House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people questioning the election are ignorant

No, they are not. They are honest about what happened and do want people that hate this country in power.

Honest about what? Believing a false narrative

You already believe a false narrative.

Which is....

Which is that there was no fraud, Covid be very afraid and obey, there is no crisis at the border, and that Biden is not a turnip. All lies.

Was your last post in whitebonics?
Perhaps it's time to expel those who supported the Insurrection or who voted against certification after multiple state-level audits and court challenges.

Throw 'em out of the House.

Throw 'em out of the Senate.

Let the governors declare fresh elections for Reps and appoint replacements for Senators - even if they're Republicans - so long as they uphold the election.
They don't have the balls to do that.

Let's see if the Democrats will campaign on that in the midterms.

They need to remind all their constituents what these sons-of-bitches did.
What they did was argue with the State established by un-elected and elected criminals. They are the patriots you are the drama queens posting like trained seals.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people questioning the election are ignorant

No, they are not. They are honest about what happened and do want people that hate this country in power.

Honest about what? Believing a false narrative

You already believe a false narrative.

Which is....

Which is that there was no fraud, Covid be very afraid and obey, there is no crisis at the border, and that Biden is not a turnip. All lies.

Was your last post in whitebonics?

Race has nothing to do with this. Try again asshole.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people questioning the election are ignorant

No, they are not. They are honest about what happened and do want people that hate this country in power.

Honest about what? Believing a false narrative

You already believe a false narrative.

Which is....

Which is that there was no fraud, Covid be very afraid and obey, there is no crisis at the border, and that Biden is not a turnip. All lies.

Was your last post in whitebonics?

Race has nothing to do with this. Try again asshole.

Then fucking post in English.
Race has nothing to do with this. Try again asshole.
Race has everything to do w/it.

As it almost always does.

A Senator proudly stated in the media that he would have been actually concerned if it was a group of #BlackLivesMatter protestors instead, doing the exact same thing.

A foghorn from a bonafide white supremacist in our Senate.

This was over the weekend BTW. Not 1, 2 or even 3 months ago.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people questioning the election are ignorant

No, they are not. They are honest about what happened and do want people that hate this country in power.

Honest about what? Believing a false narrative

You already believe a false narrative.

Which is....

Which is that there was no fraud, Covid be very afraid and obey, there is no crisis at the border, and that Biden is not a turnip. All lies.

Was your last post in whitebonics?

About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

morgan freeman I don't give ....gif
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people who questioned the election are brainwashed Trump cult fools.

The fraud was obvious. The counting stopped with Trump well in the lead. The counting resumed unobserved in most cases and Biden got 80% to 94% of ballots drops. He also failed almost every historical benchmark of a winning candidate. No one believes your lies.

Why not just admit the election was stolen and that you are dishonest and un American? That is the truth.

You are un American by promoting these lies.

The are not lies, and your opinion of what is American is useless.

To an idiot like you, yes.

You are the idiot claiming there was no fraud when it could not have been more obvious. Period.

You could not be more obviously wrong because you believe that liar Trump.

Trump was right about Obama spying. Trump was right about the media lying. Trump is right about the fraud. Man up, and admit the election was stolen Braindead Joe will still be an illegitimate president and that is what you wanted.

You are a brainwashed cult member, seek help.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.

He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
you read my post, to be fair, let's redo the election for those states who unconstitutionally change election day rules without legislature law. I'm consistent.

The precedent has been applied consistently in all states, no unconstitutional changes were made.
sure it was unconstitutional. legislature makes election law. not any one person can play dictator to a country no matter your party.
Trump sure tried.
Steal an election and then bitch about the people that bitch about you stealing the election.

Typical Democrat Dirty Tricks Department operation.

The Democrats stole the election from the American people and just like that our Democracy was gone.
aking malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
And changing state voting law by unauthorized persons can be a crime too. Any change to state election law must be made by the state legislators. That includes changing dates, voting
requirements, etc.
For instance, THIS is legal: Pa. House OKs changes to state's mail-in voting law

Changes by the governor or Secretary of State or anyone outside the Pennsylvania state legislature is illegal.
See if you can't get that through your skull.

The article you posted was about a bill passing in the Pa. House of Representatives.

“The governor plans to veto [the bill] in its current form for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that the bill makes it harder, not easier, for citizens to vote‚" said Lyndsay Kensinger, Wolf’s press secretary.

“He again calls for the Legislature to act on a limited number of priorities to ensure that every vote will be counted, guarantee results will be known in a timely manner, and afford counties flexibility in staffing in-person polling locations,” she said.

So obviously the Governor is involved in making election laws and not just the legislature.

So what illegal changes are you claiming they made and what court made that determination.
In the same sense that the US president can sign off on any new law or refuse to do so, the Pennsylvania
governor fills the same position in Pennsylvania itself.
However the president, or a governor himself, cannot make law. How long have you been living in America?
If you truly do live here.

I give you points for stubborn determination but none for honesty or knowledge of the country
you claim to live in. The governor can help or hinder the work of the legislature but he cannot
himself formulate law. Grow up.
Trump sure tried.
explain how he played dictator?
did he mandate anything like the demofks are doing? please,
did he take away any rights?
Did he harm any american citizen with his policies?
did he make america independent to the globe?
Steal an election and then bitch about the people that bitch about you stealing the election.

Typical Democrat Dirty Tricks Department operation.

The Democrats stole the election from the American people and just like that our Democracy was gone.
they are con artists. they do what con men and women do. play everyone against themselves and stay hidden.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?
Steal an election and then bitch about the people that bitch about you stealing the election.

Typical Democrat Dirty Tricks Department operation.

The Democrats stole the election from the American people and just like that our Democracy was gone.
they are con artists. they do what con men and women do. play everyone against themselves and stay hidden.

They are terrible at government and ethics but damn we have to give it to them. The Democrats are world class con artists.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.

None of what you said has to do with what I posted. The Democrats voted for this bill they awarded !.8 trillion to big business and $1400 for the poor people that have been effected the most financially. I'm calling bullshit on the Dems and you. The pork bill is on the Dems, they control the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

BTW, when Obama was President he could of asked Congress to pass more TARP money if he had wanted because like Biden, he had both the House and the Senate and didn't need a single GOP vote. Guess who got all the money under TARP, big corporations. So spare me the Dems care about the poor and middle class, they would rather have given $1400 to big corporations and said fuck the people, but they need to buy votes, so here we are.

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