:
BASTARDI: CO2 cannot cause global warming. I’ll tell you why. It doesn’t mix well with the atmosphere, for one. For two, its specific gravity is 1 1/2 times that of the rest of the atmosphere. It heats and cools much quicker. Its radiative processes are much different. So it cannot — it literally cannot cause global warming.

Asked about Bastardi’s statements, Kerry Emanuel of MIT said: “Utter rubbish. Sorry to be so direct, but that is just the case.” NASA climatologist Gavin Schmidt added: “Bastardi is attempting to throw out 150 years of physics.” “He seems very confused,” said physicist Richard Muller.

Bastardi may be hoping that when delivered confidently, terms like “specific gravity” and “radiative processes” can convince Fox’s viewers that he knows what he’s talking about. But don’t be fooled; he is again garbling the very basics of climate science. Schmidt explained:

Bastardi doesn’t understand the first thing about the greenhouse effect – it has absolutely nothing to do with the ‘specific gravity’ of CO2 or any other greenhouse gas, it has to do with the fact that GHGs absorb and radiate infra-red heat and in doing so warm the surface of the Earth.

If it weren’t for the natural greenhouse effect, we wouldn’t even be here to argue about climate change — it keeps the planet warm enough for life to thrive. Greenhouse gases trap heat that would otherwise escape to space and leave behind a big cold rock like Mars. While water vapor is the greenhouse gas that contributes the most to the natural greenhouse effect, CO2 drives the recent changes to Earth’s energy balance and temperature. As we substantially increase the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect is enhanced, causing warming. The rise in temperatures sets off several feedback processes, including increased water vapor, that boost the warming further.

According to Bastardi, because CO2 is heavier than other gases in the air, it isn’t well-mixed through the atmosphere and can’t cause warming. In fact, we know CO2 is well-mixed because scientists measure it from different locations. Muller said CO2 is “completely mixed in the troposphere by turbulence,” adding, “I think he may be confusing CO2 with water vapor, which (because it freezes out) does not mix well.” The ability of CO2 to absorb and radiate heat was observed over 150 years ago and has repeatedly been measured since.

Bastardi went on to claim that “the entire globe has cooled quite a bit.” You be the judge:

WeatherBELL Chief Forecaster Joe Bastardi Denies Basic Physics: ‘CO2 Cannot Cause Global Warming’
Poor Elektra, still cannot stand it that wind and solar are rapidly expanding, and will both be major sources of power worldwide. And people and her and her objections will just be a faint memory as the renewables and grid scale batteries replace most of the coal fired generation in the next two decades.
Hahahaha where? I'm splitting a gut at this moment
Texas Utility Oncor Wants to Invest $5.2B in Storage: Can It Get Approval?

Texas utility Oncor wants to spend billions of dollars on batteries to back up its transmission and distribution network -- a major investment in grid-scale energy storage that will require major changes in the country’s most deregulated energy market.

In a first for a Texas transmission and distribution utility, Oncor will seek state regulatory approval for up to $5.2 billion in distribution-grid-connected batteries, with deployment set to start in 2018. According to the Dallas Morning News, Oncor’s plan calls for up to 5 gigawatts of batteries, ranging from refrigerator-sized to containerized units, across its service territory.

2018 is a suitable deadline for a process sure to include pushback from the state’s power generation utilities, which hold privileges in supplying energy and power to the state’s grid under Texas’ competitive energy regime. But it’s also indicative of a bet that battery prices will fall significantly over the next four years, ensuring the investment pay off in terms of fewer power outages, lower grid-upgrade costs, and other benefits that will end up reducing customer utility bills.

Darn, that ultra liberal state of Texas just keeps on adding wind and solar, now trying to add grid scale batteries.
New Texas law makes going solar easier as homes are being built

More Texas homeowners will be allowed to install solar panels, under a new law set to go into effect Sept. 1.

Residential developments with more than 50 homes cannot ban or restrict homeowners from installing solar panels, even while new homes are still being built, according to the legislation recently signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott.

“It means that more homeowners can access their basic right to free energy coming from the sun,” said Kaiba White, energy policy and outreach specialist for Public Citizen Texas.

The legislation addresses what some say is a loophole in existing law.

