House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

Of course he does. He just won't admit it. There was more than enough proof out there. Proof he says was bogus.

Biden got more votes than Obama?? Anyone who believe that is a fool.
Now I know not to take you seriously

LOL Just like I know not to take you seriously at all.
No seriously. I put republicans in two categories. The ones who know trump lost and why and the bat shit carazies.

Well good for you. Since I'm not a Republican your point means nothing to me.

Trump didn't lose. I'd bet he won that election in a landslide. You Dems stole it.
You’re not a republican? Could have fooled me.

Nope. I left that party decades ago. I'm an Independent. Both parties suck and always have.
I wish I could put you on crazy instead of ignore. I wish I could Mark all the crazies so I don’t forget.

I would never ignore you. You are funny as hell.
They swore to uphold the Constitution as they tried desperately to overthrow the winner of the 50 State election as prescribed by that Constitution. Vote the traitors out in 22, 24 and finally 26.
(eyes rolling) There is much evidence that calls into doubt the claim that Dementia Joe actually
won the presidency. Surely you know this.

It is a fact that there were many wild allegations of wide spread fraud that were never proven in court. All the states certified that their vote totals were valid, fair and accurate.
I would like a full audit of any state that didn’t turn blue. Kansas loves trump? Alabama? North Dakota? I want to audit their voting machines.

The Texas Governor changes the dates on Mail In voting without the legislature's approval. We need to invalidate the entire state results too. Texas can't even conduct a paper recount.
if he indeed did that, then indeed, it follows for any state who did that. I'm good with a complete do over for the country. I'm consistent.

He did indeed. The Legislature sued him over it. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in his favor. The USSC has broadly interpreted the term 'legislature' to mean a State's Law making apparatus and the election officials have the legal authority to make such adjustments to the election law.
I don't expect either to work together and the Dems will push their agenda and lose majority in the House and possibly the Senate and then watch Republicans not wanting to work with Democrats and then it will be the ones Democrats crying instead of Republicans.

People need to wake up and start looking at other options when they vote to rid America of these career politicians.
Of course he does. He just won't admit it. There was more than enough proof out there. Proof he says was bogus.

Biden got more votes than Obama?? Anyone who believe that is a fool.
Look at all the people who showed up at Joe's few rallies. You could hold those "crowds" in a VW Micro Bus.
I told you dopes then we don’t go to rallies but we do vote. And boy did we .

Sure you did. It was a stolen election. The biggest in this countries history with more than enough proof out there to prove it. You just ignored the proof or called in lies.
Ahhh. You’re a trumpitalist. Not a republican just a trump loyalist. Even worse than republicans. You’re the worst kind of republican. You’re like the kkk who says he’s not a republican because republicans aren’t kkk enough. Ok but you certainly aren’t a liberal. You lean right. Deny science. Probably christian.
Christophobic hateful bigot.
Am I wrong? Don’t forget you already denied him once. Two more times and you’re a judas.
It wasn't judas who denied Jesus three times, it was the disciple Peter. Ignorant hateful Christophobic bigot
Who told Joseph Smith about magic underwear? That’s what I want to know.

Do you have atheistaphobia? Seems like it. Triggered.
I'm not a Mormon, idiot. You don't even know what a Christian is. Keep going, you're making a colossal glittering fool of yourself.
Let me make myself really clear here. There is no point in electing people that are unwilling to do the job that they were elected to do. This is not kindergarten.
Can't negotiate with terrorists
We should presume insurrectionists innocent until proven guilty. But it was very serious business. People died. So trust a little, and verify. Keep them under house arrest and well clear of the Capitol until proven innocent. The Dems should have insisted upon that.. Instead of lamely threatening to not work with those refusing to swear fealty to Biden. So Disir was half right. Tit, not tat. They swear to protect the Constitution, not the President. However, violently attacking the Capitol en masse is much worse. Plus it's been the Republicans who've historically taken the most pride in being fully partisan, unreasonable, and uncooperative. Both major parties are bought and codependent, so suck beyond redemption. It's all just embarrassing.
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Bad idea. Dumb idea. Just shut the door early on. "I'm not gonna work with you, so there".

