House Dems' resolution: Global warming will push women into 'transactional sex'

Clementine -

While I would agree that the statement is a bit silly because it pushes about ten steps of cause and effect into one, I doubt anyone on this board is going to question the link between poverty and prostitution.

Climate change has reduced the availably of fresh water in some parts of the world, that makes producing food more difficult, that makes sustainable incomes more difficult, and that creates poverty.
Clementine -

While I would agree that the statement is a bit silly because it pushes about ten steps of cause and effect into one, I doubt anyone on this board is going to question the link between poverty and prostitution.

Climate change has reduced the availably of fresh water in some parts of the world, that makes producing food more difficult, that makes sustainable incomes more difficult, and that creates poverty.

uh rich people and college students do it too.......lets not forget that
uh rich people and college students do it too.......lets not forget that

Not in the developing world, they don't. At least they are not the group most likely to be fored into prostitution.

well that may be true.....but forced is a whole nother when Oakland OWS tried to interrupt a meeting that the city council was trying to make laws to prevent that....

but again if you believe in global warming, just make sure your leaders do as they say.....first
Buckeye -

By 'forced' here I don't mean as much literally forced (though, of course, that also happens), but being in a sitation where prostitution is the only means of acquiring food, water or shelter.

The unprecedented water shortages began to be felt in many areas (particularly the Western Andes) more than 10 years ago. What you or I believe has no impact on that. Some 97% of the world's glaciers are in retreat and have been for a generation - why some people on this board are still arguing about the politics of that, people who depend on glacial melt for water and agriculture do not have the luxury of doubt.
Buckeye -

By 'forced' here I don't mean as much literally forced (though, of course, that also happens), but being in a sitation where prostitution is the only means of acquiring food, water or shelter.

The unprecedented water shortages began to be felt in many areas (particularly the Western Andes) more than 10 years ago. What you or I believe has no impact on that. Some 97% of the world's glaciers are in retreat and have been for a generation - why some people on this board are still arguing about the politics of that, people who depend on glacial melt for water and agriculture do not have the luxury of doubt.

Ok Saigon, then you DO agree with the's rediculous.....again all this panic, and yet the people spouting this shit are living in luxory....hmmmmmmm
Buckeye -

I already answered this in my first comment - I think the statement is simplistic, a bit panic-stricken and a bit contrived, although the basic sentiment is so clear and obvious that it is hard for me to imagine anyone disagreeing with it.

Everyone knows that poverty is a key factor in women becomin prostitutes, and obviously a lack of water and food in the developing world is a key factor in families slipping into poverty.

I do agree that it would be better to address the immediate impacts of climate change that were visible and apparent a generation ago, rather than get too excited about what might happen another generation into the future.
again all this panic, and yet the people spouting this shit are living in luxory....hmmmmmmm

That is exactly my view of the people on this board who snort derision at climate change from the comfort of their living rooms, while people far better informed know that:

In Sign of Warming, 1,600 Years of Ice in Andes Melted in 25 Years

Throughout the Andes, glaciers are now melting so rapidly that scientists have grown deeply concerned about water supplies for the people living there. Glacial meltwater is essential for helping Andean communities get through the dry season.

90% of the denial we see on this board is purely and simply poor literacy and lack of information. There are a couple of intelligent and well-informed posters arguing against climate science, but the overwhelming majority of deniers are only deniers because they never travel to places like the Andes, and can't be bothered reading about it. It's also worth noting that of the half-dozen most vocal deniers on this board, perhaps five have clear problems reading and writing.
again all this panic, and yet the people spouting this shit are living in luxory....hmmmmmmm

That is exactly my view of the people on this board who snort derision at climate change from the comfort of their living rooms, while people far better informed know that:

In Sign of Warming, 1,600 Years of Ice in Andes Melted in 25 Years

Throughout the Andes, glaciers are now melting so rapidly that scientists have grown deeply concerned about water supplies for the people living there. Glacial meltwater is essential for helping Andean communities get through the dry season.

90% of the denial we see on this board is purely and simply poor literacy and lack of information. There are a couple of intelligent and well-informed posters arguing against climate science, but the overwhelming majority of deniers are only deniers because they never travel to places like the Andes, and can't be bothered reading about it. It's also worth noting that of the half-dozen most vocal deniers on this board, perhaps five have clear problems reading and writing.

