House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

Healthcare: For the Democrats: Expand the entire Medicare system to all. For the Republicans: Include the current Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, which is an excellent and popular public/private partnership that maintains dynamic free-market competition and innovation. Age-band the Medicare coverage from 40% (for younger, healthier people whose supplemental coverage will be far less costly) to the current 80% or even 90% with supplemental coverage as needed. The main problem will be provider compensation and contracting, which will have to addressed (that wouldn't take a miracle). All portable plans, which take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

Climate Change: The main hurdle is cost. Now that the curve is bending in the right direction, we're getting closer to being able to privately fund R&D. Empower the Office of Global Change/Environment under the US Department of State to issue Climate Change Bonds so that individual and institutional investors can fund startups and expansions. Participating private companies must agree to regulations in the areas of hiring, stock buybacks, executive bonuses, and the cross-training of those who are losing their jobs in the older energy technologies. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

That's where we start the conversations. The more moderate members of each party can take it from there. Or at least try to, which is a helluva lot better than we're getting now. Those who can't commit to communication, collaboration and innovation can join another committee and play their stupid partisan games.
Your response doesn't address the fact that one party, I'll let you guess which one, doesn't even admit that there's anything wrong, in either examples.

So you're starting premise is a fantasy.

Now, you correctly stated your ideas, which is great, but nothing whatsoever as to how those ideas would actually work. You never do, nor have.

Let me ask you, do you think the Democrats are willing to star the compromise on the healthcare issue w/what you stated? How about the Republicans? Remember, I stated that they don't even believe there's a problem. Unless you're refuting that Republicans hold that belief, which you haven't.

On Climate Change, same exact thing. They don't believe that there's even a problem, unless you're saying they actually do, which you haven't communicated. Your response doesn't address that.

Who's more willing to compromise? Or you gonna stick w/the whole "they're both exactly the same" schtick?
They work well. They're very popular. They're not perfect, but they're better than what we have now, by a long shot.

"Excellent" and "better" are subjective terms. So, we disagree.
No, "work well" is subjective. They're not popular, just what's available. They're not "excellent" in any sense. And as already stated, "what we have now" sucks compared to what used to be the norm. NOW READ UP OR SHUT UP. You clearly don't really know squat about it!
Sure thing.
Healthcare: For the Democrats: Expand the entire Medicare system to all. For the Republicans: Include the current Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, which is an excellent and popular public/private partnership that maintains dynamic free-market competition and innovation. Age-band the Medicare coverage from 40% (for younger, healthier people whose supplemental coverage will be far less costly) to the current 80% or even 90% with supplemental coverage as needed. The main problem will be provider compensation and contracting, which will have to addressed (that wouldn't take a miracle). All portable plans, which take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

Climate Change: The main hurdle is cost. Now that the curve is bending in the right direction, we're getting closer to being able to privately fund R&D. Empower the Office of Global Change/Environment under the US Department of State to issue Climate Change Bonds so that individual and institutional investors can fund startups and expansions. Participating private companies must agree to regulations in the areas of hiring, stock buybacks, executive bonuses, and the cross-training of those who are losing their jobs in the older energy technologies. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

That's where we start the conversations. The more moderate members of each party can take it from there. Or at least try to, which is a helluva lot better than we're getting now. Those who can't commit to communication, collaboration and innovation can join another committee and play their stupid partisan games.
Your response doesn't address the fact that one party, I'll let you guess which one, doesn't even admit that there's anything wrong, in either examples.

So you're starting premise is a fantasy.

Now, you correctly stated your ideas, which is great, but nothing whatsoever as to how those ideas would actually work. You never do, nor have.

Let me ask you, do you think the Democrats are willing to star the compromise on the healthcare issue w/what you stated? How about the Republicans? Remember, I stated that they don't even believe there's a problem. Unless you're refuting that Republicans hold that belief, which you haven't.

On Climate Change, same exact thing. They don't believe that there's even a problem, unless you're saying they actually do, which you haven't communicated. Your response doesn't address that.

Who's more willing to compromise? Or you gonna stick w/the whole "they're both exactly the same" schtick?
Well, now you have to be dishonest.

I've never said the two sides are the same, let alone saying they're exactly the same. Never, not once. Ever.

