House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.

He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
you read my post, to be fair, let's redo the election for those states who unconstitutionally change election day rules without legislature law. I'm consistent.
Bad idea. Dumb idea. Just shut the door early on. "I'm not gonna work with you, so there".

Not good to see the Democrats voluntarily tell us they're no better than the Republicans.

Another example of how the ideologically rigid ends of our spectrum are the damn problem.
Describe what compromise or "middle ground" looks like to you when there's one party that sees a problem, has a solution for it, but the other party says there's no problem at all.

Describe how "coming together" would look like to you, under those circumstances.
This is exactly the question I get from Trumpsters.

Honest people of good faith can drop the politics and work together. "Compromise" doesn't mean 50/50. It means that sometimes, in the big picture, Person A will get things 75% their way. Sometimes person B will get things 75% their way. And sometimes, if we're lucky, the two will truly collaborate and innovate something brand new. Like our Constitution.

This isn't news. This the way things work in businesses across the world. It's a damn shame that politics has so been so polluted by ego and tribalism.

I say that to Trumpsters, too.
well first one must learn what the word compromise is. Compromise infers giving and taking equally. you have something I don't want and I have something you don't want. Let's figure out a way to get something of each equally. The dmofks never do that. They merely say my way or not. Any compromises over the decades to date have been by republicans. I'll be happy to apologize if that isn't true.
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.

He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
you read my post, to be fair, let's redo the election for those states who unconstitutionally change election day rules without legislature law. I'm consistent.

The precedent has been applied consistently in all states, no unconstitutional changes were made.
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.

He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
you read my post, to be fair, let's redo the election for those states who unconstitutionally change election day rules without legislature law. I'm consistent.
Yes that was one of trumps suggestions that we redo the election in five states.

Of course you remember how republicans cried when Jill Stein wanted a recount in Michigan in 2016? They said it was too expensive. I say trump didn’t win Michigan in 2016.

But so I will laugh at you now wanting us to spend the money it would take to have another election in 5 states when trump will challenge those results too as fake if he doesn’t win.

Nothing other than tr7mp wins will satisfy you. Guess what? He lost.
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.
Yes because you lost. How about no?
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.

He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
you read my post, to be fair, let's redo the election for those states who unconstitutionally change election day rules without legislature law. I'm consistent.

The precedent has been applied consistently in all states, no unconstitutional changes were made.
What he’s hoping is that everyone who voted for trump will show up for a redo but not everyone who voted for biden will. And that’s probably what would happen if we had a redo. That’s why we won’t. See you in 2024.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

I got another idea for the Dems.

Why don't the Dems do what the Nazis did in their legislature (until Herr Hitler abolished that body): Every time a Repub gets up to speak, turn their backs to him/her.
Because they know that when they lose power the same thing would happen to them and their tender feelings couldn't handle it.
Bad idea. Dumb idea. Just shut the door early on. "I'm not gonna work with you, so there".

Not good to see the Democrats voluntarily tell us they're no better than the Republicans.

Another example of how the ideologically rigid ends of our spectrum are the damn problem.
Describe what compromise or "middle ground" looks like to you when there's one party that sees a problem, has a solution for it, but the other party says there's no problem at all.

Describe how "coming together" would look like to you, under those circumstances.
This is exactly the question I get from Trumpsters.

Honest people of good faith can drop the politics and work together. "Compromise" doesn't mean 50/50. It means that sometimes, in the big picture, Person A will get things 75% their way. Sometimes person B will get things 75% their way. And sometimes, if we're lucky, the two will truly collaborate and innovate something brand new. Like our Constitution.

This isn't news. This the way things work in businesses across the world. It's a damn shame that politics has so been so polluted by ego and tribalism.

I say that to Trumpsters, too.
well first one must learn what the word compromise is. Compromise infers giving and taking equally. you have something I don't want and I have something you don't want. Let's figure out a way to get something of each equally. The dmofks never do that. They merely say my way or not. Any compromises over the decades to date have been by republicans. I'll be happy to apologize if that isn't true.

Revisionist history at best.

It is popular to compare 2010 with 1994. Pundits point to a rejection of an overreaching Democratic president, a swing of moderate and independent voters to Republican ranks and a grass-roots groundswell that brings dozens of new faces to Washington.

But the second part of the prediction foresees that Obama will moderate his goals, Republicans will cool their tone and Washington will be able to responsibly address major issues.

Republicans are sounding like they’re not interested in that part.

There will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt. There will be no compromise on repealing Obamacare,” said Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) in an interview last week on conservative Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.

“There will be no compromise on stopping Democrats from growing government and raising taxes,” added Pence, who may leave the House GOP leadership to prepare for a presidential run.

And many of the potential incoming Republicans have stated that they wouldn’t budge in trying to meet Democrats halfway.

“When it comes to spending, I'm not compromising. I don't care who, what, when or where, I'm not compromising,” Ken Buck, the Republican Senate nominee in Colorado, told The Washington Post.
Fake news. Dems have not done any bipartisan cooperation in many years. It’s not about the 2020 election.

why spread utter bullshit?

Tulsi said she was told to never cooperate with a Republican even if it helps you. That wasn’t about the 2020 election.... you lying liberal assholes
He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
How about documenting your claim that election officials have the authority to "adjust" election law.

That's not what the US Constitution says.
Compromise should work along these lines. For discussion purposes I’ll use COVID relief checks:

Democrats offer is 2000
GOP offer is 1000
They compromise at 1500.

Now it goes something like this:

Democrats offer 2000
GOP offers 1000
Democrats counter with 1500
GOP stands pat on 1000 or the Democrats get nothing.
Or gop agrees to 1500 but insists on tax breaks for the rich be inserted in the bill.

Or the GOP says $1500 and the Dems want $1.9 trillion with only $1400 going to relieve those in need and big corporations get the other 1.8 trillion.

Both plans do nothing but waste money.

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