Saigon, I've lived in 3 parts of the country, my dad is a nationally renown chemist.....I'm familiar with it....but the problem is it's crap..

You have people wanting to change our diet? our transportation? our source of electricity? our ways of life? for what? if it's really true, then those know it alls, would CHANGE THEIR behavior, they dont, why?
Buckeye -

I've lived in 3 parts of the country, my dad is a nationally renown chemist.....I'm familiar with it....but the problem is it's crap..

This is very much what I am talking about - you base your view of climate change purely and simply on your experiences in exactly 1 of the world's 206 countries - and still seem to have missed the fact that 2012 was the hottest year in American history - and one in which the US experienced major drought.

Anyone on this board can head off tomorrow and see the impact of climate change with their own eyes, in countries like Peru, Bangladesh, Spain, Australia or Chile. But very few do.

And no, I don't want to change your diet, source of electricity or anything else. Forget the politics. Glaciers are NOT political. Science is not political.
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uh rich people and college students do it too.......lets not forget that

Not in the developing world, they don't. At least they are not the group most likely to be fored into prostitution.

( emphasis added)

Yes, they do.

Site helps coeds find "sugar daddies" to pay for college

Site helps coeds find "sugar daddies" to pay for college - CBS News

Seeking Arrangement: College Students Using 'Sugar Daddies' To Pay Off Loan Debt

Seeking Arrangement: College Students Using 'Sugar Daddies' To Pay Off Loan Debt
Buckeye -

I've lived in 3 parts of the country, my dad is a nationally renown chemist.....I'm familiar with it....but the problem is it's crap..

This is very much what I am talking about - you base your view of climate change purely and simply on your experiences in exactly 1 of the world's 206 countries - and still seem to have missed the fact that 2012 was the hottest year in American history - and one in which the US experienced major drought.

Anyone on this board can head off tomorrow and see the impact of climate change with their own eyes, in countries like Peru, Bangladesh, Spain, Australia or Chile. But very few do.

And no, I don't want to change your diet, source of electricity or anything else. Forget the politics. Glaciers are NOT political. Science is not political.

no it wasnt the hottest year on record....and you base your knowledge off of what, maybe 100 years....and most of that not very accurate?

Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2011 didnt even make the list

it's a crap shoot

and yes it is's very political.........and the idea science cant be politicized especially soft science and theories like global warming is a joke.....

Again, look at the leaders, if they dont take it seriously, why should I?
Buckeye -

Glaciers do not respond to political statements. Sea levels do not respond to political statements.

Base your opinions on the scientific evidence, not on what politiians of any description tell you.

no it wasnt the hottest year on record

Yes, it was the hottest year in the US - and the 9th hottest globally.

Honestly, man, how can you NOT know this stuff and still be claiming that climate change does not exist?

The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.
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Buckeye -

Glaciers do not respond to political statements. Sea levels do not respond to political statements.

Base your opinions on the scientific evidence, not on what politiians of any description tell you.

no it wasnt the hottest year on record

Yes, it was.

The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

2012 Was Ninth-Hottest Year Since 1850, 'Worrisome Sign' Of Climate Change, UN's Weather Agency Says

the hottest being 2010, when the average temperature was 58.2 degrees F (14.6 degrees C).

I used a liberal source......

or this one

NASA: 2012 Was 9th Hottest Year on Record | LiveScience
NASA: 2012 Was 9th Hottest Year on Record Worldwide

see there isnt even consensus on the hottest year on record!

Saigon we rely on people to give us that information, have you done the research yourself?

Yeah it is political....

What about this?

Little Ice Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period (Medieval Climate Optimum).[1] While it was not a true ice age, the term was introduced into the scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939.[2] It has been conventionally defined as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries,[3][4][5] or alternatively, from about 1350 to about 1850

I havent, but I also know the EArth's temperature always's never static....

And again, if the people who say this is true, dont change their behavior, why should I?
Buckeye -

I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to establish here.

2012 was the hottest year in American history. It was the 9th hottest year globally.

And no, thermometers do not respond to politics.
we had a drought in the 80s a blizzard in the 70s, it's snowing like crap up here, in Denver, suprise suprise!

What is the temperature supposed to be? Lets start with that....

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