House GOPers FURIOUS after Cawthorn says Orgies happen in DC

So NOW McCarthy wants to talk to him. I mean that is pretty telling. Of all the bullshit Cawthorn has spouted, THIS is when he gets a sit down with the minority leader.

That's because until now, all his bullshit has been smears of the other side. But as Stephen Colbert pointed out last night, this bag of mud would land on their own side of the volley ball net.
Look, most of the time Cawthorn spouts bullshit. But I take him for his word on this one, mostly because there has always been claims of sexual deviation among members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle. I am old enough to remember the sex parties held at the White House during Ronald Reagan, mostly young boys and ran by none other than Bob Doyle's wife.

But I mean just for shits and giggles, look up the Republican congressmen from North Carolina. If Cawthorn won't name names I will. Like Megan McCain has speculated, got to be fellow Trumpsters he is talking about. RINO's, as you call them, would avoid Cawthorn like the plague. David Rouzer, Greg Murphy--I mean look at their pictures. Rouzer is single, debating on rather he has gay face, maybe should examine some video of him walking.
He’s most likely referring to the Matt Gaetz types. He certainly fits the description.
Not accurate. Madison Cawthorn says DC is orgy-filled, cocaine-fueled ‘House of Cards’

He spoke of Congress, not Republicans. And he didn’t speak of when specifically. So, as usual, you’re either lying or stupid. Possibly both.
Democrats think this is the 80-90s when they could broadcast lies and the public believed them. Now there are to many sources of news and the truth is always out there to be found. Modern Americans believe Democrats are sheeple controlled by the media.

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