In 2011, Texas lawmakers restricted homeowner associations from banning solar energy systems. But homebuilders were still allowed to prohibit such systems in new developments that were still under construction.

Developers had felt that the exception was necessary to protect housing investments.

Solar energy advocates had cried foul, saying it could take years for housing projects to be completely built out.

Some residents who purchased their homes over a decade ago still haven’t been allowed to install solar systems because their developments are still being expanded, White said.

While the new law allows developments with 50 homes or fewer to ban or restrict solar panels during the construction phase, those smaller projects will be subject to the law once construction has been completed, White said.

Residents who live in communities with homeowner associations must still go through the HOA’s approval process, she noted.

The legislation was supported by the Texas Association of Home Builders.

It recognizes the builder/developer’s ability to maintain the character of the neighborhood while allowing homeowners to install solar panels if they abide by their HOA regulations, said Scott Norman, executive director of the association.

The new law was applauded by alternative energy advocates.

My, my, damned liberal Texans.
God........I hit these people with howitzer information and they respond with nerf gun stuff, stomp all over the chessboard and declare victory!!!!!!:coffee:

The lofty prognostications by these people look mighty impressive until they are compared with something else!! That is ALWAYS where progressives end up looking beyond foolish.

Yep........Texas is heading for all-renewable energy in the near future!!!!:rock::rock:

The Texas Shale Oil & Gas Revolution - Leading the Way to Enhanced Energy Security

not renewables....................duh......they'll have a sliver. All comes down to costs, as always.
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Wind Power Leads All New Power Generation
Big Markets dominate in 2015

2015 was an unprecedented year for the wind industry as annual installations crossed the 60 GW mark for the first time in history. More than 63 GW of new wind power capacity was brought on line. The last record was set in 2014 when over 51.7 GW of new capacity was installed globally.

In 2015 total investments in the clean energy sector reached a record USD 329bn (EUR 296.6bn). 2015 figures were up 4 percent from 2014’s investment of USD 316bn (EUR 238.1bn) and beating the previous record, set in 2011 by 3 percent[1].

The new global total at the end of 2015 was 432.9 GW, representing cumulative market growth of more than 17 percent. This growth was powered by an astonishing new installations figure of 30,753 MW in China; the global wind power industry installed 63,467 MW in 2015, representing annual market growth of 22 percent.


That kind of yearly growth doesn't take long to become very large numbers.
Go Humans!

says the human racist.......

What is it about these people........the loath their own race but interestingly, are the biggest phony's the world has ever seen driving around in cars instead of biking to work......all have fancy cell phone made with fossil fuels. Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they have the AC cranking on hot days!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Getting your tail kicked one more time. Poor baby. Renewables are winning, the science is settled on AGW, and we are seeing record years for heat back to back to back. 2014, 2015, 2016.
Wind Power Leads All New Power Generation
Big Markets dominate in 2015

2015 was an unprecedented year for the wind industry as annual installations crossed the 60 GW mark for the first time in history. More than 63 GW of new wind power capacity was brought on line. The last record was set in 2014 when over 51.7 GW of new capacity was installed globally.

In 2015 total investments in the clean energy sector reached a record USD 329bn (EUR 296.6bn). 2015 figures were up 4 percent from 2014’s investment of USD 316bn (EUR 238.1bn) and beating the previous record, set in 2011 by 3 percent[1].

The new global total at the end of 2015 was 432.9 GW, representing cumulative market growth of more than 17 percent. This growth was powered by an astonishing new installations figure of 30,753 MW in China; the global wind power industry installed 63,467 MW in 2015, representing annual market growth of 22 percent.


That kind of yearly growth doesn't take long to become very large numbers.

Who cares about all the birds killed by windfarms
Wind Power Leads All New Power Generation
Big Markets dominate in 2015

2015 was an unprecedented year for the wind industry as annual installations crossed the 60 GW mark for the first time in history. More than 63 GW of new wind power capacity was brought on line. The last record was set in 2014 when over 51.7 GW of new capacity was installed globally.

In 2015 total investments in the clean energy sector reached a record USD 329bn (EUR 296.6bn). 2015 figures were up 4 percent from 2014’s investment of USD 316bn (EUR 238.1bn) and beating the previous record, set in 2011 by 3 percent[1].