I answered your question. You're welcome.
why is that offensive, I'm sure that is said any time a party loses an election. They want next election cycle. Why is that offensive? BTW, obammy had both houses in congress. GOP wasn't needed. The demofks made it clear the GOP input wasn't needed. dude, you are just a demofk with no ability to compromise. it is what it is and has been.
You support Republicans stating they will never compromise before Obammy stepped into Office.

But at the same time attack Democrats for not wanting to compromise w/Republicans who have shown their ass in public.

How does that work in that thing in your head called your brain?
Well, now you have to be dishonest.

I've never said the two sides are the same, let alone saying they're exactly the same. Never, not once. Ever.

I answered your question. You're welcome.
You do say that they're exactly the same, at the very least, the same.

If not, please clarify your stance, because this is my main issue w/you.

Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..
Your roundabout way of saying fuck the Constitution full speed ahead? Commie.

Where exactly does the Constitution say that there has to be a filibuster?
Where does it say you can steal an election? You first.

Wow are you like 5 years old?

Biden won the 2020 election. That's all there is to it. Fuck you and fuck your LYING BULLSHIT!!!!
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people who questioned the election are brainwashed Trump cult fools.

The fraud was obvious. The counting stopped with Trump well in the lead. The counting resumed unobserved in most cases and Biden got 80% to 94% of ballots drops. He also failed almost every historical benchmark of a winning candidate. No one believes your lies.

Why not just admit the election was stolen and that you are dishonest and un American? That is the truth.

Trump asked his followers not to vote by mail. they didn't, and when the ballots were counted, most of them were for Biden.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people who questioned the election are brainwashed Trump cult fools.

The fraud was obvious. The counting stopped with Trump well in the lead. The counting resumed unobserved in most cases and Biden got 80% to 94% of ballots drops. He also failed almost every historical benchmark of a winning candidate. No one believes your lies.

Why not just admit the election was stolen and that you are dishonest and un American? That is the truth.

You are un American by promoting these lies.
Let me make myself really clear here. There is no point in electing people that are unwilling to do the job that they were elected to do. This is not kindergarten.

Yes! Which is why Democrats will not work with the Republicans that violated their Oath of Office!
Challenging an election is upholding their oath of office. No one wants a stolen election, or shouldn't. The outrage was part of the cover up. Distractions and dirty tricks.

Challenging an election when there is no valid reason to challenge it, in an attempt to stop the certification of a valid election violates their Oath of Office.
Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..
Your roundabout way of saying fuck the Constitution full speed ahead? Commie.

Where exactly does the Constitution say that there has to be a filibuster?
Where does it say you can steal an election? You first.

Wow are you like 5 years old?

Biden won the 2020 election. That's all there is to it. Fuck you and fuck your LYING BULLSHIT!!!!
Biden won nothing. There was massive and obvious fraud. You believe liars. The same media and politicians who lied about Russia. Who is five?
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

Of course he does. He just won't admit it. There was more than enough proof out there. Proof he says was bogus.

Biden got more votes than Obama?? Anyone who believe that is a fool.
If anything, 2016 was rigged. The polls showed Hillary was killing trump. The results didnt match the polls. That’s the anomaly. 2020 the polls matched the results.
Did they stop counting in swing states in the middle of the night as Hillary was winning big ? Only to wake up in the morning and nevermind , Trump won?
Let me make myself really clear here. There is no point in electing people that are unwilling to do the job that they were elected to do. This is not kindergarten.

Yes! Which is why Democrats will not work with the Republicans that violated their Oath of Office!
Challenging an election is upholding their oath of office. No one wants a stolen election, or shouldn't. The outrage was part of the cover up. Distractions and dirty tricks.

Challenging an election when there is no valid reason to challenge it, in an attempt to stop the certification of a valid election violates their Oath of Office.
No valid reason? Jesus.
About damn time the Democrats show some spine against these deplorable Republicans in Congress...

That amounts to saying they are serious about lying and making people accept that lie. The people who questioned the election are the patriots here.

The people who questioned the election are brainwashed Trump cult fools.

The fraud was obvious. The counting stopped with Trump well in the lead. The counting resumed unobserved in most cases and Biden got 80% to 94% of ballots drops. He also failed almost every historical benchmark of a winning candidate. No one believes your lies.

Why not just admit the election was stolen and that you are dishonest and un American? That is the truth.

You are un American by promoting these lies.

