House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
explain how he played dictator?
did he mandate anything like the demofks are doing? please,
did he take away any rights?
Did he harm any american citizen with his policies?
did he make america independent to the globe?
These idiots know better when they make these asinine claims.
But it's fun for children to say ridiculous things. It gives them a sense of
power they do not posses.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again
Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..

That's the Senate
Indeed. Which is not the House.
Back in the old days,” Biden said, a senator who wished to maintain a filibuster “had to stand up and command the floor” and “keep talking on.”

The president, in other words, endorsed a so-called “talking filibuster,” a possible reform that recently received some tepid support from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), another Senate veteran who previously opposed changing the filibuster rule. Under this framework, at least one senator in the minority would have to stand on the Senate floor and keep talking in order to maintain a filibuster.
Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..

That's the Senate
Indeed. Which is not the House.
Back in the old days,” Biden said, a senator who wished to maintain a filibuster “had to stand up and command the floor” and “keep talking on.”

The president, in other words, endorsed a so-called “talking filibuster,” a possible reform that recently received some tepid support from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), another Senate veteran who previously opposed changing the filibuster rule. Under this framework, at least one senator in the minority would have to stand on the Senate floor and keep talking in order to maintain a filibuster.
I would lov it if Supreme Court was only for 16 years. 4 terms.
I would lov it if Supreme Court was only for 16 years. 4 terms.
Uh, I got nuthin'.. Never been able to decide on that one ;)
Some number of seats and years is likely best. Trouble is genuine wisdom counts most in that job, seems to me, and gathers with age. So does dementia, unfortunately.
Last edited:
Of course the Democrats who stole the 2020 election don't want anyone to ever mention the 2020 election again...they are so sensitive when you use the words 'election fraud and 'stolen election

Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again
always have, stop spending, shut down the government. I've been saying that for fking 6 years in here.
Get rid of the stupid talk free filibuster.. then fix the rest..

That's the Senate
Indeed. Which is not the House.
Back in the old days,” Biden said, a senator who wished to maintain a filibuster “had to stand up and command the floor” and “keep talking on.”

The president, in other words, endorsed a so-called “talking filibuster,” a possible reform that recently received some tepid support from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), another Senate veteran who previously opposed changing the filibuster rule. Under this framework, at least one senator in the minority would have to stand on the Senate floor and keep talking in order to maintain a filibuster.
I would lov it if Supreme Court was only for 16 years. 4 terms.
I agree, no one in any position should have a lifetime appointment. Just like senators and representatives ought to have two terms. period.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again

I don't care what Republicans do, I have consistently been against debt, by Trump, Bush, Obama, Clinton and now Biden. The only spending I saw as fit was at the beginning of the pandemic when the government shut the country down. That was an only option and looking back on that we wasted a lot of money on those that didn't need it. This package is even worse in getting money to those who really need it. Democrats gave it to big business, again and really don't care about the poor, which you know to be true because you purposely avoid the subject.
aking malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
And changing state voting law by unauthorized persons can be a crime too. Any change to state election law must be made by the state legislators. That includes changing dates, voting
requirements, etc.
For instance, THIS is legal: Pa. House OKs changes to state's mail-in voting law

Changes by the governor or Secretary of State or anyone outside the Pennsylvania state legislature is illegal.
See if you can't get that through your skull.

The article you posted was about a bill passing in the Pa. House of Representatives.

“The governor plans to veto [the bill] in its current form for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that the bill makes it harder, not easier, for citizens to vote‚" said Lyndsay Kensinger, Wolf’s press secretary.

“He again calls for the Legislature to act on a limited number of priorities to ensure that every vote will be counted, guarantee results will be known in a timely manner, and afford counties flexibility in staffing in-person polling locations,” she said.

So obviously the Governor is involved in making election laws and not just the legislature.

So what illegal changes are you claiming they made and what court made that determination.
In the same sense that the US president can sign off on any new law or refuse to do so, the Pennsylvania
governor fills the same position in Pennsylvania itself.
However the president, or a governor himself, cannot make law. How long have you been living in America?
If you truly do live here.

I give you points for stubborn determination but none for honesty or knowledge of the country
you claim to live in. The governor can help or hinder the work of the legislature but he cannot
himself formulate law. Grow up.

The questions still remains unanswered.