Not good to see the Democrats voluntarily tell us they're no better than the Republicans.

Another example of how the ideologically rigid ends of our spectrum are the damn problem.
Describe what compromise or "middle ground" looks like to you when there's one party that sees a problem, has a solution for it, but the other party says there's no problem at all.

Describe how "coming together" would look like to you, under those circumstances.
Bad idea. Dumb idea. Just shut the door early on. "I'm not gonna work with you, so there".

Not good to see the Democrats voluntarily tell us they're no better than the Republicans.

Another example of how the ideologically rigid ends of our spectrum are the damn problem.
Describe what compromise or "middle ground" looks like to you when there's one party that sees a problem, has a solution for it, but the other party says there's no problem at all.

Describe how "coming together" would look like to you, under those circumstances.
This is exactly the question I get from Trumpsters.

Honest people of good faith can drop the politics and work together. "Compromise" doesn't mean 50/50. It means that sometimes, in the big picture, Person A will get things 75% their way. Sometimes person B will get things 75% their way. And sometimes, if we're lucky, the two will truly collaborate and innovate something brand new. Like our Constitution.

This isn't news. This the way things work in businesses across the world. It's a damn shame that politics has so been so polluted by ego and tribalism.

I say that to Trumpsters, too.
Bad idea. Dumb idea. Just shut the door early on. "I'm not gonna work with you, so there".

Not good to see the Democrats voluntarily tell us they're no better than the Republicans.

Another example of how the ideologically rigid ends of our spectrum are the damn problem.
Describe what compromise or "middle ground" looks like to you when there's one party that sees a problem, has a solution for it, but the other party says there's no problem at all.

Describe how "coming together" would look like to you, under those circumstances.
This is exactly the question I get from Trumpsters.

Honest people of good faith can drop the politics and work together. "Compromise" doesn't mean 50/50. It means that sometimes, in the big picture, Person A will get things 75% their way. Sometimes person B will get things 75% their way. And sometimes, if we're lucky, the two will truly collaborate and innovate something brand new. Like our Constitution.

This isn't news. This the way things work in businesses across the world. It's a damn shame that politics has so been so polluted by ego and tribalism.

I say that to Trumpsters, too.
Compare the hearings of Supreme Court Justices. I watched the hearings of Clarence Thomas, Elena Kegan, Sotomayor, Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett. The Republicans treated the Democrat nominees respectively. Democrats trashed the Republican nominees. Fact.
I don't expect either to work together and the Dems will push their agenda and lose majority in the House and possibly the Senate and then watch Republicans not wanting to work with Democrats and then it will be the ones Democrats crying instead of Republicans.

People need to wake up and start looking at other options when they vote to rid America of these career politicians.
You may be right, We refuse to look for the best people who would look for the better solutions, instead vote in any loud mouth idiot because they belong to our party.
House Dems draw the line: No bipartisan cooperation with Republicans who questioned the election

FUCK YOU. You really must think we are STUPID. Dems are drawing no line. They never have and never will have any intent to "cooperate" with the GOP! At best, that means giving in to the Dem's issues and getting nothing in return.

Just another typical nitwit leftwing ploy to:
  1. Hope some or many repubs agree the election was fair and settled. Then they can use that to quash all debate on the election even as UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE OF THE FRAUD NOW GROWS DAY BY DAY.
  2. When few or none of the GOP are willing to concede the election was fair and aboveboard, use THAT to justify your lack of cooperation, never intended anyway, and spin that for every piece of legislation that either fails to go through or takes long or gets no GOP support. Make it all out as those "damned republicans."
HOW 'BOUT THIS: instead, you take your cooperation and concessions and extortion and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. Then we'll go right on rightly questioning the election and PROVING IT until we get that no good POS FRAUD out of the WH.
You sound upset.
No one should be surprised by this. Compromise is an anathema in Washington.

With politics being a zero sum game, its imperative that whichever party takes power should pass as much legislation possible knowing middle ground will be the exception rather than the rule.


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