The are not lies, and your opinion of what is American is useless.
Well, now you have to be dishonest.

I've never said the two sides are the same, let alone saying they're exactly the same. Never, not once. Ever.

I answered your question. You're welcome.
You do say that they're exactly the same, at the very least, the same.

If not, please clarify your stance, because this is my main issue w/you.

I've said the same thing, hundreds of times: They can be very similar in their behaviors. I'd bet that, if you used the search engine here and typed in "similar", "behaviors" and my name, you'd see exactly what I'm talking about. Those very words.

The behaviors?
  • Deflection
  • Denial
  • Distortion
  • Personal insults
  • Name-calling
  • Straw Man arguments
  • Obtuseness
  • Hyperbole
  • Tribalism
  • Hypocrisy
  • Hate
  • Willful ignorance
Bad idea. Dumb idea. Just shut the door early on. "I'm not gonna work with you, so there".

Not good to see the Democrats voluntarily tell us they're no better than the Republicans.

Another example of how the ideologically rigid ends of our spectrum are the damn problem.
Describe what compromise or "middle ground" looks like to you when there's one party that sees a problem, has a solution for it, but the other party says there's no problem at all.

Describe how "coming together" would look like to you, under those circumstances.
This is exactly the question I get from Trumpsters.

Honest people of good faith can drop the politics and work together. "Compromise" doesn't mean 50/50. It means that sometimes, in the big picture, Person A will get things 75% their way. Sometimes person B will get things 75% their way. And sometimes, if we're lucky, the two will truly collaborate and innovate something brand new. Like our Constitution.

This isn't news. This the way things work in businesses across the world. It's a damn shame that politics has so been so polluted by ego and tribalism.

I say that to Trumpsters, too.
well first one must learn what the word compromise is. Compromise infers giving and taking equally. you have something I don't want and I have something you don't want. Let's figure out a way to get something of each equally. The dmofks never do that. They merely say my way or not. Any compromises over the decades to date have been by republicans. I'll be happy to apologize if that isn't true.

Revisionist history at best.

It is popular to compare 2010 with 1994. Pundits point to a rejection of an overreaching Democratic president, a swing of moderate and independent voters to Republican ranks and a grass-roots groundswell that brings dozens of new faces to Washington.

But the second part of the prediction foresees that Obama will moderate his goals, Republicans will cool their tone and Washington will be able to responsibly address major issues.

Republicans are sounding like they’re not interested in that part.

There will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt. There will be no compromise on repealing Obamacare,” said Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) in an interview last week on conservative Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.

“There will be no compromise on stopping Democrats from growing government and raising taxes,” added Pence, who may leave the House GOP leadership to prepare for a presidential run.

And many of the potential incoming Republicans have stated that they wouldn’t budge in trying to meet Democrats halfway.

“When it comes to spending, I'm not compromising. I don't care who, what, when or where, I'm not compromising,” Ken Buck, the Republican Senate nominee in Colorado, told The Washington Post.
I would say the entire obammycare boondoggle created the rif in 2010. Anyone can present a position from a point in time, but they forget there is another point in time that created that point in time. The statement I made is still unchallenged. Demofks have never compromised to a GOP position.
Not the same as changing state law. Try again.

The process works just the same. A legislator(s) who think she has exceeded her authority makes some claim like "she changed the law", and they take it to court. They can appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court. Which change, by any official in any of the swing states, was deemed unconstitutional or that the official exceeded their authority?
Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..
Your roundabout way of saying fuck the Constitution full speed ahead? Commie.

Where exactly does the Constitution say that there has to be a filibuster?
Where does it say you can steal an election? You first.

Wow are you like 5 years old?

Biden won the 2020 election. That's all there is to it. Fuck you and fuck your LYING BULLSHIT!!!!
Biden won nothing. There was massive and obvious fraud. You believe liars. The same media and politicians who lied about Russia. Who is five?

50 States have certified their election results.

65 courts have reviewed cases pertaining to this election and NONE have ruled in Trump's favor.

Many Republicans have stated that there was no substantial election fraud - including Trump's own AG.

Only a Qunatic idiot would believe that the election was stolen.

