House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
You want to know about PA.?

FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.
Anomalies and irregularities have been a found in all versions. The Nov 10th Version showed 23,305 ballots having a “Returned” date before their actual “Mailed” date. The Nov 16th Version change most of the ballots, leaving only 185 ballots with this anomaly. The December 16th version has only 181.
With each updated version, ballots are deleted. There were 9,763 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 10th Version and Nov 16th Version. 3,687 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 16th Version and the December 16th Version.
The Texas Lawsuit lays out many of the impossible anomalies from the Nov 10th Version.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.
Healthcare: For the Democrats: Expand the entire Medicare system to all. For the Republicans: Include the current Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, which is an excellent and popular public/private partnership that maintains dynamic free-market competition and innovation. Age-band the Medicare coverage from 40% (for younger, healthier people whose supplemental coverage will be far less costly) to the current 80% or even 90% with supplemental coverage as needed. The main problem will be provider compensation and contracting, which will have to addressed (that wouldn't take a miracle). All portable plans, which take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

Climate Change: The main hurdle is cost. Now that the curve is bending in the right direction, we're getting closer to being able to privately fund R&D. Empower the Office of Global Change/Environment under the US Department of State to issue Climate Change Bonds so that individual and institutional investors can fund startups and expansions. Participating private companies must agree to regulations in the areas of hiring, stock buybacks, executive bonuses, and the cross-training of those who are losing their jobs in the older energy technologies. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

That's where we start the conversations. The more moderate members of each party can take it from there. Or at least try to, which is a helluva lot better than we're getting now. Those who can't commit to communication, collaboration and innovation can join another committee and play their stupid partisan games.
Your response doesn't address the fact that one party, I'll let you guess which one, doesn't even admit that there's anything wrong, in either examples.

So you're starting premise is a fantasy.

Now, you correctly stated your ideas, which is great, but nothing whatsoever as to how those ideas would actually work. You never do, nor have.

Let me ask you, do you think the Democrats are willing to star the compromise on the healthcare issue w/what you stated? How about the Republicans? Remember, I stated that they don't even believe there's a problem. Unless you're refuting that Republicans hold that belief, which you haven't.

On Climate Change, same exact thing. They don't believe that there's even a problem, unless you're saying they actually do, which you haven't communicated. Your response doesn't address that.

Who's more willing to compromise? Or you gonna stick w/the whole "they're both exactly the same" schtick?
Yeah, but.. they both still really suck! Lol
We need a people's party and a worker's party and a socialist party and a toga party..

We need a representative democracy but the fate of the two party system lies in the 4th branch. I think they like making bank off elections.
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people who questioned the election are brainwashed Trump cult fools.

The fraud was obvious. The counting stopped with Trump well in the lead. The counting resumed unobserved in most cases and Biden got 80% to 94% of ballots drops. He also failed almost every historical benchmark of a winning candidate. No one believes your lies.

Why not just admit the election was stolen and that you are dishonest and un American? That is the truth.

You are un American by promoting these lies.

The are not lies, and your opinion of what is American is useless.

To an idiot like you, yes.
The process works just the same. A legislator(s) who think she has exceeded her authority makes some claim like "she changed the law", and they take it to court. They can appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court. Which change, by any official in any of the swing states, was deemed unconstitutional or that the official exceeded their authority?
Well I tried three or four times to get you to reveal in what alternate universe it's legal for some democrat apparatchik to unilaterally change state election law. You aren't able to answer. You cannot answer.

You're only rationalization is explained by a law enforcement metaphor extended to a state political hierarchy... if some cop doesn't go out and arrest someone on a crowded freeway then we are to assume not one single person has broken the law in any way.

That's bullshit and you are a coward and a liar.
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Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
You want to know about PA.?

FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.
Anomalies and irregularities have been a found in all versions. The Nov 10th Version showed 23,305 ballots having a “Returned” date before their actual “Mailed” date. The Nov 16th Version change most of the ballots, leaving only 185 ballots with this anomaly. The December 16th version has only 181.
With each updated version, ballots are deleted. There were 9,763 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 10th Version and Nov 16th Version. 3,687 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 16th Version and the December 16th Version.
The Texas Lawsuit lays out many of the impossible anomalies from the Nov 10th Version.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.
How will dirty democrats spin this? Or will they just say that has been debunked 500 times with zero proof?
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?

Which one(s) was declared unconstitutional?
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?

Which one(s) was declared unconstitutional?
Massive fraud is unconstitutional.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people who questioned the election are brainwashed Trump cult fools.

The fraud was obvious. The counting stopped with Trump well in the lead. The counting resumed unobserved in most cases and Biden got 80% to 94% of ballots drops. He also failed almost every historical benchmark of a winning candidate. No one believes your lies.

Why not just admit the election was stolen and that you are dishonest and un American? That is the truth.

You are un American by promoting these lies.

The are not lies, and your opinion of what is American is useless.

To an idiot like you, yes.

You are the idiot claiming there was no fraud when it could not have been more obvious. Period.
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?

Which one(s) was declared unconstitutional?
Massive fraud is unconstitutional.

Making malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?

Which one(s) was declared unconstitutional?
Massive fraud is unconstitutional.

Making malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
Illegal votes are unconstitutional. And did you get a job with the Gestapo?
There was no path to citizenship and the funds were substantial.
There was a path to citizenship

once they have a green card they can begin the process for citizenship

as for the funds being promised thats not good enough

I dont trust the republican members of congress to keep their word and I trust the democrats even less

the only deal I would agree to is a green card for the dreamers only after the wall is finished but not before

but the negotiations never went this far

I was still talking and trump was talking but the dems didnt want a deal

and apparently neither did the trump haters on this forum
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aking malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
And changing state voting law by unauthorized persons can be a crime too. Any change to state election law must be made by the state legislators. That includes changing dates, voting
requirements, etc.
For instance, THIS is legal: Pa. House OKs changes to state's mail-in voting law

Changes by the governor or Secretary of State or anyone outside the Pennsylvania state legislature is illegal.
See if you can't get that through your skull.
Democrats showing their cooperative bi-partisan spirit of unity seem just like the old democrats.
They've just made it official what obstructionist bitches they are.
The process works just the same. A legislator(s) who think she has exceeded her authority makes some claim like "she changed the law", and they take it to court. They can appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court. Which change, by any official in any of the swing states, was deemed unconstitutional or that the official exceeded their authority?
Well I tried three or four times to get you to reveal in what alternate universe it's legal for some democrat apparatchik to unilaterally change state election law. You aren't able to answer. You cannot answer.

You're only rationalization is explained by a law enforcement metaphor extended to a state political hierarchy... if some cop doesn't go out and arrest someone on a crowded freeway then we are to assume not one single person has broken the law in any way.

That's bullshit and you are a coward and a liar.

I've informed you about the SC's broad interpretation of the term "legislature" and what it means for election law. I given you an example of an appeals court using that precedent in decision for Michigan's SoS. What law was changed that you say was an unconstitutional change?
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?

Which one(s) was declared unconstitutional?
Massive fraud is unconstitutional.

Making malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
Illegal votes are unconstitutional. And did you get a job with the Gestapo?

Did they send you that dumbfuck award yet Zippy?
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?
Yes, definitely in pa. Unconstitutional, but since when do dems care about the constitution? Or lying or cheating ?

Which one(s) was declared unconstitutional?
Massive fraud is unconstitutional.

Making malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
Illegal votes are unconstitutional. And did you get a job with the Gestapo?

Did they send you that dumbfuck award yet Zippy?
I am not the one who thinks fraud is Constitutional. That makes you a dumbfuck traitor.

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