House hearing on FBI retaliation against whistleblowers going on now.

It's damning too....Makes you want to go out and punch a FBI agent in the face.....They are all guilty, there is no "innocent" rank and file or they would all be standing four-square behind the whistleblowers.
The opening statement by the black bitch who leads the Demofacsists and called the Whistleblowers traitors, should be shot once she leaves the building. Did you notice how she was harping on the Republicans for having this hearing on Police Week, then she goes off on the police for doing their job against blacks, browns and other people.

Marxists/Democrats probably turned a bling eye on the bitch, so i can only pray that they will be set up by the FBI and stung for being such stupid fucks...
Too bad that "house hearings" never amount to a hill of beans. They all ask the tough questions. They all posture and feign moral outrage. Then they all meet at the pub and have some brew and smoke some cigars before the clown show begins the next day. The GOP is castrated. Until I see these bureaucratic and political criminals hauled off in cuffs, I'll just expect more of the same, which is a bunch of nothing.
Another one of Jim Jordans famous hearings...

"Three self-described FBI whistleblowers, who are key to the Republican narrative that the FBI is weaponized against conservatives, are testifying at a House hearing Thursday, the latest escalation of Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan’s investigation into allegations of discrimination and bias within the FBI."

"The hearing comes one day after the FBI said it revoked the security clearances of three agents who either attended the January 6 2021, riot at the US Capitol or espoused alternate theories about the Capitol attack, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday, a copy of which was obtained by CNN. At least two of those agents – Marcus Allen and Steve Friend – are among the individuals testifying before the panel on Thursday."


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