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As U.S. Shutters Coal Plants, China and Japan are Building Them - IER

Here's one from over a year ago:

"As U.S. Shutters Coal Plants, China and Japan are Building Them
April 23, 2015

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China and Japan have plans to build massive amounts of coal-fired power plants, while the United States is not only not building new coal-fired power plants, but it is also shuttering many of its existing coal-fired power plants because of Obama Administration policies. China is building one coal-fired power plant every 7 to 10 days, while Japan plans to build 43 coal-fired power projects to replace its shuttered nuclear units. The United States, on the other hand, cannot build new non-CCS coal-fired power plants and is shuttering existing coal fired power plants. These existing coal-fired power plants retiring in the United States are among the cheapest source of electricity generation in this country. To replace these plants with new generating capacity will cost the nation and thus taxpayers and consumers billions of dollars."
What is it supposed to mean? "Obama LET the Chinese keep polluting"? Last night I saw Scott Baio on TV pushing for Trump. He complained that Obama had done nothing about Islamic terrorism. I kept wondering what universe he lived in. Perhaps he should ask the folks running sorties against Isis or the thousands and thousands of troops who'be been to Iraq and Afghanistan if they think they've done nothing.

So, what do you mean by this statement? How has Obama LET the Chinese keep polluting?
The data is what it is


Still getting hotter folks.
What is it supposed to mean? "Obama LET the Chinese keep polluting"? Last night I saw Scott Baio on TV pushing for Trump. He complained that Obama had done nothing about Islamic terrorism. I kept wondering what universe he lived in. Perhaps he should ask the folks running sorties against Isis or the thousands and thousands of troops who'be been to Iraq and Afghanistan if they think they've done nothing.

So, what do you mean by this statement? How has Obama LET the Chinese keep polluting?

I thought the great Climate deal Obama negotiated with China was that they could keep going their merry way and then revisit the issue in 30 years

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