But what you're really mad about is the fact that you TREASONOUS Qunatics couldn't intimidate patriotic Americans and steal the election from the American people.
Healthcare: For the Democrats: Expand the entire Medicare system to all. For the Republicans: Include the current Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, which is an excellent and popular public/private partnership that maintains dynamic free-market competition and innovation. Age-band the Medicare coverage from 40% (for younger, healthier people whose supplemental coverage will be far less costly) to the current 80% or even 90% with supplemental coverage as needed. The main problem will be provider compensation and contracting, which will have to addressed (that wouldn't take a miracle). All portable plans, which take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

Climate Change: The main hurdle is cost. Now that the curve is bending in the right direction, we're getting closer to being able to privately fund R&D. Empower the Office of Global Change/Environment under the US Department of State to issue Climate Change Bonds so that individual and institutional investors can fund startups and expansions. Participating private companies must agree to regulations in the areas of hiring, stock buybacks, executive bonuses, and the cross-training of those who are losing their jobs in the older energy technologies. My idea, you won't see that anywhere else.

That's where we start the conversations. The more moderate members of each party can take it from there. Or at least try to, which is a helluva lot better than we're getting now. Those who can't commit to communication, collaboration and innovation can join another committee and play their stupid partisan games.
Your response doesn't address the fact that one party, I'll let you guess which one, doesn't even admit that there's anything wrong, in either examples.

So you're starting premise is a fantasy.

Now, you correctly stated your ideas, which is great, but nothing whatsoever as to how those ideas would actually work. You never do, nor have.

Let me ask you, do you think the Democrats are willing to star the compromise on the healthcare issue w/what you stated? How about the Republicans? Remember, I stated that they don't even believe there's a problem. Unless you're refuting that Republicans hold that belief, which you haven't.

On Climate Change, same exact thing. They don't believe that there's even a problem, unless you're saying they actually do, which you haven't communicated. Your response doesn't address that.

Who's more willing to compromise? Or you gonna stick w/the whole "they're both exactly the same" schtick?
Yeah, but.. they both still really suck! Lol
We need a people's party and a worker's party and a socialist party and a toga party..
Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..
Your roundabout way of saying fuck the Constitution full speed ahead? Commie.

Where exactly does the Constitution say that there has to be a filibuster?
Where does it say you can steal an election? You first.

Wow are you like 5 years old?

Biden won the 2020 election. That's all there is to it. Fuck you and fuck your LYING BULLSHIT!!!!
Biden won nothing. There was massive and obvious fraud. You believe liars. The same media and politicians who lied about Russia. Who is five?

50 States have certified their election results.

65 courts have reviewed cases pertaining to this election and NONE have ruled in Trump's favor.

Many Republicans have stated that there was no substantial election fraud - including Trump's own AG.

Only a Qunatic idiot would believe that the election was stolen.

But what you're really mad about is the fact that you TREASONOUS Qunatics couldn't intimidate patriotic Americans and steal the election from the American people.
There were cases decided in Trump's favor. But your whole post is a lie. No evidentiary hearings were granted. State officials are corrupt and hid all the evidence that people are still in court trying to get. People were putting cardboard up over windows, GA has video proof of fraud.

There is not one thing treasonous in challenging election. Treason is accepting a stolen election. Traitor.
Unless someone took the Michigan Secretary of State to court over
her unilateral changes to Michigan state election law

So you really don't know?

Here's one. AG - Court of Appeals Rules Secretary Benson Acted Lawfully in Mailing Absentee Voter Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

LANSING – The Michigan Court of Appeals today affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was lawfully permitted to send out unsolicited absentee voter ballot applications to registered voters, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced.

In a 2-1 split decision, the appellate court ruled that state law and the Michigan Constitution allow Benson to distribute unsolicited applications for absentee ballots, as the Michigan Court of Claims determined in its Aug. 25 opinion in the case, Davis v. Secretary of State.

As chief elections officer, with constitutional authority to ‘perform duties prescribed by law,’ the Secretary of State had the inherent authority to take measures to ensure that voters were able to avail themselves of the constitutional rights established by Proposal 3 regarding absentee voting,” Judges James Robert Redford and Jonathan Tukel wrote in the majority opinion.
Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2018 to allow absentee voting without having to provide a specific reason.

The judges wrote that Benson acted within the directives outlined for her office in the constitution and state law, and by furnishing the applications, she furthered the purposes of informing qualified registered voters of their right to vote by absentee ballot – if they so choose.
where are the date change rulings?

I give up? Where? Pa. perhaps?

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