The new global total at the end of 2015 was 432.9 GW, representing cumulative market growth of more than 17 percent. This growth was powered by an astonishing new installations figure of 30,753 MW in China; the global wind power industry installed 63,467 MW in 2015, representing annual market growth of 22 percent.


That kind of yearly growth doesn't take long to become very large numbers.

As compared to what???:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

China and India are building 3 new coal plants A MONTH!!!

Economists predict that by 2040, China’s coal power fleet will be 50 percent larger than it is today. Once these coal-fired power plants are built, they typically run for 40 years, or longer, which means a commitment to decades of CO2 emissions. The climate impact of those emissions will be nearly impossible to reverse.

China’s Growing Coal Use Is World’s Growing Problem

Yep ahhhhhhh ( takes toke of ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). One will notice.........whenever a progressive pops up a lofty statistic, make sure to compare it in the bigger ALWAYS decimates their argument and brings the discussion back to real. mission in here is always to bring the discussion back to real and dang, does it make progressives heads explode too..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

Wind Power Leads All New Power Generation
Big Markets dominate in 2015

2015 was an unprecedented year for the wind industry as annual installations crossed the 60 GW mark for the first time in history. More than 63 GW of new wind power capacity was brought on line. The last record was set in 2014 when over 51.7 GW of new capacity was installed globally.

In 2015 total investments in the clean energy sector reached a record USD 329bn (EUR 296.6bn). 2015 figures were up 4 percent from 2014’s investment of USD 316bn (EUR 238.1bn) and beating the previous record, set in 2011 by 3 percent[1].

The new global total at the end of 2015 was 432.9 GW, representing cumulative market growth of more than 17 percent. This growth was powered by an astonishing new installations figure of 30,753 MW in China; the global wind power industry installed 63,467 MW in 2015, representing annual market growth of 22 percent.


That kind of yearly growth doesn't take long to become very large numbers.

As compared to what???:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

China and India are building 3 new coal plants A MONTH!!!

Economists predict that by 2040, China’s coal power fleet will be 50 percent larger than it is today. Once these coal-fired power plants are built, they typically run for 40 years, or longer, which means a commitment to decades of CO2 emissions. The climate impact of those emissions will be nearly impossible to reverse.

China’s Growing Coal Use Is World’s Growing Problem

Yep ahhhhhhh ( takes toke of ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). One will notice.........whenever a progressive pops up a lofty statistic, make sure to compare it in the bigger ALWAYS decimates their argument and brings the discussion back to real. mission in here is always to bring the discussion back to real and dang, does it make progressives heads explode too..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

While positive signs have been emerging from China for well over a year, it appears the ‘war on pollution’ is not just talk. According to analysis produced by Lauri Myllyvirta and Greenpeace International in the first half of this year, China’s coal use dropped for the first time this century – while the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) actually grew.

You read that right: coal and GDP growth have decoupled in China.

At the same time, the growth of imports — the seemingly endless source of optimism for the moribund U.S. coal industry — ground almost to a halt, with only 0.9 percent growth so far this year, as opposed to more than 15 percent yearly figures we have seen since China first became a net importer. Topping off the trifecta of good news is that domestic production dropped by 1.8 percent [article is in Chinese]. While uncertainty over the changes in coal stockpiles still exists, we’re confident that the unbelievable may be at hand: peak coal consumption in China.

It’s hard to understate just how historic this shift is. Analysts have been arguing over if, and when, Chinese coal consumption would peak. Some were forecasting a peak before 2020 while others — including Wood Mackenzie — have been loudly claiming Chinese coal demand may not ever peak but would instead double by 2030. This new data exposes the wide gulf between reality and hype that those predictions rely on.

China’s Coal Consumption Has Finally Decreased

China's coal use falls for first time this century, analysis suggests

View Photo

It appears that Chinese coal production has peaked, and this may well be an indicator of where global fossil fuel production is heading in the not so distant future

Could Peak Coal Really Be Here?
Wind Power Leads All New Power Generation
Big Markets dominate in 2015

2015 was an unprecedented year for the wind industry as annual installations crossed the 60 GW mark for the first time in history. More than 63 GW of new wind power capacity was brought on line. The last record was set in 2014 when over 51.7 GW of new capacity was installed globally.