A favorite tactic of the German Fascists was to personally and speciously attack their adversaries devotion to the Country.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again

I don't care what Republicans do, I have consistently been against debt, by Trump, Bush, Obama, Clinton and now Biden. The only spending I saw as fit was at the beginning of the pandemic when the government shut the country down. That was an only option and looking back on that we wasted a lot of money on those that didn't need it. This package is even worse in getting money to those who really need it. Democrats gave it to big business, again and really don't care about the poor, which you know to be true because you purposely avoid the subject.
exactly. The lockdown was supposed to be 30 days. they said so, the powers of the governors was only 30 days. put 20 million people out of work over the course of a year is rather poor governance. they should all be imprisoned for their attack against society.
aking malicious false accusations can be a crime. Which change was deemed unconstitutional in Pa.?
And changing state voting law by unauthorized persons can be a crime too. Any change to state election law must be made by the state legislators. That includes changing dates, voting
requirements, etc.
For instance, THIS is legal: Pa. House OKs changes to state's mail-in voting law

Changes by the governor or Secretary of State or anyone outside the Pennsylvania state legislature is illegal.
See if you can't get that through your skull.

The article you posted was about a bill passing in the Pa. House of Representatives.

“The governor plans to veto [the bill] in its current form for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that the bill makes it harder, not easier, for citizens to vote‚" said Lyndsay Kensinger, Wolf’s press secretary.

“He again calls for the Legislature to act on a limited number of priorities to ensure that every vote will be counted, guarantee results will be known in a timely manner, and afford counties flexibility in staffing in-person polling locations,” she said.

So obviously the Governor is involved in making election laws and not just the legislature.

So what illegal changes are you claiming they made and what court made that determination.
In the same sense that the US president can sign off on any new law or refuse to do so, the Pennsylvania
governor fills the same position in Pennsylvania itself.
However the president, or a governor himself, cannot make law. How long have you been living in America?
If you truly do live here.

I give you points for stubborn determination but none for honesty or knowledge of the country
you claim to live in. The governor can help or hinder the work of the legislature but he cannot
himself formulate law. Grow up.

The questions still remains unanswered.

A favorite tactic of the German Fascists was to personally and speciously attack their adversaries devotion to the Country.
still waiting for when anyone other than a nazi demofk wanted to stop free speech and take fire arms? I'll wait for your answer.

you do fear free speech. your control anxieties show in here daily, fascist.
still waiting for when anyone other than a nazi demofk wanted to stop free speech and take fire arms? I'll wait for your answer.

While your waiting for the place to freeze over.....your marching orders came in from So. Fla.

Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again
always have, stop spending, shut down the government. I've been saying that for fking 6 years in here.
Forget you. Why are republicans suddenly fiscal debt hawks when they weren’t the last four years or when bush was potus?

We all know why papa no cares about the debt.

what I wonder is when will corporations and republicans use the debt as an excuse to cut social security and Medicare
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again

I don't care what Republicans do, I have consistently been against debt, by Trump, Bush, Obama, Clinton and now Biden. The only spending I saw as fit was at the beginning of the pandemic when the government shut the country down. That was an only option and looking back on that we wasted a lot of money on those that didn't need it. This package is even worse in getting money to those who really need it. Democrats gave it to big business, again and really don't care about the poor, which you know to be true because you purposely avoid the subject.
What an idiot. Do you want companies to collapse or go out of business?

And sure, some corporations who didn’t need or deserve it might have gotten something but trust me the middle class and poor would have got less and corporations would have got more if republicans were in charge. Just look at trumps tax breaks.

This reminds me of when republicans cried because agE was paying no taxes on Obama’s watch. But then trump doubled the number of companies who now pay no taxes, no a peep from republicans about it.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.
Thats what you did to Obama. You didn’t give him enough stimulus money then you criticized how slow the recovery was.

Then you let trump pass a huge tax break for rich people and you didn’t cry when it didn’t work.
who didn't give obammy enough stimulus money?

His Congress, both controlled by Dems and yet they now go back and want to blame the GOP for their own issues. I still hold it against Trump on cutting taxes on the rich, it put us more into debt but it is what it is.
he didn't cut taxes on the rich. sorry, that just isn't a fact, he cut taxes across the board. The rich actually lost money in democrat states due to the deduction limits imposed.

It added to the debt, rich or poor we added to the debt because of it, we don't need to add to the debt.
Suddenly republicans start worrying about the debt Again

I don't care what Republicans do, I have consistently been against debt, by Trump, Bush, Obama, Clinton and now Biden. The only spending I saw as fit was at the beginning of the pandemic when the government shut the country down. That was an only option and looking back on that we wasted a lot of money on those that didn't need it. This package is even worse in getting money to those who really need it. Democrats gave it to big business, again and really don't care about the poor, which you know to be true because you purposely avoid the subject.
All you need to know is rich guys like me didn’t get as much as poor people like you did. The last stimulus I got something like $30. And I will not be getting $1400 in the next one.

So what mor does biden need to do? Do you expect him to be anti corporations?

I also hear biden raised taxes on the rich and corporations in the recent stimulus bill. Are you happy? Because befor you were complaining that biden was in their pockets. Now what do you have to say? Which side of your mouth you gonna talk in this situation. Flip flop

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