House Budget Chairman to propose cuts in Medicare and Medicaid

or perhaps they could balance the budget and pay off the debt and get those deadbeat progressives out of our pockets.
All the cuts the wingnuts have proposed would do almost nothing to reduce the deficit. Most are just ideological targets.

But then, I can already see the next goal for the braindead Teabaggers. Earned income rebates for the very wealthy, as they are the ones that provide us all with jobs, the more they earn, the more that the government pays them. Yessiree Bob, what a grand idea.
or perhaps they could balance the budget and pay off the debt and get those deadbeat progressives out of our pockets.

Dumb ass. You fellows had your chance to balance the budget from 2001 to 2009. And you left us with a gaping deficit, two failed wars, and damned near the Second Great Republican Depression to boot.

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