In 2015 total investments in the clean energy sector reached a record USD 329bn (EUR 296.6bn). 2015 figures were up 4 percent from 2014’s investment of USD 316bn (EUR 238.1bn) and beating the previous record, set in 2011 by 3 percent[1].

The new global total at the end of 2015 was 432.9 GW, representing cumulative market growth of more than 17 percent. This growth was powered by an astonishing new installations figure of 30,753 MW in China; the global wind power industry installed 63,467 MW in 2015, representing annual market growth of 22 percent.


That kind of yearly growth doesn't take long to become very large numbers.

As compared to what???:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

China and India are building 3 new coal plants A MONTH!!!

Economists predict that by 2040, China’s coal power fleet will be 50 percent larger than it is today. Once these coal-fired power plants are built, they typically run for 40 years, or longer, which means a commitment to decades of CO2 emissions. The climate impact of those emissions will be nearly impossible to reverse.

China’s Growing Coal Use Is World’s Growing Problem

Yep ahhhhhhh ( takes toke of ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). One will notice.........whenever a progressive pops up a lofty statistic, make sure to compare it in the bigger ALWAYS decimates their argument and brings the discussion back to real. mission in here is always to bring the discussion back to real and dang, does it make progressives heads explode too..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

While positive signs have been emerging from China for well over a year, it appears the ‘war on pollution’ is not just talk. According to analysis produced by Lauri Myllyvirta and Greenpeace International in the first half of this year, China’s coal use dropped for the first time this century – while the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) actually grew.

You read that right: coal and GDP growth have decoupled in China.

At the same time, the growth of imports — the seemingly endless source of optimism for the moribund U.S. coal industry — ground almost to a halt, with only 0.9 percent growth so far this year, as opposed to more than 15 percent yearly figures we have seen since China first became a net importer. Topping off the trifecta of good news is that domestic production dropped by 1.8 percent [article is in Chinese]. While uncertainty over the changes in coal stockpiles still exists, we’re confident that the unbelievable may be at hand: peak coal consumption in China.

It’s hard to understate just how historic this shift is. Analysts have been arguing over if, and when, Chinese coal consumption would peak. Some were forecasting a peak before 2020 while others — including Wood Mackenzie — have been loudly claiming Chinese coal demand may not ever peak but would instead double by 2030. This new data exposes the wide gulf between reality and hype that those predictions rely on.

China’s Coal Consumption Has Finally Decreased

China's coal use falls for first time this century, analysis suggests

View Photo

It appears that Chinese coal production has peaked, and this may well be an indicator of where global fossil fuel production is heading in the not so distant future

Could Peak Coal Really Be Here?

Here we go again with word play.............ghey.

"China's coal consumption has decreased".........yes it has, by about 3%. But............but.........they are still building 3 coal plants a month instead of 4.:2up: Always gotta check a liberals fuzzy math.......always fucking with things but as always, when you take a look at the bigger picture, DOWN goes the liberal argument!!! China's coal production will be 50% higher by 2040!!!:ack-1::rock::rock:. The global warming nutters never want to talk about that!!

Written by a big green climate alarmist ( see link below ).........

"But the reality is that China, because of its sheer size, is in a position to do more than any other country to stop the world from going off the proverbial climate cliff. With the current coal trajectory of China, all the windmills in the world won’t deliver our children a climate they can depend on"


[URL='']China’s Growing Coal Use Is World’s Growing Problem

Lets face usual, the climate k00ks live in a world of fantasy!!:spinner::spinner:

And ps.......always, always get your radar up when liberals use links that say "decreased" and "falls" people........its an attempt to go fraud on the discussion. A skinny woman can say she got breast augumentation and is now much "bigger" but if she was flat as a pancake to begin with, might still be laughable, right!!:rock::rock::rock:. Always be suspect with liberals play on words.......they navigate life trying to obfuscate the reality!!

So how stoopid is this? These AGW morons want to keep pushing for Americans to have top pay DOUBLE for their electricity ( Obama even admitted it in 2008.....look for YouTube vid ) while China burns billions of tons of coal!!! Fucking brilliant............:coffee:

Who's not winning????:funnyface::funnyface::fu:[/URL]
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